Object of Pleasure Ar Act Made for Artists eating to Hobbyist Who Marie roll Fulltime Career CLUB COUPE RADIO JUST CAME IN Buy With Confidence Al illillll LTD Barries Largest Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 233 BRADFORD ST DIAL 4981 Your vote is the sterring wheel of democracy Lh tSuncoe County ilt elation 311 Lloyd lift gave the flu anciai stazeineitt Ctiley gave an outline of member ship 23 the Legmu liziilizr or the pro tui 11m as shown ll has itll recto tf iil Illx FAT it bowl at the home is Dutch family Mess Glen NB fiiiir the About vfl people from runny sec llungeriield Motors tins iiicrtizig county were present Mrs Liai Barrie presrdeut of the Arts and Crafts chaired the meeting nd iss Louise The latter report benefits BEST WAY Til DRY RAIN 0mm wrsnmousr Aulomulic Clothes Dryer An11 29 oust No rim fading no exposure to cool did Iuddcn min With Westinghouse Automatic Clothes Dryer your clothes dry indoors automatically function 100qume ulnar tenure suttr SHAN BAY School Holiday Bar JZ re scar Home and School The monthly bigness zeeld Bay Home and School was helm at SS is Vaeiiy Nov TE ere out Mrs Allan Murphy the chair with 35 members out four of whom became members this meet evening opened with the of the National Anthem zinied at the piano by Mrs Robins Rev Dr inghlbourn Ied the group in prayer for those connected ed by lhc Kennedy with education followi Lords Prayer RJ read the Home and Schbol Association Creed The minutes read by the secretaryl Mrs Sam Terry were passed asf read The treasurers report readl by the treasurer Mrs Dams showed fairly large bali once The corresponding secretaryl Mrs Helen Toffan read an invite tion from the Barrie and District Council Committee to attend their meeting on Wednesday Dec Roll call was read by Mrs Terryi and the junior room won the at tendance pennant for the month with 66 recorded Mrs Robins reported that there was rhythmgsmnnon at Thornton day this band instrument for each mem ber of her class and that they might be ready to produce few numbers for the Christmas conE cert Ari extra drum is beingi given to the junior room by at Barrie resident Mr Wisemanl principal reported that Joan Herl bert would compete for the disl trict oratorical championship inl Barrie on Friday Dec Joan was the winner of the Jim Hub bert Trophy for Oro Mr Wisei man also reported that the schooll paper The Trombone Blares should be published in time forl sale at the Christmas concert Mrl Wiseman requesied the purchasel ofa crokinole board for the use of the senior room His requestl was granted Further RS Plus The special executive meetinglllealy and son Jack of Saintfield of the Silver Moon and were which was called for Wednesday Dec has been cancelled because of the Barrie and District Cpm mittee meeting new date will be set The Christmas meeting will be held at the community hall on Wednesday Dec 16 This meet ing is open to all parents The speaker for the evening Harold Dempsey was introduced to the members by Mrs Grace Robins Mr Dempseys subject was Music Appreciation and the Development of Music in the Schools Mrs David Garrick thanked Mr Demp say for enlightening address social hour then followed with lunch being served by the conven er Mrs Howard Atkinson and her committee Five 15wa For Cards Though only one tables Were filled at this weeks card pamt at the com unity hall on Thursday an enjoy ble evening was bad by man BUDGET room COMPLETE AUTOMAIL 11 coupon tr The Exclucluo Woolingbouco Feature Malia loading and unfolding awn cm Dial the divans you wont Dumph plohly dry for storage mite Gilli cumeh but How Dry for connectin on when clotlmdo and out in for rut ornousmnom nicer551le all The winners were Mrs Here ward Martin Reevie Art Pet erson Mrs Elmer Uncles Mrs George Simpson and Mrs Murray Bowen During refreshments which followed the games the prizes Great Need for improvement in Rural Schools ltercts cf the placed ii Llliticf were endearo annual hro but of lllt October to complete ectzins VCTIL made month showing in 343 fellowup Visits ill vestigmion of 39 complaints Some of the county were able to attend Stewart lllllh Assrcmtion meeting in To roniu and the graduation of thr students from the giene EDGAR Mr and Mrs Cecil Sheardown and boys visited Mr and Mrs week Mr and Mrs McAllister and Martin of Creighton visited friends here during the weekend Mr