PHONE 2414 wish to announce that TheHOn Goodfellovv Minister of Public 19 second of Oro Owner may 9ilECSE Dining room suite fumed ession Apply Barrie Motor Court oak wtll sell pieces separate also 240 Bradford St 16117124 youths brown overcoat 1416 II SjfSS fi LITWTHLT QTkimrfvaHww xi fz VN ll iihn Till alkali lllllt utiisisint or 19 FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE DOGS PET STOCK PROPERTY WANTED WNW crwM WW if is trim NIlid em gtT 25th Iia HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 57 Ii ass COLORED rmcsrour LACEY II 5f fry SS SiS IS VANTET GRAVEL C7 FlLL 1r II Top SOH her tARbtlx IIIIII ITTTIAI ll BIfi Si Phon SBJl eem DELIVERY ANYWHHLE BARRIE lgj BSSSMSSS SSS BSSSSS SS SSS is POSITIONSSSWANTSEBM DENNlS MORAN II II SI DAlNEs MASSAGE VS 93ij SS 721 Is ilrie 29m Barrie SS1SS 25 WAUTOMOBILES 23 ROCK STEAM BATH Sift ISS VS 740 SSSSS lt mgrM DruES BlrrSe if Sui WON Si or THE YEAR 222115 tIIIjvihiii Shim Iii1 Smm ng AXTFD WHW LH Licensed Irudnatc Masseur ISID Iwn MEL 10 tall ll in daily iiI if lst Class Sheetmeol II IIIIIII II who was sites Lin Lincoln llt Pm POPPmnjmlg 03130 LI IlI Dvrim Moran rm Ev none Ii PHONE 4289 SSS OLCrb SS We Arc Ncldmg School 13v IzIIIiui START REDUClNG iSOFHVUOUSlain In 520 In mid iritwhi ngll lltllllljr RS116 NHIm THU4 mfmghm me NI Dirting XII ltlelt Ulnzm gllIld liqutuk SINN Irma D1 le litlir Di mng 730 UR Cmlrse iv ISgtL1IU5 NU llillllll Stioiiil 5683 61l3i133volzl lint lII LI 3s 81 Nm III hath use OUNl rRiLIiiyIRNII m2 In rm IIIIII IIIII as ANDRADE SONS FOR YOUR CAR FOR BETTER HEALTH FARM EQUIPMENT IsmI we iriirti in law 2i Owrmm iii TII Strand Phone lOrlLixm down Sftiw the Niagara Health LnII nlictesi i7 YEARLING if 52isltcx iic HO lll7l arthritis sinus phlcbitis iricmcl Ir llt llIIrie St 11 LEST 7974313Bungalow II Ii oath haveI ull0lleSt Joe tim constipation inStiillllla lili Eralick 91P 02 mic Pilltl ulllTltllS iloszdays an Metal Iiitiil lingo iIIl Ii llllllil lrIII lirntcs blood circulation hiaSSllllrs thf Highway ll Icarus cm II Ill ry IiIr new 1W P13 LN Bnlteprlea 01m lltlllll iIIiIIIRIIIIIIizifiiIIIM ross own MororsP Purim sNOS QllVTlTY Mus cm DI anon tr II iIIi singly 5211i Bradford St lggngamnf gigging slant Likljlgtlfrnfllr WRITE Plans on 1E TO II II IIIIII In my 4113 mi III 7130 llltl acres cla loam 10 Lillds ilfllil 1932 llEV Sedan Delivery WillI Ammmumm phnm 3girinwni Both Cast Iron and Steel gliun ISI porcelain and Metal wood bush lionqu Innis lliIlltft1l best offer 59 Dunlop Sti dww Dunlap SL V051 Femdgle rib tIiII inIIIlrIIIi SSalmost1 lillillL SCchellentS Dank b1SIInS on lrIq Bairie lillllll MADAME Henrietta clairvoyant i250 YOUNG llr phone gllrgl or 5437 ira ILr none 2on3 In ago an Irzion illliiSS mivriSS wading dullV 50 Maple AWS SHISC Products lellCd 340 1901 kll lintI 51min Icnn ill II It iliROlET Sedan in A1 ComformbI ting accommooa APTO Phone Elmvlle 9r42 out laying stock to trlflth in ORYLLIA Oqr Iwmm Mi hi Ch ilflmm 49 duel1329 mition In town for short time only 39115111 dininc halchim v4 Most pald 11 1Ilt$ nl thIlS 113tflCoiisuIt the Madame will antml cleared out or barn in xiIe Speda gh 33 or Ii coiioztiori Inoric PHONE 3575 LOCAL LIVE POULTRY 1430 Ilull lgtlCK Sudan has bgpn