Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1953, p. 8

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intereslicg Sicz Behind Picture Barrie Examiner tullh hrlstms Cords ttrcxrlrxu ll luvs Am sl DICK STEELE or allirr my luifirll nu Prmnps Would tbs plant mouth Autumn Weddrig Ceremony is Hashim attendants wore Held Si Si FOUCl gas the Ken Wm ir chines Moo Fluruf Armand Juan Vinnie Eleitml UJn 43 an donrs who wrr furolddcri flirt if bu gti 51 51 Mgd by lby Cmillistilig parental now iv 515 141 Fial Jlvlsls tl l3xZ V13 lqulrt WinEU lht Film fllur grew act mm ilafyitk rnwfir wrng Gd upon her grggtlitf Kong Wm tulle llri i251 elm Ln Rain whiCh blooms unxi divs in nu Eilia 11311 Eltrv iLilo night10 rcmmd he Sunni Lice on 53zuzr2JV Hit their full and the hive that otsi r22l$cfl mar mt ak WK only found 5012ch in maturnul Tm fuldve uni3d 1c Emmi Lion pert meemp sshd AJJQJVl ui Min Hum This is indeed rare plant in then Hum wins 31 gm vb Mm hdxum country and would be vcry ml uni who VVAJS Imr llri1i VIUU utopia1 ihc not tlltsited to know where Mrsl Jaml W3 Killlllt bfutmu li dim iLKhHLQJHJJ lli whim HSUY obtained brlltYLd the guwn mm Ezra mun Mu Math Wmhm my Keng Woh grew micly in the Far Hm headdress was nautical my m4 mum in 81 us the only one have ever of 531 flowers and 5M W3 the CcflfhullV mo ihlltt 599 anw ill my 0W garlic 2n DOWN lallsman Me mourn the rliirirmd lithe rg Malaya Friends rum miles 3J Burden Cnmr Tgmlskmmg if would drive to see the night bloss groom gm ms grower GM Janina by her hm friTlliielltlixzhbituilf morn our the ushtrs were ra am the bride was xvisnug own oil imp ning ofm andARobert Dinl nylon not over satin WynJ wrlh dead You 0w rpmch WINni Vnecklme and French lace mm gt rccephon followed at Whitel Her nylon net illigrillp vtil 35 MRS My IAIRUHLDi 00 In in Temisxammg where mug headdress de mt Mme of the bride received she was carrying cascade buui 111 iiwLJlxvrybkluwu132935 uwiii lqdii id LUer THEIR WEDDING CAKE 01 Watson of Temiskammg and the groom is 24 31 if red mag The groomM51Mmhwtlf mfhum flyqfif lowing their recent autumn nuptials in St the son of Mr and Mrs William Hardy Cow Any Good Reason mud hmm 1b 30de Pallle United ChurchI Teniskamiug Que per of Midland After Wedding trip to the Eamino nylon not over taffeta and Dec 311 Mr and MIS LCSlle Wllllam COWD Ulllttd States the couple are making that if3s3fdl JEldllldk er Thi bride is the former Doris Watson home 111 Barrie wrap 935ng ms Lie was iwwrmg an Rimmed guwn of duughlcr of Mr and Mn Hermrt Hughes WM Hubert Temukmum Quebec Bltlumric Clvldgvsllfly lluv rtli AW W7 lt ill ml ll lJfftJl Bt Tu the Edna lilmts lllull IWvovOlnlWWWWO rens Xtlldljl likes and llSllkES is FASHION FOCUSES 1m Bu gt Fashion this year is focusslng on rm Exammkr mm mogur mm in lllt lLlb theory of their gowns and matching limd 9585 and WIN lMKlUtlS HY how children ought to be and back interest developed in skirt mm HOW Wmr what they ought to like It is the fullness the cocoon wrapped toa flm0um my 1035 vmn The lilll Ml Camll result of many years spent in close tapering hem the contoured sll 77 WEDb Mdmiwt touch with the reading habits of houette slim arrdnarmw the lil bride ms gowned in green nylon children and wide experience tlc overcoat with straight and easy ml ovrr himm and um Wearing of what given the opportunity lines the cabochonrounding above Velvet headdress Her flowers 400 they will read Her discussion of sculpturedwaisl controlled 31 hile bobv nzums By MOLLY BROWN the talk tales fairy tales legends ness flaring from smooth hps ml ed number of re cruitswilitwengaged this Ronald Rems of Toronto was THE UNRELUCTANT YEARS land myths which form so Imrmt versatile Jackets ransms from ForCe during the next three grm3 for brom 313d Many books have been written an pa Handlers rfadmg 5h to 13 Vlgenvpd rshouglds tive an eres mg an princess wars on rlpplllg cm months the ushers uch Milton We bb of mum hndrens memuue but ma Aideshm bnther of mid should be read by those who feel To be ehmple or engage and Kenneth ilomkinson of Ti 31ecgrehlgzddialinziiin any mums 890 1h tines Rent appllcdnt must meet mmo cousin 0f the gmum with this broad subject writers antasy and imaginotion as suit um qualifications re able reading material for child quired some of which are set rwwonldmul gum mm mm to gm made up ren at otswo gc where the fog of pseudo mysticism and sen 0M below lmcther or the bride received in mental reminiscence so that For parents who ore seriously ii the sin 18 rosewood