mew xxwa pup 4rrox wthooaonooonouucs 9n 0m WEDNESDAX OCT 21 1951 Canada Marks Navy Week RCN in Momentoos Year tl ttivirizi Increased demands at the toe tf illits Snetirvvuter he lthJ tir tti litdl Dartmouth Ns re ulteti lit the tliiil of the Sis Support Air innit will iv ilitlliill if iircruf and ground irfwlkiul Scoiidouc tind Lit Siilllillflutlt ilil Ir addi to their tirtiii program HCN ttirtritft pur Tltlpilliil the thrust Lil the Coronation Nomi Review it Fpitiieitd and in Exercise Mariner The lllttlttl ulso it the CLlllildlilll hmnttl Exhibition in ioronto Lind tit other Kingston This 23 Navy Week and 131 year in par ttuiar it is importati that Canadians should examine te progress made by the Service because 1953 has marked the air of the zeuiimtion of the Navys longrouse plan to provide in efftcient modern fighting fore itdxnted to the cause of freedom Pith scrum tiiitii The preseti year has been one in which the plans of the RCN for it liloship navy have begun to reach fruition More than tilt aspirxhtps are ill fuct Already in ltome stage Healthiest Month fb ttg either in commission tinder con it llih been itportpd tlltll the licultliiesm on gum and Kw eiwtvn to new And harderWNW lillr illi month in the calendar year is September Mother ilm ltodtiy slum blunts MM Gm WM 11 1Creelore ayne it irld before giving thankx for itt 1111 or in reserve This lillPIfSllllt but little knowu fact has scurrich stomach Cred Engineer pi man this steadily crowing llffl requires been established by the Ltiiiudian Life lnsur on rrn Lkl is hsnit roi liglldliPl growh in personnel and last an Officers ASSOMMmn which has found lllmnbvfl out hm irt bet ill downwmt 5mm tiiitt for the first time since demobilizu that September shows the smallest death NM many Ith up Vritoyitiir3113thisurmsitmtI grill the strength of the RCN in officers and mu of MW mom This is shown in Can littcic Thc Poor Preacher lilf igwmff Hmf wwW Et it ill21 rostth and passed 10000 In addition dim mortality names for the populanon tpiriwmgc its mtlriiilghll WM WWW 5mm Sill it hs there is ill active reserve of more than 35 who and Dorm 0m by the exp WNW hwm Wm kad will tgtiitlriibt xrm ii Him My MN MW in or 3000 Ulflfflk men and women Thus lllt amt among the nations mure than 5000000 Phil Jflrnlitf Stewart llilitl $051 llllllll Hf Mr Hill Ml Hill ltl Ahnhmg lisltttl llhll intitit 11111 kill in re rune mr lIllIll gt nk impetitti or inw pus run it ardotce on which ltllngglglsgtlnggellllm lift insurunct policyholders Smn Hf MmmmL Mum AIM In Saskatchewan itliil Lt us tha on or mung Um ll Pll emergency when mm in crvwm Jgiy Mrs Walter llurlberl is on ii 1i My Tm 11 gt had now iitrxi rit approximately 21000 IlOI COllIIilllR Fellrfd 113t In analyzmg month dlStribmlon or and Freda Holmes ltnr 5pm months visit llll luz iltirenls fl1hllohg szmet Jmfn nut Spurting there vil gt offcers emergency list men or cadets The death benefit 03311191115 0V the 9215i decader Iliinkulvinu at Riv 11ka tim iron curtain might be tittcd bi much SLUHIK hm 11 rv last figure compares with total of 21193 he RSSOClMlO hib mind mm SPPmeer Jnrk me llltllll wzis vih hurch Anniversary niat they iun niiszht cnjoy lritltthu NW lll jlj 11 311 payments run 10 per cent below the yearly his grnnrpurvnts Mr and MN large numbcr of friends from loin ilmmlilmn lljl Mark 1027 With God till things llln CililSitlllllllllll Ullmillcu officers and men on active service with the Natty in June 1941 after 21 months of the Second World War Thirteen months earlier by June 30 1940 the RCN had assembled ships comparable in number but by no means in fighting strength to todays fleet iveragevand 20 per cent under the peak figure in March This has not always been true century igo September had nearly the highest mor tulity rate of any month in the year Among the diseases prevalent hundred years ago Were tuberculosis smallpox typhoid fever and scarlet fthr which have since been eliminated as major causes of death Today these same dis uses represent only about one per cent of the total causes of death iii this country However due to the increasing complexity of weapons and the development of new elec tronic cquipmen the number of officers and men required to man 100 ships during the Second World War would fall for short of the requirements today With that in mind the Navy is working hard towards Ll strength of21000 officers and men in the regular force figure now with in 5000 of attainment Two notable additions to the active fleet this your were HMCS Algonquin converted