22 TillL lHltIilt IllIIi llllltsllll tlitIv EMMS AND FENNEILS DIVIDE TOP MONEY xltililda 11 Daj yeiti ANGLERS WALLET FOUND IN BAY BY OTHER FISHERMAN 511 11111111 Hi Itiiiiil Altfkl 1111114 rain 101 turn 11 Int lfllltl ii 111111 xlii It found in not dropped twat LlILL it 11 It ite of 111 IixldliiI in the Iii In tru Ow tililxi utio ioiaistl it HAHN on Itiiti 11111 lawii rt it Luciixi lictxi Churchill dump ltli money pride WEEKEND SPECIAL 37 CHEV COACH gt1 Illtlt iiics punt plf tp Iiulsirn ALLANDALE MOTORS fli Iiiatltnlil gt1 IIiilwf IIitlgir Jttl tlii lllolli In it ilii utirte II1IIIiL iIIiI loss of the Htlltl Etiii Iilt1tiilt little lill kgllwtl him on Ilitltlllllt tortiiueil IIAI Iii lhuiii it Ill iil =ipplnai Regarding HOUSE PAINT home owner itrp his liotlii ptlitit condition Willi iiisrli tilltlr p11iit sure guarantee against 1111 tIiitlltHutltHl tIE liitltarittlhiltlllttl1iligt That Means FLOGLAZE PAINTS for interior or exterior llllltllllJ lllllil iiirit 111 idtiid oin lIl ti 11111 5111 thin llit tint ilidvllthtl opiiiii witlt proiiiiw 11 more thief lUlttl 1111tili Iiiiie gtttlll bud eliied illII Sinclair tiiiieliiil iiins 1irl lute lcri lizpliii Itiibin tznnzz wmiw Opened on 1111 ll tci iiii iii ii battiii ti niii Xitvi il li=t lililtlitlitl pond and its so easy to CLEAN THOSE OLD BRUSHES with DUNKIT and PRESERVE THE SURFACE with TIM BER LOX OATES PAINTS WALLPAPERS PICTURES 82 IIINIJII Hl Illullll lllil VM 11 IHN IMU llaiulale tNltA club Il opened pourr would laft the loneth on the holiday with Illtlll 11 Ill 1111 Ilene anil thin with two it IIuiiiin Illeitrie spedj pair oi Hills in the bottom the liiii Mc again the hero with driv litc double to score tt Cool fttml third ball to contest iitni uiih two doubles uid 2i lib to the piali ltll1IIl otl filth frame and llleli the ex 1111 two iliistliiit has the if llLlfttL blow nipll itii tilt tfl1 Scott McHaIe Shoes for Men Altft lltl BEST Widths iiil Maliin Iiiatiloirl and IlIt ifi it sputter Illfl 15211 inning peeked auaj to knot the count in paint Illllnll itioii oi the piiit boasted Ii liiadtoiil top portion but Iiitn gt oitnue was XSSSSSSSSS3$XS$$$ IlAlfRII 1le 33 Illcitiiiiaiir iciil uS ahead tiIi ill the Sizes to 12 10 Black 30011IrI1tltUUIUUUUJ iWe Arc Sorry the Demand for Accommodations on Our Blossom Special Tour was so great that many were unable to obtainrseaism In response to many requests we are offering similar RA TOUR Sonday Jane C0mmunity tours BARRIE Brown Wide Awake Shoe Store 29 Elizabeth St liarvest 00 Barrie INIAG Tickets at Bradleys Lunch $400 ea nits Spaghetti House ViSit Farinas Spaghetti House at Stroud the smartest Lunch Roomen N0 11 Highway We specialize in real Italian style spaghetti and meatballs Youll also enjoy our juicy tender Bone steaks and delicious Pork Chops Sandwiches Hamburgs AND 12 inch Hot Dogs Close Wed May 31 00000101lItt 0OIO 00111I00IO00it0Ofl000 Come out and try meal Youll be glad yMid PHONE STROUD 33 THE 1950 STANDARD 1110111110 completely deluxeautol mobile NOT TOO SMALL it seats six people in luxurious comfort with plenty of headroom it ispriced right sized right not too large and styled right Ask your dealer about the Vanguard and its VIZplus features today The STANDARD moron co Canada Limited Toronto Ontario StandardNarigtiard Cars Standard Estate Cars Standard Panel Delivery and Pickup Trucks Triumph Cars 10R coop swamp usEDVFURNITURE APPLIANC COME TO FT Owner Adjusted to an unbeatable combination of features found in no other car of its class Lawton Blvd DISTRIBUTOR BRITISH CARS VANS 880 BAY STREET TORONTO AieEa JENNETT BARRIE urnmi Dealer