THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV its HYWM war HWmmuhvwr Dancing every Frzazy night Alan Gates and hzs orchestra the original Des Lauriers Orchmtrav Rector Arrczu Hall liltf Bargain Spree for Christmas Shoppers AT JACKSONS ROMEO SLIPPERS for children wine only all sizes Jacksons Price $189 HAT COAT SETS for boys and girls at wobl reg ular $1995 Jacksons Price $995 noose DRESSES for wormn Cublu Sce ucker washable nolroniug required full selection of colors all sizes regular $495 Jacksons Price $398 BLOUSES for women cap sleeve full assortment of colors sizes Jacksons Price ranging from $119 $398 COSTUME JEWELLERY wonderful selection HALF PRICE CARVING SETS fork and knife best quality Sheffield steel Jacksons Price $109 KNITTING YARNS nylon and wool yarns in won derful color selection Jacksons Price 02 20c SNOGRIP BOOTS sheepskin lining Mens Sizes Jacksons Price $595 Boys Sizes Jacksons Price $498 all rubber zipper closing warm HIGH RUBBER BOOTS for men olive green color form fitting at ankle and leg laced at top sponge in sole acksons Price $849 PYJAMAS for men broadcloth and flannelctte all sizes big assbrtment of colors and patterns Jacksons Price $369 OPERA SLIPPERS for men all sizes Jacksons Price $298 LINED SMOCKS for men oz sanforized Jacksons Price $598 UNLINED SMOCKS for men 714 oz sanforized Jacksons Price $398 SUEDE JACKETS for men finest quality regular 32495 Jacksons Price $11195 LEATHER JACKETS for men Genuine horsehide regular $2600 Jacksons Price $1695 Satisfaction or cash Money Reloaded Cash Your 33 Bonus Chequeslat Jacksons Jacksons Dept Stores 59 DUNLOI ST PHONE 4348 THE HOUSE 0P HUNDREDS OF SUPERVALUES come In And Look Around banish odko failures PU IT for fluffy cakos ovory timol Say goodbye to cake failure with Purity Cake Mix Nanled in the Purity doublemixer to give Grko every time Turn out fluffy cokcl quickly and easily every time Add sirela egg or Memade goodness Enjoy the rim contra out Purity ca Mix 11 3HK Working as canvasser with Mn of garden by Mr gardens and Co bring UJ as lo PILL ant cvennig Lsa tal guud prizes 130132 iANNouNCE usr jtor CANVASSERS lvou CAMPAIGN Ittriiled frgm page one Cole Mrs Roy lowcll Etltbrdoll McTutk John McBride captain Llt Mus In Ward ll wortlng under Mrsl Flynn captain are Mrs John Craig Mrs William Dyment Miss Henrietta Grasett Mrs Bcavis Mrs Wilfred Kilgour Mrs Kyte Mrs Arthur Lawcs Fred Lloyd Mrs IL Lo Mrs MacPhcrson William Malcomsun Mrs Pengclly Mrs Fred Steven sun Mrs Woods Mis War rcu Wilgar Mrs Ronald Pile Mrs Payne Mrs Jewell and iMrs Lee Ward 111 canvassers under Mrs Good captain are Mrs AICOIH Mrs Bilkey Mrs Cook Mrs Corby Miss Doru iCouth Mrs Craig Mrs Drake Miss Bella Miller Mrs LMoore Mrs Scrogg Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Stcckley Working under Mrs WH Ridlcy captain are Mrs JA Woods Mrs Cecil Cook Mrs Murphy Mrs lneson Mrs MurLson Miss Ruth Shaver Mrs Howes Miss Kelis Mrs Ryan Mrs Lam bcrt Mrs Peterson Mrs Hogan and Mrs Harry Morren In Word IV canvassers under Mrs Glassiord are Mrs Charles Read Mrs AMac Leod Mrs Charles Knight Mm Murray Mills and Mrs John Steele Working with Mrs Ivan Recvie captain are Mrs Emms Mrs Elrick Mrs Brown and Mrs Miles Mrs Laking captain has as can vassers Mrs Harry Maxwell Mrs Allan Byers Mrs Fred Rowe and Mrs Charles Jacobs and canvass crs with Mrs James Kelly cap lain are Mrs William Archer Mrs Allan Gundry and Mrs Walter Humphreys Canvassers with Mrs Barbara Scott captain are Mrs Gooderham and Mrs Jack Dyck Canvassers in Ward working under Miss Edna Longhurst cap tain are Mrs Kohlmeyer Mrs Dalton Emms Miss Joan Burrows Mrs Jean Leyland Miss Elva Han radine Miss Anne Brennan Mrs McGregor Miss Sandra Ruth Miss Marion Lowe Mrs Beatrice Flett Mrs Aitchi son Mrs Pringle Mrs Clarence Wingrove Mrs