make 11lte 1i FOlri Lard Were contem community ielat1on rcoprttd 1111 1hr at which 90 tlliltlltll lCer Ml l11 on public relations in the home to the 1111 picture The ideal tions can only 111 down in the 13111112 111 cn rule day by do mu others ll$ltlt and M11 from the other pew11 111 view Emerson 11111 lith 111 meet is in some 11y 1111 tllit ior and in that him After Ihun111rou poem in Mrs Du ltiiieh 11115 11t1d by the tea hesicsws Mrs How and Mrs RUSSell Knapp Next mecting will be at Mrs tl12s1111s and all are invited special speaker Mr llltlUlIlIiliI and the demonstration llt Will give in connection wuh 11h 111 dress thhis extended to Nor1 mu God who was bereaved hyl the death of his mother last wetk ro THE BARR EXKSHNER WEDNESDAY 111 iii CHURCHILL MlNESlNG Attend Honing Witt5 on the hobby ril everyone living by llit 111 ll 11 Mrs Otto Davis and liene are spending week With Beatrice Mrs Ayersti l111d famzly ill Camcol Mrs Harry1lcarson was Thanksgiving visitor with Mr and Mrs Fred Pearson and frunily Dr Eric Johnston and sons Rickyand Billy London spent Thanksgiving with his parents Mr and Mrs George Johnston CALL THE EXAMINER FOE PRINTING PHONE 2414 Retire on $200 Month for Life popular Halifax grocer and his wiferccentlyretircdon$200nmonth for himTheir dreams of security and comfort have come true thanks tondecision thegrocermude in 1923 It was then he took out 11 Con federation Life Insurance Pensiion Plan which included $20000 insurance protection He had just opened his store and with the baby and the payments on his home he had only so much left forretire meat plans It was pleasant sur prise whenhis Confederation Man told him how easily his dreams could thiefwithout risks or investment wonics Youll be pleadamly surprised too It how easily you can matte your but come trueand protect talcum at the some time with Confederation Lilo Pension Plan withInsurance vwawwm whiny 1211s 1111 spent tiny 11 it 1111 111 1111ttl1 ll111l1lBoyd took 111 ill 1111 Selmniberg 1111 Saturday Mary ltlll111 ll l1111111l1i 111111 Wm Ml and Mr xrmip 111111l1 Others from here attending 111 1m the match Were Lew Cronun llnr Distuuee STANDING BROAD Primary Paul SLM Migt md lillllliltl 1111 11111 Pennsylvania All Davis and Mrs Lennard 111111111111 M1 and Mrs Andrew Bell lllll attended wedding in Ottawa 1111 Saturday Bill McKeevcr has 41111111 111 building his house after the 111iil lll 131J1 It lllO Cundlcs Womens Institute met 11 the home of Mrs Andrew Cum Iming Mrs Douglas Ferris pres lident occupied the chair After opaniagxandu the meeting was turned over to Mrs Noble the Home Econom ics convencr Mrs Charles Ncw BanLe mmduccl Wm 59k Mrs 110111111 spentseveml days SLM Distance 11 11 111 111 Junior Gerald Martin McDonald Mr velry iintcjresting deinor51tionton hardy Wynn He also talked on the method of Spent Monday me Gardener Emieaiifcg nix Mr and Mrs Walter Cook To son Olmstead Distance lit ladis had with thcir every day ronto were Monday guests at baking and enjoyable Mrs Noble gave reading The Design for of the community Mr Flock Home Making Part of the zitt made the presentation of wal SPRINTS ernoon took tlieform of ti pres nut desk with matching chair and entation to Miss Cumming fondly reading lamp Roy Hickling on kinson Allt Milligiv to so behalf of Vespra Council made Doug Smith MeDonuld known as many of her friends She is leziv few joeular remarks and extended the community to make her best wishes to Donald Earl Rich Bob Bell HC Don Amos home with her sister at Vascy zirdson read the addressand Car AS small token of lDlCCiilliUH mzm Downcy made the presenta to her from the WI she was pre tion of walnut coffee table scnted with 11 gold brooch and Donald then thanked the gather from her Close1neiglib01s she re ing in very able manner for the