Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1953, p. 6

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Burk ammunil tonccrt crud Brigadier scclur of 51c picture of re $93131 Empire but he had my icrnarklx to cf the on that have 1331 The Shah Hi the p19gttttl ruin iuilLtl iVidly in words by spedHr wzo told of how hc Inci fun wncr he was aboy of light yum of up at New Ycurs In Thc Pchiaru very good at fircunr claim to haw invuiutf boy dressed in miniaturc uni form was at mldicriy attention to watch magnificent display Part of im particularly excitcd him and he 1238K rzc rt Sal forgot for nrmmt who ho was and bcgan to jump up and down before recollecting himself and re covering his soldicrly bearing This little glimpse had shown him that the boy represented character lot more human than his father peasant who had joined the army and made him self Shah during the 20s Thc first Shah startch out to bc good benevolent dictator and the rSt years of his rule were of definite benefit to the country An extra ordinaryman Six foot four inches tall wearing his wonderful jewels he ran Persia literally by hitmelt but became cxtrcmcly avaricious toward the end of his life dell that led to his eventual downfall The son according to Brigadier Quilliam went to school in Switz erland saw lot of democracy and liked it The Speaker had great deal of faith in the Young Shah feelintz that everything depended on whe ther he could go on and keen around him good enough advisors to keep down Mossadegh and his party Land reform and liberal ization of all kind will be insti tuted to set off against the com plate destructiveness of Mmdfghl Well was the man in tho back of the old Shahs life all the time In political life in Persia iTs Elsi to ill able to complete his lULa fireworks The people of Iraq LY c1 yril Quorum 11 nifivrczitl an mun stablc but lllgtgtil izutdblc father zria Sense of Itsj =rd his country tro wry good cimncc of gang ahch itLl kinl nl kcy Smithest ii Egypt the Mildit 55511 rn cxpcrl touchcd broil on Futons quitc litiidily lllc gikdl wt ztl Afizco lur long Urn itcz lu llic AmtHum pruv 8i slot 15 not joke hr pointcd out in scrious vein ll tragedy The boy who Lillllt to thc throne at cightccn had had pilltllLN who did not bolbcr about him He was crowned bcforc Ill lllcll Illdil turn in England With dcccnt com panionship charming youngster lslcndcr good looking and most iamusmgis the way the spcakcr idescribed the young Farouk HG was complete kind of fairy princc But he had thirtymill ion dollars It was lot to expect ithc boy to keep his balance And ho ended up in Gracie Ficlds cabarct 2n Capri Naguib according to Brigadier lQuilliam ix decent honest man 51 good patriotic Egyptian who is Tnot fighting us but his own cx trcmisls The most vivid of Brigadier Quilliams personality sketches was however of the basic Middlc Eastern democrat The average Egyptian head of family is sup porting about six people on ninety gonc dollars year Their daily dict is about one and half pound Eof bread and maybe some lettuce If thcyare well off they have isomc beans and if they are very iwcll off they have little olivc iOII They might be able to afford small cup of coffee in the even ing They nd drugs to take away the appetite cheaper than food Soven out of ten are suffering from acute eye trouble and pre matureblindness is often the lot Another percentage have recur rent disease from the Nile water and ve out of ten Egyptians suf fer from both One in three have tuberculosis as well if the children you see one ychr will be dead the next Despite that they are the most cheerful agreeable and responsive people youll meet ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Arthur Chappel Bellc Ewart wish to announce theengagement of their youngest daughter Christina Margaret to Douglas Earl Metcalf son of Mr and Mrs Melville Mctcalf Bar rie the marriage to take place on December 19 at Stroud with Rev Morris officiating 134 lt PIONEER MAIL Thcfirst regular Canadian postal servlce was established in 1734 be tween Quebec Three Rivers and Montreal humility those old Floor BLAME IIIIIIE SHIIIIIII EQUIPMENT You up do professional Ticfinishing onlytrue Clarke Rental Equipment Save tlme and money Ind In your floor new beauty and lustre we furnlsh all equip Job with our complete Dent Ind complete Inntrnctlonl 0n IlenlclPluu includes 3ifmllllllIIW ml KNOW roman is contrary to are damn AND Trauma nor an and mutations to one do to but an or toll any milk bow pm or innkm no Amount insulin or ammo manic an mm 1103qu bayou carom SHOPPING hands MR AND MRS WILLIAM EDWARD CRAIG whose autumn nuptials were held in Cambridge