jhptthwlgs by their husbands lileHHr Hunting Season The hunting season slaughter of hllter his started Even they rrlle to or farmers cows Seriously the lllllillt goes on when the ozrcea to the woods is Llppdlllirti Hunters shoot each other cause they cant wall to be sci but blZxSl away at anything may ers lose valuable livestock because in who are supposed to have keen eye tell them from game animals 01 few simple precautions would cut Ill annual toll of men who go into the Dilsll on happy hunting expedition and mu dead The first rule is never to shout at tlirr before you know what youre shooting This is so simple and so sensible thu it is amazing anyone ever violates rt Equally important is the rule rlever porn gun at human Many hunters are killed or wounded because their companions drdr know the gun was loaded and handled carelessly If gun is never pointed at human wont kill him Hunters should never walk ahead of another carrying gun Hunters in boats or blinds should never carry their arms so that they are pointed at anyone Then they cant he accidentally discharged and no one will be hurt Guns caught on fences take large annual toll The hunter should pass his rifle through the fence first lay it on the ground with its action open and then climb through the fence himself The same thing goes for climbing trees Rifles Vshould be left on the ground Careful hunters never enter their cabins without making sure their rifles are un loaded just as they check their rifle bores to make certain they are free of any ob struction which could harm them Records of the National Rifle Association and the Canadian Civilian Association of Marksmen show that no member has been responsible for shooting accident in more than two decades That record has been established because members are taught to be careful If all hunters followed few simple rules the killing and wounding might be wiped 0th in season Sleep Habits national factfinding poll has brought some interesting things to light on the sub ject of sleep For instance did you ever realize that the average person spends something like 24 years of his life in bed The old adage about early to bed and early to rise makes man healthy wealthy and wise seems to have suffered rude jolt according to the pollsters The upper income groups it is found stay up later than the middle or lower income Canadians Farrners as class are the earliest to retire at night Some 62 per cent of them are in bed by 1030 pm while only 25 per cent of those in the larger cities were in bed then Getting up in the morning that very painful process which usually involves wak ingup first was studied by the statisticians whofound that am was the favorite risF ing hour Here again the early to bed philosophy wasshattered when it was found that while 59 per cent of the lower income people had strtlggel to consciousness at that shortly hour How people wake up is also interesting Over the country some 44 per cent use an alarm clock and use of that endish device grows in the larger centres Farmers have other wakeup methods as only 36 per cent ofthem are aroused by the ciamouring bell Dogs cats factory whistles and babies are all good Waltersuppers And to make the wives feel righteous it can be reported tintrmore husbands are wakened by wives Calgary Harold bays some wbmcnare We too busy to toll about how busy they are or wearer Port Office all other religious bodies the Jehovahs Witnesses have Barrie Examiner Class News lshed Monday pap 03th ViccPcaident 1m mom in ourdun lll lmnnouro WM owm Alum condemnation auburin pom ul mid to ltl llMrl lllltvll la ll 511311 law ill other rtrel ij still cixcrzs and stiff in lllfliltf mid check the lziv ilirfrli EXpltflJil 11 ll1rble to be soiled Jy any my lIl it cl ill rlrbtnr John illi Mtlivs liavz inert so lililtlldvllllgl play Zrmillds be closed on Saturdays is LlllilZS back The Financial Post 1lrrnner the thrills Saturday ilrlee 42 cap guns roaring peanut shots the ear the rich fragrant smell of over skilled feet on winters day llll the same old sons and walls boos and Elf But there3 Youll have it accuse the look of things Herb the mic is VlSlllllg her folks this week Approval New Simcoe County Recreation Service Quarters Expressed Report Busy Summer All etrlr lllclllbc14 cf the gt hilltle Ctnuij illclinitrlvn ilill one itlVirtll lzlclrlbcr llltltlll ll inc 1111 ltCIlrl lilll lllrtlgt rlilltKS and screams as todays ver sion of Juulllong Hussldy fights it out wit1r Slinrey Sillrrs gang of villains Obviously this addiction to movies rather than play grounds like the hours spent watching teleg yisloir is Just another sign that the world rs collar to the dogs carried there usual by the younger generation Before we worry too much however we might look at all Assyrian tablet The date 2800 BC Things looked pretty bad then too Tile world was coming to an end and going to the dogs enI route Our earth is degenerate in these lat ter days there are signs that the world is specify coming to an end bribery andi corruption are common children no longer obey