kepziprllatc P3Tllgt JGLU ONE REPOSSESSED Slwo miles StgtS SuiSSStluiSiSt SuSSS II3 whim prms Paid 100 acres Clay loam all Hirkziblt In excellent condition llClllim mtilli of Simon tilllrtl lyriSStSISISIIS tgliiBljt Sim grind contin lgt1l5JlC bbklll IUUH liUIllL 111 almost new Phone 5064 SCRAP IRON lumpy i765 $311111 33 VIC nearly new excellent large bank 137120123 Ibl gt3 7mm burn tie up 33 head incr buIIII IIIHI2 TAMWORTH Ii 10 dag ur one hr 121545 inilcs village one lllllr ill SILVER Streak Pontiac Sedan plume 1V mgsroj TRACTOR PLOW Mg Illlil CHESTERFIELD 530 Sun church Sclllltll tIIIi pIIca 513mm tuned llltill 26500 actual niilesl Aluniini by Zl It 33 SSS 230 3331 SISSlliuli loom or $10an dmyn $5000 Interest on balinilv owner Apply Clarence Fer5 VlSlSEAlgSIiSlNG Pigs Apply Alba doors 91 Phone liptum 333 4101111169 iKi cent lemon Stroud 134120121 NUI Stroud liitlltNev this Springas good as new $1 Yiylllf 10T32I Salli 111 ll nut Cont6 Phone 68115 accepgegmluuu lttll corduroy Dress MANY OTHERS 11931 HUDSON Pacemaker ltitcly ggigg3fmh 2i nfgfm $1153 3I ISsSuItihle for girl 12 to 14 IiSSSSSECnnllilillnSthluughuutS Must be 50mlHSOLSIEISNSSCowS and Slleifcr DUF ceding imam pm Would Om m5 wovdi WON Ithuiit ILH Illltf Plioiie Stan Harding at Doug islle CHSV HtlRr Calves Phone be 911 winged to see thiQ bermLt mrkn ml km 31 Barrie Metal Salvage 51 gr TM km We LOT 1N Allandale district anIIgsml 333 1271mm mums Emmi Pl13 Drmrgng agiIill um DEALEPS IN SSS ShSSSI SSSSS SSS SSS fail grounds phmw 5390 even CAI FOR VFALING rice or 50 III WWIIwwIw II II 4W REC itd SCRAP IRON MEIALS FURS ighlilll 33 7vlllilf mg 1613043 1946 BUICK Roadmaster excelllRUion Stewart Churchill Phone 00 takes b0 vas in lt SA 53195 37 EIIDEs RAGS BATTERIES igtLll Winter Overcoat and 13 ROOM BRICK MUSO no anvil Lmimilrolm llddlfi hrtnm Cml 835mm St Bank Lmauy maSSSSSS FEAWERS SSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSS CSSSSS ISSSSSSSB PndSS Swlaldkrmm Ale MSUJISISISSSSS SSSSSSgtLSSrStSStrulS ppSartICs TEAM OF Horse 10 years OMS 39120 11 WEBSTERSF 53 appwytg Icr ar arson Lilli120w 13200 lbs Suitable for bush 54 GROVE STREET Delmt no In 10 13120421 John anSSSS ASSSSSSS MSSSSSS or SIvSvlrlSRD ISlllllL1SPlC0Slr torS gold PHONE 5809 il IVGLIS Wahnu la I4 ROQM BUNCALO hydm 00 mg or UL pp Om 10 thk5 Win 0311 High VMY 01 Cbngitignlbuiltin cupboards piece bath 1191 METEOE Cum Soa Ofr 11 ZUSOYI SWOUd 39120131 gtI rive gm ircs an my moor SS Iggiicfgrggld spedal pnces paid Phone IlJlI after lm Ille dmmd 0f Inn11lrglll recently overhauled Must sell at 13 SYEARLING Oljlem SlechI OLIVER Tractor Plow narrow Bndablt OHV 1373534 fiepl averaging around 830 lbs each gt aLlllllL Could lJL nanced Phone bottom good condition Apply lot93 Phone Baf 538m lCLOTllESLINE guaranteed for TS Apply Ernest Earnhardt Hawke Ambpt 11 LIP11 lrtt Clluhrpim red Fm up SAVE SLOOOBeaiitiltil new lanch 9l 13 115121 cm Phone Om 54 $4901 Cldrenc Ierguson Slroildo 11 31 17 gt stvlc home select Iiciuhborhood 523 It wurv IStfll railiczilais call our agent at oiliaieamomtwh 12 r7lti IIIHII 7119121 Elimgulo2g2flhmrAl iiiTUIEIiiiioufuViiiilEthical SHREBRED Nolsan Paps T031 1951 INTERNATIONAL 185 Tractor II I7II Ii noon 13 vaccinate demonstration ride