ceived was all surprise to Miss C11111 Best wishes of the community go ming She made very ll it rc to Donald and his bride for ply undo the best wishes of long 11nd lizippy married life community go with her to her hf new home The afternoon came TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD to close with social hour over PHONE 2414 the tea cups Mrs John Murray and Mrs Cumming were the hostesses Brlde and Groom Honored Mr and Mrs Donald Bell were the guests of honor Tuesday even ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Douglas Ferris Almost 100 friends and neighbors including Donalds fellow council menibcisgatheietl to honor Donald and his bride The evening was spent in cards and also several enjoyable musi cal selections by the Ferris Fam ily and fWaltcr Bell on his aceor dion Andrew Cumming gave the address brideto the community On behalf 11111 11111 rut out mu yyy egh Sportsmen Honor H2K ll KURIRIGIII T15 i111 1ri111 11 11 1i1 1131 x1t111i1 llL Tommi1 hm Alli 111 1l11i1 Po 1111 111111111 of it wit 111 311 11 11l 112 Sertiic 1111 111 ml lillll li 11 1111t1i 2511 CNS Shnw Hm 11111 to twiiiwri 1l111111 11111 to Idltllllll 11111 11 l111l in the 01l1l ivlml cu NDLES it 11 11111 1l11111 lrlt lliouxis lib SOFTBALL Attend Plowing l1tcl1 1111 1flt 111 the 11 111 hug iil li 1111 ll11 111l luiiid and ber 13 1111115 tool in the 11l1il11 111111 11111 lrs William limiter 05111111111 11111 ligt CiliilltS Ill71 11 11 31131 the holiday Vttk 111111111111 111 Coliniirg tn 11 11 111111 11 lliuesl llil1 Atlend Plowing Match l111111 1I11l nthruled the plowing an spcmhm 111itill lorritl iturge Oldfield and f1m1ly Toronto were Monday vis llttl with Mr 41nd Mrs Ernest Mr and Mrs liorold Wright and family Guelph were weekend gllgtl of the Gordon family All visued With Mr and Mrs Harvey Bedford Thornton on Sunday Womens Institute 34W Sturgeon xxxxx weekend with Mim Laura Bains Bloomeld He gave with her niece Mrs Murphy Lum hnnic Dales It all proved very help chenille bedspread 1t gifts and all the kind remarks Codrington Sweep Public School Track And Field Championship iii Inf Iuniur uterinodule Senior Primary litlt Junior intermediate 1ei1 lr1l lvlllllll 111 Senior 111111 tllllltll 11111l 1111 iliit1111lt11121111 11 1111111 llzt 111d111 11111l1 1111 11111111 1ri1i l1111111 3111111lt 1111 111111l 111 iiitl 111111111l t111l11 lil EH1 11111 ll1tiiil1ler illlltl in tl11 p11111 111 unit 1111111 l111111i giuimi liid1 111 I1Kl 1111111 lltlllttt gt111111ut lltll lIlLllt I11 11111111 11111111111l11l1 1111l11 x11111 111 1111 lztl 11111111111 11 i111111l 1111 lt STEELES CORNERS 11w 1111l l111111e fiend11mm llt 1i li1111 IW lliltl11111 111 111111 1111 l11111111 ll fl Senior BUYS lllllt K111 Kli il111 Eli l1l Junior Sonny Woodrow Ruluii Btll lt1l Primary l11slei Wuyne I1illlll1lt lili llhlume Carole Tillttlitlll 1iue Alllltlstlll It lilenutr 111 lllll Kl l1ltl111c1 lli lt Ill SlRlNIS Primary 35 ydsl Lyn Butch Iltltl Iltllt lW lion Turner Kii Allllbll PW Intermediate 175 yds lint111 l1lii1er KE Joint Chnwn lit Illuine Withers K111 Senior 75 yds Palsy llurst llgtlitllt1 Intermliutc 111y Judd lxlz 5111 Mrs litiil Dules spent Greg Little KIC 21 Dore Fergu illl 1lt11 and lhursduy in 11 $011 ll 1111 llouseizllC ll D1111 luslil lil ltil PW Distant1 Senior Bob Wuhou 111ie1511u RELAY Eleanor Lllllitll RE Illt ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION 11 Intermediate King Edward lion Atkinson RIG Distance it 111 1311 Junior Gerald ll1rli11 Rob Bell llt 1i llltllilltl Bowman llSllltt ft in Carson 011n Ken Tom 5112 tudrington It llillciest Senior 3C111iringtou Prince of Wales Kelly PW Intermediate stead IIANDSOME MEMENTO Bob Blake HUNTINGDON QUE CPt Graves lW Distance ft 111 its 90111 birthday the Senior Don Bowser IlC lulluiuingdon