Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1953, p. 4

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Cw 14 ltiXiirl Nth LNIIIIZII 4ru1 31mm ivniixii HELP WANTED AT ONCE Ill VII IVl ilkSHEET PRICtb In ihosrnmu WANTED METAL 3312 West Prairie 2r3l Cr 64 HOW LV CLERK TI PIDT ff IiIzs LEVITS TRADING Ii3 IilillIIY gt11 30 Memiosoivuge COLORED FLAGSTONE GRAVEL FILL TOP SOIL DELI FRY ANYWHERE DENNIS MORAN Phone 2907 Barrie 7402 Floor Coverings it 111 JII 1m LIVESTOOK FOR SALE1 DbALERS IN TRAMi Hm 1N SCRAP IRON METALS FURS If Iiiitlllillili 113 gross RAGS BATTERIES New RADIO TECHNICIANS EATHERS Ni 11 L7 up 81 11h lions 311111likihliilbunH our uurks can Ruben 91 JtIIlll 1811 Plioltc IIUIIIII prices paid Special prices paid Ii AISLE hill 111 72 Iiorizt Fsl Yard and Office 156 Tlffin St 3aoiso H7 II we 7101111 Iirt Trl if 8117 It Mature 15 13133 Robinson PIIUIZI lll colon 1iin 1O rlilzvcred Phone Barrio Stayner IIJIIl IZI MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY fli tyw CLARKS l4 ligiiiivlil iiivi Harrie IIzi ii1o1 Iutizil Ioczitiou in Flint iovciuius vlLIiIIfIII 1ICNIIIIS vcltozil 51i 40 11311 IILIIII 121s thi SLIM IIKIOivtIII rliulllllliicce IHt Iilllll II Illlllltl IIII Elli 51 Ilitlllt lllilg 3713 Victoria 51 mm Pran 3I17 INIIPIlllOOI iyiwwoier tool or mfoiuungmr 2473311 TRAxspnniAIION rrgutzti to Iiizitiiiiun Iienwiiziiilc Phone JIlll lid 11 1111 111 Ilzlziuc LICENSED Bony 1t1l ed Illllllllllll 8111111 merit In1nrc be Will pay up to rel lc cupczo collect till ol wiiir ford Ontario RECEPTIONIST for tlptnizuiri Office lremote cxpviixiw ii fcried ut not essential Most have typing and be Willi to II on Apply in writing giving age pericncc and salary Xflttlttl Box 61 Barrie Examiner llll YOUNG MEN lclti now to qualify as Radio and Television Technicians or lircltss Operators Government and Industry now pay $219 to $542 monthly depend ing on length of service No experi ence needed to start approved night or daytime courses or study at home with parts supplied Write without obligation for free 40pagc bookletstating age ant education some High School nec 86 Bathurst Street TOronto IIISIs === POSITIONS WANTED QUALIFIED Typist requires IiOnic work Apply Box 70 Barrie Ex aminer 2128130 PROPERTY FOR SALE ROOM Stucco Bungalow with bedrooms Will accept reasonable termsuApply Eaton Angus 16128133 NEW MODERN Bungalow three bedrooms large living room with stone replace dining room and kitchen Large plaster basement suitable for recreation room Near School Phone 5709 16127129 $5500 DOWNRug brick bunga low bedrooms large living room kitchen nicely decorated oil heat ing near school extra large lot landscaped Mortgage arranged Apply Box 56 Barrie Examiner 16126128 IF YOURE looking for well built house apartment upstairs bathrooms oak floors full cellar laundry tub double garage miles south of Barrie on Highway good price for quick sale mortgage ar ranged apply Box Barrie Ex aminer 113128130 RUG BRICK Dwelling large liv ing and dining room with fire place also den sun room large kitchen airy bedrooms closets trimmed with gumwood hotwater oil heating double garage splen did condition Selection of other similar homes Coutts Real iEstate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 16126128 FOUR AND Half Room brick bungalow with stair completed to attic where two rooms can be added nice creek onlot reason ably priced room frame bun low new $2500 will handle wo