by calling Stan SS and trailer netl motel in tractor CAUTION BEWARE AND COMPANY 913 333393 Egg llilldlllg It Doug Smith Motors gig lgmfg grgllofymn 5ng Apply penanckc Box 326 AIS Yard and Office 156 Tun St Busineqs Machineimp Tommo St RANCH STYLE rug brick hump phone 3330 or 5371 113119121 liston phone ILr2 3942042 Builders was v24 thin 213an floated ariat 3lrtIlirI zz80439 Sirlodifalgiigeg Igghgiskr TWO 3T0N Dump T1Ckv 1950 18 RENFREW sales and Serwce Portland 01 Mortar Cem atSors This is not anotherWARDROBE 5th 1m 13 CSABIx Trailgr IOOmSS but leaving Barrie No reasonable serviEeable age NPL Chantlcr aild ggffssl ent is wable prompt mdfw mmFSSGiSYSS SSS SS SSS 4307 biforc noon fully equipped electric retrigera Offer rerused Phone 4889 SS phvs Class cons Both ih er Son phone Cookstown 26112 pair work free inspection all We am Wt 2100 tor mi burner $700 Apply at 63 ItrIZDLI 9119121 to serve thenubile in Liiicerclv so 120129 Cd Shille Phone 331w 01 220 makes or Separatori Phone Moon rom conscientious mamvr SECOND llaiid Boat Trailer suil IlEWfogsgidsolid mzusgmay con iSOlL 13419121 GRADED Cheviot Ram Lambs 50 3H 159 muggjn 122 iablc LI lIl Luna wanted Phone KITCHEN Range Gurnel white srucQn Pomsl momsv both commercial and breeder PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT6533 after IIIr 313iiinamel iSiSnorSmmSISel with XateSr grimy 122$ bafemfntImgpt PROPERTY FOR RENT lambsbalso serviceasble are York BR John Deere Tractor fuel oil ront use on ort time ppy ing llSl shire Soar proulc phone Baffle 5A MILL Santos SSplIllSlllill or Florence 51S 7120 aghached IhiicSSlStS garageisgtiSlookigf FURNISHED Apartment AduusS smmd 231 9119121 lergagglguiggltggvgg $5 stationary iifi or WI IIhil pomr in is lit ae phone 3371 15112tf WW 141 also planer Send full paItietIIaSrSsSj MENE SLOTHES BrSown sui2t glue for inspectionPhone Stroud REGISTEREDSllerefordsbred and SimsygirdeaggtvgggleyrSlim Box 30 Borne Exaer Size rown overcoa size itsllth CARAGE AT 35 wellin ton East open ei ers so some oice qual SS WAITRESS for Farm 593h navy blue trousers size 40 Just Barrie phone 6535 55120122 Ity young bulls sired by Ringwood Jhn Deere Sales and 591me House Phone Stroud 31 llIl9lllgIE Lllflig SnllSluCSllSp IIll like no phnne 3405 after SSS pSmS BUNQALSQVSYS Sums an FUR SSHFD SS SS St Del Zemo zom Apply to PS Smith phone 860r12 S39115120 71 Jl your 1W 131131 113mm 71D0121 room insu llC tar woo eate si ing and Sons Beaverton 9120 logy adults 1SSIISlimp lfititlilp china class orna floors inlaid linoleum builtiii room Central Phone 5082 15120 was mu menis prnnztnIs rte lti IlllltaxttI LADYS Winter Coat wine box cupboards hydro on Highway 90 TEAM OF Percheron Mares 3600 Phone 2172 11151fi5llttt Phlill 3141 3417122 style with parka size 1416 Ladys miles west of Allandalc Easy LIGHT HOSUCRCCPing roomS lbssound and right good bush COOK wamcd Sm hum camp virSiicr eSiSiaStDS rose beige tted terms Percy Ford phoni 80813 furnished SAbstainers Pligntizg911291 Learn also tSime clock for poultry sty wit ct size 1416 Phone Barrie 16120124WF ouse Appy Cochrane lcvfgnsls 2PSSSLSSSlISSSOIId paSiSltSlSl 3631 7120 NEAT FOUR SS ROOMS SS and Thornton Phone Ivy 2rd 00m rame age at 9l20l21 13200 IAPRTED in lllhl