Gleaner published 11 Mrs Douglas Fryer Toronto is Bub wmsmL visiting her parents Mr and Mrs HG Marking booklet with illustrations 11nd stories of the history of the Beauharnois district near the US border The weekly was founded by Robert Sellar whose 5011 Adam 1uow is1prcidcnt Brian Inesiiu illpage Distance ft in Mrs Fred Ritchie spent the RUNNING BROAD Primary Roy AtkmsonC Allan Caldwell PW Joe Siiso PW 13111111 Intermediate Brian ilcs KE Richard Agnew Cor Bob Watson George Porter KE Don Bow scr HC Distance 415 it in Senior Primary 135 yards Roy At Alan Caldwell lW Junior PW Intermediate 75 yards Bri n11w111voon1111w ORILLIA ONTARIO Eye Ear Nose and Throat Specialist will he on holidays from OCT 24 TO NOV 15 INCLUSIVE and welcomed Donalds 56 Ellen St GayParis of America 11 You have 411111 days in New Orleons on this delightful lldoy tourtime to visit all the famous spots in one of Americas most mysterious and fascinating cities Pirates Alley Napoleon House tho Old Slave Murltat Versoilles Oak and the quaint shout ond retort of the Old French Quarter are iust few of the sights youve always wonted to see Going there and back by bus adds further enioyment to your trip Ark your Anon for mom dolailt of this and my other Float Planned Vacation 1111111111 11111111111 Shingles 01E GN 01 GOOD 1111113511 Barrie PIIONE 251i All $115354 ROUND TRIP FARE FROM TORONTO Subloct to chm NCIUDES HOlel ROOM FOR NIGHTS in room GARAGE81 subwnooM 36 MARYl sr 11111111111111 Tlilllllllll 11111011555111 lll lzltllttifl Tllllllillll 11 Ivar11 Kit lt117111 11 11 lllNNthi BROAD Xvi I1iie1 19 Primary An llllltlliltlt 11 ll1tii KlT Irene 113211 lit llilil l1t11111x lt wet inwsm 11cm l111i11ipt Junior Tlle Lentxuh 13 l1r11r1lt1 itoniiur ELM 1i l11l illri illllllllr llltllllltt l1 lzlntermediale livilinn 111111 Ginny 11111 35 King Edward Get motorings most exciting curl Styling thatsout ahead nowoutstuncling for yours Longest car inithelowprice fieldl Sensational Stutlebuker operating economy This Studebaker low price buys you the most advanced automobile in all the worldwith no exceptions This Studohnkors low price huyc you gt the longest lowest most distinctive our in the low price eld Thit Studebaker lowprlco buys you car thataau economy standout This Studobokcrg low price buys you the nest kind of safety for your driv 12 111 12m 111 111 895 and 1095 ADAM HATS 595 and 750 STEPHENS I5 Dunlap St PHONE 2566 like the courteous trustworthy way that Studebaker dealers do business 1111111111111111 MlDHURST CROWN HlLL 111 113 =1 1x W1 FHllilDlllBE mm WU 1811111111 11 tziioiulm SALES SERVICE lg iiirrr grid Ilistlltl lnltllllftllnlt II 71 COMMERClAL 1111 BEFRlGEIlHTlON MONARCH at llllilli itil1il Beulgerauon co as Vi llx ll1ilo1 St Hi Eulrtltr My Alumina PITOHC t1 13 OPEN FRl TILL VMIf lx 11 plm JQ mp 511M mm lt 1111 rm l1lHt mu P1 IRINllti IIIUVF IIH 11 tiw 1i 11 Ll111111111111s5 l1 113111 Home and School Heeling 7111111 1111 cm 157 Kli i111 1111111 lt1l PARKER LAWN SWEEPERS 3950 201NCH FLOWER POTS All Sizes NOW IN STOCK Dont Forget Buying Your HOLLAND BULBS Supplies Getting Low BROWN co LTD 19 Dunlop St Phone 5000 comparepricesinuuhuya sensationaISiudeliaker jwt lowsumug beauty in bodytypcs 1mm 1M riding comfort and handlingease anger wheelbass andwider treads lugnew stability on turns lilltl curves exilanses of 1133 eeitceptionnl visibility for big visibilit This Studohkers low pricobuysyou top resale value for years to come and its car that Will always be out ahead dizzy of any other 53 in smart design nearby Studebaker 11111 co dially invites you to come in and Windmill III low1 outthis hrilliutitperforming car Youll Erpbclally fingbuys in rammedI um Sludo balm Chgniplen and Commander VEIy mywltlt Adorned 9th or 0115111111 monsoon 3411111 AFTSMEN 28 INCH Is 4850