13535 IOTBE Blilltll tlllH It LDNESDAY Dec Hews of Toenham vt M4 The air 1m +01 cvilr awe ii BestBuv In Space 99 $6000 Power Blower VALUE 4000 With this beautiful Ella Deluxe no 153 Small home owners This Evans Deluxe oilfired Horne Heater delivers an abundance of clean warm air with no fuss or muss Low in first cost it bums low cost fuel oil and has the lowest operating cost of any other type of oilfired unit Can be installed it few minutes in small homes cabins stores and shops Heater $11900 Power Blower $4000 Thermostat $2000 $17900 out 119 Autumn memoer vntus $2022 Convenient Terms Arranged JACKMAN Heating Plumbing ElectricalCantractor 20 Owen St Barrio Phone after hours 8521 Iicriiuwu iiiuiuiiiun 53 Austin Sedan tori coloros new 52 Chev Sedan powerglide 15000 miles perfect condition 152 Chev Coach good condition throughout 752 Chev Coach OPPcruiser very CC IIIOHIV Protect Sedan reconditioned thmughout ledan radio new 143 feet Sedan sold in 52 Approxy 61799 engine 000fmile5 Whitest Sedamrpertect condi 13 41 ii it Marty alderamodel cars it bargain pric 99 49 Meteor Pass Coupe 48 Dodgesedan gciod condi 48 Dodge Sedan good condition Coachexcellerit condits 148 roiuisadan me to Ilituri Id Mn J=llflsai7l ll slltlt tfii new Mr And Mrs Vii luv vlln JilinInf pniints haw Mt iiuiud itiiii thiui We Wish in their new Lilli iiliilll may lltt5i nunic Mixed Euchre Club 31 and Mrs llniiy limit on tIItziinid illt inixcd curring club on liiiiidiy trllllI last horny and Mrgt Wicc took lioiiic illt prims Junior Bridge Club hlis It Iiiugh vntcrtnincii tht junior bridge club on Tuesday ivining last Ir and Mrs Walliicc Goodall Stratliroy visited their many friends lltlt during the past week Euchre and Draw The tllClllt and draw Wednes day evening last in the town hall here sponsored by the Womens institute was decided success There Were 21 tables playing A1 togcthcr 10 prizes were won by various persons which helped to make very enjoyable as well as profitable evening The con vener Mrs Cull arid the presi dent Mrs Morrow are more than grateful to all for their interest and coopc ration Attend Funeral at Palgrave Mrs Wallace Tipping and Low ell were in Palgrave on Tuesday attending the funeral of John Zim merman who passed away on Nov 21 at the home of his daugh ter Mrs Walter Hardy Parry Sound Mrs James Henderson is visiting in Toronto at the home of her Son John Henderson and other friends Mrs Galbraith and Mrs Harry Rinn spent day last week with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Vernon Wice and daughters Lynn Marie and Verna Mac of Smithvillc spent Sunday with friends here Sailor Visiting Home Joseph Keogh who has been in the Navy on the East Coast for the past ve years is at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Keogh Mrand Mrs Jack Wice To ronto were in town during the past weekend Mr and Mrs Jack McMinn and children Alliston spent Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs James Tough Receives Coronation Medal Congratulations to Cpl William Thornton son of Mr and Mrs Thornton Totitenham who received the Coronation Medal The medal is awarded in com 100 001005 5H 49 Mercury Coach fair cOnditiOn 49 Dodge Sedan ro fler etc tireS brakes Ford Tudor So 79006 condition TM Plymouth ion Morris IOI Sedan average rationed oedcondition 47 Plymouth SN omgoodcoodition FIGMeteory Sedan radio average con ditiOn Care tiveto choose from Huronia Brant ianitc dio new tires muf radio new don second engine tion kcellent condition 0i Engineering 93 WWII tr produc Zmc Iiciirais mg min lead pi nluctiuzi th II ltYillt production is brought abort Ly tIc iitil ll7iitl llilixllif Tin Illfl toil you Milli ini plants ioncivinvn fr klillpfllll In operaJ incl that in lllfl ticscri the gevcry 111111 is Iiipendent on over ufl lll just ULi wigliiicr If Ullt lint of tuttimo ltltllllelli on other ciigiitceis in other lines of tfttltii er The second film on