Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1953, p. 8

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mm mmztt txikr IIJ innit the 15SItlll tl thrzt lull tzll MAY l3 wwwnlr In hue ELKKI Ylilzlrlilll tilt mm at lilx lttll Flirt 2gtngtltl llttll glziltlixmlztrztod at this rmx ltnl inttni in mm lht Uplt IRIIUII HI tho lmtl on thumbs on it tfwo vl wry wmonztl Illllllh in than tlii cvcry mllmn is aIItClHI lht modc hy those who wall 2w zit eltmnt in our Town Council the Baltic altar Sthwl Board and llw Phillie Uttlillrn ttvltttttlminlr llil wot Wt will have thrive rzunnllts ul 2hr Sylmol Board due to tho rcslnnzitlmi at Newton who would also he complct out his twoyear term at olth it he had continth with the board until the and of lllt year and the tort that both the Chair man Gable and in Juhnxton haw completed thmr Terms of Ollllt we itltltlz Sn lnr ltl tltr llt ls concerned thvrv will lw mic vacancy Mr Justice Stewart has lrltuqulxlwd his position due to his CII lion to the Btltlll of Ilt Supreme tourl of Ontario Robertson llwrhnlrmun has our year to run Indications are that thew should bv some my lnlvrostlng developmcnts whrrv thv lnnn tmmrll pooltlons arc mtncrnvd llicrc Ilttlc douht that the porsons who erc in those IIIINS never revolve lln trin rrvdll tor the sacrtllrcs they malt in Illltl llumr lite and their hustnessrs to attend to the lluutxll of our town llnlrs IS publhksplrlted activity of thc nights ottirr It lx tribute to thc work of individuals that they metro noctunmtlons to different civic posts to the nizuorltv of cases but all too ottrn it is reflection on the interest of other citizens timothy of people in tho town who how deep lutcrest in the functioning of this nmntclpallty Iel that it would be it good thing If we had elrctlons for each poxltiou There is only one wnv that this can be uhlctcd through other citizenx throwing thctr hat into the election rlng to man contest But what does such pllbllosplrltcd mem ber 01 our community fore it he or stir mans the decision to run for otticc It means long and often thorium hours Spent on micty of problems being nu intently open to criticinn and being seldom anywth for the work done Howerm it also others the mustache of doing mine thlng of vital importance to the community and ones fellowmen The work of Dovrn Council particulmh otters wide scope for tho lntemstl chmn Thr ml of the PUG is also no importmit factor in the towns operation Eqnally so is that ol the School Board The education of oitrrhihiren is something with which we are allimmoerned and one cannot over33m the immanoe of the work of our school trnsnofi Rmmmteir in the past 159 how had good turn and women to run the affairs of our tom Blow as the nomination date dmwslmoidls clwit is time for oil chums to review the situation as it appears to them to nuke the whether they will accent them330ml 15 tilting these mm but to all to make sure tho they do take an attire intews in that is inrole in our forthcmng elec tioni Editorial Notes union that depends somuch on Wmdenmmmmgetnngon mmmwmhwgireser Norm mmmuhighmme marten torsmt Mmm 8311133 lime amieanummmmmm If Canada offering cutrate bargains to Bulain allipimte mm mm tax The Jaycecs and the al IIitl liltil plnnta ald tddllltlln Milli ltutr l17td 343011 lath Ixl 3i ltlllillllllx ILln Lani Ilcrflzi IT llll Ml wt mtzmntw rle 19 um mat pm tlil rtacult For Parents Onlx Ill 2953 Iron llttlllllll txlvitlAlHIl llmtl ml Iller lltli Ilt Mtllllkl bigoltsl your ilIXtY Top Vhlll 34000 new jobs were tltzlomhlzzilvly mast of thine plzlnls swim to lllt lurgtl HIPS of mill IIlt xllllllitl towns still lv trlvnn only Illllhlt titsllllv tho ttll for tltxvlllltlllAllell ml llllllblly ltftllt ltt txtm Muir im 1932 IItLlltiI tlzl UltlJrlo llt lll