Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1953, p. 10

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isQIlfLA important Elections 2x lt1 Lloul of decision for llkvuycllcidcls organized munimpchtles Villages and township 11pr 141 11 Quincy5 155 but The unread Drug or xi mill rw 21 any lint resatts 11 dire Lm Doixr drzu ll dtl They ee the task of choosing ct 111 elections the men and women to whom will entrust the udmimstrutzcz oi cipcl affairs Alasixes siflilltlli bureau You pzry intale These are 31133635 grass mob tnex 153lirifivllllllfriilil purposes lions In the towns villages and rural townships particularly the voters know ul the candidates personally They know tizriz maliflcatlons for office their mulls 11d failings To their cred they usually choosy men and women of good charzrctcr with administrative ability and keen business sense 1lt=11 1d of L1111d1111 menus Thai 111i untidy unclean municipal elections is greater year by year They are important simply because of growing basic problem for which Canada sooner or later must find solution mounting demand for man and better municipal services of all kinds clashing with limited sources of revenuc Importance of stantiy kept clean rest rooms in gt1l1dllldSplill shape The tinny that visitor will ment in this department in Simply bemuse they are time to the peo ple and their daily lives municipalities are called on for more and more expenditure In township it may be digging ditch in village hiring an extra policeman in town paving more streets in all there is an insistent demand for better educational facilities But their basic source of revenue is real estate In most areas the rate of tax on real estate is about as high now as property owners can pay The only possible growth in revenue comes from new buildings or other forms of property improvement Most provincial governments in Canada have sought to meet the problem with in creased grnts to municipalities for educa tion police and fire protection and so on But they frankly recognize this practice as temporary measure not final solution Editorial Notes an Ontario magistrate the other day by crossing with the green light their place The better the men that win election the Omar acmmes better the chances of developing from the municipalities themselves sound proposals for way out of their taxation squeeze country The better men will come through quickened interest in municipal voting every man and woman eligible should get out to mark ballot Teacher Shortage The teacher shortage in Canada con Stitutes national emergency according to two authorities who have completed sur vey for the Canadian Educational Associa tion The two men who made the study are Rivers superintendent of pro fesslonal training for the Ontario Depart ment of Education and Dr Jack son professor of educational research at the Ontario College of Education The two researchers concentrated partic ularly on Ontario in their study but their general conclusions are applicable to the whole country According to themvthere is shortage of 1000 teachersin Canada now Analytlng birth rate statistics and immigration trends they found that Ontario must find about 3100 new elementary teachers and 500 secondpry school teachers every year for many years to come The supply in the past few years has averaged about 1900 elementary and 430 secondary teachers By 1966 there will be in Ontario about 417000 more elementary pupils and 104000 sec ondarygpupils than there are now or 1475 000 pupils To teach them 13590 new ele mentary teachers and 4430 Secondary teach ers will be needed There is good reason to believe that the present emergency will extend far into the future the report says The inevitableness of the impending and continuing crisis is what really shacks The crisis in teacher supply and in education generally promises to be with educationists for so long that theywlllbecome accustomed to it The report docsnotsuggest any method of solving the teacher supply problem other than pointing out that eventually it will solve 1m There will be many more prospective Mallets arcllable when the huge numbers of children now in the lower grades get to the point clamoring career by students cipants academic development OPINIONS OF OTHERS Lowering Sta ndards Oshawa TimesGazette Ontario The association has eventually lead to disastrous crisis to enter the teaching profession responsibilities fession Bginning in 1954 it Ontaro Teachers Colleges as fields creases and degree of ind and action that few in other fie ds injoy AClcss NNMpaper WM Mmdayv Wednesday Friday and cum wan um inll LA 21 ads Food and Rest Rooms rct 111 Cdiisdlsl Lilo illi lllUlr the ir11d2n got ill to Ailffltdl Hillel when you fly Let 15 hall 31 little more of the touch of Que lws of places 2111 liu 00L Engldnd 