wlL LXAilNLK itilththAL 5t i5 KELLE Hawk LN tzvnlnp SALE continues this week of vi mi3 is gt Vii wI Ii m4 Appomtmenfs The draw for lucky number prizes ill rake place in our New Store between and clock pm on II 2I lt ii FRIDAY NOV 20 Ii Ii it Wk gt n5 trtitrrilmprintnz tn gt4 II II II II JUN ltlt II lt cm of lysine SEMI 33 ermmmfi WWWe Lemma Esme 95 Ir PR Legion spoke brietiv hr Ex ER EUR it PR mg greetings and apprwlatmn or PHUL JUng mt CUm debt th Home mm 05pm Is lmprtlnz Rowley proposed the tom to the Ham and 15 lmpqilrg Cd Li it 31 WM Romeo kagzixre fu Campbell have returned home after torml Upifulitri in the lt in from the Rom c2orza Hospital Royii Victora Hospital llItIhliufiliL lIrFleivitrfiM IIan Ml Producers Fch Rdurlib To forcfdkr Chm le mlr JUN 195d Mik imam In IIIWIIE mm the annual ecu ddughcr hum Ldf1 LL AM Th ll3pem Im It Couple Shower dies of the Presbyterian Churcnxhtr 5151 05 MIN Vt 1C0 Fizdliy cvezunp Nov 13 Ikrwj lunch Rog T3 filflido and neighbors gathered in Honor Vcwlywb ml isan the Sundav School room of the Prthmmm Church fad Mr Iiedntsday night number jtlttiil2l the piendyxrldllLtitlltJ and Mrs Paul Ronat nee Joan mcnis and members the IRIS FndaV mgm mmp Robertson of Hanover mm mm Chum 33mg mm ICIUSUMI Ie JON0 MTS Bruce COWJH trip to the Coronation showing pictures taken by himself and also telling of his pleasant lSll through Scotland honor the newlyweds Mr and Mrs lvzin Clarke pleasant evening miscellaneous shower Mrs John Ritchie played the wedding littlle as Mrs mm manning and MB id tt James Columbus escorted the 15 we con on happy couple me seam of hemp surnames of members and adher Ream Sums ems Church conducmd bI Recent visrtors included Mrs imai LIME Sandra RIChi and JudV lt Rowat carried in the baskets of rs 350 Ty Clark of Toronto With her daugh fts much enjoyed by everyone Ms Keith Constiblc Mr and 1i rcpriat ddr Ws ad arming Mrs Hugh Ritchie and Maigfe and 13 byes4saFru Mrs Archer Lolwell and endy rs 1105 Ritchie assisting with of Vasey Lloyd Cummings Mr gifts min and Joan plied butherlando While MFS N915 and Mrs Morley BlackofElmvale verv fittinzly in ii few vell chos Watson and Mrs smwa Mc Mr and Mrs Torrance Black and en words for the many lovely gifts Ithe crriedfi If OIegowlfnis family of Thornton at Blacks dainty lunch was served auto 359 as use 11 Mrs Rogers of Barrie and Aubrey which Mr and Mrs Rowat paged gms 10 wmd Mimi thanked McArthur of Warminstcr with Mr the lm Cake TheV are r0ltid ermm in her pleasmg manner 1nd Mrs Shepherd in in Elniyale Iat the corner of to him Ivan addEd his thanks it it Guts To Church Amelia and Peter Struts in as 001 to wme dn VlSlt them An enoyable time was had large congregation attended over lunch and cup of tea the United Church service on Sun day evening when Rev John Mor ris chose for the subject of his sermon What Kind of God iElijahl At this service Rev Morris dedicated 3i beautiful bap tismal font presented to the Cooking School The ladies of the community are asked to get tickets for the lGA cooking school to be held in the community hall on Monday Nov birth of son James Gordon born Nov 10 at the Wmnens Col lege Hospital Baby Boy M11 and Mrs Ron Ritchie To ronto are happy to announce the Sunday Sim 13 The Institute members 31 church bv Mrs William Gomifel Mr and Mrs smellV Afdls expected to attend and al50 to low andalso received rum Mm and 30 wallbamene were sell me bbors tickets Sumv gmsm M1341 Alym Webb the newly framed ears