Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1953, p. 1

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NEW ltllll DENT szwaruu Serving llllf TOWN OF BARBIE 33L CUTNIY Ul SLYICUE Since l864 7r Record Number of Scholastic Awards Will Be Presented At BDCl Commencement Exercises urndiating class that slightly smaller in nun fvittlS recordbreaking of 53 at the gtl trit Collegiate institute but Ll group that has lblllal gtl1ttl llstll scholasttcally w1l receive diplomas at rlllilil colitliicizcculent exercises this Friday evenzng Nov 27 AI total of 118 graduation diplomas are being presented of thtse to honor secondary school gradzintes along wzth scholastic awards that have total value of $5822 ill ntyzt 11 sttitivnts null tr Szdlllllll man in the 11s tutti secondary school cation in the poic Ufl diplomas at the antinallrrm latui siitit txinle in sptCial Ltmlprofcssmntil llilll1ll 01i graduates will receive partiiient of Educators in that department Nemm lgg 1h oriumnceitivnt exercises com the highest scholastic standing in Yltlltt at eight oclock and Will but the Class of 33 will gnu lu vali itllimcd by the annual contineiiCE edictory address men dance in the collegiate gym The collegiate band and lcc llgtltlll club Will be taking part the This years message to the grad evening program Units ill be delivered by an out icil Scholarship and Prizes large number of Sthtllrgtllp3l and prizes are being anartltu toS students at This years commence ment scholastic awards hi ini lbcen particularly LllSldlltllllg tnisi year All athletic awards for tilt year will also be prcsented to lllil Barrie District Collegiate Institutes outstanding athletes of 1953515 and total of 57 two three four and fiveyear perfect attendance certi ficatcs will be awarded among the student body Outstanding award wtnncrs in the 1963 class include the val edictorian Nelma Wigg who wast Winner of the McMaster University Ontario Hockey Association Schol arship valued at $600 the Barrie District Collegiate Institute Cen tennial scholarship valued at $300 and the Barrie Branch of the Can adian Legion Memorial Prize in Grade XIII History valued at $25 One of the highest money Win ners in this years graduating class was Ross Morrow who took the Reuben Wells Leonard scholarship valued at $1372 the Canadian Leg ion Memorial scholarship Central Command valued at $300 the Ki wanis Club Scholarship to the student in second place for the genteunfaiwardcvamemat slim and with Jane Perkins won the Barrie District Collegiate Band Award for scholastic and musicali JOHN COCKURN 9t SHIRLEY FIID ADDlTIONPROPOSED F0 ii COUNT 0112 tutti Examinrr MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIOAY single copy County Council Ask Report For January Session From TllE OTNTY OERT BllLDlNG THE FIRST PART OF Willtll WAS liliEtTEI 1831 For the Sake of Na me Due to Highlanders By SCOTTY TAYLOR Examiner News Editor Christmas is the traditional time for nowsparers and magazines to be filled with recipes for various Yuletide= punches and other assorted beverages but the one which was originated at Monday nights meeting of Barrie Town Council will undoubtedly prove highly popular to practically all sections of our own fair community Ingredients of Concoction Befitting name such as billorsCbrilusioni if EYoihposed Tie known of the following ingredients word which is difficult to pro nounce and spell it doubtful namcd Highland Park instead of council took it up with the Planning Board but back came letter saying that it did not appear that the name Codring ConnCodrington Gore as it has come to TAKE UP OPTION ON SEVEN ACRES NEWTON FARM Town Council at their meet ing Monday night decided that they will now take up their option on seven acres of the Newton farm leavingtbe balance of the 18 acres on which they hold an option still under option Mr Newton appeared before proficiency valued at $100 In addition to her band award Miss Perkins an outstanding grad uate also won University of Western Ontario award valued at R085 MOIROW THOMAS SEAWRIGIII $100 Ontario Agricultute College scholarships each valued at $150 will be presented to John Cook burn Lloyd Strachan Elizabeth Johnston and George Higginson while DominionProvincial Student Aid bursaries are being awarded to Ralph Lougheed Thomas Sea wright and John Wehnica each in the value of $400 Turn to page seven please knowledge of British naval his tory an equally doubtful idea of what is meant by the word park and finally vague connection with Scotlands rugged country This amusing concoction was al most missed entirely during the early part of the evening when it was first mentioned brief item on theyagenda had reference to letter from the Town Planning Board regarding the gore at Codrington Street