Ear Gates and his orchestra the Arena Hail 113 Gallup olimniiiity ll H913 Nm Mum2n LI ill time donut loud ultfl Amnissmn 50 13 llc for lml time biiUEt inxt ingredients err milled OF Aldumw Km 10 Igitge ilc ixs ularcd carpc Till his feet and tried to slrczi flzitlim mmg ms 3in 995 mf light on this mothr by pointing ANADLXN ICE FANTASY show which who appeared in The Greatest Show on 1151 allflm 15m iiimlitiril 31 ii JIFJL lmhnufl from NH UM UM hallnllww Sim mop hung sunud mm lm pnmmlly as Shimcube Eulth and Who appear the made 3CD thendl iii lllgLTlLFgILH ouzms Nubia admxrzylsmlrglitz llfqulquungt hi or Lillliltllilll talent has bloomed in its sec fai abme the ice Without safety nets below dud xm Mammal to gel uwav from these old panics lrought it Wi beleirto charlie 331d $91150 imam the Skillful direcuon 0f leaves the audlence bremlllcss lmd it GENE Mrs Irvin that have been on our town plans he did not Ste why they should young producer Roy Lisogar of Edmonton Canadian Ice Fantasy is touring the east A1d1d1 9iii1xix1cxjdflff M2 092nm gt 0117de agem ioiVKSlIloyggi Lonith into minor ice show of high calibre this fall then plays the nonhern United hum Dam of Mum and Mrs on SALE NABOB ORANGE PEKOE HATE Pellrw to Such llalgt li dllllll2llr but lot of it ill 0i ltfl wm HS Barrie on saturday lgm Dec States and Veswrn canadu Ted cum Bu 29C lGSZ Meme km Wm the i1kiioLfk at the Home Arena Wltll 34 accomplished Producer Lisogarwhose aboundlng ener Ti Uf Am5 Lme PKG OF 30 Aldtmwn Gordon Spring then laddwl iers milking up the ilsl Eight lilVIShly KY and blllty IS apparent dt PVC the 1031 131ml mm cur WASHING tosrs NEW SPECA mm the 18 be 50m 10 Park or Gore costumed production numbers and 20 sep casual meeting feels very strongly that op Elm ifLEElxjctfg ggipllailr mg pm 36 1fj$ifg fgeuggi 35 mm Grki Wh illale acts are on the program The skillful portunity III the entertainment field should for fwn um bum vpemng ho otrn on vs Sim gore Highland Park Tho Cultlllllk SllllllldnLilamflolllCS Wmm Skull Yvonne Emile or Do keel 91103 Wllh Other developments Can mdivs specialty dur HABITANT FRENCH CANADIAN srvu 5L iulllln was carried mks ver is one of the highlights Yvonne one of add Talented Canadian skaters interested ion will be gmnd opening 28 07 Tins 29 This mixture was allowed to Set The first thing you know we the hree American skaters lll tllt cast is in entering the professional field have ill lrlub V1511 1h 210de roll haze tomb duilrfignit all ovirweu known in Canada the United States ways been dependent on joining anAmeric 32 foilthgiburivsxz BEE IVE GOLDEN SPECIAL 0W 150 POOP hg 11 dLn rs Nam can it Highland Park they llld abroad 111 show NCW Cd 11 plidl Cl lence of ru1il shippers VlSllOD 2b1m 29 Can mu um dunl mink it The antics of Neville Murray comedian can repay such hospitality by inv1tlng Am and curiomcw prlZCS wul include Beglns Term should be called or named as alfrom Australia who has Just completed erlcan sarsto part1c1pate in Canada How linen milkyX Sillinhoiriigl BAKE CARI2 blERIFFS WHITE SPHIAL Park because is 01 enough lworldwide Olll illld is making his first 111 EVCI Mr Lisogar iS keeping the cast Of Can 21 It mgmgun an bl 16 oz Pkg 31c 51 Horhc Presldenf gwund pearance in Canada are Sidesplltlng The adian Ice Fantasy predominately Canadian ever be 59d 35 Playground especially as is surrounded by during of the Flying Wendts trapeze artists MANNING QOKIES FEATIRE iContlnued from page met mad ww to make some quiet relerence 0L pkg 33 Laren who presenmd mm With an me use Of pun lor Grundy 5d of hangers for garden tools His worship Mayor Hart than ageridagwhere bylaws were listed and also that the name Highland reading it was necessary for ism that somcthmg or 0mm was FF TUBE Mrs Gable presided at the an asked woulder what the func for their respective readings Indictateshllllle localloch utig stgcet