1111 in test room was the big touristi beef of 1953 was relcdltd at the convex lion of the Xinodiuit Tourist Association rest room is place which can becomo and in some cases downI right foul in very short time unless con IL is to be hoped Can udiuns will make 1vcry effort to keep thcirl remember above all else however is good food nicely left turning motorist who made pedes trians jump out of his way was fined by In for too many cities of Canada curs whizz left or right at busy corners without the slightest regard for pedestrians who are trying to obey the law and common sense If the selfish and irresponsible drivers responsible for this cannot be taught decent manners then stiff fine may help to keep them in Yale University committee decided too much college time was spent in extracur The Financial Post polled group of Canadians on their views in this The nature of the activitiesI rather than the time spent on them oc cupied the attention of most of the replies munity planning As to whether too much students time is gathering Mlle Pblic involved opinion is fairly evenly divided But there 1srstrong suggestion that college population of the eburrtry would sport is becoming too professionalized lim iting the opportunity for field pdrticlpation The concern over the lowering of public school teacher qualications in the province was one of the main topics of discussion at recent conference of members of the Women Teachers Association of mid been Very mULh already voiced the fear that the lowering of these standards will Concem of the federation has been prompted by decision of the Ontario Department of Education tremely busy ma to permit grade twelve students to teach in public schools for year after summer course Many students took advantage of the opportunity and 01 MinneSOta Where he 35 edu were appointed to temporary positions inschools It is generally admitted that the departments course was dictated by necessity not by desire There has been teacher shortage in Ontario for and Came Wesem 1938 Doc 10 years and the problem has been getting worse for annually Many reasons have been cited notably salaries and lack of desire on the part of students Salary schedules have been improved consider ably in recent years although the teachers them selves may feel that their cheques could be fattLc in relation to their educational qualications and have 8193 111mm It could take another step and through the teach ers develop an interest in students in the profesir sion Many ydung people who would make ex cellent teacherslum their backs on the discipline of the classroom and seek employment in other Round table inclusions with teachers and prin cipals on the advantages of enteringlthe profession ulatlon subject This might do much to entice able young people into the rapby 15 301113 to Grad xn teaching eld And therr are many advanluel steady employment with generous holiday periods good starting salaries with assurance of annual in ondenee of thought elder Wilding Post Office Square Barrie militia Canadu an mes ViceFramed mutt 1h zit 111912 in bowl about camping calla1i Strrnrner Magic lxcnnelh and served There is much room for improvc SW TDD Mi 41ml num Cunudu but there is evidence that tourist operators and restaurants are realizing the importance oil food in the agenda of the summer visitor be 11 children Wilt wcsc lonely Lillkl unhappy becausu Zhey xr 11 Nautilus 0111 11 15 Sally win did about everything one should not do if gtlt was to win friends and influence people She wasf iunkenlpl sloppy in tire ungrucZL 1uu 11 manners rebellious ltuillsh She rcsenteti 111111 Her 151131 rejoinder in any Canada 191 Is Described lo Barrie leathers picture of Canada 1975 was presented to members of the Bar rie Teachers Council by Doctor Pleva head of the geography dc partmcnl at the University of Western Ontario in an extremely mteresting address given at the annual banquet in Community House The expert on regional and corn told the large my UITlC elementary and secondary schools of Barrie that he believed the certainly increase in that time but that the increase wouldbe for the most part in the areas that are Sport it is stressed has its presently populated place in umversity life to turn out balanced personalities but there is fear of this be ing expressed in encouragement to students cities to the mane towns and cit becoming mass spectators rather than parti Such activities suggests one re spondent must be permitted and encourag ed only to the degree compatible with full card to water COTlSerVlion For the sake of safety and devel opment he highly recommended decentralization from the large les Barrie being in his opinion an ideal situation He considers town planning to be very important especially with re Thc picture of the farm of the future