Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1953, p. 4

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RATES Hill iiiii tatthts HELP WANTED mm Til BARR EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 1953 NEEDED AT ONCE We need Ix sail tt aiitrrtnri int tiewsv tittktl as ately to Fa 31 thina hi RETIRED FARMER To Call on Farms iri Simcoe County Apply Box 100 Barrie Exziiiilncr GIRLS TO atzng liiLI Experience no Thief Operator Br of Canada 21 tilot Barrie YOUNG MEN wanted now qualify as Radio zinc TtIDtijlofl Iechhlcisns or Winless Operazors Government and Industry now pay $219 to 3512 monthly depend ing on length of service No experi ence needed to start approved night or daytime ctgtsts or study at home with parts supplied Write without obligation for free 401226 booklet stating age and education some High School nec essary Radio College of Canada 86 Batburst Street Toronto 1425142 POSITIONS WANTED CLERKTYPIST desires position in Bairie Phone 2r5 Elmvale 27v133135 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap Iron Metsl Bstteriel Rngs INDUSTRIAL lRON METAL Dialog St West rerndsle Phone BtIrSI or 0487 8406 Special High Prices Paid for RAW FURS Highest Prices Paid LIVE POULTRY hides scrap iron horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 323tf Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS no some IRON museum more uses BATTERIES mamas LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest rices paid Special prices paid elivered Phone Barrie Stem 00129813 2933 MAX PUSHKOFF AND comm Yard and Office 150 Turin 8t 3801511 BARN 40x60 or 36x50 wanted or what have you to offer Russell Midhurst Phone Barrie 803113 3134 500cm 100 PULLETS months old Joe omzau RR Thornton Con iii 14134 i========== AUTOMOBILES CASH $$ CASH FORYOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEEVa Honest Joe Cross Town Motors as Word St Phone 0430 18104 Phone 5863 133134135 1017 DODGE Panel good condition Dennis Moran phone 2007 111133138 1962 HEV Sedan radio heater Pric for quick sale $1490 Apply 69 John at 13i33134 1051 DODGE Sedan in very good condition heater and air condition ring Phone 5180 Camp Borden 13132I34 38 FORD Truck suitablerfor buck rif Appl to Raymond Ward Inning hone 732 Mineslng 13434435 so PONTIAC $35 It FOR SALE GRAVEL FILL TOP SOIL DELIVERY ANYWHEHI DENNIS MORAN Phone 2907 Specials edding itll llllurt lied Sitting 1493 ringfilled mattresses 219 IIiC tip 39 95 cuvtitd Mu 11 spring Furnishings Fllt 17 Phone 3205 SKATING Low Iliitr5 Outts Llrrys 30 Hayfield St 7432149 PAIR of girls CCM skates ste also pair of Sampson skates Phone 3266 GENUINE Leather Suitcase and Club Bag also mans Winter over coat 19 Market Square 7l34 CHESS WART Remover really dots it Your Iruggist SCIIS rtss orii Salve for siirc ItIltf ADDING Machines sod Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 7136 HUGS Broadloom save 50 New rugs mad liom your old rugs cur 7lltitf pets WUOIICIIS ctc Dominion Rug Weaving Co phone 2706 7132tf FOR IMMEDIATE Sale Buffet with mirror beds complete with springs and mattresses dressers Moffat electric range Phone 5711s 7133134 BLACK Russian Caracul coat skins and lining perfect size 16 length Too large for owner will sacrice wonderful buy Phone 3141 7133134 QUANTITY OF new electrical wir ing 1937 Ford motor good for exchange Briggs and Stratton washing machine engine Ward Minesing phone 623 7133134 WINGHAM Classic Wood and Coal Range may be seen afternoons after pm and evenings except Thursday at Marjorie Yeatcs Highway 11 12 mile south of Cities Service Station 7133134 ASTRAL Refrigerator like new with companys oneyear written guarantee not expired sell for half price suitable for small apartment Also enamel top kitchen table good condition Phone 2953 7133134 LIVESTOCK WANTED RAM WANTED Apply Sawyer Gilford Phone Lefroy 26r12 41134 PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE