Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1953, p. 12

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inmmwmmwv Wt cagt for j1gt1 Leannrig During this tmk 21 tence proicr Nat liy 11 ics so has likcd the to lllt gt11 hero or 51 countywhat since her or cal evening Nov member of the party that ducted the last of Turkey to the Ex lwsltlcsnp that totka him into at the litsli World War will address the Wovl mens Canadzrzn Club 110x meeting on Wednesday or 151 During thirty years as some andE journalist in the Middle rst Brigadier Cyrzl came friendly esting personalities King Farouk the Shah of Pcrsra FEELING SEEDY How often do you feel so sluggish and hoodschy that you just long for the day to be over You know those days You feel tenthrate from the time you woke up in the morning Every hour seems like two Quite possibly you are suffering tin necessarily If ordinary constipation and sluggish kidneys are preventing proper waste elimination your systeml is slowly being poisoned Thats what usually makes you feel all draggedbut Kruschen Salts are the answer Bel cause they oer the samebenefits asl several famous Mineral Springsl Krusohen Salts are valuable aid because they act two Wayslaxatich and diuretic Kruschen is gentle yet effective laxative and also stimu lates healthy kidney action Buy package today Youll be repnyed with many inter1 hundred times over in relief from the misery of sluggish system KRUSCHEN All DIUG DIES lirzzsdnr meet at the home of Mrs Quilliam bel1tson on Thursday 11 the ncludmg xxxchIl to mLLl 11 Museum at Lcnll Watson square Eccnt of all Canada goilmzn 51 DAISTON Meeting Dnhton io1eri lgt afternoon All numhers Bzi 111p lloi about thc oclock goth Somethin person on my left Current cvenn Refrc merits by Mrs and 0116 LARGEST PROVINCE Quebccs total area of 594000 miles constitutes 15 pcr ERIEIIIRIRE FACTORY AUTHORIZED suns sriivici DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MONARCH Refrigeration to 118 Dunlop St Near Mulcastcr Phone 2059 OPEN FRI TILL 19 pm Li inicinbcr who has rctaincd continu 21th max 11111111111 11 11t 1111 111111 22 GI lilSlil tiered 11 51115 to encour lt to continuc with Pioneer Institute Illitt 11111cr than Vtillltll 111 Ltc Connie branch is one limitcor illgtlllillcgt of 1310 and lnisistziblisiwd 21 Community of partic IlLC linllltl3ll cake in lIllllllcL1ltgt of blue and bearing the Womens Insti motto For Home and Counz t1 that centred the head table in 111 busurxnt of the Community llziil for litbirthday turkey dill ncr 11 cut by one of the most cslccrzzcd Mrs AILx zimpbcll of Guthrie is the only rs icl 11 31111 1c1 lllt2 TS on lllclliilt for the 40 yciirs Viiftne bruncns history Charter Members Other charter nicnibcrs present on Friday werc Mrs Neil MorriE son of Barrie Mrs Henry Mc rile History with Dinner Ilcnd table guests wcrc of Canada zHawkcsionc East Simcoc District decking to serve their community been the liold con lzitlirie who lids isiitutz lnxuilil lili ll ymrs since its foundinz 111 nunml llllilll dinner on Guthrie Branch Marks forty Yearsl SL1 ll attractive aprons and cups Mrs Il tltlnway of list c1 prcsIl of tho Vlrllltl lr Intc who lltcl 141 clings from the Si111 1111 Branch to 1311 illyuan xincli Rcv ll Shannon min yuthzzc Unitcd l1u1ch the toast to thc 111111113115 and Mrs Shan ll llulc of OriElizi whoi rd tic toast to the Guthrie and the Womens lllSlIlllltSl and the world Miss Lois llpshnm from tnc Womens Institute branch 21nd home econl Utillts service of the Ontario Dc 111121 of Agriculture who brought greetings from the prov 111ccarit Mrs Victor OBrien ofl Ll proposed President who brought greetingsl from surrounding branches Proposes Toast As hovpruposed the toast to the charter members Rev Mr Shaun non paid tribute to the lomcnsl l1it1tutc for the grczit social up lift it gives to the community it works in rind serves so well feel Iam in among group of people tonight who are servants You are standing before people today