ttll Mix HlIIII Ill2 Llttl lllI lnztuzlc in WV Ivlz ln Any man who llle run for lrosldint oi the lllllttl thltvs llt mull tn crowds Wtndcll Willkie IIk uIl lltll limit lui only 1101 lllrlsH 105 Ar Rlhlclgt mml TIILW pmnm vl of lllv Szltplmnt or flllunll lmtilrtw tfll lllllll1 lht tIllllllltS in Qlittll Elizabeths llllts huvv lvd to tlmngrs tlso in the Inscriptions tIZI ilrltlxh Coins The Lllllll abbreviation Britt Ulnn nil tilmmlmr from Unltvd Kingdom volume lltXl your Instcad tllv Qllttll nll bl tltstllhml Sllllll 15 Ellzubvlll II 1ch LimitJ Regina Thr ltllms FD tlclmdcr ul lhv lulthl WlII he lddtd on hut tllc ltzllltltll IIrIlllgt INtn inking lulx utltzrlll llml tllltltllxl on ut xscthllng IllIIt out huntlrrl Vll Uh mt what lItllVallI llllIt lwnnlc turn from Illtlll llu popular of IUIKIHIl Itiillll hm mwn slfmbly lll nvvr the mild ullutla lllllltli intl with IIlt lltltiisl of 15 rcvlkcuon lulu ltlllllllt llitl lCILIl IIIIII III ltxttl at ll mi limit II utml ll it in Phi 111m III Ilt LlLll Itll ll 111 ylnx of Im1 YV Aim rm llusc llt Sumo uludinn rt taller in including The National Art Lillrry ul Knuth it UthJ hun colored rcproductimxs uilnbk or hrislnLLS grecL hip These prints can be tted to rcd or green ronxlrucllun punr Especially attractive uletidc Greetings er thr Iol oung Nation Lilkry Irinls Llrrnn LignunVilhgc ill tlu Iiurrntitn luuntuinsf Llil 11nd lhtltulunrv ul lllmqmzx partmush 5mm Ill There is willidlpllIc IltIIl er the rst hrlxtmlu mm tlllliiltil hn up it skiItll tlrann In LII lh thl tum nwr ll mx mm Ilulnon in Member pm Ulll blIIUII00II men symbolned the xpinl nl IJurwe Jrri Snowy NIT1 ik INNu Il lll Ltlll tXtlSt lll IIIISIIIIJYI or IIIIIWFIIIS crcI Mm uurnln Hybku tll Ilh llllillJSt llll0 llld tvlmlsim dlt tor originating1 IIIIIIIL umlrnimfr Mum Illllllllitlll lln Zl scheme mat be less card should go to Ilorslcy painful llllll lllo um Ham mouse f6 bm who too JIS later sent an rlahorulc curd to his friends gtl cultstt tzxf lKIllkl should ll costs the taxpayer own more Suns Th tltlllll Sltndurd lrmholdtl Thm hzul Iuo allegorical dcslgm gnaw fme OPINIONS OF OTHERS lttro tf lug lubed mm Emup mv out lion Call LKS be cu gathered around the tire Mn Mm 113 cttvlwlo ml still your rr loo Illt this shinning needy elk Minx HI 11nmnvrysh Fig my of llv other tltszgr which tit in uur lair hle lio the lll ivy vvrc il lnrly lxituns Those Coronation Medals tlxiltil2r 3lcsntaztl 0cm lv palxml or some VNRS VlcLUS new then by lllx illlxhllt IO WPNz AM of lame loml personageshumans Candles new no nan rx1d the Coromtion Medal in hirwhultdreds cl VLJIS 32 04 Que Minot11h lurch eelltgt 31h CW 163 110 hu lxwu hon31W oftti but tun Ii lzttil he had the list for this awn ind lltd 13 haw tornardw request to lhiS lzitorzitatlonIthcir umsh ttnl netxu oi MAN Otme at Ottawa and ems The Chriamns Zttt reply Vzlhin few days qunell in Ge rhn our point of tzxd lid of our ieadclsqzns on lxgzvtntx that the respon ornard puolzcalmi is soon as the i$ crc hristnux cards with infer ltilmilli ex ml snapshots of the family are 43 mil quite popular especially with 95 older relativcs They are al TII Chrls ways amazed to see how much like the children have grown can Hum Trm the Billie to Eng ttl 23 xi from an the names red crl grcezt makes rezty contrast 11 child hag ed block il or to write in 931001 to send lltlli xotcxrithtlm tmas cards those who lxntiiltbc means so nw pecially grandparents know not they are loved and remem SEYCP is no lab for mimic The izzxlnls 313w are ewtptmnalir heau 1292 and thaw 121w ecezwd them certslnlv all unsure that 11162293105 tf IllSZIIIl31C ng $331012 tint3 es of friendship tCooyrlghzl Interested in Science zitssGazettel aroused by the announco P32ie 13 the Duke lidinhnrgh 1219 is to rm Canada next summer