Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1953, p. 10

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e9m9u Iimqwxi 10 THE BARRIE EX INIINER FRIDAY OtltillER 33 183 For Parents 0an our hildren are naturally in terested in othtr children throughout the world and the Inited Nations has fine re cord in the practical help it has given to sitymillion needy youngsters through the In ternational Childrens limer gency Fund UNICEF For over six years both govern ments and individuals have toluntarily contributed over one hundred and fty ve millions of dollars to aid chil dren in over seventy countries Ihese hungry illclad children are scattered over Africa Asia Europe the Eastern Mediter ranean and Latin America Large scale feeding proneta lis tincuhng essential commoditiec Fil as milk and rice have been 30 out Cotton wool and lea fw been sent to clothe and five million European little out Penicillin and DDT have thousands of children from All the profit from the UNICEF Christmas Greeting and Note Cards g0 leCClIyIOWthlS mg needy children These cards picture small boys and girls in 12 shoe Int tiSi United Nations By Nancy Cleaver by not hoe your interest by ordering they tardx from the uciition in 1de LIL McLeod gtt MLHIA the wine time ad for free pamphlets and iiilotnulipn on iiidniduai family and group rviembership in this organira lion barb is doing much to swipe puhllt upport of the cup of the light blue flag pultt honing the title laurel ItJItN and also the color pottt of the flap of the member nations of the may be obtained from thi UIIltt Ilm Litbur 14 lnztei iiorilt Dayl hoiltt Dc ceivoaatm 1Y1 you in 71K 14 312 yinr or 54131213 the in mun gt Itll It is so foolish to look for perfection and criticize the for the amount of debate which takes place and the slowness of political action Do remember that questions are being diseuued in five lang uages by delegates from sixty different countries familiar with varying parliamentary proeedure For better or for worse the hope of the peace progress and prosperity of our world to very great extent lies with the United Nations Alt fathers hnd mothers lets be comc better informed about all the vast amount of work the committees are quietly accomplish ing from year to ycazf Lotsbrick the wholeheartedly It is our United Nations If we dont hang together we will most hang separately ing thought Copirichti TRIP TO EUROPE Ljij Um SlSAN lziclJtREN 0F BARRIE daughter of one of the lottil exhibitors in the third annual Simcoe County Art Exhi bit 1llt interested in the weekend show It Codrington School mg who has spent mt 1351 our where she was one of the youngest visitorsThe nttractivcyears ill the Dominion Store al posters advertising the event in advance and the enthusiasm of county artists made the 1953 exhibit one of the most suc cessful in the projects threey time it has been held in Barrie BDCI BOARD HEAR OF SECRETARYS RItlllbtH of 1321 insulate Board had one of shortest meetings this year LVNI when on Monday evening they com pieted their azenda of business in one hour hid four min Jlis The chairman George John ston MPP for Simcoc Centre sug gested in View of the early finish By JEAN CABLE Chrysanthemum should be cut Lately have received numb3i rto lgllhlilkil few inches of crous phone calls from gardenersldoneglun 715 gt00 as they are wondering what to do about winter coming storage of certain plants pruningi inovmg etc So today Ill justi cover few of these problems Climbingr roses should be taken down and laid flat have had Eexcellent results in Barrie by just rst What Spa do with my covering my rose vine with ever Iliaster Lily which planted Wen fe Ws 30 50 planted out the gar very exposed location you Will dim the pot it was in Simply need todo more than this dig uphthe pot and bring it inside winter itHand yourllily will bloomhaleg130frfedt poker Should ixtaairrii theowevr If you planted as freeze pace over Ebsoon ground for keeps y0ul comesanddnt re my donora rve had good luckgmove it too early in the spring With these lilies but Im told iI gggafgckypggmgg 33901 egggggloifigiiis $1032Tariviai theme natives of warm clim ion ghem la 535 penv 513 are not supposed to 101 coo rv pace Dust them agate any as Tneretore amlwnh DDI dust obtainable