SHANTY BAY Deer Hunters Heed Norlhland fall Many Barrie Clubs Represented ClllNSMllNS LODGE BIG BAY POINT Reserve Your Date ow FALL BXIFTS lllilSTl PARTIFS No Party Too Small Call MRS WAlGHORN PHONE 58rl31 Stroud piiit line will koka dsrc The name of been ll3gt tllllLtl lilh year Ross Harvey bcit expect take an acne part in the annual chase it the vciiity 0f Sudbury George and All Tompkins with Ted Heels Frank Swanson and anoihez member are spending part of the time near North Bay and wi1l go to Manitoulm later to Vriiiliti in Jrer Home 111tl onvaleseing are 43 Vlllll tll1tltgtCl lltlll cent opera Shower For Newlyweds shout2 litltl 11 Friday Oct 30 at Bay community hall for Mr intl Mrs Allan AL eitiethy 1the ferrite Dorothy litmus ilau EL and Mrs En Many friends and l1il5 were present to wish the young couple long life and con tintted happiness Mrs Marie Mar 1111 introduced the gucSis with BLONDlE Cr Oi THING KIN TEACH EVKBOCY 5614001 16W MAL POWER AN WNAT0NAL P01 ITNAS oven uPA 66m Houuooe HEY HothnI IRENE mum ExPLNN mew MANY GONE OPEN 1111 51121 lxtxiixu 111215191 By Chick Young AA Ky FAFER PLATES NONT HAVE 1T4 HOW 60 90117 213117 macawm GO 219 KNOW Poeno 13 92 mm 11 K114 Hart 5115 Fifi62 HCV YCLE ALL Km 19 was1 MOMS BEAN BOJTATCMS ANS HOWTO 910w up warm AN YMWTEVIN new lt VII 91119 AN WA ATOMlCALG AN too EVE 561N196 waxev Freetownam 553 how ANCAILE SEAN 151161054 LLMA DEM3 19 aunts210347 ANCM WW STRING SEAN MY 901001 one T119 Goweu Ml65 BOOMAH 115 221 gorgzgg 511p WothE We LlmmdenCALLED CHEER FOR WI 41W TACKED HER WEED WHAT HAPPENED aromas menswear ON THE END 5115 HOLLEZED MAMEWI tOUDEZN ANYBODYad LAME MP 7MB 9mm municme few zipproptrate words and muted them to their seats of honor and Mrs Aberricthy received many nice ptLStnls from littl friends and Mrs Abcrnethy thanked the BELLE EWKEI Returned Missionary Mi Maybctn Standen Barrie missionary from China was the 1lnltimhYln speaker in the Baptist Church Sunday In Barrie Hospital Mrs Proffit is patient lRoyal Victoria Horipilitl Bflttle Mr and Mrs Rennie TO ronto spent the weekend at the foiriieffhomheirefm Mr and Mrs Cundall and Douglas Toronto were with Mr and Mrs George Baxter for the weekend Mr and Mrs Perrier Mrs Browning and Lydna and Mrs Little visited Mrs Ferriers moth ei at Milliken on Sunday Mrs Dot Tiombley spent last veck in Toronto with her sons Visiting in Sew Brunswick Harold Buffett is having half day with his brother Gordon inI Chatham NB Mrs John Ferrier Si in in Orillia is visit Holidaying Visitors erand Mrs Ulcheler of T02 LARGEST STOCK IN Town PRlcED To SUIT ALL llll tilt1 lCooper Camp Borden has spent 36 BAYFIELD ST DIAL 3874 his two weeks holidays here Allan Trombley is spending lweek at North Bay Special Housewives Who Have Never Iried Aiux Cleanser licoverage on the building Smith and McLean forwarded at Cooper of Toi group for the wonderful welcome they had received Refreshments werc served by the Womens lni stitute and dancing followed with music supplied by the brothers and Mr Ellis called of tor the square dances um ml Regular Meeting Of Oro Council Routine Business Township Council was helion Oct with all members present and Reeve Smith Campbell in the chair Communications tion were received dinning Jarial Campbell BIIunicipal Grants Division De partment of Highways Lud regular meeting for considera from Glen Cameron DRYCLEANING of the OroT gate Coutts Scaiboro Town ship Smith McLean County Health Unit The township clerk was Simcoe in credit fees and also to forward napplication for grant in strueted to reply to Glendinning iJarratt and Campbell regarding lieu of ltaxes on Department of National lDefence properties to Municipal Grants Division Option from the Department of Highways in settlement for High way No ll wideningat the town ship reforestation pilot was ac cepted as satisfactory The renewal of insurance on the town hall was received and accepted and the clerk instructed to arrange an additional $2000 request for the closing of road al Aromas 111mm is 11 smuruuu 11111311 11151111111 SIZE lSPKlAI PACKNO MD rumour momma onpwmuo Vol socks dishes clunDishessoak grease free in seconds No washing is needed no greasy dishwater with Vetno ring around thepan Dont wipe lust rinseDishes dry streak free without wiping Even heavygreaSe in pots and pans is so completely dissolved no hard scouring is needed 11131 111111 authorities 539MB out winnu as Nuhva Wm 11 Iowance between lots 10 and 11 on concession being unused road allowance It was arranged for them to take the necessary action to close the same Several hydro contracts were accepted as satis factory Dr Scott forwarded his report as referee in connection with the addition of Union School Section No 19 and 16 Oro and Vespra to 0r0 School AreaA which was accepted as satisfac tory Several road conditions were considered and the road super intendent instructed regarding them Tenders are to be advertised for snow removal said tenders to be in by Novl2r and to be for heavy duty trucks Victor OBrien presented his caretakers report on Oro Memor ial Parkwhichwias accepted and approved Various accounts were passed for payment before adjournment to meet again on Tuesday Nov NEW GAME BIRD Indications that new game bird is becoming established in Eastern Ontario are seen in the reported increase in Hungarian partridge The birds are spread ing and have been seen as far north as Arnprior asfar west as Belleville and over the Quebec border to theeast so it is quite probable that before many years they will have reached the Pem broke area Pembroke Ont Standard Observer Zenezuela in the tropical region has mowrtopped mountain peaks above 9750 feet altitude Stan Us iitcunut FINISHING DCESS The Miracle fabric linisli Costs you nothing extra at muses AND SKEETER wooxfumoc WOOK AT MY NEW Euyvonm Dial 2471 For Pickup Delivery ORYCLELK FINfSHlNG PlCCEss DRYCIEANINO tillSERVICE By Wally Bishop SEE uuioq waves DOLLY WOOK AT THE NEW WAGDOLLY UNIOR WOOKl omocz KISS oouv SIT DOWN MA STOP $709 LET so IVE ROCKtN TNE BOAT GOT SOMETHING BIG