mortgage LET INS SI uppySyour hog feeds Edge of town Thicc plLU bath Case to us No Chi ren hone EggNGClgilrrls HdiiieJ AWL 81 Pay after your Ipigs go to market Space heater Taxes Thirtysix 4152 15ll8tt REAL HERD Sire Kelmscott Can 33 Byeld 5L Bank p120 No interest Contracts available dollars FortyEightIllundrcd Fif adian Boy 3088 imported Large Phone or see Craig Hunter phone teen Hundred town balance Fifty PURMSUEDmeom Vllh hon9 English White also serviceable WAITRESS preferably cxperienc 1er Stroud 7110125 gelSmOMhIB 50 HtmY Mid Ellitk gapmg desued Centigl age Enbglish PBhOlSi ggeila SOSWS ed excellent conditions rod wa ca tors arric lti120 Novem er one trou gesApply Prysons GrillgDunlop LOST Springtilled mattress on LARGE Norgc Space Heater new Arthur Morrow 9119121 St Barrie 1115 Hitlimay 93 it found notify used only once also 10ton steel NINE ROOM Brick house modem SLARGE Rooms and bSath clean Carr fraighurst Phozit Barrie winch and allton steel winch Ap excellent Condition oakv floors hell and vacant BUS 19 Phone NUMBER of government graded GRADUATE OSS Undergraduate SSSSSSSSSSZS 174120 SSly Fwd GSVeenS RR NOS 1S StroudS Shwughoutb ah conditioned on 5400 13120122 registered Oxfodrd RamLLanStSbsSglso of hon 23 23 71 21 Gotta athrooms attached ar some Ewes an Ewe am ol private home Phone 3317 FOUNDStray houan Imp on Lot LoIf2Ol age the terrace immediate piss FULLY Fumh Bad109m 99 stein COW good milker due rst The CorporatIOn of The County of Simcoe trIil locationr Gentleman piefericd of NovemberS Joe MetheralS Glen 119121 Phone 3425 15420 have same by proving property FURNISHED Apartment kitchen Huron Phone Creemore 40912 and paying for ad Apply Litl 9118123 JUNIOR Clerk male wanted as years All in very good condition NEW ROOMEDSIUCCO Bung timekeeper for construction work gold Shanty Bay lTllOIZO bd pl Box 27 Barrie Examincr IIIIvw MILII II 29 low 26x40 In Stroud vii lng Dame en Welf Will HI ll mm Manor iizoIzi LOSTWomans gIIIvc right hand one 71r20 bedrooms living room iiiiciie Fm 33140 15420421 MISCELLANEOUS gmecf 1365213011 kitchen bath full basement furn ace good location near highway school church and store Apply Gordon SRix Stroud Phone ZilrlB llll2l pigskin palm crochet back be tween Drury Lane and Dunlop St SEE CRAIG HUNTER for service Finder please call at The Barrio on your Faster Feeds Frost Fence Examiner Reward 17I119tf and Farm Supplies Sales service and demonstration on Graham FURNISHED bedsitting room with kitchenetteWillwbc vacant Nov Phone 3960 15120 FURNISHED light housekeeping DOCTORS Assistant Must be either nurse or have otiicc ex perience and be willing to learn Good wages in proportion to ex on Tuesday October 27 1953 at pm The public are cordially invited to be present FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Nurse required for night duty lrS pericace and hours of work dc Li cided upon Apply with rclcrencos Accommodation Wanted yngxriSeSSSIroud 53Sr5SS INSULBRIC HOUSES SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS zzgilhlsfgi CSesrlliSazlS Rubber ann1A1aSS me to Box 26 Barrie Examiner GIRL Requires mum and bum in dining room mothmg kitchen 73M SSplasc Wan Tile 157120121 quiet hum Apply Bux BarmPAlR Rubber 3buckle boys