18 llll lilllltlll llllllt lllllthlnl ll 13 193 VVVQVVV wv vvuVVVVIVVV vvvvvvvvrv vvvvv vvvv 7V wmvv vvvvvvvvv vvvvvwvwvxxxolvtvvvvvxxxvzl II anu snunnn l0 AM Heralding lhe ltlhlil ul lnprries neuest and most modern tlhtliin business liilxtl lgt1ogt Slivel in the il riupirrt by The ni illL llt lllltl Brass 22lllll 1s eonveniently the line lonils in the busy business see lni itzeinw tors Emizs Brass tool ti 22 llt both experienced Ti Ti nasl is ttll stltlll ilie Mouton llttlt as proprietor lmxis Men Wear in rillia While Mr item ttll known in Barrie look toward on Friday making this our customers to afford easy partnientalizetl finish ttltll choosing fabrics Lam also Mr Louis rillia ueare ummqustomm Further the people antly associaterlvfor look forward ever before GEOFF GLENN and our keen prices The to buner REGULAR $319r Qunlity fabrics for young and Old gt partner of the firm who Will pimm phlyftailored by the skilled cioltsnirn 0f the Stme of the BI ore Clothiers Popular shacl bIeristedmodelsw thencwlongilapel fr REGULAR $4450 01 single breasted mo 15 ill LWO btltr gt gt MANY OTHER GREAT VALUES The first thousandpeOpleto enter our MBIIS Pants For the distinguished dresser we feature Park Manor madetomcasure thousand to enter on Saturday May clothes Park Manor is name well know for styling and superb tailoring vi Arinrk hlnnpr representative be present on rSrnturrlaiy the hp VALUE $3950 15mm plNI Toycgl YALUL $24 PAIR or MADETOMEASilftlyTROUSERb Good wearing quality made Boys Covert Cloth Suits F1 000 comfortable summer wear Striped SW Reme UI was sleeves Crew neck gt lt Power Means BOYS Cotton Briefs 69c Rivet Dungarees $238 Styled for comfort and good appeuronce Made gfdgp 03151 BIS 0m Two Tolne Sport Shirts lt of English all wool gghardine Zipper fly Drop Loops Pleats Ideal or dress up or casual wear FREE one key chain value $150 with every pair ol trousers Get them while they last Variety of colors