C1 ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehill Drive Barrie ARTHRITIC TREATMENT Medical Massage Remedial Corrective Exercises Scientic Reducing Licensed Graduate Masseur 10 am TILL 10 pm Daily Phone 814r11 30129 STARTREDUCI NG No Dieting No Exercise No Discomfort No Disrobliig LOSE FOUND TREATMENT FOR BETTER HEALTH the Niagara Health Unit relieves arthritis sinus phlebltls varicose velns constipation insomnia im proves blood clrculation Massages treatments $500 Reducmg Solon ckworth St Barrie Appointmentphone 3992 301177 WILLIAM Farrell will not be responSible for any debts con tracted in my name from this date Nov 20 1953 110133135 CONFIDENTIAL Introductions by marriage welfare specialist Estab lished 1006 6000 clients already married Box 71 Dickens PO Win nipeg 311120144 Pngu 177 me momsac dsy roomsu in mm Bonds as magnum co 3c word minimum 150 0011090110 Insertion So word minnow sacrum is RATE 11 word minimum 504 matte Wwrmifi minimur COLORED FLAGSTONE Li eiilled 149 Phone 2813 77433135 PAIR or Girls Figure Skdtcs 742m used and new sizeI 434 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 74011 ig Plume Shutthort Apply Etcn phone 73rd IMNL tliNUUSH vftt ling oii latttmto Imported Wiiitr hog Jetstvy Cow due to freshen soon li Ltm heifer calf by side liirivfozti Itfil Durham Cow htifll call by Side English White ISoas bred months Number tqutg English White hogs Chest iiu Marc years old quiet and sttuiiti Alex Allen phone TliII Cookxlttwn 911 EPEETY FOR SALE STUCCO HOUSE 32 21 located in Alliston Apply Clints Restouront Allistou or Phone 360 ask for Mr Semkin 16133147 CHOICE BUILDING Lots comer of Cook and Napitr Streets Near school and transportation Phone 5337 16133136 ROOM Brick House modern ex cellent condition oak floors throughout air conditioned oil heating bathrooms attached agitragc tilc terrace Immedlac Epossesxion Apply Barrie M01 Court 240 Bradford St 10132137 and INEARING Completion several room brick bungalows on quiet street forced air oil heating fully riiisulztted low down payment bal ance on monthly payments less than rent Your inquiries invited Coulis Real Estate Broker SOwen Street Phone 2377 16133135 FOUR ROOM Frame Bungalow in Allandalc priced reasonable $2500 down will handle full price $7800 room storey and half house fireplace oil heating modern throughout full price $8800 ren sonablc terms Eight room older home make good duplex forted air heating oil red very central Consult Henry and Elrick Real tors for ftill particulars 16134 PROPERTY ron RENT FURNISHED Room Adults PhOTe 6483 153134135 WARM Housekeeping roms cen tral Phone 2320 1513th LARGE bright housekeeping room suit couple Phone 5259 15133134 HEATED Bedroom suitable for one Central Phone 2320 15124 ROOMS partly furnished or un furnished Central Phone 4216 15133184 ROOMS in Village of Cookstown Reasonable Apply to Jebb 15133135 ROOMED Apartment unfurn ished Phone Cookstown 90M 15134130 BEDROOMS or one bedroom and sitting room Furnished 51 Eccles St North 15133434 NEWLY Decorated nicely furn ished warm bedroom in quiet home Phone 6730 15133135 NICELY Furnished front bedroom Central location Gentlemen pre ferred Phone 3125 151341 FURNISHED Rooms Abstainers Available Dec Phone 4069 or call at 103 Bayeld St 15134130 ROOMED Flat with balcony furnished or unfurnished heated central Adults Phone 2804 alter pm 15134 SERVICE Station excellent poten tial Immediate possession Mid land Ont Apply Box 20 Barrie Examiner 15134130 HOUSE Rooms hydro water ls mile north Barrie Highway 11 Apply Atkinson RR Barrie Phone tioilrlti 15184 COMFORTABEE room house central unfurnished Available at once Abstainers please Box 19 Barrie Examiner 15134135 WARM Bright Room blocks from post office twin beds All accommodation for comfort meals Phone 0554 15127 NIGEL Furnisheds room apartl merit In quiet home nil heated Convenient to bus Abstalners