Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1953, p. 16

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11 nu Billth unused wrustsosv til 191 Former Borden list of items Needed by RVH Being Prepared 73 lf Where YOU Buy News 10 cc Listen to 11118 Barrie Every day at 1243 for some of our merchandise specials iiiiililY and 11011111 ARMSTRONG TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlap St Phone 280 6971 Dunlop St Phone 494 ilzr tllfl WANT Al RCbichfll Grey High lo Peaches Fruit Lorg SUN LIFE IStOne llirOvvn in Yard ASSURANCE co Tea and Bazaar 1ka itovely Weather For OES Autumn liroplly Coiliiigvvood softball throw Dall il Brandon Midland soccer kick Eleanor Itiiilllllilglon Colilllgwood 00yard dash lltilll Whltc Orlllill 507311111 dash lliitliiJ BARRIE 1llIllAllL students ilt lnlonazst this group of recordllclkl ithllzcs who colllpclcd ill the iiloillpsll up track and fitid mch at Midland Park icclilly The championship was rclaiilcd by ll Ruth Kisslcks BUCI team for ilit ollrill timt in six years The girls and the yllilS ill Which they established records iffy irc lcit to right front row Jean hldtRJi view it if olllllewood standing broad Jump Dialli plililll will gt xx in in iltt iilli the sumj 2111 llloliills inil llli iichiltliltv of tZi ill lrux iii song about 13 Him Ilil lociy all weather on chv BtltK 10 ltll 11 light 1111 Jill Smith 1532323311333giizinbzli llmltiil Tifltlllxbiiiv litillic standing hop step and Jump Sandy mm and 1M MUM illll Oriiliii hop step and jump sr impun No 103 of the Oltltl LN iizly Crosbic Barrie soccer kick 5r Man it 511519 Starrhimh 11 iili tori Ural Midland high Jump and Ruth WNW or 0mm mm mm letwtcli the tea hours of thril Dangerfield Barrie 75yard dash 3r duck my 330 oclock and llii ml liilneilladc baking parcel pgtl sad if lzimzlr tables and penny sale held 11 Conjunction with the tea verc e11 patronized this illittr slicli LL titan cmrpit No ltc the Blli vi Dblllll Mun Vf Liiii cr1pn1 go other ownir livcli on city ppit liltlil llllct iiliuti illt lI Mouton littlgt iimcd Committee to BCI in mm mm licli the blossoiil LZt bloom 11 good ittliitliii army to linitliril Till the ilcctilii lli Band is Enlarged litlf Plans ycais 111 spam 11 lcgalc liili nothing 1151311 FiSll the hand lt1itlltvi 1111 on Tori to itiid ii select lily Stimuli 1x Slt lic int ola ivllull 111 is is winkl order to way in lth The oitccll sciu was one of the matters on the of thc iiiect ing of lily senior vlsory commit tee to the band last Thursday everl ing further mi 11ng will be held shortly to elect 19336 executive for the committee whcll is prcsv cntly under the chaililiallshlp of Leighton Clarkt The committee has been enlarged this year to include about 23 mem bers the majority of whom are parents of band members Matters discussed at the illeetingl included the highly successful sum mer centennial concert sponsorch by the band from which suipius of $300 was announced Announcement was also made of the six pupils who had won the es saycontcst sponsored by CKBB to decide the two winners of New York trip to attend the concert of Canadian music at Carnegie Hall this wcck GILFORD Motor lrip Donald Knccshaw and his friend BobStevcnson of Willowdale en joyed ne motor trip rst to Painsvillc to visit Dons uncle and then on to Detroit to visit Bobs uncle The boys icft Sat urday and arrived home Wednes day morning Sunday Visitors Mtg and Mrs Keith Constable and amin of Stroud were Sun day it PU Convention Kell attended the Toronto Cont ence YPU conven tion in Orillia turday and Sun day At Port lgln Mr and Mrs Robe Keli span the weekend at PortElgin and while there attended the anniver sary services of their church Sympathy Extended Th esympathy of the G1 0rd community is extended to and Mrs Sanders on the deat of Rev Sanders mother on Mon day morning Mission Band The MiSsion Band wps hold ill the lovely new Sunday School roomTucsday Oct 13 Mrs Bayes plcczziiiozi be gt1 to lie Sigma Phi Sorolliy fol ll witkly visits to tilc