as people who will uphold mat kintiness not only to the communitybut to the countiyat cm of Guthrie Mrs Arthur Ar large yogiWalk file now idlt 1111 gyle of Toronto Mrs John Lee jot Bracebridge Mrs John Capcl of Owen Sound Mrs Gilz clillsl Mrs Campbell Mrsl LNornzzin Campbell Mrs cil MC It was the friendship in the Womens Institute organization that meant so much to the community won with the kindness of the individual members who are try 012111 Mrs Ernest Love and Mrsimg to make it little easier I01 Wzilker Caldwell 11 Guthrie Miss Kay Graham and Mrs John Ansdcll the other two living char tcr manners were unable to be p1cinifor the owning Each of the chartcr members wno occupied aspccial table at the dinner was wearing cor szigc of gold mums tied with blue iiibboih in the Institute colors Presiding over the dinner was Mrs Robert Campbell the anni Zvcrsziry year president who acted gas chairman for the evening gath cring Mrs Howard Campbell dis itrict director was in charge of lariangemcnts for the anniversary celebration Homemaking Club Future Womens Institute mem bers in thepersons of members N3 iooKs Hus cIEAuSIIKE TltEf lll ill iltllitll 1111251 TU 11 UN lyich Ir CANADA Also 11ml Sold Ma the other fellow lifting the load little for people who are down and out The reply to the toast to the lcharter members was mzide by Mrs Ernest Love who recalled the evening in1913 when the Insti tute was organized Twentyeight members joined that rst year For Home and Country We have worked for Home and Country these 40 years said Mrs Robert Campbell the 1953 president as she extended warm welcome to the anniversary dinner guests Referring to the founding of the Institute she remarked that it was very easy for people to join an organization when it was founded but those charter mem NEW MARBLFDSPATTERNS RAINBOW OF COLORS RESHIJ Nrh Sllltltlillt CRACKS LT IFW I33 111 10ch l1 irml wrill Wflll hint LIMITED Morilreol cm onqoliuoi 155$ ONE OI Institute lr Iar1n McC1i11 for lltl 2111111211 1211 14131 Mrs P1 bl of the lam Szizicoc brunch Campbell 111111lr of lilt illlllllt ll11ll Ilivniiizitl11 zMCIVi bruit ii wll 1llll 15 01 El com gt1gtv xl Iyii1 14 vi who stint tl1 1111r111 d1111 11 llldl 1211 I11 wk mam future Institute member iur would be ilwrl 1l11 1i111l11 lll1 s1lv1 tllgtC 1c1 11r111 1111 1m 11nd lo gtlll 1111l 1111 1111l111 Ll ll l1 did ill ls lll =1 1111s1q lily 111 Wk LUULUH new unit for Lllllkllill ivl liit ilcit 11 SilllL IliH 111c1nb niuriy comforts to SUltlltlS suilorsl liltl lllillitti 11crgtcns doing Rcdl Lruw111k and libslgtllll t1c can1 ccr fund TB lllllLS the Sickl Childrens Hospital Royal Victorizi Hospital 21nd Inniswood Lodge tol mention just frw The Institute had sponsored girls club as one of IL most worthwhile projects and yeari ago when Oro Fair cclebraicd its mom anniv rsary Guthrie enteredl the rst prize flOalJllI 1136 camps titions The ladies hard work in cludcs catering for banquets in thc Community Hall Departments Greetings Miss Clipshain lookcd buck ovcr the years to take stock of accom plishments as shc brought grect nigs to the East Simcoc branch She suggested that perhaps one of the chief reasons the Institute had stood the test of time wasl that it stood for ideals that all the members could stand bciiindr and work for together Each individual member has given her best for the betterment of her home and the community the things you have worked for unceasingly It is 21 good time to remember that the Institute isnot alone in its work It is mem ber with well over 1500 in On tario and of the Federated Wom ens Institute of Canada Each of you as Institute members are joined together in fellowship with six million women in 27 different countries working and striving for the same things you are She spoke of the unforgettable experience of attending Canada Day at the recent ACWW confer ence that had made Canadian women feel closer to womenof other lands Broader Community You realized that the meaning of