Adults Phone 3834 15134135 FURNISHED Roomsvwarm and comfortable close to transportation and shopping Adults Apply Cumberland St Phone 4008 15133134 NICELY Furnished warm bed room on ground floor in quiet home Abststner Ver central Gehtteman preferred hone 4380 111134185 HOUSE WITH flower and vege table garden all conveniences 1mm mediate possession in village of Strand Apply Robert McDonald rStroud phone sari 15133131 ROOMED ADI intent unfurnm ished unheated toilet hot and cold running water separate en trance smokers nomination mont Available Nov to bone 70 ill154 OR ROOM heated hydro private sink con 111110118 hot snd computer place both Children minors Sch lack mt edicts 0010 14 monthly Newma PROPERTY SAL Bird TMI35 rghitlrd years oi was FARM EQUIPMENT za isi33ii CHICKS HUNTER Lfi Haritti ltmit 3way cross rahliibit Print Forum Stroio 535 ilxltic Vtthl Rock ant stark=1 chick FARMS FOR SALE 5100 ACRES room Illlth hydro Ibiick telephony bout blicd gar agc etc units from Harrie mile from CtIwcll School also 67 acres farm land Octave Dorion RR Utopia off Highway 90 Phone Ivy lira cizsisa wooo FOR SALE fl Wilmi tllll SL HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawed and deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 3907 61291f Does err srocx GERMAN Shepherd Female pupI off ICnglCItd stock Reasonable Phone lierIi 38 434135 DACIISHUND Puppies from very good stock reasonable also stove lleesley Turkey Ranch phone 2192 Sit429436 8WEEKOID Collie Pups $4 to $2 5th house on lcrrLs Lane Cun tilcs turn right at BA gas station William Fraser 313133134 Apply 73 Henry tiltel34l3i AccOmmodarion Wanted OR UNFURNISHED Rooms in Barrie wanted Apply to Box 10 Barrie Examiner stating rent ex pected 11132134 OR ROOM Unfurnished apart ment or house convenient for Warrant Officer Camp Borden Excellent references on request Phone 283W Camp Borden days 11133134 ABSTAINERS nonsmokers Med ical Officer and wife require furn ished or unfurnished selfcontained warm apartment or house Apply Box 21 Barrie Examiner 11134135 ARMY OFFICER rettirning from Germany requires unfurnished apartment or small house by Dec Wife and two children 10 and years Write Mrs Cooper 260 Alexandra Road St Lambert Quebec 11434135 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No charge Credit Bureau of Simcoe County Box 66 Orillia Phone 4752 5121120 UPHOLSTERING Just In Time For Christmas OChairs OChestertieIds OScttees 200 samples to select from GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Barrie Tent Awning Co 34 Bayeld St Phone 4314 5128135 FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 00 Cumberland St Phone 5185 58514 LEARN TO WELD LincOIn Arc Welding School ontlnuous Tuition throughout the coming search week course ANDRADE sons mt No Stroud Phone innit 59725 ReliableWindOw Cleanears Walls Scrubbcd Windows Cleaned Storm1lllindows Glass 111 stalled if necessary Floors scrubbed and waxed Store Office Factory windows Phone our 154 Collier 8t 5110154 WOOD Buizing done in Barrie and district Phone 4170 5131137M HARE Dancln taught by ap pontment only hone 4121 5129130 ANT 1011 to Isolate CORDS ELM ft long Curtis 1151131232931 11333 hAlLRUA NOV Fish and Poultry 21 Fresh mught Whitefish were on Saturday at lily market 011 ii pziem from ISc to 50c aecord 13 gt112 Chickens were plenti Illt range of alrg Ill ittl also 40c It Luge toasters and LLipuls up to eight pounds weight 111 She In 55c licshly piillrti carrots Seemed spriiiglike rather than of Noveni btr 21 and were 10c bunch The Lxlllt grower had just pulled up his tomato plants last week and hung llirm III the cellar to ripen llit tomatoes which were infrozen Plenty of Eggs Fresh eggs were in good supply and in good demand giving the buyer wide variety according to size with pilots running from 35c tor for small pullcts to 60c for extra large and for few with idouble yolks 70c was paid Potatoes