WEDNESDAY my rt loss on ownmrm or nominal omucc Choir borrow our Requires CLEANERS AND HELPERS will$2400 Full Wins tors at 051 the Nation Employment Senior and Post Office forms obtainable there It MM he led with the Civil Commission of Canada Bl Street Toronto Ontariu NO LATER THAN December 15 not 1435 WW WANTED Apply um or Stereo 20 Dunlop or not neard lisoiss WLEAGED Woman wanted to Linton room and gas pumps am is widower urn has other interests Box 25 Barrie Exam her 135 with car willing to give tri lessons to woman Reply mt 1m to Box 26 Barrie iner 1135 in REQUlRE several young lad marriod or to conduct sales survey in surrounding at Pleasant di other work with commision an boxing For Whitman phone 5012 Barrie tl35l37 caromth oddnosing for advertisers Use or ionzhnd Good 13111 earnings Satbtnclion tacit Mail 31 for matrix mutt Transglo POBox Wichita Kansas USA No investment vbotnseexivangss 9P 11 all Watkins Co 8t Bach SL Montreal 1126135W wanted now to India and Television or NicoleI Operator sad Indiatry at monthly $3 Janice No expert to nut approved armor stud IUD tonne hook satin no and nigh hoot nec Cotlcge of Canada Street Toronto FOR SALE COLORED FLAGSTONE GRAVEL FILL kt AND Board gentleman Ccoinlly lth Poo Timothy Ha DELIVERY mm 10l35l DENNIS MORAN Accommodation Wanda Phone Barrio SEMI would 14011 like gzbundi Barrie Ex Beddin CV iaIs 43 OH ROOMED bellcontained bed sons and sprinzlllliu apartment Adults ob matirels ppEy to 80x 24 Barr 399 11435437 or 46 bed spring and spring lled maltreg lAR OFFICER Pettiming mm 4750 IGcrmany requires unfurnished Ribbon Bed Spring apartment or small house by Dec 95 Wife and two children 10 and Sprin Allied mattresses years Write Mrs Cooper 95 and up Alexandra Road St LumberL Cribs 2995 Quebec llwllll Crib mattress plastic coveredJ springlled 1493 Clarks Rome Furnishings 38 Hayeld St Phone 2843 FURNISHED ROOM Phone 4073 7133135 15435 WNWmmngwmmw he PAIR OF Girls Fixure Skates FURNISHED Room Adults Phone size $7 Phone 3266 7l24tf 8483 l5l34135 SKATING Outfits uscd and new ROOMS selicontalned Adults Low prices Urrys 36 Bclygczi Phone 5573 lit135438 WARM Housekeeping rams cen SCOTCH PINE Christmas Tr tral Phone 2320 15l82tl ll Hastings Oro Station Phone Gm 373 7433135 APARTMENT or flat unfurnished Apply 55 Anne St 15135436 PAIR of girls CCM skates size also p31 Sampson skates size FURNlSlilD or partly turnished 33 phone 3235 7415 rooms Phone 3198 15435 ClRCULATOR Heater coal or APARTMENT good for your mar wood used seasons John Knee ed COUPIO Phone 4511 show phone Ora Bradford 7135 hr LARGE CRIB maple nish babys 008 Central Phone 2320 1542 Sunshine convertible carriage 30m in good common Phone ROOMS in Village 01 Cookstotvn 533 735136 Reasonable Apply to 11 59W 15133135 XE DOTS Skategsize $3 Pair mm Bum Boots size WELL FURNISHED Rooms cen in encellent condition Mum amers l1 FURNISHED Rooms Abstalners Available Dec Call at 163 Bay Buoinou Machlnu nto 3L lklwm th 49 71 ROOMED Flat with balcony ELEmIC Fisn and Chip heated central adults Phone 28 Fryer Cost 3149 Will sell for $100 tier Pm 15135 Also practically new coffee table UNFURNISHEDR oo vote no anr 7435436 entrance Apply 46 Fencing St our ONLY 15 cu ft Cor do after 11m 1513513 Freezer floor model RF lar 9950 now synonym obin COME MS 13 17135436 ISled highway near Thornton Phone l3rll Ivy 15135138 BUGS Broadloom save 50 New my made from your old rugs cab STORE Space on Dunlop St But her and Armstrong 133 Dunlap ts woollens etc Dominion Rug weava Co phoncm 7132 PM 8642 15 NEWLY Decorated nicely furn mo checked ishcd warm bedroom in uict birch mm me mane lull Burdware 35 5W 311 554 Phone 3890 ROOM Furnished apartment con SUPERPLAME bumerioil space Adlmwphmle 2943 309 11154 Drill 7435436 lriour in AVe 7135 tinuous hot water cupboards 157135130 hkt 200 gallon tank used HOUSE to rehL Room bond few mm Cm be Mum With it desired for couple Ago 30 or without tank William Todd 30 Barrie Examiner mp SMALL Furnished or Uimiriiished house ItWasaga Beacthll venlences Ebone 2634 11 cw chummm desires position LARGE mailsSchultz iml in Bmie Phone 2r5 Elmvale er it rooms and toilet3 callus 2133435 condition Phenom 1541354 got my 2daoougib Cabin tugging 13 111 Mus ilox 27 Barrio Ex Gibbs Queen climb than 110on MW 33 WED desires work one menhlllx miles tram ie oral Mndxgbl second class Inic child acceptable Mom 539 hunt Futon 12 cars C135 FURNISHED mo but stop continuous in Anemiaabout 15135 TED cabin bamboo mnmsi MW FARMS FOR SALE Top SOIL 51W nouns