proved conclusively the value of PRESIDENT AGAIN Tiiias ALiJsore manager the weekend representing over lx llililii NLWSPAPLR Serving ill lutiN Oi BARK AND IUlNlY Ul SUICUL Since 1864 Exercise Birdwatcher Keeps Observers Busy I50 Students Here for Successful CORNERSTO Ahurud swan Cu in Iy Um Fun on Departan 0111 dents tional area covered by the Barrie unit took the RCAF Ground Observer Corps Detach ment in Barrie is seen here laying One of the plots phoned in to the filter centre Sunday afternoon during Exercise Birdwatcher A1 together some 1200 observers in the opera part manning some 133posts Eleven air ch Ki Ullg 15 craft were flown into the district for thel purpose of checking the visual capabilitieslgame conegime of intercepting aircraft Rapid Strides Iii Barrie Area By RCAF Ground Observer Corps T0 Reach Operational Strength Exactly one year ages small group of officers of the RCAE irouud Observer Corps arrived in the Barrie area faced with task of establishing the formation of network of obser vation posts throughout the district so that an immediate Iiiikqip could be provided to be built in Barrie During the past weekend just twelve months after the prelimin ary work had been started some 1200 volunteer observers in the area covered by the loco centre it were flashing in aircraft sighted warnings at the rate of one every 114 minutes Visual Interception Exercise Birdwatcher as the weekend activities were named with the filter centre which was lout the tracks of the various air craft observed The program was carried Out in cooperation with Air Defence Command and some ll aircraft were flown specially into the area which stretches from South River on the northito Lake Ontario on the south from Geor gianBay 0n the west to Algonquin Park on the east Some 133 posts were manned during the day Flying Officer Shepherd commanding officer of the Barrie filter centre in review of the work done during the year told The Barrie Examiner We arevery pleased at the progress which has been made during the past twelve months visual interception in air defence The exercise was carried out over eight hours from am to pm Sunday and some 60 plotters took shifts at the filter centre to lay Exercise Birdwatcher was stag observation posts in this area to testthe visual capabilities of the Ground Observer Corps and to see if visual interception through the CDC was possible Our findings wereas result ofe exercise thatit is indeed possible to carry out this type of interceptign Eleven aircraft were flown throughout this area during the eight hours we were on operational duty and calls were received at the rate of one every 114 minutes This showed that sincethev fil tcr centre has been organized our volunteer observers are trained to paint where they have mini lmurn possible delay in reporting the movement of aircraft said FO Shepherd Four HURT INHEN AUTO HITS POLE ON HIGHWAY 27 Although the car in which they were riding was completely demols islied after it struck pole on High Baiiie Arena Wos reelected president of the Ontario Arenas Association at its annual meeting held in Owen Sound during the Mt Allsopp who has been man ed specially for the benefit of the ager of the local rink for the past nine years had just completed his first term in this obce The Barrie Arena is charter moinbcr of the associationr Which has membership or 72 arenas vested municipal capilul Mom bershlp is comprised of arenas in the area tron Port 2institutein le west Noranda in Northern Queu to Windsor in the south and in QUE way 27 north of Barrie during the weekend none itlielour people in it were seriously injured According topolice the driver Moiton Hutchinson 81 of Edgar told them he fell asleep at the whgclgflwo of his passengers Betty Wicklum 20 of Barrie and Huts chinsons wife escaped with cuts and bruises Another nuisances Thoma Partridge 32 of Shanty Bay was taken to hospital for ob servatiom Need For Volunteers Although highly pleased with the manner in which the operation was carried out the filter centre CO pointed out that there still is great need for additional observ ers and plotters The work is very interesting and already there have Turn to page two please Conference Leader Da District Rally of anmincr lSCF Personal Evangelism is Theme of Sessions Tv ltlfls LU winch he read the permd of ed by lj stereiary tor Pew time Strider ISLVUI glOll leadership Gaziies gyms With 111$ Ruth staff in ill IliLll WtlV followed and BDCI Ne bi ill Illc Supper followed at 000 pm in the cafeteria and this was the ec caszon for