recorded vote tobc taken for the an admiral suggestion 09K POPULAR tion of par What is the 0n 0er 00 mg 3Y second readin but thi was de nual meeting comprehenswe Bylaw Navngatcd Thus after considerable weighty canon 01200 resume of the years activities was dennmon park Bylaw No 1914 was bylaw of It thaw 10 Spagapld pronounge team by 11 0105 discussion it now seems that it members SCHth their the Town of Barrie to change the no xmar name is likely that the Codrington gore will be called Highland Park that Works and the school boards the nominating committee Vim Knilb Mrs Elett and Harry Morren THE EARRIE EXANHNER WEDNESDAY NOV 35 153 WW WHuumuuuHg 36 154 DCC 1ltgwuit tum EJlL Room Fl 43 of up oil tits on Banting every Friday night to Des Launers Orchestral given by the secretary Miss Anas tasia Hughes Mrs Gable express ed her thanks to the many individ uals whose wholehearted support had made possible such an out standing year of accomplishment She mentionedAthe fine coopera tion given by the Town Council the Parks Board the Board of Work At Town Hall Mrs Johnson treasurer gave detailed report of expendi tures and receipts for the year Her bank balance showed $22222 to startthe new year Part of this money is earmarked for further work on the Municipal Building Rev MrClements expressed his appreciation and that of the mem bers to Mrs Cable for her column Garden Notes in The Examiner which was thought to be creating interest and was doing much to help the amateur gardeners Mrs8all presmed the new slate of officers or 4954 prepared by Threg luckydraws were made by Mrs Morten and were won by Prizes were years subscription to Popular Gardening rpair of green thumb gloves and planter with three plants The new years meetings will be announced in the press at later date The meeting adjourndd with the singing of the national anthem in crumbles 3WW K00 New no4T 36 ll til As heads to try and solve thislalest point Alderman Harris made desperate effort for com promise by asking Why not call it Highland Gore Once again the mixture had fur ther time to settle members reached that point in the 10oaonaa Canadian lce Fantasy Coming to Barrie Saturday Dec Grand Opening Mt renal tinge no Desi Clliilfii Shop Tomorrow Barn and Stable far Arr lCE CREAM CANDY DlNLUl STREET EST PHONE 456 vl in the ii liir are txio ilE in Hunter and Barrie Admiral Respect The bylaw was successfully navi gated through its first reading but unfortunately it ran aground at this point and at the moment it name of iPellcw Street to Highland Avenue In part the bylaw read That Pcllew Street be changed to High land Avenuc because of the diffi culty of pronunciation and spelling and the name is disliked by the property owners on the said street do not respect the admiral there the To give thebylaw until BOYSW GIRLS Im Coming To Site You In surllniiiuniov 28 525 nutrition commemcd Mayor Hart Tom time finds out that park is not Although one wouldunogvexpegt will continue to be Fellow Street looks asif it is destined to founder such commcm froman expnn clpal of the BDCI Alderman its secondGirdwood was heard at this point deeply grateful sponsorinniuv ma mums ouumuu or communes unmetIowa brillrib would WW poimm Saxonia Red Jr Green Glaced curnms 18 SAMONIA GLACED BED AUSTRALIAN CLEaiNED oz pkg 29 16 oz bag 23 SAonlA CLEAR GLACED mi 500 12mm Pinellllllle Itc muss 25 Cut GUARANTEED QUALITY MEATS snonr cur urn ills roast PEAMEALED comer is unless someone in the mean GOLD BELL SULTANA park but that Pellew Street for which Lord Nelson and the British Admiralty will no doubt be lb l7c lb lb liens 55c rush chick curs um 475 WINGS 35 mono LEMON and various SNOW EXTIIGIS emu ovum 1V lilaciio 49 was inurzounh rum colorr routine sum sinuses mam no masugswuuiss nonporous some we le SWEET em Wi Willie QMCTIYEb rurcnp Valued acumenmo tiling Sundown figs 27 rooess LEAN oz Bottle