and Mrs Allan Todd and family Churchill were Sunday vis itors at Sheardowns Mr and Mrs Spence were recent visitors at Bradford and To ronto Mrs Shelswell visited in Toron to this week Mrs Strachan spent the weekt end in Toronto Lose Home By Fire Mrs Shanahan and Mr and Mrs Shanahan and family had the misfortune to lose their home through fire on Tuesday night Cause of fire is unknown Mrs Speers and Mrs visited at Bonneys on Sunday School Christmas Concert Mr Fast and pupils are busy making preparations for their Christmas concert hursdayn Dec 17 were given to the lucky winners VisipAt Palnswick Brian Reevie spent the long weekend with his sister and fam ily Mr and Mrs Howard Cold well Painswick WA Dorcas Meeting The monthly Dorcas meeting of the Womens Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs Rickard on Tuesday Nov 24 with 11 mem bers present Work was done during the evening on hats and scarves made of wool for the an nual bale Because of the WA rule to spend all accumulated fin ances before the end of the year motions for dispensation of the balance were taken The next meeting will have the annual elec tion at the home of Mrs Ian Wels man on Tuesday Dec sponrsurn waeees1hcsrculutionary gt with Whispering Powcr You are cordially invited to if INSPECT only in comm IT this comlng Schilling Molecular SI It to pan moon Corlcyslcot House ucatner permitting No obligations inspectors increase of nearly llli coils over September These included routine callsg the ill2 xinitarians the Public School of eti many slides lLLlJEZg wuh plants ilhe speaker also answered many questions and gave much helpfuli beautification plan for the entrance at the United Church served byl lchie Lane was masterlof ceremi lorries Dr Hughes presented zanaowmo Coldwater Commentary bi ma luili if Hithtfi Moms tours Ind Lin Flos Euchre 31 133 uttttiiti DE appeanng to nteresied for iwazer ltzz Offered ng treats in 2mi by 51mm Claus Eddy for mtorical WEAK htIt Edd 2i eeng Appendectomy of Midland epurl Framers patient Mallard to Huronia Horticultural 13 Final 1933 no 219 of Huronia lists Horticultural Stu court home List week With ZLprtiCZiiilILCl of ent John lT ping wt been president for the iii years the organisations ll lVf empirepr to his iilliil Ullhrll lLUNEhinb bit aw Ms lib Ltl RAH EZRAGE EV GE 9435th TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI Wk ea Barrie Griffith of throy who show nfunnatien lie drew LI suggested to the Public School Mrs Sheppard thanked the speaker lunch was served at the close Next meeting on Jan 28 will fee ture election of officers Masonic Ladies Night Masonic ladies night last weeki was begun with turkey supperf the Rit Ladies Auxilzary of Worshipful Master the church corsages to the pianist for the evening Mrs Argyle Eplett and to Mrs Randy Bullies whose birth day was nearest to the date of the Queens NASH BHMBLER unll STATESMHN 75 Buyiield Si lritloy eveningec48pm mus Murmurs Lane replied Thanks forx the banquet expressed by Morris Douglas were acknowledged by the auxiliary president Mrs Clar ence Manning Adjourning to the theatre the party of about 70 saw the musical feature By the Light presented with favors by Millard manager Village Financh Picture At the Coldwaler nomination meeting Monday night nancial statements for the village were distributed showing receipts and payments assets and liabilities from Jan 1953 to Nov 27 1953 The sixpage abstract carries the lhelluce The Time out TIME DANCE THEREIS McCIILLOO poor clinics ll rowrn SAW FOR Ollll NEED Hercirilei1953 MeCulloch Models 33 47 and 430 is complete line of moment Power Saws designed to increase produbtion and reduce labour in all woodcutting activities Each model is the result of This is the Jurorids lightest power the Model 33 cuts through trees 18 inches in diameter in less thanoneminutc Available with 12 or 16 blade PODVamun cusmwmsmwwmmmmw oustnutrient 11 tram Adminsmut extraproductionpcc line the mm mans available14 86blude andlotbowm romance bsohlg 331a riceyeigjoy chain saw Rugged and powciul Pp mm the 11 features that make it gt intheeld researchtogether with the marzian chain saw engineering and manufacturing facilities in the world Choose the Mcculloch modelfor your needs it with to iiillifllll Jth morons Cordially invite you to the opening of their latest expansion new no rmnurn snowman Introducing too the great new