There is xzzze guriirularo the purpose be hmd his r3 SSZSlexi that he intend to at tendfthe 31 mature Games in Vancouver but that Seem he secondary reason His real pur lme 15 to look over the industrial development in Canadas northland It would appear lwn 2325 that there are no diplmiati wants for the Duke coming to Canada biz tho he rzll be doing something that he himself em we Ngresentatires of decade to do During the iSit made to Canadagmumcipa council an chelt 111 i362 he was able to see but glimpse of moo wanna in Xenia gimme potentialiues oi Canadas resources and iudus Swami the move Med New he wants close look He wants to Reeve See the gm aluminum plants British Colum fvevw 33 v5 his and the uranium mining villages in the North 13 $33112 W65 Territories He wants to see the places and was plants where the tomes all science are translahngb bu on which ml the taxing of entire woodlth cowards natural Itsnarms into mazeriais for the benet ofago mankind With an in Ltiri Vania in 155aj fa wig am It would pg ner all lumberg duties as cizizeri me Duke Edinburgh in 2953 when en Wm WFNW Gwrge Johnston nLKJ lszated Reevei GQIOZL Mr Johnston coneob 1900 acts in the Minesing 5135 29 3mm Amocjation for the Advancement waned his hearers by his profonnd subjects It was obvious prey than considerable stair an he deed 3903 zzecested in what octane badto oe wmcm $9336 mm me meet cf the world that same letters inimg he 931 39 me do marinas betmmm Sam Fee But unnamed Reeve Canton unfortunately we have babe was he made in 2931 along with the Princes men Simcoe County who 323 she than will be little 03330 consenaon 00232301 ma the he will spend hee ins strip the land of Ben temsemmhnsmzhatofmuamngma moan 3252 and 33 $33 hand with the do rte madame Ree 0033 wkgmem of Ws gum natural mm Andwhaa he remainagain lumber we 93 Ss will Ea him 30m WI 35 1ch had mv 133331 swine his male of cemort to on 2an 13 Se Emma 3393 ragweed and first sou2 oz Orr Lake believe it would be good has for Comm on to 22 9th council that we eel somel ratziczioa is desirable Ganl eu earlier marinaded ivlv lanusesmeyolaynxxiedt gone and Fi wreath made by the Marmara lands and Forest lAsks Commission ElIali WOOdVSIrip LARGE TURNOUT Simcoe County Counczl rzll beg Iasked next year to to diet agar the demabilxty of in 51113 ting restrictzons on noodles 39 3933 COLD ATERszng to cola fig e163 ram iecnesaay mornzng we us ooh Conthmu service rangep Hall nleeting 35333 Beach Risen inlews than from cu where command of Beth Brown the Legion and Legion Auxiliary pended the hall whore ervice was conducted by Rev Crave Fainalley memorial adstS and said none died for 55 He quoted colns Genysburg addres mm 2552 honored dead we take 015 of next sunmer will be different Public School vleuc oi zillproxzmdlcy 3300009 highly wreaths on the platform square miles beard Christmas carols keep the rst from growing on length cf citizens at Rev Run Cunning delivered as should eve hemmevvpeacetime down on 03 if we wish to honor the heroes who tough and item Abram Lin Tha CBC TO COVER ROYAL VlSlT TO JAMAICA lt IBI tltn IUUAIIC if 11 Orillia ProPses Build 3Rm two of lhc anytr ll lht Addition of Ill muru moon in tlllill latluilv schuul icxillltiliihly lt=ll be Sought the SCIIUHI INLIIII Fund With writing Shortl ago of cluxxmmn acculnmodutloill Within llu mt few LLIIS llllILx buxldlng program l5 Shifted the wilful racking IIIt approval of PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS RISTRKH MM LAREN HAIYEIED ACCOUNTANT 61 IAKRIE AKTNII MerAREN BCOBL LA USERS Th umsm MLlLPAL AJDITOS BADOLEY YBll Ptttliflkhr Duntca SI last Tongmmo I733 HERBERT HARRIS Anouzttlau lnlzl Inrna Ufltcs Equm Thriller LS7 Rexzrm Partner KIDNAI CIA ARTHUR POWELL CHARTERED ACCOUIVIANT Dunlap Eat larch