Street United Church Lind say The bride isthe former Patricia Ann Brookficld daughter of Mr and Mrs John Autumn Ceremony Waterloo Miss Patricia Ann Brookiielcl Bride of William Edward Craig The altar of Cambridge Street United Church in Lindsay was banked with ferns and baskets of pink snapdragons and white mums for the marriage of Miss Patricia Ann Brook ield daughter of Mr and Mrs ohnWdlliam Brookfield of Lindsay to William Edward Craig son of Mr and Mrs William Craig of Barrie in candle light scrvicc on Saturday Nov 1953 at twothirty oclock in the afternoon Rev Dr Harold Neal performed the doublering cere mony Wedding music was played by William Fletcher who also ac compannicd the soloist Ronald the singing of The by her fdther and she was wcar ing of white nylon tulle with touch of velvet applique Over the raplem bodice of tulle she wore fitted cutaway jacket of appliqued velvet lace styled with peter pan collar and long sleeVeS coming to points over her and the bouffant skirt of her gown was in three appliqued tiers at each side Her laceem broidered fingertip veil was at tached toa flowered headdress and she was carrying tailored bouquet of peach plnocchio swect heart roses and white baby poms Her attendants were Miss Joan Kay of Lindsay as maid of honor and Miss Shirley Mellow ofKings ton as bridesmaid The mold of honors gown was of blue nylon tulle over not and she was carry ing cascade bouquet of pink de nurc sweetheart roses and white baby poms with touch of blue The bridemaid was gowned In pink nylon tulle over net and was carrying cascade bouquet of white and blue baby poms with pink denure sweetheart roses Both Iffyoiire in spot unapcialty attendants were white flowered headdresses MacDonald Hatton of Barrie was groomsman and the ushers were John Feltis andJames Fisher of Barrieand Dr Lloyd Downey of Kingption At the reception which followed Mrs Brookfield mother of the bride received in navy blue crepe wearing black accessories and corsage of pink swectheart roses Mrs Craig mother of the groom who also received was wearing dusky pink lace with matching ac cessories and Corsage of wine poms Leaving on wedding trip to New York the bride was wearing hunters green wool dress un der grey coal with matching hat Her corsage was of pale yel low roses On their return Mr and Mrs Craig will be making their home In Waterloo Evening Guild ATSt Georges Holds Bazaar Tea St Georges Anglican Church Parish Hall was the setting f0i an enjoyable autumn tea on Wed nesday afternoon Nov 18 when combination bazaar and afternoon tea was held by the Evening Guild of the church Receiving the guests were Mrs NewtonSouth and Mrs Al vin Mitchell Mrs Goddcn Mrs Collins Mrs Har ris and Mrs Noble presided at the tea tablewhich wascentreil with an arrangement of yellow and bronze mums with yellow tapers Tca table assistants wre Mrs Walter Bayliss Mrsfll lamb Mrs Griffin Mrs che and Mrs Welder Mrs Crooks Mrs right now with expects like fuel clothcs for the children and plans for the holidays ahead think this om voucanpomw $50 0081000 promptly on your own signature at HFC Oneday service Then take up to 24 months to repay on plan that you Select yoursglfl William Brookfleld of Lindsay groom is the son of Mr and Mrs William Craig of Barrie After wedding trip to New York the couple are making their home in ITreasurers Report EFor Matchedash Shows 53 Fnances Utll ECVLQ Lca1cfr lJXCS 1331 Ll 156 was $3 cxpcnditurca rclmf $3619 3364645 OCHng and bruich Sllrliibl Slilllrs ii 840 00 RCSCC Barrie The main topic of conversation among the cadets at the present llllliL is naturally enough the iChristmas party which Will be held soon special committee of the cadcts is being formed and they will draw up their own program for tho evening it is hoped to gct movie as part of the even ings cntcrtalnmcnt and the SIanley Bright Lindsay And the bi qucstlon Ishwliich cadct Wlll be taking over as corn manding officer for the evening By traditioh the youngest cadet takes charge on that Occasmn while the CO is temporarily demoted and Will fall in with the other seamen Always an occasion for some Skylarking the Christmas parade should be quite an cvcnt Well it isnt all drill and lectures that go to make up the life of cadet On Saturday afternoon the boys took to the let at the Barrie Arena for their first hockey prac ticc of the season Close to 20 cadets turned out One of the biggcst laughs of the game came when one of the Corps officers whose name shall not be revealed for obvious reasons had his mad dash up the ice ended most uncer emoniously by what he claims was an illegal bodychcck by rathcr diminutive cadet In fitting