056 met pioneer ii lglvy v4 riir Billlill llixi Huhn 31 1533 iii iiir inuixsx POI lllltl lllUNE Ill vmrrw AH 77 77 77 rs NOTHING To SEND Fall lt mud i7 mer 77 Plrzccun ll luld It ll 75 1177fil5 ll it lmm JIM gt374 11 wt mm Tm music tr VV lzi to all utzllmriin to lke lle 11 WW9 WU Fm Hit mm V4 Jm k3ilm hill it imliimmr Lilli wimi 35 lll ih 71710 llllllifluclllul cl mi 11 MT for ii bl WW itlfiiki 1161 371 lllllllS Miss liar lleKlv oi Vl WWW rt oilingwooll gate on lufmrnni linll Hid rl igt i11 iii thilill lilc Ltlllll itit RM Ugt swim 11 referred to the Lllllllcnl pulnlgr V15 LLUHU innit our gtliLfll 114 llctg 707 athei777 km ms to mm eher who kept his pupils not on One heel lo 53 Lu cuni and Have Windlch iv Iattsl reports on liic lgt11lfi 111 Olhtlu salonolvlngsclenlilically to Ielicmirutl Kiri tilorgl School ii to VV balanced ccnlllclllcn lound erch DD VllmVliiuri Wm styling hnl makes Dr Locke shoal el Illll1 lizi ill sistancc in all need Snellklvi oil liilii LB one of the original illtlll peo It hers he Gruup of 50 hc coil or as will nun and on no remarked that while the 85gtULlLl i7 MR rm Mills in JAlKsoN of 39 Worslev Street zire llllil llll lullllzcis ilniozl ha dummd VVV LMLHV celebrated their golden wedduic ltnniversurv on Siltuidziv awards iixlll up llll liiilll HA ll Oct 10 at the home of their soilinlllw and lulrhter Mr for the luperlotivo mince theta quality lulled shoe IIYIKJUYHU leathers give you her of the Barrie District Collel Refreshments were served at giate Institute stuff the close of the meeting raising howl once in while there is now not much of it com ili in People are getting Culi idilln pictures it was mostly sec olid rate stuff that come from Europe he added tario Region No wilen teachers of Muskoka District and Sinicoc County inct iii the neighboring lovvnsncw high school Chairing proceedings was Miss Flora McGrcgor of Barrie 21 dir ector or the region on the pro vmcial executive Among the other Barrie and dis trict teachers inVattcnduncc were Miss Jane Simpson Miss Eleanor Channcn and Miss Nora Dc Hart and Miss Doris Kcarns Camp Bor on Lb originated chmfly fur ux illulllml Purposes it had llllllllilllVhbmil gt Lim1 iiI$Clizii1ilt LintW 18 Chiiiwrmn uw will new gt gt LT glvrn VVl in Im nal dsdl to cunudmn dllqus The liluit mi lim iUI relatives liiid trll lll Tll won ml can at Dl Locke le inc fuulltlalltlll and llllpcliu Ur ll Vill Vl it itttltd llllll crummy rillulcr dcvcloplnent oi Culliltllull colluli llllllllllr llllgt oitly Llilb ltltflldllls illd cards or congratulation othc an muwmenk wwmmm dmmtmg my Mom occtlsion Hind Win yo the Vi free of Charge de mm rum it DIULI Hlll lounges by lhelr famllv me dmun the main feature of Dr Jllck 153d been given in lllc Bllllll lllll mm mlgd L1 WIN M10001 The table limited yl vlvi in iilllhtzllgiitlfnlll lfllyllllill quill Carillontraining ill irllim H1131 Llltractm will it untilpilcc of L110W candle and PEEKEREMlS to LgtliL MIUUH ll he showed mm in me In local merchants iinlnicdi ikt Lviltl liltnds llld ltlllllVLgt gathered 51 of his early woodland lulltlscllpc Additional CUlllllbllllnlu l111 mm Ut JUJ1 tTILtttauiinlcnt Vi iiid idtoi northern wolJg mulcd to piowde no date mm MN Mam had mwmim wml draws but will Reidrmb whom Included MR and Mm Mm Jackson and anecdote aboiit the 311151 75 UUS response to t1e Cill1pli71 hm the Soul GPIIV WllO had motored from FOIL William for told the audience that his lirst us 301 the project off to gollll shirtl Llle day their dtttlglllti MFS Les Alcotk DOIoLllV and her ENGLISH nun gucmuum wm we in very gt humble waydesigning 1de f0 35 Exitbrolfs Dcpulrlnlcnt JlcbmdrM Jngb Lib JJLkMHl and ML and Mrs Lamm Svnr mm anmmnn toilizlio culls phomgrughum 33 21 01 501 mt ddUllliEil Jtlllie Wilt motored from Ken WV ml gt lsl in Next month eountv art lovers Fltt PrLSS 119mm wilds Km VI Kit 11 lltd Mls Jclt knoll mltdl Llltll home for l3 will DC mmtslm VA JJCk Marks Nuptm 77 5mm Am yew before cummg Barne HWL hWUIWL sons exhibition at the Gum Marks daughth of MI 37nd Much OI PACKE lumh gt in 10mm where