submitted by Ii Long LlflllliIi and illustrated the production and cngineering ltillllll of Mcclizinitc lllUle Long Liinitid had the first MuchA foundry in Xanadu The metal produced is special ClOSCy izrnincd iron which Combines some of the properties of steel with somc If the properties of cast iron Following the fllfll very inter esting discussion period took place and Bert Lamble Foundry Met allurgist of Long Limitcd gave short addrcss on lltlttllflfllft and answered questions There were some 30 engineers at the meeting and this is considcrcd good inasmuch as this branch was formed only last September There were considerable number of outoftown guests including Owen Sound Barrie Midland Coiling Hcr Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on June The presentation was made by Air ViceMarshal Kerr ADC Central Command RCAF Trenton at the RCAF Sta tion Centralia Cpl Thornton en listed in 1040 and served on number of stations across Canada until 1945 He rcenlisted in 1949 and is now an airframe technician at Lcntralia He is married and has one son Billy 99th Birthday We are glad to say happy birth day to Mrs Bridget Creedon of Schomberg who celebrated her 09th birthday on Wednesday NV 25 Mrs Creedon is proud of ti age and expects she will still be around next year to celebrate her Loom birthday She is well known ere Douglas veaman Killed Douglas Ycaiiian RR To cii ham was instantly killed on Wed nesday morning last at the CNR crossing at Eglinton Avonue by passenger train He was on his way to work in Toronto where he was employed as welder De ceased who was 40 years of age as well known and keenly in terested in sports He leaves young wife and four children Ilhe funenal took place onSaturday morning last from his home to St James Church for service Burial was in St James Cemetery Spoke at Bond Head Mrs James Henderson was in Bond Head on Sunday evening Nov 22 and spoke at the annual thanksgiving serviCe and was the guest of Rev and Mrs memoration of the Coronation of Newell at the parsonage dition tion cirrTFanrpauet ti Id riniti fl Examiner Error Broadcast Time lLrougl an error ii the ifllxillt department of It ic 111t8 listed to hit woodcuts Utt tbtti in 122 advertisement piaird ly nun 031 iarzdldale It lialflx In the Monday Roma La L0 lxazuirirr were not all tufftci liters Ill be no tyrost list if Hr llsfrts on larsdn tier As stated but their 121 be broadcast on Shrids It st 9403 szL ltirrc Ill lr tsroadush at the uliier times xtslcd Full iirig tfir vrrc SCUrlt Iflt itiiccf lxillzlfliiliflfl iziii lllilIS lllll this VIC IZizs xhx lfl rittill flitigtli smc iridupairntiid Tb tilli itiorilti aim $i lltlftlflill tnc chblS of John Central Manager of IL 23 Conant Elictiic OlllILtLt 11 This flitLllilll includzd talk Mr vlitciiinson on Illt lillll Works the pimiiictx iiiaizufartiiicl and some 30 iiiizini virw pres ent Thcy lt all taken through the plant on tour leiie 11 was obsernxl lioa aiitlin Siiwrnl1 Electric appliances nic iiinufictii ed In this plant ill manufai turc all the floor polishcrs electric irons toasters as Well as some other appliances for the whole of Canada It is one of llli most3 modern plants in its tyiitin art II xviiiii tlti Canada kind The lliiriiiiiii Branch lflltlltis toi hold fllCtllngS Once month from until next spring SOllli husc meetings will be in lllt form of plant visits Others 1ll eml JRICC outoftown speakers EXAMPLES or LOANS MO 2050 24 M0 15419 E2151 13631 $12 $28 $40 Abou paymen cover Qwerylhing Inn Payment for iiibahan 0OJnll are in proportion Can At its yes promptly to employed people married or single No bankable security re quired and its afliated companies are now the largest loan groupin Americawith oven 95 offices throughout Canada Phone rst for lvisit loan Come in or write loans 50 to $1200 Cash Repay Monthly comvsm BARRlEIS Blytleld Street 2nd Floor Phone 5831 DRILLIA 32 Mlsslssaxa St 2nd Floor Phone 3505 