front class destroyer to an antisub marine destroyer escort and HMCS Preston Heart diseases are the nations number one killer with cancer in second place statistics show Editorial Notes Home buying is one of the most dynamic ion modernized frigate Both are scared factors in our economy It creates lot of gmmg Mr William mm mm MM ted mging in was repor MEMBERS IIII TORONTO sToCK EXCHANGE for the atomic age and can go into battle employment For most people it requires and Mm Frank pcrkim ndny Orr ll bnmbing raid Holland on Sept Governmcnt Municipal and Corporulinn Sttiiritles consistent saving and spending of substan tial sums of money creates an almost end less demond for stoves refrigerators rugs drapes and all the rest of the stuff that makes home In short when the offer to phrclfase is signed the citizen motifsablg longterm flow of spending The Financial Post doesnt believe that any significant slowdownln business is yetindicatcd Butl it is quite clear that inhis recent announce ment about getting the banks into the mort gage business our Prime Minister was think ing about days which might not be so good And any scheme promoting home ownership is one of the most obvious measures g0v eminent could take to stimulate flagging without an officer or man appearing on the upper decks the captain directing operation from an enclosed bridge Two other frigates modernized along the some lines will be in service before the year ends These warships licoirportto many of the ideas whlchm be ing brought to reality in 14 Canadiandesign ed destroyer escorts under construction in Canadian shipyards Five of these have been launched already and three more will be in the water by the end of the year 0th major items in the shipbuilding pro gram include the aircraft carrier to be nam ed HMCS Bonaventure under construction in Belfast Northern Ireland 20 woodand aluminum coastal minesweepers six of which will go toMutual Aid with 12 already launch economy ed on Arctic patrol ship HMCS Labrador which will be ready for duty next year and eight seaward defense patrol craft in early OP NIONS OF OTHERS stages of construction Depressmn in Canada Huntsville Forester Masher wellknown Canadian labor lead er said few days ago that depression in Can ada would be man made If such is the case why did The Globe and Mail label the past milk drivers strike as foolish Why did Quick Canadian Facts have this to say about our Canadian Trade and Industry We quote In the first quarter of 1953 substantial down ward trend in exports reduced the total in the period by 88 per cent from the corresponding per iod of year earlier factor in this loss of sales was felt to be high Canadian labor cost which priced some Canadian goods out oflhe foreign markets Why are the gold mines of Northern Ontario so adamant against rise in production costs Why do lake seamen vote to strike when they must realize that nearly every grain elevator in Canada is full to capacity and new cfop coming in with no market for sales Just what do labor leaders think They seem to be sellingihetr members down stream Just who did Mr Masher refer to when he said adepression would be man made Surelyit must be obvious to labor leaders that the only known method of achieving full life is not possible by keeping the members nancially embarrassed through continual strikes which more often than not lose money for their members Surely labor leaders know that the bogey of short er and shorter working hours cannot put more of the necessities of life in the mouths of their own members children It is only through effort that we reach the zenith Time goes on forever It ticks away each second never to return Mr Labor Uriion member may we suggest that the depression which Canada may have to face within short time will be man made It will be made by the men beading labor into the greatest Squadron is process gamma in catastrophe since the inception of the labor move ooniuncuonvuh Cataraquif the mm Increased resources in warships have en abled the Royal Canadian Navy to undertake commitments this year which it could have fulfilled with difficulty or not at all in pre vious postwar years The Navy mustered for example Coronation Squadron of six ships an aircraft carrier two cruisers destroyer and two frigates More recently the RCN participated in the largest peacetime naval maneuvers the world has yet seen NATOs Exercise Mariner which ranged across most of the North Altantic and involved300 ships 1000 aircraft and 500000 officers and men of nine NATO