Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1953, p. 24

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SOME CORNER OF FORElGN FIELD cmsuuasr Harold Hill if H5 In eortless driving us Aimed re the demonstration PlYMllliT with illDRIVE NilSHIFT PUWER Elliott GARAGE SHOWROOZ 55 DYNLUP STREET vl tc on hand who is townie gt WVI improving Alter an P$ 11 Home On llUildLl3 All ltxzi lm iiiics Siliu2 xix llic actual 1s and Don Mew luv 15x ill Indian coll Attended Funeral In Gurlph llfpiutl9f HEN glyuinxs lEitYlllillll boutl their htadb flowering shrubs and trees have been planted mid from 31 15 lliitiiimggd fil iill ill szlcnt tribute to the nations war dead at ii in today bloom along the rows of headstones and the narrow grass Dr Palcliell 1i abo ll thiir trip hi Ittiitlliiitlil illt were honoring the men who paid the supreme paths between More than 1090000 Commonwealth Stlltlt and llltilltll ill Pk 15 fl tire in war and remembering the graves ill which thty 11L mm ppmN b01100 and wrong of mom Canadmn he MM hhili1rim formers NIISIH MU FCIHCHILM of bicwh 511 iyyi Those craves with their white crosses or simple neadstoll buried lll 16000 cemeteries iii more than 100 countries Quill and dhunhl Rmkmm lvllviiltfgifll12lllcltlllll lilfliilllitki es iiest11lltrcrl throughout the world but the nlillOTin 0f Many thousands more who were buried at sea or listed as him own vobrk 14 ml minim Memo31 imo asked lo limp Canadians killed in action overseas are buried in cenieter Missing in Home have no known grantee The work of his no if bthy begging if Em Ermiy My VIEW Wilson 503 ics in Italy Holland France and Korea Loviiigly the grave tracing the missing still goes on Canadian war graves in lgflllpli giid ynml kgludllllluilitigllghuEvholldlgln126 an honored and tended by the people of the lliCCOllllerltIS are shown in the above photo by the Depart by umng main used Mrs yon Sign 151 hm This mmmwd Mr iii which they lie and by members of the Impcria dl ment of hatioiial DefeiiceaUpper lett Dieppe upper right yirllLLlL5 Iilarionhlzmnins 15 scum Headstones or crosses millklllll Holland bottom left to right Italy Korea and the Can gt5 to make at day for Elmvzilv where she will mutiny and Mrs Kidd and was Graves Commission lSll 110 mew Mrs uizton Tlilc0tlll by Mrs Monkmiin Alter Um no rho badge name rank unit late of death and adiaii War Memorial at Viniy Ridge France masterpiece Willi food and you lil be ible to trike food home from and Tm 1an awe of the fallen servicemen 111 all military cemeteries mm mm The be Ridmrd mung innt wuimu germ lunch and SUCH Incl Hd 77WWv drum for the children We want 19 at 513301531 Talfmzmlgio whiz limp spent the weektnd With their par Cookstown for the animal District if3mintbizaflhmigacigg 101 mnbmok Veda cnts Mr and Mrs Camlibcll Agricultural iaii meeting Orgqhisuad CWCCILH Aida0 1131 or 11L Mis Mel Rowat spent the wcck Mr and Mrs Norman RObtllClld nmlbm come tO LSITMTC 11 19PLMOIETH rV an TS 0111s end iilli friends at Niagara FillltiPelictzing spent Sunday with Mrs be 5m for 30 bb3 mbndge 59 Detroit and Mr and Mrs gm St Johns Meeting Queqwuc Alex MCAUIC 15 Charge of the 1952 PLYMOUTH ford Coulis and daughter Barbara The members of St Johns Any my 0m miscellaneous display at Ma le ware visitor on Frlll Ch mg bmm Uh 99 uh WA Cllcrlallltd Mr and Mrs Black and bum mg page midal Couple 1951 DODGE With Mr and Mrs Richard Coutls Pinkerton WA the Presbyterian MU in 011 v1 hlnivale and Allenwood Mens 01 cd make this cooking school such til ld 01 Thursday evening friends Regent Sedan