we sweriiig the their sciicoi songs and bit about singsong by giving their school telling an interesting their work lively with motions led by joyed Miss Nancy Cameron froth played saxo phone solo The Stranger of Gali lee after which all the students proceeded to the assembly hall for lthe closing session The evening meeting was chair ed by the Collingwood ISCF whichalso provided the music Rev Brampton from the United Church at Thornbury took as his Subject The Meaning of Personal Evangelism which is spreading the good news of salavtion The word gospel is used 76 times in the Bible and each time means good news There are many me tods of evangelism even our tele phones can be used There is general growing concern in all our churches about evangelsim said Mr Brampton For God has the concern for all mans problems Personal evan WeatherChange Fog This Morn Clearing Later After beautiful week and grand Sunday change came on Monday with showersw all morning but clearinzju the afternoon and with very mild night Tuesday early brought fairly heavy fog which was not entirely dissi pated until after 3111 and remained sunny but cool Mornlugs have been foggy and clear later Temperatures were High Low 38 50 43 Oct 18 Oct 19 15 71 53 Official Visit TOT Grand Supt RAM DR NORMAN mun directorof the diploma course at the Ontario Agricultural College who will be theme speakch at theTinIt Corp munity Life Conference which openstoinorrow evening at Clans mans Imdgf Big Bay Point Sponsored by the rural life com mittee of the Simoce County Fed eration of Agriculture the conv ference will topen at 000 pm on Thursday and continues until Sat urday evening at 930 Dr High was conference speaker last year and because of his experience and associations with the rural people of Ontario his contribution was very practi and his talks were much enjoy by those attending The rural lifecommittee is un derithe chairmanship Rev NewtonSmith of Barrie One of the highlights of the con ference will be an address by Dr Hope economist of the Can adian Federation of Agriculture who will be resent on Friday at ternoon Dr Hope will the poliolh therproblems andthe Microprong of the Canadian Fedemtion 0t accumulate and the International Federation Aarl cultural Producers Dr Ws presentations willbe nude on Thursday evenin1rldny morning Friday chning and Sat To Signet Chapter JMW imamJussell of Orillia Grand Supt for Geor gian District Royal Arch Masons paid his official visit to Signetl Chapter No 34 Barrie on Tues dayrOct l3 and was accorded warm welcome There was good attendance with visitors present from Toron to Orillia Midland and Kitchener with First Principal ErrComp Dr Frank Shannon in the chair Royal Arch degree was conferred on 12 candidates and the First Principal and his Yofficers were highly complimented on the cffilt ciency of their work by the Dis trict Supt Following the chapter worka banquet was enjoyed with Ex Conip Dr Frank Shannon presid ing toast to Grand Chapterpro posed by ExComp Smith was replied to by Grand Supt Russell Who referredto the close relation of Royal Arch Masonry to the Symbolic Degrees Comp Morrison proposed toast to the visitors and Comp Webb of Camp Borden who took the Royal Arch Deere efln India replied also Rt ExComp cw Shannon Kitchener The toast to the candidates was proposed by Rt ExCom George Caldwell Rnss Iowan and Lloyd Cburohillt RtEx Comp Burton thanked the lattice at the Eastern Star tor the excellent meal MANY ENTRIES SOUTH SIMCOE PLOWING MATCH Bi lit did one servid at which over 150 plow i11d lSthlS attended also supper men to the gathernuuludge Timbers who than Andrew iiizig aithougli national champion himself told the of that he felt that more assistance from he class directors3 Would have been of great assisti ance to both judging and the coin petitors saw hands after contestants usmg their the crown was comI pleted which is contrary to rules he stated He felt should vear badges or be dis tinguished in some manner He also felt that horses should be available for all contestants How ever he was loud in his praise ofl the work left by the plowmcn and said that he and his cojudge Robert Watmn had some diffi cultyin reaching decisions so close was the work The results were as follows that judges has been pirwine for years and has been an Interinf lily so that erea girls under it 41 LaxI al usgaxm at ALM 814 1w siiiltl illlil ii THE ltlliNERSltiXi tllll Ct illltl or May LJ Outside Home Costly Two 1ii Ll the board need tar of the divi DCiti er fan sezvtcc Obullivun Lqiizngwood is