BOND HEAD CHURCHILL FENNELLS WIN OPENERS unl iffimil lILt ixiill ittliw Iii 111 Zlgili 1129 tlitll 1112 roaiiceti Iliadioiti clciy 111 tlttl home around and 411111 111 eh iv 11 iiiut it Aunt tli 1311 tlittltil and iii iitoatzli and limit is 111111 for i1iltlil but lulil timelietil it v11 1m 11 aw 1i iti iiI IliJl Uliii lltitl 1111 131 ltIl jFIyer Baseball EOpens Friday lb 112 1111 Iii Iliiiie kler pmum Hint tliiii itltt1tt I1t ball 111 ltltlv iti otli Siziioc tflIf llI tu Willia ii llaiiie 1iii tho thiday ttliltl iii tzii 111 eicrji iitlllItllii iii if Hiill Sinicoe train and is liiui touch tasl ii iiii the is llllll to tillici llill Ilgigaii oi liii toiilu llotli Ilt slloiteti tli in the practice tiiill Bowling Season the lawn ItillflL season at the itouiiiauieiii Sixteen players were Ion hand for the opening The citliei was ideal for bowling and greens ill pcilect conditions Tito litend games were played 1nd first piie ll won by the ipicsidcnt of the club Nels Magec iwho had as partner his son Jack they had score of Eli Second taken by it Matthews and son Lawrence With count of 33 while flias Ilcelby and lack Webb lIIl it plus it took third it is expected that the regular Alouday night jitneys will start ucxt week an Inn ISight of any ILOst Following Barbed Wire Slip Ilhclpston oricspoiideiiccv Joseph Keaney Iliclpston farm er has lost the sight of his left eye following fill accident on his farm two weeks ago There is possibility that the eye lllllyllilvt to he reiiioved The accident occurred while Mr Kcaiiey with neighbor Emmett Stone was putting up barbed wire fence on his farm The wire sprang back striking Illlll in the Ieyc and the barb tore the eye bull The accident took place in the nioiiiiiig and by evening the pair was so severe that Mr Kcaney livcnt to Eliiivaic to consult Ir tCorcoraii Dr Woodrow Orillia speciiilisL and Toronto eye spec ialist pronounced the sight des tioyed Mr Kcancy is able tovwork al Ithough his eye has to be dressed three times day lil ilflt world will never be wholly civilized Some outlying portions have no natural resources worth seizing SENT GOODS ACCEPTED AS PART PAYMENT coon SELECTION or our onusscns FROM $1000 POETAUPE MOHAIR CHESTERFIELD SUITE lABLERANGETlE with stand Olll BUFFETS oak or walnut from ICE BOXES while or oak finish 100 LB CAPACITY CONNOR THER irireiiiIN CABINET top mndb TEA WAGON DROP BACK COUCH 0vICE BKFST SUITE white enamel Reconditioned $3200 STOVES AND HEATERS Suitable for cottages all at good priceus New inlaid linoleum congoleum and feltol remnantspriced to clear RUDGEI TERMS Balance in EasygtMonthty Payments ysy9pahssss 59 855 $2500 $2200 $800 $tl00up REFRIGERAIOR $4500 shaded natural with sliding porcelain table $2200 $1800 $700 10 Dow 9Qs we Utl 21NltlUtttlt Lll 90 Jtliltltlti uuuutwultt00111 111I211tl111UtlLltrt2121 GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Keep Those Flies Outside seiziia All nooks wmoows scia 15 iiiii liltONZll omwntsizicii ma ruiisiitii ciiriiiiiiiori sciu 1x szroun iiooiis ELY sllfAl lifll 11115 Bile and 191 Slliiinlllt 1391 351 151 tAltlliAtl laltQUliil Quarts $15 lrur initire luoducrk izid Floors Dries in iiltitli thl iiiiiutcs lAlNliIflS LADDERS if It and 21 It Household Siepladders 45678 mums Ioois of all kiiitls Rakes 111 Cultivators Spades 8c Forks lltlIHlt iiAltli COOKING SET Ql t31tl1IAN Wllll IYREX 111 It Ol SAllfluPAN ll11 IYREK 111 OT SAUCICPAN with lyrcx Lid ii OI Dutch Oven 85 lyrcx Lid urn cur rm without lid$ ti lltl PAN tour 1111 27 Full tfshie of these is Sit105 NEWLAC per quart only We Liaii instead or Shellac llilgt ltiu