md Umd Chmh membc kmg 13gti weekend the guests of Mr Ll uppu tm md neighbor heer at Mr 19 Mr medufu 120 Slum the WA and WMS at their niisi0ri very successful evening spun Succmb and Mrs lmmux Black and of the season On Thursday CWH LCemc Dwinw1 to honor PREFECT 1de home wodncgday by TCA liunli Illliily eveningWW1 by mm Immut pcns Business Vllv thelt Illlllltittl l9 Vtddm Joan Chughi and Mrs Len Dwimiell nee Mary bedIn Nov The special spoaker Miss of ElillVlllv was enjoyed by John Mun Midland owned Mr mack mu Miss Jen sptiikcr uds Rev eynu Bll Tum with miscellaneous 1931 VANGUARD attcrsoending spleral weeks Vlbll Frances Hawkins missionary Lum ciuwd on Monday night at men wear hm 0n NW in no Earl Sammy Chum DD 191 The mun am recap Sedan ingln Vlflorla BC and other from Japan now on furlough Community Hall wlicii the cook McKay5 building adjoining the United Church Ottawa mahv lovly 32d gem gum 1950 CHEVROLET es crn c1 res showed slides and gave an inter ing school was put on by the lCA hamwarc Store Mm George Dickinson is spend iobby lialr Thoge who awch with the gms Coach Sm Sums csting talk of her work in the through 10 1031 represemanvc Eng the week with he 5014143 Comldemble new Relphlwmw MN Sign Kidd Audrey 1950 METEOR Sundm vigitor mm md schools in Japan where she was Fred Griffis The stage was luslc Patient In Hospital and daunhm ML and Mr Don 5mm 193 1C Fl SMrCtlSmnh an Edm Trew Mr and Mrs Kcllogg was Miss Mir atmmd RW and my dcwmcd and me from or Mr Amuld is mfmg L85 Hamill0 aHaIiIIObsgbngiilcld Irs Dwinncll replied very tting 1953 001an ii Donaldson the hall prcsciitcd very tine IP the Royal Victoria Hospita ar gulfdaiiitlilflhsl UgollisiCHslrlilelLl Sill paniedby ClRSllCtily Esra warnnmi With shining mm ViShhCr aSpuedy Tm splziit Asliiiidglbiwiilih idlililttikvlelsnjli higiiwllunlibblgfhilzmlgsplc031n iglcmlagiegerrjcil ataxia sedan washer5 clothes driers and Stoves my 1949 CllEvoLET Shepherd at the morning SCercQ DIdllO and Yonigcruhrs supplivd for me SL Johns Annivemiy Sctvices Hamilton vcncr of the iieodleciail is having mkn Club Coupe at the United Church Royal Black Preceptory school by the Frigidaire Company The let zinnivcrsarsVichlliiss 11Cillla IQucsneltlle 5pch the guilliougrlgcheltn tgllglliimlgrilliilgll 1948 CHRYSLER In lowl lbuppcr T0211 IEltnctidle ltlnlglg Etltliiy1lLtlilJil tlziLtlritliclllillt10ci leJJCiLEu kllclyLIAWECIgz gttahcgnghlul ltl mo lLl and knitting Mrs lliscv hagal Windsor Sedan radio St nS An ican hurci an oya BC Pinkerton ladiesgarc non plahnin NOW Will an cnjovablc turkey Gerald Grosiiip the man Wilt nolds conducted the services 1113 Mr and Mrs Frank Roberts and Egoiulssplfgdoiohoggv igibgrgs 19439RYSEER la and W10 hurch was beautifully lCCOliltt Janice Toronto merit the week sor Se an or their annual fowl supper at dm hon their WWCS WW9 IGA gma done she will be working rug at 19 low ha WCGlICSdy NW The SPCFal Speaker was Mr Harp lblartlfziiis 12 idlidfdedtbymitlil if lhlrrgsaidldouiiiiiii1 end with MlbWllhdm Rmw the Hemn campbcu i5 plan lullQHEYSLER 18 The entertainment Will bca onua in and he the 00k T310 bsugkots of flowers were pm Mrs Sims Whitby spenl ping on setting up an oldfashion oupe threead play Damsels Dls tl it wisdom and and Mrs few days 1101 Patents Mr ed room of antiques and there 19 PLIMOUT tress pm on by ManSeld ihdlgiiilziil Iuitllv Ciplblt mube gisllgeiniiiid tyrankrBishop form and Mm Thomas COOP 511011 be 1015 Of Pieces Nan Special Deluxe Sedan ST lfnCleClllUlllLS Ml Gioshii ii er mcriilicis by Mrs Bisliop Mrs Jones he 59 Be Roberts is