their parents every man wants to1 write book and the end of the world eVidentliiapproaching Well here we are 4753 years closer to it That happy age when man carrbe idle with impunity Washingtorr Irving OPINIONS OF OTHERS Witnesses Win Appeal tiluniingdon Quebec Glearlerl World War 11 was fought with the preservation of the freedoms in mind and among those freedoms is the Freedom of Religion As vcvunerstand it this frccdom gave tile right to any person to prac ticc their religion as he or she saw and in nuance xvllh their beliefs There are one or 1111 way ln which some sects practice their reli gon unilcn cannot of course be tolerated we refer principally here to the Douknobots They go about doing mucil damage to property parading in the nude and many other things which do not aid relil glow in civilized world Thesect known as Jcilovahs Witnesses do not do any of tilee things they have their own beliefs rec14 Zi no other divine being but God The only krg they recognize is God In thislthcrefore tiltyhave often been accused of being disloyal as they ulll not salute the flag or join anything of nature that makes of patriotism acknowledging any other litad than God However that is their be lief and tho FlLCdOIIlIOf Religion is theirs as much as for any other Christian body They go about tryzng to convert people to their way of thinking and ill so doing leave leaflets and booklets con taining their belicfs for people to read This is no morc than any Christian body does althoughin the case of established churches the distribution is mainly with their particular congregations In oilicr words the other churches do not try to con vert members of another church Jehovahs Wit llCSSCs do they call on everyone everywhere It may be their method of working that has an noyed some of the churches and that is why in Quebec in particular the Jehovahs Witnesses were givcn very rough time They were driven out of several towns and many of them were placed under arrest for distributingthe leaflets etc Some were stopped from holding meetings and were re fused the use of balls after they had been rented to them culmination came of this when Several Witnesses were arrested and tried for distributing leaflets in Quebec City The case was appealed and now after long fought battle the verdict handed down was to quash the conviction of the lower courts In effect the court ruled that no city or other body can interfere with freedom of religion The principal involved is the main point in this matter It is not whether any of us believe in Jehovahs Witnesses or not We all have the free dom of listening to these people or to turn aside and disregard them We have no right to inter fere with them or to jccl at themof what thcya be have if we do not approve what they are doing we can simply ignore them and refuse to have anything to do with their methods Along with the right to follow their own beliefs and we be have that the court has handed down right deci sion it should stand as light that democracy Jealoust gualdslts freedoms and rides try to up hold them in this day with all that threatens Freedom of Religion needs to be closely guarded and we should be grateful that we live in democratic country where the freedoms are still ours to maintain lover without discretion is no lover at all Thomas Hardy Wednesday Friday Mun Barrie Ontario Cannot by 44 ileummm wgwmmnuolumq yj ammonium amountm mumum mum manufacturmmm we mount leterliy ill the new county recre ltl uric ti Collier Biitilt Waizn rpprolal of the new quarters tlls 111l5til The Luunv Recreation Service now has hm roolnsworle in office lbt and the other especially for proglnl All IflIl rncl tut cupboards provide storage fucililits ProxinlLty to the offices of both the Dfplllllfltlll Federation of Agriculture thought to be all additional lil vantage George Llsk of Beeionreporled on the discussion regarding the county ccreationprogram held at the June session of County Cnun cll lie stated that the remarks made by county councillors about the program had been encouraging and many letters of support had been received The vote in con tone the Sirncoe County Rccrca tion Service had been almost un animous Mrs 11 Durln ofAlllston gave splendid report on the confer ence of the Ontario Recreation As sociation which she and the recre ation director had attended ill Guclph last May She voiced hcr appreciation of this opportunity and said that she had gained great deal from the conference There had been an exceedingly full schedule including discussion groups banquets and luncheon Mrs Dunn read ox cerpts froln som of the addresses Elven by the keynote speaker Dr Ziegler of the University of Western Ontario and Padre Young of the Ontario Agricultural Coll ege She a1v read an outline of discussion carried on in the work shop for board and commission members The recreation director Miss Louise Colley outlined the proi grain and developments which had taken place since last April Her report showed that there had been number of sessions in leadership trainingmany planning