and Pellew Street Recently there was suggestion that this piece of land should be County Councilllpprove Reports Submitted by SpecialCommittee on Operational Road system Part of county road from ton Gore had ever been officially so method it was just one of those names that had attached Self over the years The whole thing seemed quite straightforward if it had never actually been named Codrington Gore there would be little difficul ty in changing it to Highland Park However this wasnot the way the thing struck Reeve Heber Smith who came up with the comment It doesnt matter what you call it it will still he know as Codrington Gore Then very pertinent point was raised by Deputy Reeve Greer Is there any point in nam ing it at all Change of Street Name The idea of naming it Highland Gore arose out of move which was initiated some time ago by residents on Pellew Street which also runs alongside the gore They were not very happy with the name Fellow and they felt they would prefer their street to be called Highland Avenue But said Reeve Smith on Mon day night It seems shame to do this All these streets were originally set out and named on completely new set of standards to which roads must con form before being assumed by Slmcoe County Council has been set out in two reports which were approved by council at their sitting yesterday morning while althird report recom mending that approximately 86 miles be deleted from the Thornton easterly Highway 400 in Innisl Township distance of two miles Your committee ndthat these road areas have irer low traffic count and are not main roads Turn to page two please The Middle Column Council with his solicitor Gor don Mclurk who outlined the history of the Newton property leading up to the time when council took up the option on the 18 acres The final report which approved was That we take up the option on seven acres of the Newton land at $100 an acre with crop damage of $125 =an acre on seven acres the ballt ance of the 18 acres to remain on option If Mr Newton will sell 66foot road allowance to ex tend Berczy Street north at SlOOan acre the Town will not charge Mr Newton for sewer main or gravelling the street to the north limit of the school property Later in the evening the rst and second readings were given Creet Santa Claus In Barrie to bylaw to provide for the borrowing of $125000 on deben tures to nance the construc tion of new public school The bylaw now goes to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval Special Meeting For Christmas Hampers Called he felt was too gure county road system was also Before the recommendations con tained in the reportIasking for cer tain stretches of road to be deleted can be carried out however by law must be passed by council and this is likely to come up for con sideration at todays session The three reports onthe com mittees findings were presented for consideration at the Monday morning sitting of council by De putyReeve Greer Barrie It was pointed out in the rst report that at the June session this committee was appointed with in structions to recommend an the standards to which reads must can form before being assessed by the county After givingdbis question con siderable thought and study the report added your committee re commend that theitollowlds rules be followed in assuming roads as part of the county System that the road must Vtteva 86 foot right unwary With 24foot top and 20foot gravel surface or 20foot hard top reic counts taken during the months of May July and 3e tember must show an average density of 600 cars day bylaws lncorp grating roadsin the county system must be passed at the January ses slon only and notice 301 intention to apply otation idem mien must begivert atthe previous Jau uary sermon Reeve Fisher canton Meditate Township iromedtbtelyroee to feet to questionthaw density of 500 cars day which he said Rewgt endorsed Township also critized the report at this stage commenting think the committe is just rushing this thing through It should goback for further discussion do riot think it should be adopted Warden Reed after consulting with Deputy Reeve Greer asked the committee if they would delay any decision until the two other re rts which were coming from this committee were consideggd The secondmeport of the com mittee stated We recommend that the following factors be considered in deleting roads from the county system whet the road connects totvns or villag where the road is main road connecting village to highway where the road is paralleled by highway within distance of three miles wheretbe trufe count shows sufficient traffic to warrant road remaining part otuthe county system The third report of the commite teewbs to the effect That after studying the cOunty system and