CADETS ATTEND CHURCH SERVCE 13 START NAVY WEEK on rches49 E0 HOUSEOFHlTsmFlRSTWlTH THE sesrru BARRIE WsgliiliiiisllsliolivlilsT5D3SATURDAY County Federation of Agriculture wassowso9f l953 Community lite Conlerence to Be Held October 22 23 ll we ire Terrie EiniriciriENEnnousr TITANIC Ll EVERY SENSE if WORD ya mean An unprecedented crescendo of emotion irom the tender kiss of youth to the tortured words of wwwmh ii vengeance to the shattering impact ol its rooting climax lllllll lllllllllll mine for littl llltlliuil Wee gt itlii Iixllillllll on it Iltlll referred to lu Ilti rrrne phi d1 8V8 after to assist by the Liiiiiiri infrar liistriirte gi f1rr by for the Blind wv lir well for at or to ltllJUDGE along and see ltntl food not all that the liifllclci Wished The NIB iiiiurccittn lUlit to help blind person hcir mm In mmxwm ml mum Sign Mum mm home teachers usually lllllI lperry in New len of 5643 sons lIlCnlgtCIl iiid ilU Lug Licni Bum mmme hrs or her and shelter bu this liis saw to it that etlllllll1 was lvv Jodi and lllil tins tin lt on av rv run io nii ll lnrlml EMU down it teii e131 Grligtgttll iii leltiel Gassoit The m3 5399 55 Imlimm tit iis Hf the COUL icfcniiants Thompson soli was in haxin tiic Milli PLl Lit held in Biltl1L tna ltidtzl ritor for ii isz sztrin NLd LJ Ur Immas of Bracebririge wasloicrr ll defendant motor ac iov wir ld be made The sittings commenced lllondavdThonas nuch fuller the use of BriiiIICiOC Ric rd Norman Marries plain 5mm T0d blmd The ltrlitlllg are the JuogmenLllff Arthur mm Hawsu old stidv rclivi history hitmldanti 2155 pineapr mills for plain ArggigLEAggwsggnacgghk subjects through the facilities IIVIIlIIIiiuta7rch Sccgmhuml Messrs Stewart ahd Fmm DUTCH TREAT IN SPORTS BEAR FOR PUNISHMENT 9lr able through the CNIB librarHMC rtstlllkIlOT for uefcndat motor at IJncKav lchrov and Mc cidentMr Thompson iniormeo with its 33000 touch tH bPISKC fUTIlC accused Ithe Court that settlement had Blmd peoplcr guild ElimsrLriimiisoni QC the crow inrbeen reached between tlic parties to Study ind mmy up z=0lforrned the Court that the appealiRccm was endorsed on consent in out again into industrv to corh dd Jbmdomd Rccmd C10iudginent for plaintiff for $26530 090mm and comm tmeted as follows by agreement abanland costs of s75 Counterciaim Imuu ml lllllllll lllllllli lllllllllll Hillllllll Allyn IOSLYN James IGDD Frances BERGEN William JOHNSTONE iiiiiis BRlllllllwllllNlllllUlESlll qrms to Pius cAnToON NEWS FOOTBALL ROUNDUPS Hans Christian Andersen inlwulnnng FARLEY GRANGER lEANMAIRE STAiiTsMoiiniii ENTERTAINMENT TIIIIIISIIIIYFRIIEIIYSRTIIIIIIRY ONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm EVES 645 and 900pm theyll steal elerylliing liut your tinnybarrel in MGMs mousvmciggyi Elaine SIEWARI ERESKINE osmium Luciano COLOR CARTOON WWW triad CITED noosrnn it stunt morn Yttlllt thllESl intuitions CAST or wuousnnps ovnnn vision TO mm mats in sunsnull Ill SENSMISIERBEASI 05 IRE REES Illl IVENRERNBEHRD FIERRR iirririiruiris mummies lltJIlllm CECIL antiwar KENNEIH roan not PENMCK people who had their sight The aim of the Institute was to improve the social and eeonomicl madman of blind Canadians and their program covered such things as social service home teaching It was magnicent work which the Institute was doing said Canon Jacques and it was to be hode that all could would do every thing they could to help the blind not only by assisting these people across streets or reading news papers to them but in supporting the broad eld of endeavor cov ered by the work of the Institute leonard Family Hold Centennial Day in Stroud By 1165 During the past weekend novel celebration was held in lnnisfil Township on the farm of William Leonard 10th concession of Stroud This farm was purchased by the Leonards just 100 years ago and has been in the Leonard name ever since ranted and mounted on table was the original deed written in copper plate handwriting on parcli ment an indenture which showed the transfer of the property from one Richard and Francis Harrison of the Township of lnnisfil all that portion of the south half of lot 23 in the 10th concesion of Innistil to William Leonard of the Town ship of Scarborough On Athis farm William James Leonard now resides direct de scendant of the original purchaser of the Dorm This Thanksgiving weekend Mr Leonard andhis wife were at home to all who called and friends and neighbors came from far and near On Monday after noon following council meeting in Stroud the township council including the clerk and road super visor went to pay their respects to the Leonards Many lovely bouguets of owers were included among the gifts sent From Saturday noon until Monday evening steady stream of visitors called and enjoyed the hospitality of