IHMBARREEXAMIYERFRIDAYJICTUBFR113Vl53 BAXTER 77 gt7 77 77 XV 88th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES you met an your lalilyffb7lust7xllc7 7uj7777317717n 7777777777 hat yufxgt aws 77 Rev Wesley Humisen BA DID KIDNEYUVER IllLs 213 77 77 irein 11 77 11 31 pguggggx gt if mm I777 77 amMORNING WORSHlP 777 777777 77777 we 1w new VT AM GEORGE Hti gt32 Anthem IZR Innislil Street Crawford Co c1919 Ihrmc Inc 1113 t7f Iltliem Incl 97l Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2442 Evening 23 nucsrou Thanh lt1 Huiloin llriil l1iie innrn 7777777777 77777 777777777777 VVVVVVV vfa mica HERB Better or Pay NOIhmg3 29 Wm 14 CYVAFV VUHCWHWQ vim Ali ncM 11 hased 1377 EEC7115 737 bllltll $17 711V 71=lll1 Illlal vli and l1s II llntw range if nocicls 1VCgt you the rlntlu 13m 11 11 ultlutlllli7m pporiizinl 11 find IllulfillLl 7ll22l1 nzi Sonia nu Hitllflzllwlll immutax 1111 7llllll Norman Tl1lt1111plnsliis Andcrsmrl The Salvation Army Collier St United Church 8119 gllltZil Tl Ill nnriV 11 Oirisu 60 0111111srnrm REV LEWIS MA BD 77677 l777777777777b07777 77 ml 3117 1071nl7h I777lm77 ON THE The Home of Friendly Worship Minister 11 11k iring v11a 7l71i577 77 mil isn gt111 nus 11 311115 LLOYD TUFFORD Im on 1111rV 144s EAMcKleZ ATIQ ti 151l11s 71lt1 ll Organist and Chairmqu Models to lit crery Iltllll loss 1111i and Ewen Allen luzonto ill SIVIH HUI 7d ill gt Hvs 77 7ulll717 11711 377 77777777 77 77777 777 77777 3nI0LNESS manna sums tlOBER 1911 91 71 Allil lledlmrBuzi 10 13 Cllllll7 Baumilk qu pms1nn SIIIOOL 11 umIQRNING shat1t Dung 111LI Seriously Injured CHILDREN 77 77 7777 77717777777 77777 77 77177 77777 COM 7777777 7577 5777777 77 TOMORROWS WWW E1IVIXA LA In Tunmm ML lino olulnnlsfiil l1 1I1t11l1 ulnai 800 mum Bums 71117 It 5111111111 and M11 77 57 1W Elstom BM 111111 3111111 1111i p011 built so EVERYONE WELCOME THE CHURCH SCHOOL 77777777 z7 77 77 77 7777777777 7771777777777 A7777 777777 777777 777777d7 was glad when they said unto 945 amJunior Intermediate and pierc Wedding In Aurora wt l7 1310 sun and did not sec the me us go into the house of the senior Departments 4543 11 Lunninuliuni Alliston Viililtl 122 0777 LIIl Sim 51127 11117 uukcnd at Ilu Emermln Friends AND Lord7 P5 lnL Nursery Beglmem and PrimaryDe artments $19910 wkx null zitlrnilcrl the peacock c1 pleasant tnnc nos sptnlgt pmThv dmpbu Cl 5rdcl AVOFT pk wvddm Auxmam 11 llll Orange Hall on Wednesday r=V 237731 lt lmi 17111 SJllillli 77L7ning ller 171 Hub 7777 fff BEV 37 pmEVEVIG QERVICE Yvul crimr lclsrismz In llgt ilulcn Johnson and GtIl 113 Mined numel of titlt re es yenan 115 fillltS iiunciV 523907 lodri l111csl1n Toronto spun Wll the lf75hlhl7ig Church In antral United Church loiel hISOSUpILIlll IiI11ltlto 711 imluiuv KClkkllll NOW J77m7 710 hld bun 7777779 7777 Olvn Illll Vlirslv lel 1w Shun 7m77h7p 71 077 Sisal Inllvrnoon to Henry Van Illll Mr wwwimn MUM ach1uc1ncntcifcu ci 11 11111111V 111 Va Ed Wm master of Corcmv REV JAMES FERGUSON BA not mltmpliunt nnncrsaug pawn Bu hwy Thanksgiving Services onics and after lollrltllIS luncl Minister It 1T 717077zno7esV bum mnlv oz7 WW Thanksgiving swim ellifllmlil 7i7llnll7i7l17c71n7r7v MR ANGUS H055 coinplczc with 12 71l $727 no 1r err lltlll lll St Judcs Anglican Organist and Chairmaster 1r 7llllZLll on SundnyV October 11 at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IH and pm Rev Dr 12 llow Christian Science Heals MULCASTER STREET SUNDAY OCIOBER 10 iono ENJ TELEVISION WITHYOUR FAMILY Abbott of SchoinbcrgV preached1 CLAPPERTON ST AT WORSLEY gm the morning and the preacher REV LUCK BA BB COME IN FOR SCIENTIFICFITTING $1 Wins 35 Re OVERCOMES THE MINISTER Minister llifpxiigrlUV 3112113311mfgvThcgog ALCOHOLISMI 11 nmTHE IIUKCII SCHOOL MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist Sun to Fri out 18 23 11 um 111111 p111 w77vt macawm CK 580 0mm mm SUNDAY OCTBFR 18 1933 lnise and Rejoice lin God 7ll Yc Nations Neville 950 lmFSINDAY snlOOL lJumuson sang solo The Lord Ask to see Mr Plume Is My Shepherd at the evening ST survive Sympathy Extended vord was reccirod here on Tues day of the death of Mrs DAlton FREE METHODIST Age CHURCH 20 hymn Tnmux STANDARnS EACH EVENING Ar 730 pm 1QQUnday SChOOI 77 pmH77me7 SCENES sled