room house hydro rick telephone barn shod gar ze mile from ocrcs farm land Octnc Dorian RR Utopia at High way 90 Phone mix 8123136 PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Eugenill Drive Barrie ARTHRITIC TREAWT Medical Mmagc Remedial Corrective Exercises Scientific Reducing Licensed Graduate Mascot Monday to Friday by appointment 10 um TILL 10 pm Dally Phone Btull Saturdays and Sundays Public Steam Bulb for Men 500 No appointment Necessary Look and Feel Your Very Best 30435 ART REDUCING No Dieting No Exercise NoDiscomfort No Disrobl LOSE POUND TREATM FOR BETTER HEALTH the Niagara Health Unit relieves arthritis sinus phlcbitis varlcosel veins constipation insomnia im proves blood circulation Massage treatments $500 Solon ys Reducin ggguckworth St Barrie Appointment phone 8992 304 17 WILLIAM Farrell will not be responsible for any debts cone tracled in my name iromthis date Nov 20 1953 3013343 CONFIDENTIAL Introductions by marriage vulture specialist Estab lished 1906 6000 clients already married 80 71 Dickens PO Win nlpeg 130129144 HADAME Henrietta paycholo ist certied clairvoyant readings on ly Will res 0nd to gatherings 140 Dunlop east side entrance upstairs apartment 60135 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No charge Crodi Bureau of Simcoe County Box 06 Orillio Phone 4752 51214 =PAWING and DECORATING mun Esnmrms ABNOII WALTION Phone 6777 or 2036 543524 UPHOLSTERING Just in Time For Chris as Chli Chlred OSGtthsT to selch iron GU Barrio utmeldtm iPlion 383135 cs from Barrie cll School also FARMS WANTED my Scoa hm To lag gggggtm It l22nd pr coir woablc loud Phone on momma cm in Annual Statement and Antigua ts WA falls boo stock motor also LOST FOUND GIN The and annual bunt oi at Now Scott which in MM 131 In It not bib osd answers to Biometry as 3a imalhis an 59m er mm Pom lm over JOSCQHVBBG 163193 tolutor Barrie or phone may sak Mum W3 azure Phbhe 6M2 Inl mm 3133 and orbit pup 11435 ton Phone rmlglui Total depart toad It 411 team to now lost AUTOMGIiLB my gm Wm gimbmi berm ha no CASH CASH out it no VW at gunght mil vwliw comm not We 3111 Town FOR YOUR CAR cm at Dom wy Dec NM mg fhfhiial oi be IN FIVE MINUTES 1513 cent at public pal rimmizmsrtnwg Honest JOB am 339 gm contain toostorey stuc lm Everett Maw 113 E9 udlnj with kitchen Cross Town Motors farm the nth Won in ma mu at tom mm mmms mmcineIndhw 011M VIM Bone room only for Winter gum mpnmliam ea in mMil Mr own HUJMAN SPECIAIS 5mm gm Ward 953me 3613543 lounccounttotheryemm tobesoldloooe I952 HlIImun amount at am mmiwduotmptrt at the reserve to cm 1951 HlIImon LYm FORM gunmanpro at 0m I948 HiIImon TA om 8068 Phone and aim kissm Ammgbga ma 1M8 lelo Venting neural um in enng complete In good working oder well phone 3025 Om 5135 mama 59C Howrah cm tor Ventin Cmpr Strand phone 631 VIAU MOTORS Sm Hillman Sales and Service am mam numb 31m 31 toJALm umdominlon mismltoarucmhaandboth l7 Cohan SL Barrie Prion 418g nk Om 3n amnion song was the the rm Yam wk 01 vlnciol government occurmoi 313 30 EONTIAC $35 Phone 503 also bred an PM 517581 mom other occurRica 1349435 3121 Victoria mm ommw lmml 1mm an pg Wm WW 1950 METEOR Station Wagon Best assistmun WWW cash offer Phone all Ill135436 mum My vim letters of credit $22533514 $19 and 23 an og mm 1947 DODGE Panel good condition Baum Amm WP hint wiles moon Dennis Moran phone 1907 325 Mai 9103 helm 39 CUSHING 13133433 FIGS predation and taxes $391385 135 0m 111 615 ti is l94l PLYMOUTH Sedan new vuve mm mm gmkuifum 330 om intic cut Job good tires winterized $300 750000 prod Phone 41m Stroud 13435 nelihfetlividend le 1945 FARGO an and Twotil Son on in 153 Wm 9100300 and second litter3 49 Wand carried toward $147181 conditl 113 $311 liaplermgtpgrc phone at Pm pply mm We hme $0 broadened to reserve fund 94 Strand nil $3000 balaizce profitand 3500 TO START 33 roan Truck suitable for buck 20 mm ENGLISH Yorkshire io aceoobtimsmoi 31083307 rig Al tomiymondw ital ballooningp hone 732 Mlncsinzfm mu lgwn mm well John 371 1313135 mrntoaplbbobn it Pm Firslac recently overhauled loot 51cm gqu sexchgnge for and yrmsm swam mhthhgcgmon to room one 26r2 tayner wmhmen um centre are not owed with 163 AM Ie PRQPERIYIEORZ $AL Clydoruqoo ivy Flu136 total to the warmwing 32 24 located in Allhton Apply CIints Restaurant Alliston or Phone 360 and ask him scmmn 1633141 EBROW BURTQN DUNLOP STREET EAST Over Sterlinrrruot orrtepnt mi mince toil lun Estate Strand 1911 ti ck Noemi bat more system hydro Eihisvhouse thin 1935 CHEVROLET Coach motor