gol bathroom bedrooms ml hStutcd ROOMED Sellcontained turn arage large lot near Codrmgton ishcil heated apartment Possession Materlals Supplied and Installed ashes size lStation wagoncoat MAKE MONEY home address Exammu mouton collar pair ski pants ing envelopes for advertisers Use lURNIsHED Housekeeping room size 0X SI cloth coat bluetardy Yggvritteoreggghagidsctoogl Sttpll or room and board centrally loca fur trim SlZC 16 good condition ng at on ted in Barrie Phone lilmvalcllionc 3431 or call at 31 Clapper Free Estimates WOLFENDEN chool Immediate possession 83000 down See it Tuck Build er 73 Dundonuldst Barrie 16ll7121WF imcdiatclyZ Phone 328i 15119120 ATIltAClIVE sunny bedroom central No othcrroomcrs Use of telephone 87 Toronto St guaranteed Mail 31 torlnsiruction al qucl Transglo PO Box 8121 SSS1S2lum St 120 LARGE SIX Wm PU in 159T121 90 cqueads Phgiesgg 1543 whua sans 1155 BUSINESS Girl desires room and BUTCHER Shot and Grocery Store Allandalc good condition itason COTTAGES SSSOSSd SSoomSSS SSSSE SS ably priced Four and half room brick bungalow stair completed for additional rooms upstairs tiled kitchen and bathroom large lot with creek Two large homes suit SUPPLY Sugar companies have booked ordersnow for their en tlre l953 production 0001 have reasonably good sup ply to arrive based on previous seasons quotas Our first car to arrive within weeli withothers to follow in Nov ember Prompt booking of yourdrder willassure your supply and prevent disappointment later 142 board or housekeeping room tinStore Equipment including meat medlatel Central location Phone slicvr meat scale foot counter LOCAL FIRM 11 mun NOW 5361 11120 walkin box dairy counter pro lady as comptomemr 0W IvII ducc scalc counter scalc Frigld The young lady selected Will be RESPONSIBLE young couple de aire Deep Freeze nearly new all Toronto xpens sire furnished apartment or flat National cash register nearly new ablcfor duplex or apartIIItnts Safth thh she Ill be Clllpluyed garage it available Apply Box 21 Hoot produce display counters Full Prliwlm from Henry and in our 33 039 MW Barrie Examiner 1141942 centre island display counters and Elrick Realtors Barrie ll 421 capable girl with good education and good at gures This is 35 ROOM Apartment or houiw Itiholiicngzcigulgiiligid 492 permanent position with good unfurnished preferably selfcon zopw house lovely location on outskirts winterized $30 month Phone Stroud 22125 or Howard 4389 To ronto 15120 FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms continuous hot water cup boards also bedroom furnished Phone 2948 Iii120421 LARGE Furnished rooms sult Reliable Window Cleaners Walls Scrubbed Windows Cleaned Immw Isnamunur room hricTr pply 157 Mary St lurnlpii Will deliver Henry Kunls Shelhurne phOne 010rl4 If Bite Phclpston Phone Elmvale him 20117120 Applies cookin 7l181 working hours twoweeks vaca tamed and heated wanted it icr of town main math lowed ab Km housekeeping Dll tlon etc Apply In own handwrit mancnt civil servant veteran ieIie winter new turnuce diiillod mill Vm bilh WIinerti BUFS Stop Storm wmdesI 01355 In PRICE in stating age education and and one schooliige child Amulyl Hydro Wire servlcel WI acros mm 470 1120ul Stalled if necessary