product coinbzntsilcxrbilizywith21iteipiimiiusr dries quickly with tuizgl tunable iiii isb U11 new floors or tootiiwrk wr iccuiir mend the application of two coats no thinning is required SllLlill BRIGGS GARDhN troll Roll 520 in ltolls 123 feet long it iiielics wide itt work keeps soil cool illtlvtltiin yield cuts cultivation cliininatts Weeds gives earlier iiiziturity Rain King Lawn Sprayers $475 $675 $850 RICHMOND fAlNlS EXAMIIIS Quarls 98c Gallons 5350 lAINlS 81 ENAMELS GLIDDENS PAINTS it ICNAAILLH SQUARE BASE GLASS ltfll$ll2RS ca Be very special price this is HANGING FLOWER POTS Ea title Red Green Yellow 85 Bronze llastic When one learns ot the sorry condition in which so many of our fellow countrymen find themselves toil1ytlirougli no fault of their own we who are living under such Locomotive KEEPS Hands Dry ELECTRIC WASHERS $11950 $13250 $14450 $15450 Ends Wringing Ends Kneeling Scrubs Mops Waxes leans OCEDAR Other Models From 98 Mario and guaranteed JV MOPS Odzu See These OF CANADA lIMIlED SM SI MONfCALM DINNERWARE JUST ARRIVED PLATES are 1191 591 title 790 CUPS SAUCERS are per set 790 FRUIIS29c CEREALS 500 SOUPS 1500 CREAM JUGS COVERED SUGARS are OPEN VEGETABLE $145 COVERED VEGETABLE $395 PLATTERS $i25 and $350 GRAVY BOAT STAND $300 00 PC DINNER SETS are 1134500 Oh yes Of course we havexour own delivery LAWN MOWERS From $995 150 favourable circumstances should be extremely thankful ICZECHOSLOVVAKIAN 1IN11S1 STEM WARE COCKTAILS LIQUERS CHAMPAGNES Each 01 WATER PITCHERS are cu $350 DECANTERS SELL FOR $450 GOBLETS JUICES AND WINES Eu 501 This line comes in green and amber TWISTEDST COCKTAIL GLASSES SETS OF EIGHT are per set $200 TINTED IN SMOKE GREEN BLUE AMBER LIQUER SETS AS ABOVE ARE $200 SpecialDelivery to Camp Borden each Monday HarrvArmst 0OOOOO001Olq0OOOt 1000tgtxltgt7dttittllIgtIltlUfltU rong Phone 2801 David Smith was Visitor David Smith of Regina director of adult education in Saskatche TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD wan was back in Simcoc County over the weekend On Sunday he went to Wyevale where he attend ed memorial service held to honor the late Rev George Morri son tev Mr Morrison had succeeded Mr Smith as director of theCom munin Life Training Institute and as secretary of the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture when 7777 VMrSan11th left Barrie four years ES AND RECONDITIONED STOVES AND HEATERS ago to go to 511515161107111111 LELSMITHS TRADEINFSTORE 133DunlopSt Phone 4492 Barrie Below are listed just fewol the good buys now ready for quick sale YOUR IRE Over the weekend Mr Smith visited briefly witha few friends in Barrie and he left Monday morn ing to attend Confercncc of the Canadian Association for Adult Education at Toronto The latter part of thisweck he was to fly to Halifax to address convention on fereiice Montreal g0 DirectevaILServ Eastern and Western Canada cALL BARRIE 4803 Winnipeg QQQQ QQWQ flhcmk realAficif education and he was to fly back Us Am MAIL to Ottawa before the end of the In C011an Over Weekend week to take part in another conl The first regular air mail route in the UnitedStatcs was cstabtisli led in 1918 and operated between New York and Washington DC Canada LImIted Eor Information We take pleasure in extending our most sincere thanks to all whose par ttcipation in anyway throughthorough workmanship excellence of products supplied attendance flowers gifts for prizes etc and interest shown in many other ways contributed so very very much to the wender iul success of our opening on May 19 and 20 Again we thank you THE MANAGEMENT OF WEBBS JEWELLERY ice Ltoi