and organ izational mectings community and countyWide events as well as an intensive summer program of swimming and day camps Leadership training included course in social recreation for Coldwater teachers and communl ity leaders session on classroom games with Orillia teachers twodaycourse for summer play ground and day camp leaders and two arts and crafts weekends featuring pottery and painting at Blue Mountain Lodge in May and September Outside the county the recreation director had given leadership training at conference for rural clergy at Millbrook in May and at Camp Laquemac an adult education camp organized by Laval and McGill universities from Aug 12 to 22 Assistance was given at 10 com munity meetings held in different cctions of the county and to eight countywide events The latter included the fifth annual Quilt and Rug Fair in July and the county wide art exhibit in October The recreation director has at tended approximately 50 organiza tional meetings with grotfps and committees These were corlcern ed with planning and evaluating countywide events swimming classes and day camps and fall recreation courses The director had 14 committees regarding swim ming and day camps alone tol meet with in May nndJune Some of these met two or three times This fall she has met with these same committees for evalultion of the summer program Program leadership was arrang To rlljrl vloxcns VISCOUNT that trial compo aim at Camp Borden ulterc Hit it speeches Carry Travellers for TCA cantomnemonaonr perineum ill40 hoursmltl minutes weathermanamen than nine hours ahead or the gramme Walryherace through hand loop allowance Transcorrode runeshoa purchased 15 trot these turboprop airliners at cost of about 2000000 call the labor We whom with delivery scheduled in nu Forbes Canadian tremlmmtotltm of Victoria 14ml willopen god curly below It will be located to til the Slmclae County Rttrt tron SLlict for lllllii311 cl enrolled for swimming Ellstttlctir this past spring Over 1000 Clllltl tr vnle llrrnllcti it swznimng classe and day camps in llnlilfw every section of the county lell erslllp anti Silitl2ufl for these was provided by the SlillCHf Court ty Recreation Service Banquets lealllcrcrzifl and squaril dance evenings were Ollltl ictrvl Ile for which leadership lldll been ilrrzlngcd In closing her report the rec yrcaiion director stated that lead ersllip training classes were now being organizodin the Noitaua and Oriliia areas There has alsc been request for one in Innislil Township The board was pleast to note that more money had nmc ill from groups as grants and contri butions for special services than lover before The nancial state lmcnt showed that firm effort had been made to keep within the budget this year although this had meant some Cilrlallmcn of isome requests for program expanI lSlon Manford Horllc of Orillla chaired lthc meeting Others present were George Llsk Bccton Ralph Dall ton Victoria Harbour Alvah Stew art Vascy Mrs Dunn Allis ltorr Mrs Watson Wasaga Beach Bob Carruthers Crecnlolc alld Miss Colley 90 GUTlllllEW Mr and Mrs Cecil Cameron and family and Mrs Angus Campbell visited in Oakwood last Sunday land Mrs Cameron remained for visit Mr and Mrs Steele Ottawa visited Mr and Mrs Duncan last Sunday Mr and Mrs Douglas Gilchrist and children Hamilton spent the vecjrend at Gilchrists In Hospital At Barrie Sorry to report that Mrs tAnnette has been patient in RoyaloVictoria Hospital Barrie Mr and Mrs Mel Jamieson gspcnt few days at Parry Sound llast week Deth of Peter McArlhur Sympathy is extended to Mr land Mrs Archie McArlhur in the gdcath of the formers brother Peter McArthur of Oro Station Mr and Mrs Ray Whitehead and Freddie and Mr and Mrs Yearly of Yearly Ontario visited at Duncan Camerons last week Attend WMS Meeting Fourteen members of the Unl ted Church WMS attended the sec tional meeting at Burton Ave United Church Allandale last Wednesday Mr and Mrs Walker spent last Saturday with Mr and Mrs SWa1ker Victoria Harbour Mr and Mrs Lloyd Campbell and children of Newtonbrook vis ited Mr and Mrs Alex Campbell last Sunday Mission Bond Meeting About 50 ladies and children at tended the special meeting of the Mission Band in the United Sun day School last Saturday after noon The Sunday School was gaily decorated with orange and black streamers large black cats pumpkin faces and Halloween candles Erma Clark presided and Ken Husband gave the minutes The members of the Mission Baud recited their purpose and sung the theme song for their visitors Mrs Howard Campbell had very airliner completed the rodent mew mainland air race Rolland bull announced WM mice and informa yin1 +vtl and 11111 if 1w Jrl Early Athletes In Barrie Were World Famous Barta 1033 lo llv Farrier he lllrll lixzttrtrle r7tll Si lrll 1lll11 ll the 1111 llarrlci is Sports Meets Atllictls ii The 1Ixrlrilci orlclulirnl on l1 ll 13 1031 was ile following ieiemlsce the lien published ill The First Lolinnl in Oct i9 Ami just rcclltly Di ll rlailllnl of Citt111 has told The Examiner that sorllcone has dis ovcred