Vegetables Potatoes remained at low price and of good quality with baskets at 30c and 75 pound bogs $100 Carrots were 40c basket onions 35c parsnips 45c Squash were still plentiful also cabbage broccoli beets small tomatoes turnips sage and savory also white beans Home Baking Novelties Thtlt was the usual good de mand for home baking pies cakes tarts cookies buns bread dough nuts fruitcake candy Honey was in either while golden or timber Jars of grated horseradish were 35c and tip Apples Apples sold at reasonable prices for choice grades Spies were 80c basket and McIntosh Baxter Snows and Sweets 75c mop BRYSONAt Thornhill Ontario on Saturday NOV 21 1953 Al bert Bryson in his 77th year beloved husband of Zeno Evans and dear father of Muriel Mrs Ferguson Collingwood Dorothy Mrs Bucking ham Thornhill Stewart Lind say Harold Toronto Bill Well and Resting at Lloyd and Steck Icy Funeral Home Barrie for service on Tuesday Nov 24 at 230 pm Interment Barrie Un ion Cemetery GRIFFlNAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Saturday Nov 21 1953Russe11 Griffin be taiucs Hunter Poultry Builmg fowl sold for 39c to 406i 133443 it and some large yearlings were MOOREA the son tSnaw Royal Nov SI ictori 1953 AA South Simcoe PIowing Winners Fit llisrii 11119 till Aflflct IhiacLEODAt Hospital Bar to Mr 3111 Mrs Leod McDonald Si Barrie daughter Royal NLt 21 Rnyil Barrie Nov 5115 Borden Hospital 21 to Cpl and RCAF Ilztp Stillbom IKTIS Victoria 1933 Donald Macg Victoria 1953 Era Moore son RUSHAt the Royal Victoria Hos 20 1953 ital Baffle Kit and Mt lt Duffcriii St mix sell scorrm the noyfi Victoria nic 1953 to 160 Nov 21 Scott Barrie ital and Mrs to Charles Rush 52 tRonald Mich fiffin St daughter Susanne Mary DORANFINLAY 1953 in New Evelyn Mire Finlay Midlturst Mr George Finlay Doran son of Mr Doran Mtdhurst and the Mrs Doran BROCKWELIJACKSON On Nov ltemirtster BC daughter of Mrs and the late to Edward James late In Hope United Church Toronto on Wednesday Oct 14 1953 at two Oclock in the afternoon by Rev Mr Curtis Mrs Jackson of Toronto Robert lirockwcll dale Township IN MEMORIAM FLETCH ERIn fund and paslted away Nov 13 1915 Theres brance There is memory fond and true There is token of affection And longing still for you Sad1y missed by husband and 134 family away Nov 21 1949 Deep in the heart lies picture Of loved one gone to rest In memorys frame we shall keep it Because she was one of the best Evcr remembered by husband 134 and family Christening Dress loved father of Frank of Barrie clear brother of Mrs George Lowe Lou of Toronto Mrs George Wreggett Maggie of Thornton Mrs Arthur Orrock Eva and Herb both of Barrie dear grandfather of Mary Lou in his alstyear Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Monday Nov 23 at 330 pm IntermentThorn ton Cemetery LONGAfter lingering illness at St Michaels Hospital Toronto Saturday Nov 21 1953 Gladys Irene Long dearly loved sister of Mrs James Cotton and Mrs Matthews Toronto Hart ley Seattle Washington Clinton Fort Lauderdale Florida Leigh ton Toledo Ohio and Aubrey of Long Island NY Resting at the Trull Funeral Home 1111 Danforth Avenue Toronto Ser Vice Tuesday morning 11 oclock Interment Bond Head Cemetery Bond Head onarrival of mot ors approxtmately 130 oclock RICKETISAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Friday Nov 20 1953 Ann Bowden in her Ilst year dearly beloved wife of Robert James Ricketts 106 Hens ry St and mother of Robert and George Resting at Pethick Funeral Home Baytleld St Ser vtce in the chap at pm Mon day Nov 23 nterment Barrie Union Cemetery Rev dePen cier Wright officiating MacLENNANOn Friday Nov 20 1953 Effie Ross beloved wife of the late Duncan MacLennan and dear mother aof Kenneth Malcolm of Barrie Interment in Lochaish Cemetery near Luck now MOOREAt her home neue Ewart 0nt on Friday Nov 20 1953 Agnes Wr ett beloved Wife of the late ugh Moore dear mother