the word community had broad ened and changed through the years Years ago it meant neigh borhood or country Now it goes beyond the boundaries even of our province or our country Now we are all members of world comf munity The toast to the guests was pro posed by Mrs Mel Jamieson sec ond vicepresident Hale 01 Orillia brought greetings from the provincial pres ident Mrs Purcell of Fort WWMIwww iiIIi OLDER members tiiilai William whom he had seenal the CLRNSMRNS LUDGE BlG BAY POINT chne Your lute Now 11111 ll12ltl$ uizisnns 11111113 So Putt Too Small 11 Call MRS WAIGHOR PHONE Silrlll Stroud 11f Guthrie 111i11i was present 11 tile dune 111 Waring 11111112 1111111 liititeiiyerurold ulur ii ili illillfllTS lllh1 lili wroiii 11c111111111111i 1l for the pc1gt1ln 111 lttl for hc Em 11l 11111 to till llllit it personal 1l1Cli loi llicrr room Imut lo Brunch 311i bcci 1111 gt111 lrl the gt4 1111lt1 ttltll 111111 in lllcm II1 lltlbt of 1111 111111111111111 11111v ULRSL HOMEMADL 10 IU 1111 111 l1cr of liu 111111 of E111 112 1101 il rmlh mow Cllud i1i=l knitted item Wm uric Ink thc 11111 c111ni ml 54 ii uni 11 Tus to mind ou cun find s1i mm gtft1 1lll 11i1v n111w 11 llf Kim lipUnfisveooi Rirriicst quurdg 4H1 gm Km lLiltill or practically anyone in agetl Ill 1c 111131111i11n111111 int If he l111gt1gtoci itls club llnl mummy 13 1iynbUISHS gm puny in tlu women who lluil 111i 111 heworld by gum through few three month 1111 llllrllllll llllllllli ric Ilnppy llonicm1kcrs cry Nibmnch mmkmg hard Guthrie Institute Tiic Liltl lamh bllll WIN lt2 mml ably sczvul the delicious dinVGUFHM In mid um Stadium 50111 fillllltltilltilh he fell unil PATTERN FIRMS HAVE BEEN 5111111141111 11111 11l111 Mill hoped thc brunch 11111l1l 1111111111c1mg very nice job megg 13511 to be strong and active 111 Inc its luv years by making nvmlgblo illilllillilillinll lilo lolici trict and lllLIl gt111mn f11 1113 cm to 11111le Huh WWW Hm ILm elcmm xlcndd 11mm which do not trike too much pnst district prcsidciits among 111g gathcring Mrs James lnll of 11 work of the two girls club will p111111111 111 i1 1111 In Iiiilition IIIr pulim Iorrlriiih CUIGWfWPY arid MIS lrtf MRILKJUBlenders Mrs Gerald Rattle and loiilidIIxiiii11 ll11lilil llllltlll 0f Orllllil INN WHEN 5091 Mr Gordon Caldwell as vorkcrsl IHHM Tun Hum lib llHYUOHSUTCY MD HUWlUvlnmnl the scene with the home of Olillizi was also prcscnt making club iililcd through irrhlvnl or llllll smgsong was led by the din lIrlun 1111 710 I1i Iuwml hemiii Birthduy ike ncr convuncr Mrs Howard Camp1 munh1dminiin3111 The large birthday cake that bell centred the hczirl toblc had bccnl The attractive tublc centres were mh lllv made by one of the younger In of rcd bullrushcs murigolds and so Iliszililml lllllll llu guarantor1h stitutc members Mrs James Cnld 111111115 grass dyed in Institute 11m is 1113152 wcll The presidcnt Are Inn 111 11111l ol systciniilu mentioned colors savings plziu ll1It will 111nlcrt vour future conic IIl 11111 Your ConlirlIrnlion 1111111 will 11 glrirl to explain romplclc Ilclziils for you ROTECT THE ONES YOU lOVE life ASSOCIATION For nfnrnmliou Call Hill Representative Caroline Street Barrie THERE IS NONE BETTERI 04 IMR Nov you can have the most effortless parkinggand steering you will find in any car From the moment you start your Dodge engine hydraulic power takes over 45thsof the steering effort You cant imigine how easy It is topaVrkto drive through traffio tocontrol your car on bumpy rutted roads You can turn the wheel with one fingereven when youruDodge is standing still You just slip into high and go You candrive all day without shifting manOeuver through traffic stop for red lights glide off again with smooth silent surge of power You soon forgetaboutgearshift and clutch Theres nothing new to learnLit you wj sh to back up or need extra power when dotting through sand or mildjust shlftfin the familiar way 111mm 1mm 111 11 n1 Co ederationo

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