Honor Roll of the first war To Usher At Nieces Wedding Mrs Goodfellow and Mrs Webb Rev Morrisexpressed the grateful thanks of the congregation 9W HOLLOWS RELAXATION Mi and Mrs Jack PoIrritt and Mrs George Ayers Mr and Mrs Robert McDonald attended the wedding of their niece Miss Kay Perry inKirkland Lake Saturday night Auction Said very successful auction ale of household effects for the white of the late Mrs William Keeley was held on Saturday with Trace as auctioneer MPs Stcnognplier Iushbulton Cooking the revol Fomer utionary cooking idea of the century features Calrod Elcm cuts on the surface and in the oven too Complete with Timer Sundny Visitors Suhterlnnd of Ottawa Mr and Mrs Leppard and Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson and son Ralph of Tottenbam Mr andMrs Walter Edney and EdneY Mm Edney returned Efficiency is We know the first consideration when mm W1 them buying lamps for your home but in this day and ageI N1l Marion Drysaale has 59 mum of Thistlemwn and ML and grgtllrthe 1gosiglon of stelizSBphe air35 JthRtgegle Mrs Thompson Beetorkvwere and 31me Mindcr Terms 13 918115911 on Heather and Janet of Hanover visitors at Mr and Mrs llliani unable Wu ham the parllamem Bmld visited Sunday with Sum Cara also Mn and Mrsl Carr might lawn for SIX week gland and ML and Mm Callers at the same home were Hand Mrs Robertson remaining for few days Mr and Mrs Ross Newman and family Hamilton spent the week end at Sherings iiorocolii Refrigerator with automatic defrost Move Home Mr and Mrs Kennard Baker and family have moved from the 10th line of Flos to the house at the corner of Lorne and George Streets vacated by Harold Kidd Miss Edythe Stewart and anrngnfmnw$ other things too are necessary These wrought iron it Wham Tfmnt were Tor0mm were visitors gamma creations satisfy the most exacting standards they ween Slum Clarence Ferguson Mr and Mrs Grant Pyiburn and evening With Mr and Mrs distribute ample light for your purpose and delight the Jana Lee Petenbomugh spent the N0 Chm Salli 30W eye with their simplicity and beauty From weekend with Mr and Mrs There will be no service in the Visitors with Mr and Mrs uis VBeamll Presbyterian Church here on Sun eph Vernon on Sunday were Mr Mr and Mrs RIBS DEathe day it being Allandale Presbyter and Mrs Sam Vernon and girls Sharon and Gum Woodbridge ian anniversary Mrs George Vernon and children spent Sunday with M1 and Mrs Quite number from here at of Newmarket and Holland Land II II Ben Mr be Wallace tended the Royal Winter Fair in mg so an rs or Mr and Mrs Fred Inngstaffe Toronto last week Brow and Chndre Stages wm and Cindy Otillla spent Sunday Corner win 101an Mm Vic Wrigm In Owen Sound Misses Phyllis Wright Margaret Imagine lamp 26 high With Sateffeta and Mrs Perry Chapman Rox and Nancy Wright Gllford washable shade for only Mrs William Keeley spent Sunday in Owen Sound with were callers on Mrs William Hall with profound regret the people Mrs Henry and other friends and baby Other lovely table lamps We to FEWCF about 5i BOUDOIRLAMPS in attractive design with Washable shad es in assorted colorsWhile they last In V3 i603 s2 85 er or very urpos mam coLoszR BE Finmarl The only truly automatic de Mm Ii no 1322 mark ma gt mt bum INS 110 W5 i0 emptyv Completely seared mm Vegetable and Fruit Binstlus 00 mm COM Eligefamn xem available cm den In Tun SELL Bags Vlsui In Haws my tracers Wall canonac xits 13d other useful little items mmI pronouns MIRRORS mm st no 57