Open eveningsphone far ham loans made to residents at all tumundino toils Personal Finance dummy of Canada USED TRUCKS 50 pardons tan oppress encellentconl 149 Ford onetanoxprossgood condi truckfoyeroger 41 International3 ton good condition long wb conclI excellent tion rarity guaranto W015 42 Dodgopicliup TRActOR Buvs 51 Ford Maiani new enginenew batter 51 Ferguson tractor excellent condis All the above coveredzhyaur wor Briton tribute THE GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More for Less COLDER WEATHER COMING BRIGHTEN UP FOR CHRISTMAS WillllilJZSIRII MEANS iv NMTII liglgyaji 55 mars QuzcchY itLlSEiEiilIl lrll FELT Kilian ILlll RLBBLR Slilli SEAL 11 UBIAINABLL IN MANY PLEASINCI COLORS CAN BE SiLL 0th ANY SLRLACE or prill and We want advise COME IN LEAR ALI ABOUT IT CHRISTMAS CAKE TINS SQLARI ROCNI sets of three SKANG NOW FOR MEN av WOMEN BOYS GIRLS SIZES FOR v15 iors TO ADULTS $123 to $295 HOSTS 0F ROASTERS IZNillil OVAL Blue AIU11NL1 $200 $450 $495 $695 Stflri iliiALIil $745 $1235 $1150 $2620 OVER THE DOOR HANGERS WILL HOLD TO 12 GARMENTS DINNERWARE FOR CHRISTMAS DliLlGHT FOR LvLRY WOMAN srrs or 20 PIECES UPWARDS OPEN STOCK IN MANY LINLs 69c FOOD CHOPPER SPECIAL Sl69 ELECTRIC HEATER SPECIAL $439 CURLING BROOMS SWEEP Down through the years many brave men and women have given their lives in defence of our Democratic way of life including the exercising of our franchise Remember this every citizen of Barrie on Pulling Day December 10th Vote the way you want to but vote LADIES CORSAGES 50c 85c 99c GIFT WRAPPING PAPER SEALS AND RIBBON SEWING BASKETS MANY STYLES $235 $279 $535 $550 $535 $995 ONE or THE NICEST GIFTS FOR SHELLEY BONE CHINA snrs AND INDIVIDUAL PIECES SETS or SILVER CUTLERY McGLASHAN CLARKE 18 ROGERS BROS ONEIDA COMMUNITY Individual pieces available too DECORATION FOR TREES ETC WEDGWOOD DINNERWARE IN VARIETY OF DESIGNS BUY AS YOU WISH DECORATED WATER SETS Pieces $139 $155 $169 $189 LA BIRD CAGES STANDS CAGES si50 $695 $850 BIRD CAGE STANDS $475 $525 $595 BIRD SEED SAND SUPPLIES COLORFUL CLOTHES HAMPERS $895 and $995 In Variety of Colour CombinatIOns ELECTRIC RANGES $18950 $21900 $23450 $32500 COMBINATION COAL ELECTRIC $42200 This Stove Bakes on either coal or Elec tricity ELECTRICWASHERS $12950 $13900 $17950 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS $29500 $32995 $36995 For Real Values these cant be beat ENGLISH DINNERWARE CANADIAN DINNERWARE SETS TO SUIT EVERY TASTE 20 32 38 52 66 or 96 PIECES PRICES WILL BE PLEASANT SURPRISE WAGONS ran ears GIRLS $295 $895 $995 $1050 $1295 $1575 WAGON WITH RACK $1395 SLEIGHS TosoooAns SKIS AND SKI POLES TOYS FOR GIRLS Cr BOYS ONLY FEW ARE NRMED HERE BLACKBOARDS ENTERTAIN FOR HOURS 35c 95c $135 $198 $250 $365 DART BOARDS 90c $150 $349 $465 IRONING BOARDS $200 very well built article ccM TRICYCLES CCM BICYCLES CANASTA SETS $285 Includes Decks Cards Tray Rules SHOOFLY ROCKERS HOCKEY STICKS AND PUCKS CARD GAMES GALORE DOLL CARRIAGES for the young lady Shop Early Youll Profit in Many Ways llllIlRY iiiul Illitllll ARMSTRONG two scones ran Your SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlap St Phonog801 69711 Dunlap St Flier em SCALES ro moors In 1951 primary replaced fish processing as leadingindustry of Nova Scotia LESS WALKING Motor vehicle registrations Canada increased from 23 millio in 195110 31 million in 1052 smut new it dent of the Canadian Netimlroimys drives the lauheliiheht km ls Mumtoba to ofcially open the mile lino hornbli mm but ward Completion of the railway tlnheetmot Linn in Sheth Gerunds new nickel and copper in the reee ceremony were orient Isiah torment remnantf iii ininlug an railwayexogtiveo at oilsud ONE empl cos of the newlyheieat rennettetra more northwest itOneotOonI greatest atoth at out 31 mt fgeluldgh completion aria said Nil oev imam to in polite em wigs ii mileavotmil Iith tuttott umlthtwlhttieseosmw DONQUENING THETAR nonrn an iron and ate