in an old United States iporLs Record that the threemile unning record which for many can past has been credited to wellknown Swedish lllllllil Gun der Hang really belongs to Kelso one of the contestants all big professional athletic meeting in Barrie Ont irl 1867 and is so listed in that book who ran that distalrcc in faster time in facti eleven and threetifths better than was claimed by Hanna This writer having been asked by the editor of The Examiner for any information in regard to that Barrie performance C1111 only say that personally lcnlembcr only thus famous frequent big uthleticl and other sports celebrations held in Queens Park from about 1873 and subsequently as was not even born until year after that stated 1867 sports event But well remember as small boy hear ing my sportsmilldcd father talk ing with nanciallyintcrcstcd lumbering Toronto friend Charlie Bigger in our home of the really outstanding athletic meets in Bar rie in former years when the best performers of the world took part Charlie Bigger was contestant in the amateur jumping events in those games as have listed else where in this sketchSo 11 is quite likely that the threemile running worlds record was made at that 1867 Barrio mcct as were several other world records at subsequent big contests there Yours truly Ill all lKltllllLll Fred 113le llllltl tlce Famous For FRED GRANT apprbpriatc Worship service on the thought The Earth is the Lords and the Fullness Thereof She alsotold an interesting Hallowcen story Her missiinaly story Fa ther of All was much enjoyed After the meeting festive Hallo wecn refreshments were served The MissionBand is again sell ing Christmas cards wrappirlgs and seals Creemore Farmer Kills Wolf After Sheep Molesied Crccmore Star The big bad wolf that has been molesting sheep south of Cree more recently was sent to the urday morning by wellaimed shotgun held by Bob Walker who farm on the 4th line two miles south of Creemorc The slaughter actually place about had lost couple of fine ewes and was determined to get thema rauders Armed with his gun he was out night prowl when along came Mr Wolf It was big one and all who have seen it including courl ty officials were agreed that rt was the one wolf that many hunt ershad been seeking Bob will collect the wolfboum ty which is $35 took crown llltll Congratulations to Miss bernice Caldwell and Miles Hickling who were married in Crown Hill Unit ed Church onOct 24 Mr and Mrs Lorne Belly Am herstburg visited friends this week gt United Home SW The united Church band and afternoontea in the School room last Wednesday Waco decle who contributed in any wornto make this pleasant ofternoou It is fitting that we should re made worthy contributions to the wow ask ourselves who to carry illecommunlty what t1 Yorkton Sack Enterprise no oui dnblo if ltllllk of about $613 This year grown by nonillcmbcls of the 011 lng Association happy huntingground early Sat am Mr Walker in the fields on mid ed succeos Many Atlantis to all communitys life We should ch in on in succession and it with 53th worthy of those we Tobacco price AFTER CENTURY 43 Lb BOAKE NAME OFF at at THORNTON usr FlueCured Sonic Disappointed SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO ll llrl 2hr more also ltl l1 ti lxunaliQy 119771 33 pct only 311103 Cl Yield acre thy year tsri mated at 111114 pounds In 195 was 1333 pounds Return lcr Acre Down lsi12g the 1932 figures Ltt1l ccelveti it return per acre on the works will to $391 Total Oi11111 illlccureti llbilCCH production estimated this year at 121944941 the iird largest crop on record The iolill lilclutilt es 111 estimated 1336704 poundsl tarlu FlueCured Tobacco Market The 19512 Ontario crop weighed 123821811 pounds bringing minimum average prize 004225 Ill 1951 an alltime record crop of 140072530 pounds resulted in rnlnirnunlaverage price of 445 per LOCAL REPRESENTXTIVF pound also record IS RATHBUN An atoll is ringshaped corail island or islands enclosing 1a 24 Dunk St Phone 6451 goon Crawford Co Est 1919 MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Corporation Securities Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wlms Picture News rom CarlL 9m Wm 314 AnewW WV Wm GREAT NEWSfor worried Sweaters that wont shrink But this is only one of the blessings that Orlonit will bring to sweaters Theyll have kittensoft touch will hold their shapt better and launder so easily Odell will bring new modernliving features to other garments too warmth without Weight in dresses skirt pleats that stay in throughmany wearings quick wrinkleshedding in cosy winter suits Du Pollift ilodomark for its acrylic fibre WhirlEmmy Greyrllerild Yellow These are just three ofube mile fashionable rich shades now available in the coronation Colors ClLoflSpecdEasy Satin This is the solub hue use will lulu that gum in jiffy with brush or roller 1m no pointy odor and lain just 30 minutes to smooth will surface mm quick cosyywoy to muddle from corprod aroma hall up Milli Mm woo tho sponge 3th ho Mdlmwylundf rhodium will jetsam murmur one lull in il