tradi tion loud howls of mirth greeted his very undignified collapse The cadets put in an hour alto gcther on the ice and from the way they shaped up the Corps certainly looks as if it could form strong team It is hoped that games may be arranged with some Teachers Panel Discussion Will Be PTA Program teachers paneldiscussion will be the main attraction on the pro gramfor the monthly meeting of St Marys ParcntTcaciters Associ ation1o be held in the school audi torium on Tuesday Nov124 Refreshments will be served at the close of the evening and it is hoped that there will be large turnout of members Two points Ill be giVen to class for each father present in November Masters MES Smethurst and Mrs Stuart were in charge of the kitchen Convener of the sale of tea tick els and ticketsvon the door prize was Mrs Kohlmeyer Miss Partridge of 151 Essa Rd was prize winner Mrs Noble Mrs Penny Mrs Flrmam Mrs York and Mrs Hobson were conven ers of the bake table and Mrs Kelly was in charge ofthe sale of candy In charge of the fancy work booth were Mrs Gregory Mrs Williams Mrs Lee and Mrs Bell Mrs Belts was in chargeof the fish pond and the bean guess ing contest was looked after by Mrs Show Contest winner was Barbara Lee of 44 MarcusSt BIG CITIES The world now has about 40 have populatiou of cities wide at least See To El fag cpr you nothing extra of the Corps in the district and perhaps ivttnthe Cadets from The 102 Moose Squadron Barrie Next Sunday Nov 29 there will be church parade to Collier Street United Church We had very smart turnout to the last church parade when the service was held in Trinity Anglican Church Navy Notes The first historlc naval battle was fought in 480 BC when 366 Greek ships outfought and over powered 600 Persian vessels at the Battle of Salamis In 1841 when warships of Uru guay and Argentina battled for sea supremacy the Uruguayan fleet in one action ran out of ammuni tion Undaunted they substituted hard round cheeses for cannon balls and actually came out victor ious in the engagement moo To START Office manner with ac counting ability by retail firm In town on Non high way out of Toronto per ment position replies strictly confidential noxu Barrio Examiner COUTTS Christians Buds WRAPPING PAPER TAGS and ESEALS DICK STEELE Cor Collier and Bayfleld Sta the Mom 0000901OOO tieWm MR AND MRS Clifford Leslie Reeves whose midautumn wedding took place in St James United Church Stroud The bride is the former Helen Margaret Webb daughter of Mr and MrsClifford Webb of Thornton and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Clifford Reeves of Toronto After wed ding trip to Rochester New York and the Thousand Islands the couple are making their MidAutumn Nupiials Held at Siroud home in Knock community Harris Tweed Gift For Tongan Queen STORNOWAY Scotland Nov 14 CPI As agcsture of good will from the Hebrides to the Friendly Islands of the South Pac ic length of iceblue Harris twccd has been woven for Queen Salotc of Tonga While touring Scotland during hcrvisit to Britain for the Coron ation Quccn Salote CXpICSSCd hcr admiration for Harris tweed and askilled wczivcr here was asked to start work on length The weaver who has had her name put on the label of the Queens tweed is Mrs Christina Nicholson It was woven on her domestic loom She was chosen by Mackenzie Tweed Mills Limited of Stornoway because of her long association with the firm Now 48 years old she startedin thq mill when she was 17 and was responsible for teaching the orig inal weaving staffsome 30 croft ers daugthers selected from villa ges throughout the island of Harris FAMOUS VOYAGE The great American clipper Fly ing Cloud sailed from New York Repairs or additions to any buildings on the film can be nanced with Farm 1m provcment Loan Write for booklet or drop in and talk lt over with the manager of the Royal Bank branch nearest you THE ROYAL BAIIII OF CANADA to San Francisco in 89 days in 1854 HEATERS mum MAXIMUM HEAT iocxti sun ACIIOIII MINIMUM1FUELI l2 Secondi to Full Flam l2 condition low ame to hot an truly JET PERFORM ANCE Splituccnd cvtomatic Mating To modern livingmbwyw jet buttonloaf cmcwllhmmwol mam new accountame mi km Mm Ming twoloud moo brMcublmt Hill MWKWWMWMT room colon HARMONY Monk out EXCIUSNI An ox who on Marathi rm ime Mm Yd man mom mammalinmmmjlrwm IIIATEDNR cucuLAnoug Mach notm on am for mailman but minim tour nanon Mun To cull idem HEWYWAT us ova WWIALLAYAWAY mu Wantinng Emu1m dormant rm ansnimu WW wilt Shamum in oustuotnnuiincr 11 VL lillau ST 3WWop dull If For ylcupmd bouilloqu Axoiit KblibivcillrugvlslnrollI fizjnAoumST PHONE

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