Vise you to place loose mulchIat the local 509d 59 of straw over your lily to deplh ofinclite and aggver bthe straw wracth While domg an aw en xmmed es pre are for upside awn There are quite alwmter friends the girds hgii number of we mics now indthe feeders out ready for father bloom in Barrie have one justlto put up Already bluejay comes coming out gh daily for his supply of crusts ldowny woodpecker has beencall put your Amaryms but mg for week for the suet logs we garden in me pot was in that keep lled an winter The dont forget to bring it indoors soon Howdo store Carina lily bulbs Dig them with good clump of earth on them and dont injure the bulbs Let them dry out well for few days then store in sand or it not obtainable dry soup in cool dry place until IMarch Then divide and start in pots Whatjbout Dahlia bulbs Dig themn time after the first hard frost tvtbe tops off inches above the crowns Store in place not too dry but cool in box infpeat moss or sand about Tuberous Begonias Take them up before they are Iranian Ignite bit otearth on them and let lie and dry until merciful Iswell wilted then re foliage and earth and store slotted tray They are every to decay and dusting with charcoal is static help place about 45 for to We should be but to two to tour buds TbrAnthow Wat lbw triuuned omens 91m mum tin amine Butterfly white breasted Inuthatch returned yesterday and thoroughly investi gated each bird house that has not yet been put away for the win ter and the chickadees are calling all day long hoping tor peanut butter Just now the garden is full of Juneos looking for cosmos seed Yes winter is not far off You will all be glad to know that the tulips are all back in the post Office garden so youll have your springfeast of tulips there once again Some folks will wonder what we did with all those lovely canna lily bulbs from the McDonald Street gore They are in storage at Mac Fendleys to give us color again next year Went to go on another tour Likely our Society will join with Vespra society to charter bus to spend day at the Royal Win ter Fair Let me know it you are interested Plans are as yetten tative depending on your enthus iasm out number our members enjoyed very Interesting even ing as guests of the Vespra Soci ety on Tuesday Oct 13 their an nual swap night Thanks folks well come again We have new project under way Finally the gore at the junction of Highway 11 and Shanty Bay nallynear Hart House rwill have its duce lifted and we nape Im Willi there with lovely 74 Ill otured Emperor tulips circuits AI Hacienda warden rein his MS mow the bone tptbeadc print the excellent of the nicotine that the Board might certainly Surer lt 00 hearing from ll Felt secretary rivet itself of the opportunity of treasurer on the recent trip he made to Europe with lizs wife and Mr and Mrs Cecrl Norris the outset Mr Felt explained that the real purpose of their trip had been to see the grave of their son Don who was killed while on raid over Germany with the RC during theelast war HOWARD FELT Mr Felt read from an exception allyinteresting account of their tra vels which had been written by his wife giving the members of the board very clear insight into the conditions which existed in the dif ferent European countries through which they travelled At the con clusion of his talk Mr Felt was warmly thanked by the members for the interesting account and high appreciation was expressed of manner in which their travels had been written by Mrs Felt Fire Drill High praise of the principal staff and students at the Collegiate In stitute was voiced by all members of the board when it was intimated in Principal Bowmans report that during recent fire drill carried out by Fire Chief Irwin the school had been cleared in 59 sec onds Blair remarked Fiftynine seconds is pretty last work for over 800 pupils Principal Bowman said that the fire alarm system was working very well Last year they had to operate the old manual system but with the new alarm it was very simple matter now Flynn said he felt that the board should commend the princip al and teachers fin getting the stud ents out at the building in such tin excellent time The board agreed with the state ment by lit McCullough thatthe students were also worthy of