taking into consideration the per commendatioiis contained in reports one and two wewould recommend that the ongoing roads be deleted from the countyvroiid system and herewith submit their reasons Part 01 county road from baboon tge 13 line wood Torr across bohemian it and Essa Town shin ordinance of approXintatety Parl of contour road Partying School to Highway mmtbmuxhtp distance or leading to any townor villages This would be total of 86 miles Wordenls Banquet At GUthrie Hall Thursday Night It was decided at the Mon day morning session of Stmcoe County Council that the an nual Wardens banquetwill be held Thursday evening at six oclock at Guthrie Community as There was soon discussion as to whether it might be pre ferable tohold the function on Wednesday evening especially in view of the loot that the Barrie councillors would be unable to attend as that was the evening when they would be holding their nomination meeting other members of round pointed out however that there were number other function due to be held on Wednesday evening in various ports of the county and these would likely mean re duction in the numberiot coun stllors who could attend the banquetontbetntght Mil than lttelsqemeriieruhdittakes one and um Clip tickets Way where some NO PLACE UKE HOME By KEN WALLS Remember me Well it hardly seems now as if had been away at all and in any case from an office standpoint no one seems to have missed me The paper has been out thenlast two weeks reg ularly at least although all get are evasive answers regarding WHENit got out As for my trip to the West see where the First Column has cdvised that can have bit of space today How ever the travelog will have to wait until next Monday There isnt much room issue First of all have NO Grey Whiter they were trying to get me to get some for them in the East In the cap ital of the cow country the pub linker of the enterprising local newspaper presented me with genuine western that but he couldnt deliver one ticket for Varsity Staduum Foothill is the talk of the prairie provinces Even in Vancouver of the natives an nouneextbat they will be in the big league next year and expect to be playing fer the Grey Cup time out Wefve mwsjor noun twins in the current Special Committee Formed The Admiral was almost Sunk over 80 characters appearing in costume as well as six bands hips till 117 men the ltillll zioit RttYt 5mm said that th fail lizid been coin licld the Liza uvcry tiny of the cct touiy Stiprciitv stucc October On of lush weeks sev cn liiid been Jury cases i3iiik th arc the longest jury limiirigs in record he addcd The building has Lccn lteril crowded for the past Wo months Extension suggested liecvc Snizth said that the matter had been crystallized it the June Session of council this year when it was moved that the committee con sider the advisability of obtaining prices and plans for an extension of the County Building to provide more office space for the county services The speaker said that with that in mind it would have been mean ingless to bring in any recommend ations unless there was something specific to offer council at this time We employed the services of an architect and an engineer who went over the old building with view seeing first if the heating plant was adequate to supply heat for hc new wing and the recommend ation was that it was adequate to supply up to 11000 square feet more office space he added Chamber Of Commerce Parade Saturday Will BeBiggest To JV stoiey it trig 1hr tlt coinpietc lltltll of fonnctl Lie idea gtgtLgt4 CC Cit be moved down iilltt opposite the Trea office so that all county admin1 Itl dcpar tents would be in one vnmof the exam btiiidmg The Crown Attorneys office would probnb moved prcsvnt occupied by the Child ens Aid Socmty so that this office would be near the other legal dc partincnts housed there The pre lmnirv plans provde for the AS sessors office becoming commit tee room and provgon is also made for members room Reeve Smith said that generally the plan for the building would be wing which could be changed from time to time to meet the need of the various county services It would be skeleton building with partitions that could be changed from time to time Following this report Council went into committee of the whole to hear report from the architect Langton Baker of Pcntland Mc Farland and Baker architects Tor onto and to discuss the question After comprehensive outline by Mr Baker and subsequent discus sionit was then agreed when the committee rose and reported pro gress that the special building com mittees plus four other members bring in to the January session de tained plans and costs for extend ing the County Buildings lil Saturday is the big day when all Barrie children and adults alike will