live room bungalows NVHA nanced for March 1954 occupan cy mom bungalow with excell ent View of the bay available December Full particulars from Henry and Elrick Realtor Owen St Barrie 16128 1152101 111116010 or Adora530 except 1011110 SCOTCH Pine and Il1iou PAIR of girls CM skates s17c 41 also 11111 of Sampson skates size I11I 11s IllIItic oil11l 1lt Willy llriT I1 Skubick 3271 Illlillillll IIIl Micliiiinii 10711312113 Till LITTLE Aliliqiir Shop iv l11 tIl Iilrl inurbiiiiks Hangout My Tum Chmu hK YWhiSulvc tvczir slyllSIl shoes soon BUNGALOW bedrooms month 116 59 Vincent St Apt in an 10 Oman moon am 31 word Mininunn 15c Consecutive Insertions 3c sword minimum 75c CASH RATE wordlninimum 50c Co 90 lnoerttonl use 11 word1111mm an gt an an um wmr anon or reclaimPhi till011 Iiuiiiicix Zirlti niciiis przmTtivcs ctr Iii Muiczisicr St Phone 3141 133130 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED Bedroom won 1101181110011 $60 each Box water Central Phone 3211 lSl28129 955m Radlo College Idda ROOMS AND bath 110mm lCi am On bus line Phone 5401 even ings 1371231I SMALL Furnished House all con vcnicnccs at Wasagn Beach Phone 20114 15127 FURNISHED Heated bedsitting room with grill Central Phone 5082 1534261213 LARGE roomed house trailer all conveniences Suit couple Phone 4719 113127128 LARGE Housekeeping Room fur nished andheated Suitable for two Phone 5027 15127129 SMALL Cottage at Yellow Roof Cabins Apply 164 Burton Ave or phone 2373 15128 UNFURNISHED Rooms central Suit business girl or couple Adults please Phone 2628 151271f ROOMED House inside conveni ences months rent in advance Phone Lefioy 74W 15127129 FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms continuous hot water cup boards Phone 2948 l5l28 FURNISHED Bedroom without board for honest gentleman Apply Box 62 Barrie Examiner FURNISHED Bedrooms light housekeeping Near bus stop in Allandale Abstainer Phone 6332 15126128 WARM Bright Room blocks from post office twin beds All accommodation for comfort No meals Young gentleman preferred Phone 6554 l5l27tf LARGE Comfortably furnished bedsitting room with new studio couch sink builtin cupboards and hotplatc etc Business Section Phone 3443 15428 FURNISHED BedSitting room with kitchenette one block from main street but water dishes and bedding supplied Apply 36 Clap perton St or phone 3900 15128 UNFURNISHED heated rooms newly decorated Suitable for no children Kitchen has cup boards builtin sink and heavy duty wiring Phone 3548 mjdaypmcllnl In Sunday tiAiwiia QUEBEC limit itlll pipw in good condition Plionerl Simon Iliozic 311m 3423129 Th1 caress Conn Solve for sure rel lliil Druggists sell Cress Bunionl Iliouc 1111 111111 7l 23 volt tit cycle rebuilt Guar Examiner 7128130 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Sichc Business Machines 66 Toronto St HEATED Bedroom suitable furl onetfentral Phone 2320 157l241f hone 4824 7138tf ll1 GE Cupiczitor Start 110 69 Barrie MENS OVLICUIIIS never worn 530 size 4244 one dark navy and one loxford gray $30 value Sacrice 134233f0r $15 each Phone 3141 7128130 PIECE Bedroom outfit springs land mattress includch excellent condition also waterless Better Health cooking outt Apply ll Allied St 7127128 SUIERFLAME burner oil space heater with 200 gal tank used few months Can be bought with or without tank WlliF Todd Mill ard SL Orillia 7128 WASHING Machine Thor auto matic used months $160 1946 Hudson Super car reconditioned