melt tion tor their coeoperatton and din cipline Peter Sinclair said he had notici thatthere were signs in the dif ferent classroom tutormin the whore theft mrtlcular the 03 two locetal This was very idea mwy as the student up mbltil do out cumgmna 4209000 ad dinc liuoveti around from classroom to tliltsrooni ear history This was the first Board Briefs The secretary wus instructed to mike the necessary arrangements vth Mrs Kettle for the use of the home economics room for meet Bilitit Disizictling 0f the Toronto North District Home Economics Teachers the meeting to be held on Saturday and indefinite dtite to be set as soon us possible It was agreed that Cheque for $20 received from the Ontario Picvmcns Association be endorsed over to the winners of this comi petition to for of condolence is tobeI sent from the Board to foreman caretaker John McLeod expressing their sympathy on the recent death of his wife It was decided that any studentI commencing studies after January 1954 in the night classes be charged fee of $3 and 51 be re funded if attending 80 per cent of the classes This rate applies to the second half of the term only and for this term 195354 The board agreed that effective Sept this year the nonresident fee be $15 per month per student It was agreed that the staff of the school bepermitted IO attend the annual meeting of District No Teachers Federation at Canning ton on Friday Oct 30 motion wasapproved that the accounts for the plowing matches amounting to $7440 be paid SATURDAY OCT 17 Grand weather was helpful in bringing out theattendance at the market on Saturday With pro duce on sale outside was half cord load of 12inch hardwood at $10 Potatoes were from 29c to 35c basket or $150 bag Apples were Spys fancy 80c basket Snows 65c and 750 McIntosh 75c Others graded fromi 40c up Crabapples were 75c 61 the best with others at 30c and 40c Most of the ven dors have the name and grade marked on the baSkets now Eggs Chickens Eggs were plentiful and still firm in price at range from Site to 80c and demand was good Chickens were on sale in nice variety small fryers weeks old at 40c 1b larger roaster5 at 55c and capers at 60c lb Boiling fowl sold for tile lb Home Belting In addition to theusual display of cakes pies tarts bread cooka ies and other dainties the Auxilr iary to the Air Cadets bad large display in goodvvoriey at the west end of the building Those in charge were Mrs Corbett Mrs Wilson Mrs Wollendcn Mrs Porter and Mrs Carter Honey was as usual on safety Frank Van Cleef Vegetables large assortment included supersize vegetable marrow pumpkins squasb carrots beets cabbage Brussels sprouts cook ing onions at low prices also large Spanish type sage savory tomatoes either ripe 0r green and also small plum tomatoes Chinese lettuce turnips Flowvi Plants Gardep ow 15 were still shown alm Pumas colored tulip bulbs and boxes at panterbury bells and fox glove tor setting out now at 40c box IQ More recent check shows person employed in the Canad tobacco products industry inc and cash register rolls each year who has been in charge here forI take an intensive training New CO For 37 Fd Amb RCAMC Cpl Shaughnessy Served Well in Provincial Police ANNIVERSARY SERVICES GUTIIEIE UNITED CHURCH SUN OCT 25 GUEST PREACHER Rev John MacPherson BA 81 Newmarket GUEST SOLOISIS Mr Blake Constable hurchill Mr Terry Dean Queensville SERVICES AT II am Cr 730 pm organizgm itimtwclv Change Managers Al Alliston Store Allistoii Herald Alliston Dominion Store has hudi change of managers Jack Sillllili the last few years has been iranSi fernd to Barrie Where he willl in stunI management before taking up his new position in the Dominion Store at Colllnguood lie is succeeded by II Mor Belleville COLLIER ST BAPTIST Fellowship of Independent Baptists REV NULLMEYER Pastor ll nmWIIAT NOW 700 prnDAVDS BATHSHEBA Broadcast CKBB TRINITY CHURCH REV ItPENCIER WRIGHT Rector MRS ROBERTS CIIOIR DIRECTOR LAYMENS SUNDAY amHOLY COMMUNION 10 amSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amMORNING PRAYER Conducted by Col Lee Mr John Mitchinson Mr James Poppleton Col Pace PreacherThe Rector SubjectA Searching Question pmEVENSONG VCOnducted by Mr Robt Hood Mr Vance Mr Brook Duval Mr Smith PreacherRev Sherring SubjectWhat the