prophesied that farming would become extremely scientic in this country and would be more concentrated as far as towns were concerned Doctor Pleva was introduced to the teachers gathering by Miss Elaine Cranston of the King Ed ward School slaff who had at tended summer school at Western University this year and had met impressed by the geography expert She was able to persuade him to come to Barrie to speak to the teachers in spite of the fact that he is an ex Of Czechoslovakian ancestry the professor of geography is native called and taught at the state uni versity He was also formerly on the staff of Syracuse University Pleva was asked by the federal government to come to Canada to do geographical joining the university staff His interest in geography has made him believe that Canada is com ing part of the world and will During the war he Was with the The association has made onev excellent move tar Office of strategiCSerVice in WaShV ward attracting more young people into therlpro will initiate scheme of bursaries to be made available to students in and he has donea lot of work for ington vlrlis special interests are regional and community planning many towns where his advice has been considered very important He is also interested iiischool geography and has written several ln L051 in Robinson in the London Symphony Evaluation of News He is work interertcdiln the st Lawrence Sea wdy project The metal staff at the piano it VON Wndmdn the proudl cnbmlded The business meeting of the was delayed until the folk owing weekand washeld in tbd library at the collegiate At that tlme reports were heard and plans were mark for the coming your research before geography texts He is responsible for putting geography on collegiate curriculumsand it is his hope that by 1955 it will be senior matric ear geog don he member of tho suburban planning board and the traffic comihittee and is an Memorial Church His son has been mem ber of the musicians union since the age ad 12 find plays theflute Doctor Pleva is also active in home and school work and has regular radio broadcast Religious in on tourist guide for Ontario at mutant and has been extremely oomm ittee of the tea cbeu council had arranged for bouuteous dinner and the annual banquet wu opioyedthoroughly windowing ended with social built and sinuous led by Victor willihublc Ross of to ddle District cone1m Institu MAKING FRIENDS By Nancy Cleaver 12glzestion of unprovement was Sn What Sally came from split family then new marriage with stepfather who resentcd her presume The camp dir ector worked turd to get Sally to have more respect for her self and more regard for others By the end of the clump season Sally showcd some real pro gress in learning the art of making friends From very early years children want the respect and liking of their pvcrs the members of their own age group child of two or three years and over craves the companionship of other children and needs to have friends around the sumo age There is an old saying only Child is lonely child The solitary child Ls not only lonely but is also missing many of the things which can be loomed most easily from associates of his own age Tooperation good sports manship taking turns are not natural characteristics of young sters These are qualities which gradurlly must become part of childs code not accepted by abstract teaching but leaer in hours of activity uni play with other children Super vision by an adult but not too much interference is need ed When small children play Somcchildren nd to their am hzemcnt that the methods they resort to such as crying or temp er tantrums in order t0get their own way with their parents do not work with their playmates Donnie bursts into tears because he cannot have the swing Bobby who is enjoying the swing is quite indifferent to his sobs or may even taunt him with the words Crybaby Whereupon Donnie brushes away his tears and defends himself Im not crybaby Marilyn lies down on the ground and kicks her legs and flies into rage because Mary has the doll carriage Mary glances walks away and leaves her to nish her tantrum by herself It is real advantage for child ren to have opportunities of learn ing how to get along with other boys and girb their own age The first days at school are much easier for the child who has had play mates Parents can help children to make friends by pro viding place to play out doors and in the house play material sufficient but not too much over sight of their activitiesand last but not least by being pleasant to their childrens chums and sur prising them with occasional treat of something good to eatapples fruit milk and cookies One ol the common sign of adolescence is withdrawal from the companionship of the family and seeking of good times with other teen aura No longer do