work Ilib Committee and ad board of directors at the eeting that the Cllnlllll have report of their of port ains Nuditzons making boar Itieetg McNabb Ivan McLaughlin Campbell Norman Rubi Britt Class tractor sod county residents not hm previous prizesaMrs Donald McNabb Ross Br 10 open to aliD Diinkzii Howi ard Williamson John Fenneli Lloyd Bell Class 11 boys and girls 11 and underBruce BllLil ger Higginson Ken Davis Wal ter Hunter Class 12 boys and chanman of the nance committee open miTuescay evening that payment of lnuverdue 1952 accomits by several outside municipalitzes had eased the tinazicial strain on thesociety funds However the financial statement for September showed receipts amounting to 31349103 and disbuzscziicnts of 51406231 Wright of Collingwood of the personnel committee reported 44 Robmsum that the society was continuing to George Mammexperience difficulty in finding Jaw hammey Norman someg social workers for existing staff Andrew Cowan Class jointer plow sod1 Herb Class 13I tractor hydlallllcfhlul Jarvis Bill Thomas Kennethl colm Campbell Gordon Dams Av McDonmm Class jointen low Ian Jackson Edwin Wowman sodRussell Sage William Huni Horse ShbwFirst prize teama ter C135 jointer plow boys Kell Bros Churchill Charles vacancies and suggested that the managing director Miss Dortha 31 Jackson discuss the employ ment problem with the director of student employment services for the University of Toronto Stewart and replied to by Comps and girls under 20Paul Timbers Class stubble open to allMir vin Fralick John Partridge Wylie Bowman Class jointer plow open to residents of county George Howe Elmer Aikens George Soles Clarence CampbelL Clas open to boys and girls from Barrie Lefroy Bradford and Alliston secondary schools Earl Rowe TiophyArt Maw and McCartney Charles Ireland and John Ball Alliston District Class tractor sod three for rowsRobert Goodfellow Class tractor sod tiwo furrowsAllan all Two Barrie People Die in AutoCrashonHighway 27 Spencer Archie McNabb Edgar Shepherdof Creemore re 3mittee that the members hopedto Dec prZCPBF pfpresent to the November meeting Edi EN Awardde campbzulof theboard certain recommenda KESIMhaad gelogdye ldnoungses tionswith regard to changes in W3 bylaw of the society and plowman of Innisfil by Tom Cook mums fund plan Andrev Cowan Stroud Best The immediate pas President of Pclozed landK1m Romnbmithe board Chitan of Bar 00 Slown rie was in the chair and asked FOUmsmg the 803t1d the 1mlthe secretary to write and assure Derial i1 IEDILS alive 231 asMiss Burne soial worker of ShOWing 0f travelogue pi01u105the Centre Simcoe branch of the which were greatly enjoyed by sincere sympathy of the board in the recent tragic automobile acci new or run TWO cans which were involved in ii an at accident on Htshvvay at the bottom or Paddy Dunns Hill late last ntghttn which John Rawn 39 105 Brad torn sneer Barrie and Frauds Dav 3160 banana sneen Barrie lost their lives Two other passengers in the rear seatottheRawncgt fmrrcy 30 WilmaStreet my the either MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY single copy tilllclt TQM has ieporrcd at the board meeting lastedaiwwwawt 55 Section NE Of DeVlLBISS PLANT LAID BY PRESIDENT ceremony were Town Plan Commerce gzg the com titives of firms gt 111411 dc Lillllg indie was kill sent to the in critical sag lt for the meet Can ileuse at Barrie ls Cowan and Capt Calvert and Lapp of Ry Muir of Brickweil of Stayner Rev Olzver Moloncy Mr Lek Mrs King and of Barrie TllksiIl Jackson ORILLIA vouriis SENTMTO JAIL Two 17yezirold Orillia youths ChCm me Denimi in Magistrates Court were Serb gt ciiced to Iail term of one Calvert of Port DlclVicolli393r Ch 31 pleadmg Emmy to Charges of car theft here on Wed The accused William Shaw Ronald Green were arrested in Orillia after the car was reported stolen from Barrie USed car lot Evidence showed the youths had hitchhiked from Toronto to Barrie and sleptin truck on the same car lot MatchedaishCouncil Court of Revision NORTH RIVER Matchedash Council setttie date for the Court of Revision Oct 27 at pm in the Council Chambers The Department of Transport ls to be advised that Council will withhold tax bill pending rul ing by the Supreme Court The Township Solicitor will be askedto draw up bylaw for the Severn Falls Road title Present were Reeve LeslieBor row Councillors George Silk Bay Hambly J11 Mrs Bernice William son and Road Superintendent Fred Wood The next regular meeting will be Nov at 130 pm Municipal nominations fortllnt chedash win he Dec worm electionto take place Dec 31