motor new paint job $595 Petes Garage Elmvale phone 83W GIBSON Spanish Electric Guitar with caseand cord built in pick up and controb good condition Phone 3473 or 6226 Barrie or see Hake at Peel Conservatory of Music 34 Dunlap East 7128130 NEW CHRISORA bin Cruiser Kit with hardware controls and 1954 Model25 hp Evinrudo Outboard Motor Only $109 Terms Sport Haven 97A Dunlop East Phone 3018 7128130 QUANTITY OF baled wheat straw Reasonable Hastings Guth 133128129 7121 FT Express Ca 16 ft Complete SEED FEED rie Phone OH 373 10127128 For Sale or Exchange T0 TRADE10 Marconi TeIE vision set for piano in good condi tion Phone 2675 23l26128 FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES room house hydro brick telephone barn shed gar age etc tlmiles from Barrie mile from Colwell School also 67 acres farm land Octave Dorion RR Utopia off Highway 90 Phone lvy 14r32 04284136 PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Edghill Drive Barrie Body Conditioning Arthritlc Treatment remedial exercises Scientific reducing Licensed Graduate Mqaceur 10 am till 10 pm daily Private Appbintments Only START REDUCING FOR BETTER HEALTH treatments $500 177 Macintth 939 3992 Rows 1I1 Itll HOME FURNISHINGS 3511 who 111 17131 IIIXIISIIIIIIU vv 11r1 Ii 11 second 11ll 111w lllh Not lo junior sun Ilioin 11110 HEREFORD Illltl Guernsey lie ISCIIIIIII llI mile waist of ervihin 34 Bziycld Si RR No Strand Phone 8141 3070 No Dieting No Exercise No Discomfort No Disrobing LOSE POUND TREATMENT Phone 6765 the Niagara Health Unit relieves arthritis sinus phlebitls varicose veins constipation insomnia im proves blood circulation Massages Pa Reducin Solon ggIYckworth St Barrie 0031174 Rs L018 Smith of Vancouver YOUNG Iurt LII mi Tani ii l3G12ill LIIAIIVIEW Yoiksliiris ytiiuii 13gilts Itlltl 1o liliitl three111111tI1 English bred sow lino Doctor withovmrbcr also liCIlllI IIL Ii 9413311311 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No charge Credit Bureau of Siuicoc County Box 66 Orillia Phone 4752 5421420 UPHOLSTERING Just In Time For Christmas Chziiis OCholeilitIds OSIttecs 200 samples to select from GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Borrie Tent Awning Co ply to Murphy Con Ves thm 4314 pm Phone 815ml 14125128 5l2IIl33 FLOOR COVERINO Armstrongs Floor Covering Linolcnms Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Stewart Corrigau 73111 Cook Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 90 Cumberland St LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School ontinuous Tuition throughout the coming season week course ANDRADE SONS Due to the interest shown in the ArcWelding School New COURSES COMMENCE THURSDAY NOv 12 All applicants for this Arc Welding Course should be on hand to enrol early ANDRADE OSON RR No STROUD 541271211 Reliable Window Cleaners Walls Scrubbcd Windows Cleaned Storm Windows Glass 1114 stalled if necessary Store Office Factory Windows 4333 gt 541 111 ply Dave Miller phone 805122 graduate of Maxine Colle lnail branches at Beauty turn is now She rating at La Velma we 110430131 It Obituaries mums will not be responsible tor any debt A1110 In No carport contradict in my MING withou mat town thwartmph new it ophj via bone 111041 311170ch lt3 anagrams 21 lllll Accommodation Wanted 11 HZ tRitIIiisiiro nu llIllI jilwloug Sanford Iiiiiisiil or IValued keepsake Phone 4936 Re Villd I7 mil130 ieriop starting to lay Phone 2190 Phone 10r14 59725 $10000 