Trlcnhonl ml tn Con Stmt mcm 0r PIANO granola Pun anond for unnum llonl ma Royl munnurr llorcnto all um autumn guodam Methods gsrudio If ludfonl It WARREN MatLEAN EMT ROSE HARRISON CHARTER ACCULNIAIIS SAMUEL ROSE CJl SAMUEL HAKlISON CA Phonu CM MUSIC LESSONf JESSIE IL BRYSON RMT 8130150 and 303 an BLOOD ORGANISI PUNXBI Central Unlud Church rumor of Puma Organ 3nd Emu Teluxhana 285 Res 183 Owen St Apt OPTOMETRY Barrio Town Louzml the Dupdrlllttlll ol MAURICE BARRE FAAA the Onlarlo debenturet Educntlon and Ialtl Municipal Board for The money vlll bc ttSed In huxld new eighbnom school 11 South Ward and tinWhom ltItIlllUIl to Mount Slum School At pnSLntl the board is lttgtlilullng for tho lutrcfimv of some property as Stir for the proposed new school ltcrcasvd devotion to that IlllStr for which they gave the last full mensun of dmotlon that we here resolve that lhisc dead shall not have dltd 2n llt The program inclrled two min ulti of Silence dlrlg at Last Post and Reveille Scripture rcad tags and hymns and placmg of TINY COUNTRY The Grand of Luxem bourg in Western urope big pro ducer of iron and steel covers 999 non um 15 SImm SE OPIOMETIUBT Dunlap st East Suits 11 name But side at Dominion stor son 2963 Iler 053 And try unpaintan Inrrio JOHNSTON OPTOMKYRIBI Ollie Noun Closed Saturday Afternoon ROBERT emu mm om Dunlon st East Phone 15 Bodedly NOEL BIIPEENBON IU ONOMKTRIBI human East Barri Phono 4201 mm LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED mm ammununlundonuhwm mum WmdmmmPmMI rst mm 531 or Representh London LUe Insurance Co Close Comm FIle WIN won LIFI mum NullI Collar 52 509 his Barrio LEGAL BOYH SLAIPRBLM 30 Ptg Cl r5lI$ Id 1U Ofcz Owe 311 xff Hz IOYS QC ROWE QC SEAGRA OWAN COWAN IJvruun SuI Nauru Cog112 Elsa at to Moziny Lu Pruu Huts Cs4n COWAN BUILDING Muhi lr LIHN Inrns Ont GLADSTONE CBRIE QC ldrnstur and Scimitar MONEY lt LOAN 57 Dunloa St Eat Burl Phcnc 111 DONALD MuhABEN QC Enniszer BCutlICL Mot on Insomc Tamale Buddmg Burl um JOHN ITON BEL BJrratrr Soluulor Nutgry 31 Dunlop St Room IANRIE PHONE 5822 HEBER SMITH Butteuser to DUNCAN MCCUAIG Barrider Solicitor tn llock Ian Pncn 2n VETERINARY DB FITESIING IXKRINARIAN Ind SURGE Flinn 4545 DB SPEARIN 1mmARIAN Ind EURO Stall 5L Iarri IRON =3 OSTEOPATHY Ron WILSON IIOPITHIC AND AITNIIH CLINIC WILSON IUILDINO VSTAFF EDWIN WILSON BSA 90 IAURICE MURDOCK 00 TELEPHONE 2283 CHIROPRACTOR GEO ELSIE BURNS DIO canPd Druelesn TharDuh luctrlc Radio Hydro and Mechuno Thuran 115 Dunlap St East IAIIII Hash III II TUCK DC DOCTOR 0F CHIROPRACTIC 11 0mm Streak Phono III XRAY Residence 5845 Successor to Corbett D0 JAMES VEITCEI 00 DOCIOR OP CHIROPRACTIO By Appointment PHONE 2538 19 55 Road Allandalj BARRIE DANCING ACADEMY 5t Jounhl Auditorium Phonu mu RAD BalletPupils prepared for exumu Tan Ballroom Character Adult Limingmm Clasua SBONS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Youdan have lormalt your gal choice today 0U KNOW you ought to be buying MORE Life Insurancebut youre hesitang because youre not too sure about the future 23gt wen here 15 THE PLANE youA policy of PERMANENT not Term Insurance with convertible options 23gt Take youngan of 20 for example He gets$500000 Inmanclor an annual premium of $8505 or $750 monthly cm was man now he can decide definitely WHICH plan he wants QRDINARY LIFEby some premium TWENTYPAY LIFEby increasing the Annqu premilim to $15620 for next 15m only 9mm PAIDUP AT AGE BSby increasing the Ammo premium to $9175 until Age 65 no morov payments alter anthemr At no 651 increasing the Annual premium to $10835 and the policy nmture I0 5550000011 Age 65 rws DIVIDENDS on PLAN QQQCQP mm ammo mum cp hmiIImhhu matcw m9 war mmwmwmm uummm LQgqyVQJ lemma oimm twang totmu

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