people of other denominations an opportunity to gain IREIVALSERCEB OCT7 32lF Every Night But Sat at pm SUNDAY 11 run 1112 REV MRS ROTZ Presbyterian Church Grvy Midland both of whom ON P7m7 glt former residents of Thornton In Mid and Georgian Hotel Tuesday Oct 20 WWI Sympmhy 10 bel ll reaved ones luoirliaChamplqanwoteiwed Oct 21 11 so ANNIVERSARY ON greater understanding oi the teachings of the Catholic Church The Paulist Fathers have been invited to conduct these discussions because they were the first community established in this country for the express purpose of explaining Catholic truth to their fellow Canadians The Society was founded in the United States Essa Road Evangelists and Singers REV MUIRL BA EVERYBODY WELCOME Minister MB FRANK BUTCHER Recent visitors included Mrs Broderick Bond Read with Mrs lC Brethct Mrs Harris Barrie in 1858 by five American converts to the Catholic Faith Organist fgligeyaeayrzlhlls MS SUN The method that the Paulist Fathers will use in these discussions SUNDAY OCTCBER 178 1953 v1 At 1100 Kenzie and childrenMerritton and am and 730 pm IS the dialogue form which is an interesting approach toreliglous 945 amCHUEC SCHOOL questions Both priests will be in the sanctuary at the same time dernxcmn mamV miNursery Klndergam ISCths Barrie and Mrs Frank HILLSDALE The purpose of these discussions is lo7aftord Catholics and inter 00 and 730PILEACHRG Speaker Rev Wayne Smith BA jections and popular difficulties and the other will defend the amH0LY COWUNION 815 pmYPsl am upymg dmm Pulpts one 11 advance the Curr 01 gm nobeerls Choir Director Commlilngilmalndb1l777gcrvices or your CARLING MUSKOKA Catholic teaching on the subject treated lively and instructive 10 amsdav School and Bib Everyone welcome gt development is assured The subjects covered will be the basic Class Special Music teachings of the Catholic Church syn4103mm PRAYER Are Preacher came Canon Jacques SAINT GEORGES JAMEIVSIiR7 095 BA HERE ARE THE SUBJECTS Canadas Celebrated mgihm 77 ms 77 Preacnen RECTORI Rev newtonSmith BA Sunday Oct ioyVhooan Tell You Howto Live ImEVENNG PRAYER aimHour coomomon gloomENIENCE IfIdf llllllEll Cannon Monday Oct 19How D07 You Select Church 330 ImY0 0919s Meeting SUNDAY SCHOOL Tuesday Oct 20Why Should You Confess Your Sins 22 mEVENG PRAYER Only Gas can love sonnet5 sullu1ulocr 1c GUEST MINISTER $7 7Rev MacTavish of Bradford MORNING SERVICE 1173111 ON YOUR OLD STOVE EVENING SERVICE 730pm Y0U7ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Preacher lIlE REV CANON JACQUES Wednesday Oct 21Can7You Live With Christ CdnadlanNational Instiute for the UNITED CHURCH mm lThursday Oct 22What Happens to YouVAfter Death Miniser IV You are welcome REV EUGENE pm my IE Fridayow 2377th 1395 Marriage Mean to You MR HAROLD DEMPSEY 777 gt organm mm ALL pEOPLE SUNDAY OCTOBER 18 1953 APOSTOLIC FAITH 945 armSUNDAY SCHOOL Vs No Matter What Their Reli ion 11 aMVBEGINNERSDEPT an MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY OCT 18 19 Sunda vSohoI Or Religious Convrchon Conducted by Serce VRev Clements BDV PASTOR uUTngNSON Guesl Organist Mr G7 Mitchell Pastor MAXWELL WHYTE Wed0t21 Evenmg semce wlhdraw pm Wednesday 730 CKBB 00 6d lle 603 COMBINATION Instant full ame and Instant 77 ceding om dame 77 tho control of your ngertips mum Wm PM We FELLDWSHIR OF INDEPENDENT BAPTISTS 20 MULCASTEVR ST BARBIE Rev Nunmeyu Pastor amass PASTOR 77 SUNDAY 0C 77 77 TOBER 18 1953 7V 107 MILSUNDAYSCVHOVOL oh BIBLECLASS for Cooking Convenience For Cool Weather Condor it 11 am and 730 Gas 3393 With generous re box tted EVANGELSTIC sEgacn cconomncal centreSimmer will or WOOd grates our of Holly Anniversary Mid Week Devotion burners thermostaucauy ompletely covere with Wed Prayer Meeting YOIIIIK People 85 Bible Study controlled oven and handy gleaming white porcelain wonderful Md mama 990930 31 Sunday 777 1A val enamel 77 77 llllcll Iolophoooorwrlto 77 JOCK TRQUP 77 mksm heShmllnChllrcll ooorEtLOWsTEMPLE 11m 11 p111 SIIIIIIII l8 Illlll5 mm 11 7pm 33WFQl97FvMBRIE1lihm5494 711 77 77 17 TORONTO BIBLE COLLEGE 777 gt gmggw BY THEVCIIOIR SOLOISTS MRS pm on unusual 1111101141101 suturyovmw 0F Abram AND REV 11 moons gt GUEST SPEAKER DR ANDREW MaeBEAl or common 7EUERWODYW7 EmoMEJ