hospital and patient Shc lil that it was mils mill wllilt iiiilttl on tllc pull of tilt group It decided at thi inclting tlliil the hospital iiouid would illltl for llc villtll months 11 the sci olid or third Monday afternoons oi each month Tile Vtllliig mcltillgs haw bccll ill1d through the Silili llicr months for the convenience of the township representatives An extremely iillLlLStiiig fiiln on fire prevention in hospitals was shown at the close of the October board meeting Ratepayers Have $600 forWork ton Orr flake Dam MOONSTONL Mcdontc Town ship Council considered letter from Thomas Plumb representing an Orr Lake ratcpayers group lstatlng that about $600 had been raised forrepairs to thedamand requesting donation toward the work It was suggested for the undertaking proposed $50 from each of Flos aild Mcdontc would be apprcciatcri Council meeting Oct 14 dccidcd to find out what F103 proposes to do regarding financial aid Mc donte understands F105 is to ap point caretaker for the dam and will pay half the cost The Orr Lake ratepayers have proposed James Stewart as caretaker Cope land Milling company of Elmvale are to carry out the repairs to the dam Road superintendent Frcd Wood rcphrtcd that beaver had blocked stream under an old bridge on the 6th Concession north and the overpass was getting in danger ous state The game warden will be asked to remove the bcavcr bylaw was pissed approving an agre ment with Coldwatcr for fire prot ctioh Reeve Fishcr Ganton gave brief review of progress made so far in landuse survey He had at tended meeting in Midland when report was given by George Bayly and Grinncil of the Department of Lands and Forests and said it was amazing the amount of vital information which had been obtained maps prepared and other steps already taken as guide for improving the land in this area Reeve Ganton stated that coopcrativc of municipalities dcr government supervision may bosct up eventually to develop this district with conservation playing aforenlost part Tenders will be called for snowplowinl Hospital Ends 11 September With lhc llllilllil 11 lilgttllltiil casel lit tlil hopliil 111117111 1hr litllllllE 111 tiiillleltl with till ilirlngi llit szlule 111 and lhcrc viic 4313 ii cxuctly thc szlllli lllllllliti 15 in St ptclilbci 1952 llc flllii illiliitiir of patients ill the lliltiHlltl 010 and ipctik of 113 was reiicllcd Acuounh payabli ill llll amount 1w 11 ll lint lilc estiiiliited revcnuc surplus of the Royal Victoria Hospital to the end of September is 510000 situ atlon vastly different from any thing that has existed for long time the hospital manager Cameron told members of the board of trustees at thpiriilonthly meeting last evening The capital account up to Sep lcmber hagnincluded four largo items balconies fan for the laundry surgical equipment and hospital furnishing however total ling 57809 to be set against the revenue surplus Indigent patient days meanwhile have rcached total of 2064 as inllch or more than the hospital had all last year Against the loss of plrylilcilt in the ripolt of the fin ance and property colililutlce preL scntcd by the lllailllixln ll Rob crtson Accounts receivable in the amount of $31114 were recom illcildcd for vrltcoff letter of acknowledgment and cll for its grant of 311738 receiv cd in Septombcr and rcprescllting Barrlcs share of the 1932 hospital deficit county Form =close of the cv Entertained at Farewell Party At the liglllur intcling of the hrlstlail Molhcls oilllulcrlllty ol St Marys Church Thursday CVLik 111 3115 Iiilicll illl yclils plesiricilt who has rctiicd because of llcr pending departure for llam of $117231 vcle licolillucluicd foilltoll was prescillcd with tin cicc tic itll kcttli as farewell gifl fl hit the members Mus JoSeph Kearils gave little spccclt and the presentation was made by Mrs Tim Iicillcy About 35 members of the soci Ecly were xrcsent for the gathering thanks is being sent to town couli it Jtlllf ihs refrcshments wcrc School and at the High served ning Mrs