names or two references to Box Box 24 Barrie Examiner IFRUIT 9VEGETA land stable and garage colony mm Ht F1 The 1993555080leSSlvhanlllSlyear 29 Barrie Examiner 1izo12i mull120 house all wired small iruits ms YWETABLEJS tor winter storm Reasonable qu uaiity tor purl Eggmffgpmlfgl$331 Store Ottlce Factory sswoFOB ct on Arm mam CWWS Cubbnll chime under DVA Galbraith 1542mm Windows $6950 Delivered Car on Arrival llllllllZl LARGE oIi heated bedsitting Phone 6765 154 comer st Straight carltit price on application galew cats avail mm Smd 1hkglgtenngglvllgggsg 54113454 able Warehouse pilce proportionately higher to cow lludllno to cowsail pan do preceding pm uIIInII containers also regard clI WM lillmllmml 33111 39 13 FURNACES ANDChimera clean handling dmmge dsbe slpply ept Sunday Allulta and Straw bale App 31 OP onme pm mu ma WASAGABeuch room winter Egg Rbmsn and 05 FEEDING Ottuwny Fruit Farm 40 Rose St mm lzed cottage inside conveniences BITELEPHONEDTO omcr monuu Barrier 207432 ciIIIIIdIthI vfmiiir IIiaiii ln IIIIIII close to school IIan Colon any is interested in receiving Supp per month lbllowlnlmcutlvolnsemons36dtl0ldmlnlmum15c ROOM 30A glcmm WS veomu who Dulrymen are the greatest boosters toret Pulp When ted to the dolly cow she will eat more of other reeds ingest it all betternnd produce more milk However IF YOU Wish your wood cut alth er by the cord or hour tpply Dace Miller phone 805r22 51l7130 ave the following qualication UNFURNSHED RA ooms healed mm mm mm BeetPul good lnserTloYIlolgi T233 we 00M ANDVNW mm lleliillemliandu Awllllilgmztntnlelvticht ages wuh gal on Jon sunable glemghy 32 Poultry also med for Horses 8hg9pnogs and Appl oil Cumberland in ercnt areas Ap cum mam Colleen on Toronto It uniw BE PAID WIT ORDER only Widow and can sou share 1212042 should be presently employed and amhmodmm 0m WM 43 Cane Molasses 1mm Coop are good feeding value Coop successful in their new ntlop hilv ROOM AND 31W Mme eomo spare time and pbe able gentleman preterred Phone 3852 we mm moo mom 15119120 DEAD swoon Removed am your Balanced marina Ooop Custom Feed Milling with Co com03mm Accommodation mvlggngggh gm op Concentrates are money matters lot you Ask tor or muufuireoua to nr olllco at am WORDS to avoid 420 This is not getrichqulck or nurse teacher or business lady page at MI scheme but one that will lye Lune Bun muomzcawordmlnlmumloo ROOM AND BOARD1or girls you onerous and promamew mtg giggledmngecg SUSAN WJNAPPBIOIATION limp Shawl siiii come leans do notamwer thin smoker abstain only need him Him ul advertlument unless you have the haMos ROOM All Bind nyallable necessary capital available and 1y PM 154201 cod 81 00 is tunneling Centrallglocuted aentlemap also an ngamwwhgdgpu mag and rAchrlailtllIlliliSlSl dklzuge all WWI sinuous on yon cu nu mo em en lWMII PM 35 nowihetacu or the mt selected chen bath mart Sun room tor aum WIDOWER and immune Ion ROOM toilet orIbotli watimaid will be hirednlmmedlntely Write met minutes to Five Points would claw tw ii menu can hoard zultabmtogt In am or 1qu agoigheyrouelg haul Ageing gunners s73 llnmgidlatei possession pithFbilrlgm Wao lungxgmg mun va 0v one spy oxv ar xamner or prop on rm 0650 12420 arrle Examiner 29419121 15420121 5780 IraHF