family excursions or treats have the attraction which they once had The Collegiate boy or girl feels that bcrnustje free to and his own friends and follow the hobbies which interest him depend just on childs IQ of work where they must deal often pics interest mainly with associates every stage in life enriches it loneliness Copyright PHELPSTON Michael MeAuliff Durham the weekend in Windsor daughter Marie and Mia mimic of Lon brunchltlcn thWNolr at her chums display of temper and then their Success in adult life does not Intellectually bright children who have not learned to give and take in play with their friends will be miserable failures in many fypes with other people From school days to the end of life most peo and affection lie in their own age group Friendship at Parents can help their children to make friends and thus prevent the unhappinesswhich corms from cMr and Mrs Leo McLaughlm and Miami Mrs Kenny at tended the funeral of their uncle rm and Mrs John mom and Mr and Mrs Bernard Loftus spent Mr and Mn Charlie Morrow of Qrll iliLlllss 23 Connor D21 rx in tlecll3 rm xiix1iiniltl 131 11 yo rf 365 luEl stout 153 MONARCH Refrigeration Co llii Ilunlop St Barrie PHONE 3039 sccrriill ding lhc TlitZl 1m 11 lt the Chum maul1 yei rlun2 l1l llk W5 of SHAW INSTINCT LAGER 54 Dunlap 8L Bdrm l1 rn lllJVt lilo stand 11111v iv uni ELIE NE 4760 dt vir 80 11 1l1 nmn as ururi our in flaw Xrtllaal lTVu lllllutll am now attending and in my preparalzon for unwor srly was told how lLClllltS would be givun and rmny other phases vNORWlCH UNlON Uf CUlltgt lllk But the biggest ff thrill got was when 110 whole lt student section football game would yell with all 11m might and the cheer lcaders 10b 715 made Lirrtgiriitively e1=y The some is true in the stintin of hymns and school songs on spec ial uccaswns All this is whom Spirit No the fault is not entirely all the principals think the stu dents of BDCI can help themselves in the drive for an increase in Crawford Co Est 1919 MEMBERS 1111 TORONTO STUCK itxtlurvuz Government Munlclpll 3111 Crrnorulluu Securities 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 school spirit by getting the Stu den CUlInCIl Wour council to go Dinct Wires or or you The Student Council is the governing body of are NO odd sometimes you Wonder how muchyobr can stand MOI ER Look at the strain and noise you put up with on an average day From early till late your children are on the goplaying shouting sometimes ghting and crying Nothing wrong with that but it does get on your nerves because YOUR NERVES ARE nor MADE or STEEL The telephone jars you the doorbell rings meals to sound dishes to wash laundry to do and house to cleanYoure busy woman No wonder you get tensettircd rundovm and irritable Youre humrm YOUR NERVES ARE NOT MADE OF STEEb DAD Look at the turmoil and confusion facing 11011 on an average day People to sec or rush work to do The oice is noisy or machine breaks down Arid personal rlringswihc kitchen taps leaking the coal bins low the youngster needs glassesand the carnecds repairs And money Theres more going out than more iscoming in No wonder your head feels likeua rlvctting machine and the nervous strain is dinlost too much You come home with your stomach in knots and your appetite pone Youro human YOUR NERVES ARE NOT MADE OF STEEL When NERVE be You Dawn M9 Relief gill WHAT tor 90 You can at real benet through tho 6week run will Dr CluscsNerv Food his not amcdicinal fadtyou are not experimenting Thousands of Canadian men and women mm you have used this Gchk Plan to ma the awning and fresh outlook 911 lift which they needcd ade or 91551 DonlPulllOff Dont any must do that somedaySiart right now on cont to Dr Chans Nerve Food con ldlng elements found in Vitamin Br bloc and other healthliving Minerals They work Wiltonle you up and siren then your Nerves imllIOVYQlL anal allround calm kip you to get your union rest and for that you were ever ti rundown Ind wall nerves keepingyou on edge mahucmbnlmm bk undo its alwucxs on stem umpw11y baryon young rag your to carry through the 8Week thus enjoy the maximum benefits we What This Plan Can Moan loYou bled with how well you feel am com spent the weekend It mom wVor Iho Kennys mfluurmovltht 1sm11 are limit mm 13185010 Am Rush and newfalinaofcnersy you have um WM Ml awn sheets 111 mil xes or Law 10 kmh atyourworkand to get mllonjwdnnl outow an QM of 1W antldglflrg gaiolteninls at WWW mmswltchms viggzefollzzauspgu ghts NBdl wfvzm the Ilen WhatCrmomMoYou Dr Mr and Mrs Kenny Stephen Co mill gwMTomtorpemm inomowuxs all gt $111111 Stephens Potiowlhodirociipmfm It long magnum ARiub bdsanaucMmobio muusbccmo Mia Wllfrid Mcllaux and mroodmmaloinxmmxogwmwm better feel but in just for day you mummy pointyerw rialwrwwr MiDHURST

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