capital is required This Floors scrubbed and Waxed 154 Collier St 5116154 WOOD Buzzing done in Barrie and district Phone4170 5120128 FURNACES and Chimneys clean ed Robinson and Orr hols YOU Wish your wood burned either by cord or by the hour op 5117130 LEROY you mm mucosa Gilmore coopSon srocx 1v ITxrIIIxlSlIII gv1i ilil Itr ili I5 IILI It 11 AUTOMOBILES CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 13108 LOST Cr FOUND IOSI 781 Christopher kc ritu liill six keys attached Reward llitllllll Examiner office I7713titf Sittmu Itlly Sliitls 111111lt Ilulovn lilltll LOST Noluublc Diamond Bar Pin llllt twill him IISI Thurday inekiudly govern themselves accordl the vicinity oi Loews Toronto Finder please contact Box 11 Bar llt ITxmuuiir lilZh POULTRY THAT KEEPS THEM SUBURBANITE lelB 300 LAYING HIINS for sale Ap 75 LEGHORN Pulleis Toi sale starting to lay Apply Joe Jobst Edgchill Drive wto 14128129 FLOCK OF Geese for sale A4 Alltiiy RR No New Lowell Phone Crccmorc 472133 14128129 LIGHT Sussek Pullcts laying for sale also Jewel cook stove Phone town IIIQIflES 80 HAMPROCKS black one year old hens for sale $150 each Phone 53111 Becton ill miles west of Phone 5185 565442 Newton Robinson Scheffie 14127tf Business Opportunities OPPORTUNITY large Toronto organization re quires man capable of operating battery of Automatic Hot Coffee Machines in Barrie $6000 to will be your own business For full particulars write to GENERAL AUTOMATIC BEVERAGES LTD 3565 Dundas St West Toronto 29127129 48 IIIIEV PANEL SEDAN 50000 AF MacLAituN on Trustee 43 Ooiiier St Barrie Hipwclls Drugs FARM EQUIPMENT 40440lt7w focagd TOwn and County AUCTION SALES Ittll1IHllllI 11mm itILi s11I PM 11 111 11111 Hills III liii II BUR II IIIY LItiIII 11111 GRILL COLD weather PROTECTION with Coop AntiFreeze TAN IHIIVIII BIKXEU himsplio vaii totk oi III1IHLII1 11 TYIII Rouge 111 IIil IloiLIII Wmch lulziil Ill SllIlIllliluli thultill 3i 1111lt of ilo 11Ir II Illll II IIII SxSIllI vi Its il NONJIVAIOIIXIINI Nll Hos 131 tl IMVHT STAINS so IllllNIi inexvriiiiui IliiII0L Iil 1111113111 uIIOIIESI Joe ll 1i in 11 11111 IW Illll 1111 II 111 LKJI and 1iloiicl CUIIIIT IF REVISION ESSA TOWNSHIP NFL tTIIUL tiiztil llllls 111w IIJ NOT Boll SAVE up to $200 or more $395 SPECIAL PER GALLON oop Now Kiiuly take notice that the Iirsl of Revision lie iowirlhip llI Essa 11111 be lltltl IIJIIQC Monilgiy November 33 11 the hour morning HI 011 Ill Hull Baylor Oclock EAnyouc lizivini III business in con Icii OOl IS YOUR BUSINESS SIIIICOE DISTRICT IIIONE 2129 armorivn SERVICES lt Ius of diamonds in shape on lliLIIUII Ilil the Louii RlVlsIOII BARRIE ingly WOOD Reevel NORMAN COXWORTII Cltlkl 1311130 THE TIR The Revolutionary New SNOWICE TIRE first intro duced last year and proven superior by thousands of car owners everywhere 1856 Gripping Edges Suburbanite Because of Its radical new design rides through snow doesnt fsaw in And the Suburbanites 1856 gripping edges give amazing forward or backward tractiOnon ice III 31 AMAZING QUIET RUNNING TREAD RIBS CUT SIDESLIP To MINIMUM see us rightnway to make sure of safe trouble Itree driving this winter llESTojgi Emir IIIISIIIGII SICIIWI 01mm BEERS TIRE SERVICE ll CLAPPERTON VULCANIZINGROAD SERVICE NOw Stores steroi sueupsoiiIIordsj vz 11 11111111111111 While wanna PHONE 4335 SPECIALISTS JARM TIR The Barrie Hairline ALLIsTON coonsrow Millies Drugs but

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