Farrell vho was just be ginning lierlcrm is president has been replaced by rs Tony Saso who was given all cclamation During her years in airic Mrs Farrell has been very active in particularly in the Parent Teach ers Association and the Radio Forum 53953291 daythe grantper indi gent patient day from the County of Sililcoc reduces the not loss to less than $1195 day The hospital had very good The Illrlll Radio Forum scasoil month ill Scpttrillbcr financially ill Sllllim oiluly optus villl full RlCtllS iItCluding grant from rally to bc illid ill the Town of Barrie and the quar Lodge Big Bay Point on Satur tcrly government grant totalled day Oct 24 at 130pm 342383 and expenses in most catc The rally is held in conjunction gorics were slightly below average with the Community Life onion The payroll was down nearly $3000 once sponsored by tho Slmcoe due partly to the fact September County Federation of Agriculture was fourweek month and partly The county forum committee hopes to the fact that the hospital had that each forum ill the county will come to the end of the summcrholi be represented atthis rally to dis day season where ma been cuss Forum actiVitics in the com ncccssary to hire relief nurses and 11 503501 lhh 11 staff gram has been planned for the Tm result caghsllrpluq or afternoon which includes review of our educational programNa stun smoaim thh reduced the bank mary of forum activities in thc overdraft to $41435 the lowest fig county and pep talk by the urc since November 1951 The month had not been so good Cliff Waite collection wise The percentage of This year the work of the Fed collection to charges had been only nations eidmen has been ex 365 tended to include assistance to ex Pilent days during sepiembel istiiig forums and help in forming totalled 2965whichvwas about av new forums Any groups that cragc for the last few months Out wish to enjoy the benets of farm provincial farm forum secretary luusmiinS ternity of Christian Mothers will be greatly missed by women of the church icr St Barrie thc affairs of St Marys Church litr daughter Miss Suzanne Far no of tho sccrctliry Simcoc County pghiallg Street by Federation of Agriculture 64 C011 The main lea table had in un isual centrepiece entitled What you Brill liomc from the Country ind was an arrangement of bulk blackberry lczivcs pzimpas grupcs llSlitS truss pours applcs and Ildlviiillal tables were centred at roundcd by bronrc mums tea table during the afternoon were lrs Charles Lower Mrs Carlton Courtney Mrs Del Cole and Mrs railway iil Cziiiadli today John McCaw Th tea convcncrs are 44034 mng Jud only Lowes and Mrs Russia have greater total iillleugc tifi34Dun10p5LL track were Mrs Cunningham The draw on handmade smock cd dress was won by Mrs Jack Couch Prizes in the penny sale were won by Mrs McCaw Mrs Stone lihm Mrs Caldwell Mrs Williams Mrs Ross Mrs Ness Mrs Urry Mrs Jory Mrs Knapp Mrs William Stc wart Mrs Ayrcs Mrs Haili eriil Mrs Crawford Mrs Malian Mrs 11 Maxwell Mrs illsey Mrs Bishop Mrs Pollsworth and Mrs Vanderbeek IIll was entertained on Friday vcnilig at party held at the of Miss Joan McVeigh on her fellow pupils of St Josephs Gra About 25 students High chooL Your county farm forum com gatheresan her honor and enJOYCd mitte hopes to publish news citadeven the forums in the various local V1010 ncwspapcrs throughout the county and news items from each forum of dancing and tele Ref oshments were served by the hoste es She was pre entcd with little would be appreciated by the press ve oclock sil teaspoon as correspondent John Hughes Churchill farewell gift by am Cancilla on behalf of her class ates Patients fell Off bit to 137 WhiCh forum Should contact the office lAcKsows GREAT CONTINUOUS SALE SKI SLACKS for children and women lined regular up to $850 lr $198 NYLONS for wOmcn leading name brands pair 59c if out 9951 1952 CHRYSLER V8 Sedan power steering power brakes 1952 PLYMOUTH Cronin00k Sedan 1952 PLYMOUTH Cambridge Sedan 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Club