be out to greet Santa Claus on his annual trip through town with is sleigh andreindeer Saint Nick is due rllii mod to arrive here ock in the morning and he will receive the biggest reception yet prepared for him in the Two of Barrie The BarrieChamber of Commerce is celebrating the fifth anniversary of its first Santa Claus parade with procession that is reputed to be the finest it hasvyet staged Four brand new floatshave been added to bring the fairytale pageant strength up to 16bright storybook sequences There will be and about 200 troops from Camp Borden whovwill ankthe parade as it passes along its fivemile route Parade Route Just as soon as Santa Claus ac rives the hometown parade will start out from the Fair Grounds on Essa Road and will be travelling east along this route by about 10 oclock Proceeding north cm Brad ford Street east on Dunlop Street north on Mideaster Street west on Collier Street and along Ross Street Patkside Drive and Dunlop Street West to the Arena Children and adults will be out to welcome Saint Nick and his cortege all around town to have glirnpse of his shining red and gold sleigh and prancing reindeer and after touring the main streets the good ARTHUR HIGH chairman of the Barrie and District Welfare Councils Christmas hampers has announced that special organiza tional meeting will be held in the Community Home Monday even inget 815 pm The purpose of the meeting is to consolidate the welfare work being done during the Christmas season by local serviceoranian lions and eachl ofthese town groups are asked to have twu rep resehtatIVes present amide so that early plans for glaciation hampers can be made CALL eon mom motor on man will establish himself on his throne in the centre of the Arena to meet his young admirers spe cial platform is being erected on the ice surface by the Ball Planing Mill Co after the hockey game Fri day night under the direction of the shed owned Ross Rodgers assisted by the Arena staff Turn to page seven please Fault wiring Barrie Fire Dephrtinent was call ed out around lp Monday to by V333 anin ctivew Mrs Gable Begins Term as Horticultural Society President Show Garden Slides The Barrie Inerticuitural and Town to hue all to the officel reomiiiiuitiniti Warden Reed Greets Members Council Session ARDEN WlLBLB REED rxitminig xviiconic to the mem Consul open ay man fact that 3rd of county court lze with warden of Ziic which had the past year he the Coronation of teeth il and the cessa t2ts in Korea tar as SlllZCUL County was IteJ from an industrial paint the pthLtzon was fine at 411 tune With employment being steady and wages good From an agricultural point of View howcver the outlook was not so good and Warden Reed express ed the feeling that if the export market were no widened the farmers could only look forward to lower prices Warden Reed expressed his pleasure at the elemtion of form cr Warden Stewart QC to the Bench of the Supreme Court of Ontario and added He will fill the position with dignity The renovation of the older part of Simcoe Manor had now been completed and aiwone visiting2 it now could have no other View an Cihfh was an elccellrheme Warden Reed said that he had travelled extensively over the county road system during the year and he felt good job was being carried out in their main tenance They had made start this year in permanent paving act this was step in the right direc tion In his concluding remarkszais denReed expressed his gratitude to his fellow members of council and county ofcials for the assist ance which he had received dur ing his term of office DRIVERLESS CAR 300FOOT TRIP After pulling up at the Supertest service station on Blake Street late yesterday afternoon to get gas James Kersbaw 49 Barrie got out of his car and went inside to snack bar When he went back to get his car it had vanished Parked on grade the driverless vehicle rolled down onto the high way andright across it coming to stop some 300 feet away with its nose pushed into checkerboard sign which trippied over only other damage was bent fender Iuiprovement Society rerelected Mrs Gable as its presidential the gauntlet meeting inthe Public Library is her third term of office She heads an executive compos ed of Madmenimmediate past president Fendley let vicepresident Douglas Stephens 2nd vicepresident Miss Anastasia Hughes secretary and Mrs Johnson treasurer Directors appointed for one more year were Johnson Sentlo Bell Mrs lllmik and on Cam WWhm mml mm and Hall onMonday color slides area who moietyshonomry directors Cochbumu were enjoyed the evening Them gardens tamertie and shouted my exempts can be done reprimand public buildins and town ties by beautification instantiation comm evening 71

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