Longhurst Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Lang man Working under Captain Victor Knight in Ward Vl are Mrs Spearn Mrs Webb Mrs PURITH ItllTE Clltl ITIIX rand Mrs lug all tut Graham til lillllll 193le TTTW At RVH Reach Lifrl Mrs and hi Mrs ll utv bride lliltxm Jur tiillzar etc and aunt of la llcluicrsou of SIOIltlill of Toronto all for ltSldLliLS Representative Named to Regional Committee by RVHl Mrs rchle Fraser pltlltn2 the Royal Victoria litupital Nor scs Alumnae was named as U1lt of the representatives who 1IIi serve on committee to undertake the early stages of planning or regional preliminary training school for nurses at the mccting of thq board of trustees of tile hospital on Monday afternoon Another representative is to be named to the committee from Bar rie at later date and Miss Helen Shanahan hospital superintend ent will be an ex officio member The committee will investigate the possibility of establishing regional school where nurses from surrounding schools could receive theoretical training and regional training school for nurses idiSJ The recommendation that the mat ter be looked into was presented at the recent meeting of Regional Hospital Council No 11 in Barrie Rayliss Mrs Homer Mrs Crooks Mrs Clemmcns Mist Hogan Mrs Owens Mrs Carter Mrs Rayner Mrs ll Landreville Mrs CStcwart Mrs Cummings and Mrs Har old Green Ross Stephens Harold Cusden Harold Darch Crowc Stephenson and William Kast her are canvassers in the business area under Captain Robert Leishman and John MacLaren McLean and Burton ar canvassors under Captain Glad stone Currie Patient Days NEW LOWELL Prewnmtlen Revenueti at sanitary ochre New VP It presently lt Visits Sister Mr and Mrs BlUCe Shiplcy hm now rcturlied from Viltullullllil with Mrs ShiplcyS blothchlnIau and sister PC and Mrs ourvtlle Ottawa Attend Convention Paul Tuckcy Ian Jack and ulizl ack attended the Christian Young Port Councillors convention in Credit for the Weekend Mr and Mrs Ildilulltt Reid and boys visited Mr and Mrs Ken nclh Jack at Clarkson on Sunday Home From Hospital Byron Grose is now home from the hospital At Winter Fair The continuation school students and teachers went to the Royal Winter Fair Monday afternoon by the school bus and stayed down for the evening Sorry to report that Miss Flor ence Edwards is not feeling well United WA The WA of Lefroy United Church held most successful hot turkey supper complete with all trimmings on Thursday evening Guests sat down at 530 pm and others kept coming in filling up all the vacancies till all were fed Following the supper Rev Mr Morris chairman took over and thc firstitem of an extensive pro gram of music and vocal selections was the dedication to the church of beautiful upright piano the gift of Mr and Mrs James iointi Ellio in memory of their dedead sisterinlaw Mrs Spence of To ronto Child The Gough sisters enter DOWN ON SUNSHINE RANGES oukstuwn Oullia and tlieil Morris to hold their the parson Lid on Tuesday evening PIll ONE IN YIIIIII KITCHEN Ill HBISTMRS lltlillllllliLE OPEN YEAR ROUND MODEL 61 527990 SPARKLING roncsmm of best quality Heat enclosed clem fatering to Weddings Banquets etc Phone 3741 FOR RESERVATION Blake St lloi Chotolnte Iudge Sundae 23 LUNCH AT Barrie cuts year guarantee MORE SUNSHINE FEATURES Extra large oven wIth light and thoroughly insulated EASY TERMS Automatic Oven Control Large Warming Closet Before You Buy See SUNSHINE BliYSthS ALLANMLE unnnwnnr ICE CREAM CANDY Phone 2944 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST PHONE 4562 srlrfuoin Bil srwlrtsl in our novrunrn All the newest styles All the nowostfabricsl All the nay colors The Best coat Values Years Endofthe55eos son Prices londStiil the very First of Cold Weather Alt ClothCootsVReduceid To Clear Mony Wonderful BorgoinsStortinfAs Low As seldom The Terriiioyolus at