countries gAlthoughthe Korean armistice was signed into 1ft July the RCNstill maintains three destroyers there commitment Canada has met since few days after the outbreak of hostilities in 1950 The ships on duty there at present are HMCS Iroquois Athabaskan and Huron The Crusader top train bustier of the United Nations fleet is on route toiPearl Harbor and Japan to relieve the Athabaskau The Navy has expanded in other direc lions too this year The first Royal Air Re Sqaudron was established atDowns summon our Toronto to train members tho MN Reserve in naval aviation The so do climbed to was York the month now division and second Naval vtlli friends from Toronto Gladys Duluth of Ttiiunlu LJlliil ulvllmiliiil It It ll Illll 5llihlml gtillrrl 1llllilllsbillfw0331 10 Vtl ll in Ilnl ml 15 the iinisltilnizioucli in lllill lS Hi WHi in ugly nil sricr Miss Annie loleinttit present illltl after short dcwl pllilllllserie topic give lllllllh Toronto called on lllClld here llUllIil KlimtVkT1Pkd an mm God overly duv of the vcir nc luv last lfl The lllnlillllill lhc viencrs vcrc served Nagging nOt ms nk THE ADVERTIHNG DOLLAR 564 um it lic lll er wire in harc mm 1de year on Thanksgtvmg Day Of every liillill handled by in MW vw Iottenlinm Presbyterian Anniversary New York for Thanksgiving The scivice of Fraser Presby very selfish meaningless thunks your 60 writs vcnl to ptibliczi mun Mr and MR Don Flock Haw terian Church here on Sunday giving without offering up pmy lions51nd cents to radio and Penetan Phone 193 by plane Spend me Thanks evening marked the anniversary or that all peoples throughout the television giving wwkcnd in New York of the Presbyterian Church in world might share our countleg Schomberg blessings cuts Mr and Mrs Vilnicr Pnlnicr Barrie were recent vristurs at the home Walkem associaticnof disqict I3 annual meeting at Mrs Anderson here on Sept 29 with 36 from Barrie ville Aurora and Tottenham Af lter the reading of the minutes of Canada Navy Week Message 0m 93k Edinlufg Claims Writer Put First Things Last in Column it lt fv411 wwvnvx sllllf 1i ltlt lxi ll our dziy till and last let its thunk ti for Jesus of NLizotvtil In billil lthXHLI it not more fitttttg that EH tlonk lui thy iiul nks unto od for Jesu lltll attended the anniversary tttr Ellie liicli llill United Church on Sillltlily evening lant Rev Mr llnytl of Pulgruve htitl charge of 31hr services Wruy over the tltlll have the assurance it hard top fti1 tish Will be applied The roadway its it now stands ll credit in County Engineer Ttll Juries lltl has it setup vhich ildlllllublt The right of way 1l first vttlencti to 100 feet The linl lows have been filled in Hill the All llI imiiiii are possible 41h Let us thank God for Can udu Our trees in autumn are indeed beautiful but if you wore to travel dmvn through the mountains and valleys in United States at this sttisoitof the year you would see ctiuzil tuittiinii grandeur the litindi Holiday in New England Ilrlt lllllt llriiinmtind Lind Miss zit Sloan llt till iiriiduyx iii Niu nultind Sizitcs point by motor Wiener Roast vitincr roast was held in thc Elliiilcd Church Sunday School room ifor the girl and boys of the Stun Milt Henry Loucry and MW grades tut llUll titsdziy luxt on Mr and Mrs Sum It seems to me it would be tidus its advertising agencies lint lcnctung Bottling Co We Mrs Chapman Nobleton is isitini til the home of her par Psalm 23 verse King James version reads Thou proparcst table before me MRS JAMES OXFORD Baby Girl Congratulations to M11 and Mrs Andy Chapman tnce Lenore Pul nier of Tottcnlinm on the birth of daughter in Stevenson Menu Crawford Co Est 1919 Tomnto spent home of his Robert Stone he weekend ll thc 10 1944 and Gerard McDougall son of Mr and MrssAnguhs Mc Pe was Armen gsrilegi LIIllggen mute from Commemoraied In EngliSh Memorial England to North Africa were Several Barrie airmen who lost other Barrie airmen to be com their lives in the Second World War memorated were commemorated in the mem The shrine at Runnymede was built 31 cost of more than $420000 orial to missing Commonwealth air men that was unveiled Saturday by in memory of more than 20000 Commonwealth airmen of which more than 3000 were Canadians who lost their lives in the Europ ean Theatre of War All those com the Queen at Runnymede England memorated have no known graves Among these are the late Jack Built of stonevfhememorial con Paiton son of the late Mr and Mrs John Patton of Barrie and brother of Mrs Bell 36 Letitia St Spitfire pilot who was shot down over the