crepe with lace trim and what they have say is 105 interested in their childrens read black accessorirs She was wear 10 one who MS wer known 12g tar twashers wthot belietvc that Reserve Your DateNow in cars Igtllo Ih telr uy oes no sop ea Helgbb5 feet inches at hm her mum exptfd MSS mum ing children the mechzinics of FALL BANQUETS CS PM grooms mother who also received was in royal blue and was wear ing grey accessories and oorsagc lo pink roses Later the bride and groom let on wedding trip to Rochester New York and the Thousand Is lands the bride travelling in rose gabordine suit wearing navy accessories and corsage of mauve orchids On their return Mr and reading this book is an important one Nor is the duty of reading it an arduous one Miss Smithsmas terly analyss of all elds of child rens literature is pleasant residing as all criticism should be and the physical book is as great de light to the eye as is its content to the mind Smith former head of the Childrens Department of the To ronto Public Library such vague and uncertain meandering Her book The Unreluctont Years written for and published by the American Library Associa tiOn is clearly thoughtout scholarly discussion of childrens reading couched in highly read No Party Too Small LCull MRS WAIGHORN PHONE 58r121 Stroud Chest Measurement23 mean ange of 3a richest Age18 to 30 years arena is given to oubctween 19 and 25 Ediicatlonvat least com plete Grade Vlll but mi pmfenby Grade Mm Reeves will be making their aple prose The chapter on criti Mm home Knock Cism alone is revelationto mg Ctr51m if Eff727 Loam alu OutObtown guats at the wed duns WP Seem ml ding were from CaPreol Alder culms ind mo PR aretesoe requiSreso cr 301 Tommo Barrie and Ivy rens reading material Miss Smith 53W insists that the only criterion good enough to imply to childrens lit erature is that artistic standard which intelligent adults apply to their own readingan honest ob LEGAL 4906 chasm non Iarruhrp lichen Notarin Publlo ACCOUNTANTS uumnouo MacLARBN co CMAITIIEDACGOUNTM jectlve comparison with the great gfgnuaffigg fawninggu works of the past She makes it mm nun out sc WWIIN 3903 crow mantagum mercilessly clear that not all that has been written for children is literature and that most it is not good enough for them Miss Smiths analysis of child to ROWE 53 gel Imu II mom ingrewmimrlo wmrw Dunlap SMALL NVESIMBNT mmr ammo co EARNS EXCELLENT itwonrgbggggoygmtl amour 94 lt SPARE TIME would IM ghm Gunman mittul littlmttii fad30 In undusomorm you wonder ny to than wuuni infpend mm JilinThewmn h9=b me Plan reply to fr Imp MOTHEIU Look at th strainand noisoyourput up with on an average day From early till late 93 mnmm Mm 80Dlayln8 Shouting sometimes ghtingand crying Nothing wr9ng with 5w gyglofmiy enamgpngcoggugg 233 9m that but itdpes scrotumm becausevYOUR NEIWES ARE NOT M=ApEiOF=STEELl lvln date pliantohm media rkcmgi$m Man1 The telephonejars youthe doorbell rings meals toget and dishesto washlaundry todo anda houscto clean Youioabusywoman No wondcryou getterise tired moorland irritable You hleOURNERVIislARE NOT MADE OF STEEL Look atthcgturmoil and confusion facing YOU on an maiden Pooplctosec or rush worhto do The brooks down And tilingthe kitchen taps leaking the coal bins low tho youngster needs glasses sand theses ncedsvrepairs momma more mot was out thonthere lemming in Ndiwondoriyourhuddods likens rivethng tho ncrvausstrainisahuosttoo much You come homo with your We in1knots cndgyourz appetite gone Your Will YOUR NERVEARENOT MADE OF STEEL mgmmsmm Down Relief oweek run with armour MERCHANTS DO Mutton hm Ms 0c emu United clung lulu tum mun no Ilnln Telephone It Owen Qt Apt Ilnlo DonlellutllkWi Dontsayl must do tlutso odnyStarlvrl now becauseyou lpse Bra ClagrsNorvo Fungal lain tamoallthobo yrlldl clomentsifoundxin Vitamiqu Ironand other healtr giving Minerals Tllowor togetherto build yourumndzsmnulmwour horrorn noun sKArIuc imp ova your eneralnal wound hula Hglp youll so our natural rest and uplghatyoowmovcrgu WsMhMMTWomkinfrdmu VI 0aganwd Amnpgogngerms HIoeninoguugmrem um SEEYOVR FRlENDU CiiMnams commtrey mulTs1N2Wll0mao sv my gt ncogrevmgrto arrvtbmuihghtawm Patron tus enoynimuximw Hum co 3ch You hmalce thisctter You musibedeu withhmwellvouu1i5 mm aftqratalringng smglhlgll otlarue bolm ilicdbdtoeitcr amoeba Chaser More Ecol111 wt re companion turn direction shetsxrrom WllllltDrtChaseo top carton migulmfrrri 118$ 30 iegavivxc 9M6 lem lrl may tum mists Food

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