Layman Can Do ALL SIDESMEN ARE ASKED TO BE IN ATTENDANCE Burton Ave united Church toil Murmurt sitiivuiis Sunday October 25 1953 945 amSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amBEGINNERS DEPT ll amMORNING WORSHIP The Challenge of the Christian Faith 730 pm Wanted Intelligent Stalwart Christians Rev Dyer of Century United Church New Toronto Guest Minister Special Anniversary Music at both services wru runner mm L0D Mir con wiru ALL MY HEART Collier Street Ilniled Church MinisteranV LEWIS MA BD Organist and Choirmaster LLOYD TUEFORD Anniversary Services YSuuday October 25 1953 Past Moderator of the United Church 01 Canada Secretary for many years of the Board of Overseas Missions will preach morn trig andevening Ilaaitp INIROITNow Thank We All Our God ANllllimotlet Mount Zion Rejoice Soloists Mrs John CouchJames Hancock MAM QUARTETThe Lords Prayer Daclil Herbert Malotrte Messrs Alfred Shepherd Victor Knox W112 Lanpeerm Knox summonme Goaoz Yesterday And The coop irony run cuurtcuscltooi 1046 amJunior intermediate and Senior Deptl 1100 amreNurserY Kindergarten and Primary Dents 300 isminn Adult Bible Close lmWith Voiced Singing matronMicron How Good And min solo out mm show lbe Land or rite Hummingbird Complete BordemAlIiston Road Gravelling Nov ii TL iri Irina liiuirii Inmri vi tun Ill vi pry lu liiIIIill 1i Iii nmli tln iirxi xiii still iit lit iig tip to do and Hrlix luv Illillll tiring ivill no li Niiv wit IHU in two turnipsml How hristian Science Heals NEW VIEW OF NEIGHBORLINESS CKEY 580 he Oct 25th 945 lt LARGE DRAFT LEAVES FOR SERVICE ABROAD IHll IIIIIU lt BERBASE my in 33 Government Municipal Crawford Co Est 1919 MEMBERS Till TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE find Corporation Securities Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2143 Evening 2388 Direct Wires FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH amencon 51 AT wonsmav REV LUCK BA BD Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist SUNDAY OCTOBER 25 1953 950 tumSUNDAY sonoor All Ages 11 am STANDING ORDERS pm JACOBS NIGHT AT BETHEL 22 St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worsley Sts REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister nm ANGUS Ross Organist and Choirmasler SUNDAY OCTOBER 25 1953 ant7THE MINISTER pan The Rev Barr Phil Peneuingulshene ll amlE CHURCH SCHOOIK === gt FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Hayfield St 1000Sunday School 1100and 730PREACHING REV BRIGHT EVERYBODY WELCOME b==l 11 Essa Rood Presbyterian Church low mum on Minister FRANK nurcm Organist SUNDAY OCTOBER 25 1953 LAYMENS SUNDAY 945 LinnCHURCH SCHOOL 11 urnNursery Kindergarten It amLaymens Service Laymens Service With all male choir This service will be canducted by the men of the congregation No evening service See Burton Ave United 815 ppm1138 Everyone Welcome The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER STREET The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MRS MILLS SUNDAY OCTOBER 25 1953 Il nmHOLINESS MEETING pinSUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVENING SERVICE 800 pm Tuesday Evening PRAYER MEETING EVERYONE WELCOME was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord PS 122 Central United Church Minister REV BEWELI BA Organist and Choirmnster WARREN MacLEAN SUNDAY OCTOBER 251953 ll aImLVMonivlud WORSHIP FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP pm Central Church will worship with Collier St United on the occasion of their anniversary CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amJr Interm Sr Dell 11 amHeginners and Primary Come to Gods House on His DRY SAINT GEORGES concert or enoumo Mildlth RECTOR Rev NewtonSmith aimHOLY COMMUNION II amMORNING PRAYER SUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVENING PRAYER Youare welcome UNITED APOSTOLIC FAITH Ln Hall also It SUNDAY OCT 254053 Sunday School 2pm Service van Pastor Hutchinson ma weer cumin Wednesday 730 Full GOSPEL TABEIRNACLIE dominant mum iiiem cm 20 MUIJCASTEII 811 BAltkm luv it mucus rAsron vsuuomr OCTOBER 25 1953 in pus0m sellout tian own 3151 and 130 pan EVANGELISTIQ SERVICE use truer Mum young Pebple to Bible sud Word Broadcast crop 900930 can Sunday

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