in Charge thery 1947 MONARCH Rev e13 oAPfynePgis yth trounced the lady in charge of the and Mn LilCd Wedgie The and fe 590m Sulduy Mrs have rge try She Sedan he th Si cooking SChUUI Miss Jefferson has them in the morning was Lord Jones 11 have handy or clay for 1946 MERCURY isheixe lighters On th evinimim 31630 VLW Dimming ilelsonillily 21nd How Manifold Are Thy WUFRS Miss Ann Ritchie Spent the you After twcl 1th athlealmerl swan tom them rmrogemauv 210 made many and varied tasty and the soloist Mervyn Corbett weekend with MR and Mrs Ron iaklng 11 pamhggdi ocat 1940 CHRYSLER NIr Wh mime the Grct Ch 81 052 dishes and showed new ways to sang The Stranger of Galilee Ritchie Toronto 55 wgastirgese 815 mi aymfd Coach tamuy who have beg msitimg in Slmme Deanery hold at VSL Faun scivcvtliiizs llltzsexthwliltl labile spzcialthgiesgicrhgv 131m BurtlsGidhlm is spending the women who prefer wood makmg 1938 PLYMOUTH Angus for two years have moved Mono East We enjoyed splendid dMlIULxnc Manning End MISS G01 week wth dalghk mvTor have not been forgotten Evelyn coupe Arnup delivered very impress ive message Why Go To Church At the evening service Jack Whiteld rendered the solo If With All Your Hearts and the anthems were Lord for Thy Ten dcr Marcys Sake and Holy Fa ther Cheer Our Way Dr Ainup gave very interesting address The Land 01 the Humming Bird on the building up of church and about Trinidad The church was lled for both services with members and friends from the sis ter churches and district Weekend Guests 0m and WGSFOW Trace is the convener Through the school Mr Hoote is rounding Agricultural Fair Meeting up the childrenS hoggbies see On Thursday Miss Alice Smith what their interests are There Mrs Jones Mrs Terry should be big display of ships Mrs Wallace Reg Bertram aeroplanes collections of stamps and Harvey Rowlcy were in anddolls The Simcoe Arts and back to the village and are occupy mm Stened WOMEN ad don Mills assisting her she made ing the house vacated by Rev and dress b3 Miss 3935 Qum form soup cooked and garnished Mrs LeWiS or Arcnc Fissmnary ember wonderful looking ham made pics Dr Charles Carr who has beenThls WWW an hsmry 35 minccmcat and ice cream eclairs in Hamilton for some time Spent was thehrst occaston when ladies cooked vegetables and made won the weekend at his home in town wereled amend The 598 dcrtul dessert called baked Alas functlon Will be held at Thornton kg and an the time enlivened the Returned From Hospital evening with her clever little jokes Mrs Thomas Williams has rc and cgmmentaries The large give turncd home after ing patient away prize was g1 Mixmaster won in Stevenson Mcm rial Hospital by Mrs Homcr Spring Wycvale Alliston for tendays Amusement was created by good natured group of ladies who volunteered as pet lovers and found they were expected to bark like cockcr spaniels Mrs Smelling se i1952 FARGO losiidiioiiiigisor mam Misslon In Progress During this week mission is in progress at Stroud Hall The gath erings have been well attended but too many people yet have not attended ton Express 1950 DODGE ton Express 1950 CHEVROLET Home Nursing Class you are interested in class in home nursing given by the Cralgvllle Lodge Craigville Lodge kept the Fifth Red Cross Society litter the New was cprizc winner but an the Miss JOyBertram Toronto and Year please contact Mrs Don 0mm er WM year ladies got pliZC of Robin Hood Ml 39d Mls Adams and Jlmmlev to Stake Montrman so plans for organization at Paws When the WA oats Special prizes weie won as Mmesmgv were Sunday guests 1949 GMC