they Rugngfnd MkaV Chum IslumiUSxo 01 mm duughwm Mm Fred RAIL of Gmwiew 33 rV VVV IV gtN dggmtlliiizldiuilillbuthlurrk lled LesillPlrlllzivlth81iulit21131tt Mlb lVld HUllstcctd of Kim were unable an maid SaturdvaVm Midland Augm cu ind WU greatly missed lit the runny party is Ir MM WV mk hm m0 mm said wirw WV gt will twfo toys at Ctzlll and School ASMlLlllIlUn pmvidcd mm gt gm mfmmum Md In incle was the negative uppluucil lllillllll plllclllllV BARths LLiolxo snoc STORE 51 the mugs who Wm mm mm Conference 1P6 nelt DISCUSSn The mm WM TV OPPPOST OFFICE PHONEZS 151 no zirimlltl llL leountiy They VEXDM 01V Pmlm m1 Whitngs 91 i150 so Vt gt7 urur M77 AT no d031 zmyminfafumg Al Gr avenhu rsi allCl Program 111 Pailch of Ttachers was 15 um um our DOORS drama puny WSW Emma 5mg bvmmxd 8031 who lllucles and music are 11pmch cheigcglavellll ulli disilllct teaiy Nocrsmphcnsun ill the Octo LOU Vmd MK mull lbrlDlologh and that at one time nearly all raven lurst out er meeting of the Hillcrcsl Home May id Un Lie parents sldc bv a1 dthl the annual dill or Cgmgglllgubvcdlrinctb ifsomat outsidg conference of the Federated Wom KEWLm RC Sh Lewis and an en Teachers Association of Omlcolor MrV Cockbuin 15 lmnlladstonc Currie QC VITAMIN VITAMIN ll is still true that great deal of culture is coming iii and we are not exporting lnuch An Eng lisli journalist travelling across Canada culled tliisvvi country of unrcdccnluble mediocrity In Montreal thLllllSl liasllcard it 950 value Complete Illpiece matched set of Marco aluminum cookware given with any Electric Range by Deepfieeze said that there is no art iii Canada den and Mrs bb 0nd never wouldbc Mrs Jane LeighV blo UTowshhiig Compared Wm the Hummg dc This evening the Centre Sim velopmcnt made in economic lines coo Women lcuchcrs Association lirt does seem illSIgiiilicant admit will hold its iirsl meeting of the led Dr Jackson In other fields fall season in the forin of din gilhtalk lritlei111iis of millions and ner at St Andrews Presbyterian ions 101 en it comes to art lunch The speaker Will be PUDDING PAN 2or SAUCE PAN Cockburn who will address the teachers on the topic Gardens and Wild Flowers He will illus trate his lectureV with slides in we talk about it modestly But then the country spends billions on national defence and not on art so the production is very lim llel we mo mum wh do other mums think ed co room and us Seven years ago an mggCidby 2AIOCCEOVERED Doug 30mg of Canadian art went to Paris un fl on eeplng luv mums dcr UNRRA to most7 modern ex hibition of paintings He read French review of the Canadian showthe critics had found noth lng of any signicance It was not very encouraging SKILLET 4QT COVERED SAUCE PAN lQT COVERED SAUCE PAN AJAX lllllll its smriruiiiiivou in THE run 3125 Illll un llo On cu PM $22950 APARTMENT MOQEL RA3 ouux Moon no4 SPECIAL TACKNO COUNN REQUIRED FullyAulomaticcooks dinner while youre away is no 20 no You 15419 52959 75656 MulliUse 6ql Cooker exlro surface unilpo 50 gm 533 com removred aqua sin oven room bah db VI Above paymenls cover every mg 950 roupev CC Four Super Speed Surface Units each with cooking Even Poymnnls Ior inbwnn amount are in proportion Comp itsyoo promptly to employed people married or single No bankable Security re quired and its alioted companies are now the largest loonlgroup in Munichwith over 95 olficos throughout Contdo Vania rst in hid loin Como inor write spgeds far all types of cooking 7gt Fits small space but does great big cooking iobl Four Super Speed Surface Units each with cooking speeds for all types of cooking BanquetSize oven roasts bakes andbroil perfectly Titanium Porcelain Finish smooth as glass wipes clean ViiMuss muss sums Honour mamas ion Moms Volsodhdishos free in secondsl No washingisVneeded nongreVlasy dishwater Willi lVelLno ring Marlo by the minus Dccjllrcczc meson and Refrigerators come lll rodcylsllppiy lfs Mailed re Terms memo riuMBiNoV Burma courtroom 20 must Basile 4m A0077 VVlundtliqpanl 990797Wlb10slvlnr shah flee tlioutwipirig Evehlhgiwgrm in iissomnletslyuissoivelillo Needed