Coupe 1951 DODGE Regent Sedan 1951 PREFECT Sedan 1951 VANGUARD Seal WindSor Deluxe Sedan radio 1950 CHRYSLER the meat pink flinor that is pcrlcctlon Neighbors and fr ilil lililkcd by 111 white tapers Tilc marwnm 1W in gt7 trotlively vlth while candles sur 0m and Wm hp immune out peach stones this tall in lilt hope Receiving and presiding at thclhat Ihcy Will gm In 11107 there vverc 30117 mllcs of tirst the tlcv hail are 2111 unusually leip yellow with outside tiiiilllliilll l0li REPRESENTATIVE tilere Sovlct and the United States paint From BISterm Recommended as PAINT MIX for new or repaint job EALER r05 FREE FOLDER Picture News fom CIL 11 VME AKER doesrit need sales clerk to help her make her selectl Thanks to Cellbphane she can choose what she wants in th selfservice store at her leisure and kovrthat Cellophane has otected her purcllascShe like thousands of others has found wppingeasicr thanks to that versatile protective packaging inate at Cellophane RATHBUN Phone 64 OlliltALLS for childi011wasl1ablc pair 59c gt 1949 PLYMOUTH Guach gillng bl Shed 59c 1949 CHEVROLEI lub coupe 1949 AUSTIN Sedan PANTIES for Children silks cottons pair 25c 1947 CHRYSLER ClubCoup 1947 PLYMOUTH ecial Deluxe Sedan VISUEDENE JACKETS for men and boys regular 1947 MONARCu Sega 1941 CHEVROLET Coach DRESS SOCKS yior mcn seconds pair 25c township roads and these must be 1950 METEOR Coach in by Nov Ab M1110 and Allan Burt were gavc short talk then made Eval ceii Sawyer life member or the 133er ggnrngggsmwmg 8533 appointed delegates to the Tclc School mm Don Grifths read phone Association convention in the scripture The meeting then Town 2940 closed and lunch was served by All members of Council androad two of the mothers The officers foremad Fred W00d attended Jof the Mission Band for 1953 are Nominations be made from Prcsidnt Judith England Vice 12 10 pm Dec With the elec Prcsidcnt John Dales secretary tion the following Monday Next Doris Griffiths Brass Secretary Council meeting will be Nov 11 at 1940 CHRYSLER Coach 1938 OLDSMOBILE Sedan Don Griffiths Treasurer Charles Young World Friends Secretary Gary James AN ZXAMINER WANT AD The figure the previous year was PHONE 11 pm in the township office wQ During 1951 Canada spent $24 per person on highway building 320 STATION WAGpN COATS turmoil and boys reduced from our regular $2700 line $1195 MAIERIALS silkenMons wools and cottons part of Bankrupcy stock Some sold as high as $400 yard 29cyardand up 1936 DODGE Sedan USED TRUCK BUYS 1952 Fargo V2 ton Express Chevroe iz ioncnel 4950 Mercury Express too DltESS SHIRTS for men and boyssolid colorsand 195 Dd9 him sirlpesslzes 14 1412 regular sans $149 1949 GMC P000 9461ntenuonal K6 cab and Chan thSATltbeAL 51 liAMdE 15 N21 Evsshszlilm ur ens an oys 11 me ran re plus of sizes 141de only Van Heusen Forsyth London Fathom ofmhm do alreMcGregor Brille and Vaintrubs regular up to $550 Fashowday leivice $50 while they last Simonyowownnignaimyp WW Satisfaction or Cash Money Reloaded Calhllour nary Bonus Cheques at Jacksons artisans Bent Stores 59111114109 sow 91101454348 FLANELLETTE 36 inches wide regular 690 Yard yard 39c Do youhovo the it Bill BLUES ikllmiunipt You can pay your fuel hill fair with promptcash loan from i111 WINNER AttractfivehFlite69was tit only will the age visiop is years Design Awardiof Merit 1938 International K5 cab and chassis sponsore by die Nationaliindusdlalbeslgn Committee his covered with hurricane vinyl plasticsu lied ciL 1947 R00 School Bus 43 passenger 1945 Dodge School Bus 25 passenger manufacturers of furniture ahdluggage Thischemical material Vishttsyto cleanwaterproofand scuffresistant Bothfinished in school bus colors In Actuatortvloofonumolrimtud of paper to lino bureausfrown willtnot only in prove their appearance but will motto Ile under to clean Enamel will also cover up guy roughness llllll wood thatcaum mpuiidgodi Mommalit only CHRYSLERPLYMOUTH MIGRWCKS cannon INDUSTRIES 11mm mommy

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