th Leonards some 2931 registering in the guest book We will have this land to hand down to our descendants 100 years troni Now Mr canard slated One of the relics also on exhibit at the Leonard home was the first minute book of the forming of school section and building of the school at the corner of No 20 side road which has since that time borne the name lof Leonards 5011001 lhis building was built under very exacting contract by John Leonard for the suit of $30 payable halt when completed and the balance in one year without in terest ion the account This build ing was replaced tew years ago by new school It know part of Township Schoolrea Mr and Mrs Leonard will be married 25 years in March so the neighbors on the line felt they would like to make substantial gift which would cover both oc casions the centennial and the anniversary so they presented them with silver tea service During the at home Mrs Leon anl was assisted by neighbors in serving refreshments Herr sisters doned and dismiicsed without costs Harvie Regina Russell Cadeau High lway Traffic Act Section 2931 iCharles Oiilcy solicitor for the accusedthe appeal against conl blary SCIVice and Sibling to ndviction bv Magistrate Cameron iemployment for blind people ion charge of careless drivmg was dismissed and conviction sus tained without costs Judge lHarvie Ellen Ley complainant John Earl Ley accused Deserted Wives and Childrens Maintenance Act Messrs Stewart and Esten solici tors for complainant Forbes solicitor for accusedC Stew art QC for the complainant inl Messrs Stewart and Esten solici formed the Court reconciliation had been effected between the two parties dismiSsed withOut costs Judge Harvie Prov Con Crozier appellant Edward Levy respondent High way Traffic Act Section 285 sub section Bdate for trial was set at Nov 23 Judge Harvie Roy Teskey plaintiff Thomas Brooks defendant Messrs Stew art and Esten solicitors for plain tiff Forbes solicitor for defendant breach of covenant in leaseC Stewart QC in formed the Court that settlement had been reached between the par ties Judgments 0n Ations Emily Herb plaintiff Morley LePage defendant Alexander Forbes solicitor for plaintiff Donald Dewar solicitor for defend ant real estate transactionMr Forbes informed the Court that set tlement had been reached between the parties Mrs Lot Webb and Mrs John Hun ter officiatedat pouring tea the rst day assisted by Mrs William Robinson and Mrs Sam Thompson sisters of Miuleonard Mr Leonard who is breeder of Tamworth hogs had the good for tune to include sale amounting to hundred dollar bill during the celebrations The Home of Good Insurance Since 1899 MALCO INSURANCE AGENCY dismissed without costshJudge Thomas Bomld Hammond and Violet Hammond plaintiffs Jack Martin and Gordon Logan defendants Thompson solicitongor plain tiffs Smith solicitor for de fnndant motor accidentplaint IMPERIAL AND 915 INGO EVERY THURSDAY VMULCASTEB ST TODAY STEEL ROLLING OUT In the first seven this year the Canadian steel iii irri claim dismissed with costs dustry produced 2381481 ingot Counterclaim allowed with costs tons an increase of 50 per cent Damiises 355955de 3338 0113le over full years production prior Haro ammon Hammond 5100 Defendants dam world war 11 age to vehicle 5106115 loss of use 3100 Judge Thomas Lawrence Desjardins plaintiff Marcel Beaudoin defendant ARRIE months of tors for plaintiffs Department of the AttorneyGeneral for defend ant motor accidentjudgment for plaintiff total of $156657 together with costs Judge Thomas Frederick Bernick plaintiff Al bert Asselin defendant Charles Onley solicitor for plaintiff Thompson solicitor for defend ant payment for cattlejudgment reserved Cuthbert Annand and Ann Mil dred Armand plaintiffs Bertha Hall defendant Griffin Bing ham solicitor for plaintiff Messrs Jennings and Clute solicitors for defendant recover title of prop ertyhearing adjourned to Nov 26 Judge Harvie Kate Wilson plaintiff Orval Roe defendant Alexander Forbes solicitor for plaintiff Boul ton Marshall QC solicitor for defendant damage by flooding of landMr Forbes informed the Conrt settlement had been reached between the parties LOTS or nonsEs TORONTO CP About lmtl horses are being brought in for the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Nov 1321 The many classes range from heavy draft horses to trim speedy mounts Friday 815 pm 186mm ST Jolltt iiNiiiiiiiiicr MENS FIRST AID CLASS wiii start llllllt our 22 at pm St Jolui Ambulance Rooms Across from Barrie Public Library Mulcaster Street iN srocn ALL wooc PANTS $6150 TOPCOATS Iz1r1N LINING $3950 34950 5595 STATION cons $2750 $3200 PHONE 4i bunlopSt poiire Ont Come on Join lnlhe Fun stunts THURSDAY SATURDAY 836 inseam isartnmmoonlg 333 HRENR ammo MSONS wiILF LilTow