can be made pared very excellent meal La follows cooked hum Mm Me Mr Valld Mrs Reg Bertram on panel and Chm WA MC zzirsowlegpgtniglggesmglmgcrz Cullough baked Alaska Mrs behalismffyelgsagilfy IgsgmltleitsyTSzlnntl 1946 FARGO Ritchie cook book Mis Temple ton Panel 1946MERCURY some excellent National Film The United ChurCh WA met in Mrs Donald Frcnch won the hhae Sundaiy Sclgol rogm Tufts Board ImOViCS French fryer thatGwaslfo comps it can Express even OVem Cl tion at Griffis as mon 24 members and four visitors prcs my Large bags of groceries were won ONLY 1946 INTERNATIONAL out The meeting opened with mm the AYE by Mrs Smith Mrs Ritchie K6 cab and chassis the president Mrs Wilsonin the or wiry succfmsml Hallowe 93 Betty Tripp Mrs McKnight Mrs TERMS As chair Mm Kellogg pianist and Party ls sold the hall was Storeyl Mrs Mins Mm Kim Mrs Corrigan secretary in the ever before we decmald berlcy MIS RoWat Mrs Hart OW AS With Power Sundn evenin AY ld no bus assert ei absence MW Halbert Who their 3monthly gevdtiinnl sariliece gffgrtgrwichlszi siieacigf 01m $32 WEEKLY mow 1945 DODGE ill Afterthe opening hymn Rev Kellogg led in prayer The scripture was taken by Mrs Westr lake and the lesson thought and prayer by Mrs kindle 24 sick calls were made Rports were school bus 25 pussenger Both finished in school bus colors and at short fireside Allan Len nox entertained with educational movies John Fralick who was to have been present lastSunday was unobleto be present because cake going to Mrs Townes and cooking oil to Mrs Smith Everyone present was presented with small token and recipe sheets Proceeds of the evening will be divided botween the WI lwhile Wail EFfll DIlllX MODE 151 the Stroua Mission Please given by the different committees 0w and the treasurer8 report re the 9r Wncemmts and the Arena and Community we ma up 10w supper on Oct 23 was very We have sccurchthc date Nov Hull th WI thank Who hell types of keys lm CIR 30 to have missionary come into the parish Please be on the watch for further news 0n Hallowoen night small party for the local children was held in the Church Hall more happy to relate that the children around St Paulsucted like good grottfytng Everyone was pleased with the results One quill was lobe Quilted as soon ml pbssttile The election of ofcers takes place autheDecember meeting and the 10110th ladieswere named as nominal committee Mrs Glass Mn Kidd and Mrs Farts The Mghtmhwmulmolat n0ndyooooldpMQM hutu homodoy bumbwmltvdollond is tomihbwunp than any other typo of oilMW Easily MIL hafnium Nntslto6mm iqutwvo fewer lbw owth at Game Fisheries Act DID YOU KNOW that It is contrary to the tuition sr 3mm wln not and regulations to taker kill or attempt to IDEA WA atware kindly invited to Canadians We have not heard go yenhnly he 53m mil extra cost 3t Johnll Anglican Church moiety of any bad tricks Thank you Pom In on Frill The meeting closed children In Sewmg CC wk hymn and Mtzpoh bene Visits Dali liter WE AEEAUIHORIZED Elna sows better dorm cooks and mm wu ht convner mm Bme ISSUE UNT 53 oifened with WWW day the mm uy iname FISHING AND GUN BUY NOW AND ifniiim dfw more maa Mil mm Barrie has war an tenorin mums been with tier dapahter Mrs Jonah Puttiand family while Mr 019 REE CT NOW Th to tell dtdmlh 3mm pg bsqund ms $1 01 Motion amour Ancient 30mph law protect any area contolutnilumnnumentl of the dud Wlhjftlllmill reverence Cm 80 Owen St nitric Phonon to utter HARDWARE Phone 2555 rmlllbm JewelFans s7 momma mama DIAMOND Mencllmrs room 3432

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