English Channel justoff tains 52 chapels each with the badge of the various wartime Air the harbor of LeHavre returning from sweep across France on Force squadrons inscribed on the coppered ceiling Among those who were pres ent as delegates at the unveiling by Her Majesty were the Reverend May 1942 Lighthourn DD rector of St Invitations to attend the unveil Thomas Anglicon Church at Shandy ing ceremony and copy of Bay and Anghcan Archdeacon of the program were also receiv Simcoe County Dr Lighthourn WE ed by Mr and Mrs Mc senior Protestant padre during the Millin 50 Holgate 51 whose son Parker McMillin an RCAF navrg ator was lost on pathfinder raid over Germany on June 25 1943 and by Mr and Mrs Fred Gosney 72 Holgaie St whose son Leonard David Gdsney was killed in bom ber mission 15 miles south of Ber lin on Jan 1944 Among the other parents whose presence was requested at the cere mony were Mr and Mrs Spearn 30 Caroline St whose son Vernon Spearn was missing after bombing raid on the City of Lon don in 1944 and Mrand MrsLevi Henson 109 Burton Ave whose son George Henson wireless air gunner with the RCAF was lost on bombing mission between Eng land and Belgium on June 13 1944 Mr and Mrs Firman 76 Mary Street received word that the memorial was also in com memoration of their son the late George Firman who was presumed dead following the crash of his Lancaster bomber over the North Sea onAug 1942 It was his 22nd bombing trip as mid upper gun ner Mr and Mrs Murray Mills 40 Dalston Street received aniinvit alion to the ceremony also Their son Murray Mac Mills was lost of Mr and Mrs 91 Dunlop Sfreef Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct WItes Thoulei Bowlers Annual Here The provincial lawn bowling their cure of the attending Stouff members Allandale the 1952 meeting business discuss ed and treasurerls report read the president Mrs Anderson de clared all offices vacant Mrs Wicc was called upon to take the chair and conducted the election of officers for 1954 vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs An derson for her work and efficiency as president of District 13 for the past year Officers elected for the ensuing year were President Mrs AndeISonTottenham vice preSidem Mrs Lemon Siouffville secretarytreasurer Mrs Clar idge Tottenham The meeting closed after which Mrs Anderson served lunch assisted by mem bers of the local club Presbyterian 018 September meeting of Fraser Presbyterian Church WMS was held Vatthe homeof Mrs Walter Spicher After the opening and reading of minutes Mrs Thorn ton presented the study chapter Education in Africaandbtjought out many interesting points At the close presentation of Book of Praise was made loyMis Vintue and daughler Mrs Sam Joluson who will be leaving shortlywto take 0p residence in Allislon Saturday Visitors Mr and MrsNorman Palmer and boys of Bolton were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Freeman Visits Brother Mrs Hipwell of Bon Head visited one day last week with her brother Arthur Thomp son who has returned home from Humber Memorial Hospital in Weston where he was avpatient Mrs Campbell and daughter Veda were recent visitors at the homeof Mr and Mrs William Campbell lore Wool Mn and Mrs Earl Irwin Port Credit atrium hank Rogers Beelon World One of the oldest firms in Bee ton changed ownership last week when the Law Seed Company in operation since 1890 was purchas ed by Fred Parsons Toronto Since its early inception the Law Seed Company has been oneof the finest seed houses in operstion north of Toronto and the best in Simcoe County In operation here for 04 years it was started at its present location on Daytont Street byvthe late Her bert Law who retired in 1926 and his son the late Boy Law took over the reinsand carried on most successful business un til his sudden demise in 1951 During the past two years the late RDs sons Herb Norman and R0yJr have maintained the tradi tions of their forefathers The passing oftbeLsggd fhouli from the am bombing raid over Germany iffpbresiemw in Beet mg gt lion officer with monitor wfglgtkgiwg The late Stanley LeGear sono Mrs LeGear79Blake St Average capacity of Canadian ilwoy freigbt cars rose to 45961 in 1951 from 45564 in 1950 ARE ygtTELLiuo ME IDonr try to folk ME into anything elsel know wise investmnt when see one Guaranteed Trust Certicates Authorized investment for trust funds Short termve years yearly interest payable halfyearly In years $41018 accumulates to $50000 Wrile dercriptive lldl strive TRUSTS rim om quack onto Dunhoul 73