of Mrs William Van VaIkbulg Carrie of Orill lin George of Barrie and Walter of Belle Ewart dear giaudmul ther of Mrs Frank Fisher and Mrs George Green in her 08th yearRestlng at the Jeanettltuh eral Home Barrie Funeral seti vice Monday Nov 23 at pm Iggeggilent Sixth Line Cemetery SlfiAllgiAtiher rfvsiiencehvolem naro on by 0v 20 1053 Elam Catherine Adair Swain In her 72nd year belo ed wlf 01 the lath Arthuc Swim and de of Erin arson Harrie in lain Arthur and Cat lee onto 11sec Mrs sbn Res oro mother until unday noon Nov 22 then to the Valentin United Church for service at 230 meat South Valentin metery SWACKHAMERSuddsu at the home of her sister Mrs McLean Stroud on Sand Nov 22 1053 Margaretllsnit be lovedwife of Rog Sheldrslie ulcer storiedM To coitch amateur rs in air ricotta Intery SIMPLE DAINTY chris tening dress is easy to make for baby You can choose fine white linen and crochet dainty lace trimming around the neck sleeves and bottom White or pastel colored rib hon bow with streamers adds another festive touch If you Would like to have directions for making the dress and crocheted edging send stamped selfaddressed en velope to the Needlecraft De partment of this paper re questingJABYS CHRISTEN ING DRESS Leaflet No 2903 ha Doris and Reeve of Sunntl loving memory of our dear wife and mother Henrietta Fletcher who sad but sweet remem ANDREW COWAN of Stroud receives prize 35 wungt ner at 1953 South Simcoe Plowing ir alien from Elyht My Conkey president KEITH ROBINSON of Cookstown youthful winner at both the South Simcoe plowing match and also the Inter national competition at Cobourg receives prize at Stroud OTTAWA SURPLUS In the first flve months of th current budget year Ottawa spent JENNEITin loving memory of $283 million 1955 than it took in Ethelda Bell Jennctt who passed taxeS Wmm MARKETPRICES NOVEMBER 23 1953 B068 CATIDE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by NCOoperative Packers of Ontario Barrie Hog Market Uiisettled sous Large Medium Small Bu 5t081bl Special Grade Grade Grade 4t051bs Special Grade Grade Grade Under 74 11105 Special Grade Grade Grade Canon21 overthe shove prices sown overs tis Grade uninu to think ol your potiong HIISIIIAS that vitsjlltnlgshg friendshpg Show lion the Baummgth bl Christmssssrdt glo My with that is dad is put cl set his gttltotsperltlbs your Swsck timer with 4t its int 41 31 33 32 18 andthat such list remains there Phoo by Simply IIN APPRECIATION wish to thank my many friends and neighbors for the number cards and flowers tvhich were to me while in Royal Victoixi Hospital would abo like to ex press my sincere thanks to Dr Seymour and the nurses Irs Mary Major Ivy 134 wish to thank all my friends and neighbors especially from The Midhurst Station neighbors and the Boadwny family who sent cards letters fruit and flowers dtiring my stay in the hospital Roy Gariley 134 AUCTION SALES Etiery Thursday at 130 pm Elmvale Community Sales Arena Phone Whilton 102 Elrn vale 5911M Wednesday Nov 25 Auction sale of registered Herefords and 30 grade cattle horses swine imple ments hay and grain Oxford ram etc By Sperry and Lorne McCarty Lot 12 Con Tecumseth Np one and onehalf mileshortheast of Beeton Bob Leonard Clerk McEwcn Auctioneer 133134 Voters lists for I953 TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA Notice is hereby given that have complied with Section of the Voters Lists Act and that have posted up at my office at Barrie on the 12th day of Nov ember 1953 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the saidmuni ctpality at the Municipal Elections for inspection And hereby call upon all rate payers to take immediate proceed 18 16 12 lugs to have any errors or omis 51018 corrected according to law the last day for appeal being 29m day of November 1953 15 Owen St Barrie Nov 12 1953 EARL RICHARDSONClerk 13l134M

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