Imcmtgdw tune to lose all the linger on Lyriit hand when it was can tewa Min dgthe blades cl Image pike izr Rosa thetarm we social lm New So rintcndem hnleu in mi 3513 Flo Towmhip nc Erick Who have left thciwmgw Jab mm live in the village axial mendem te mmuu mwip nmx to succeed John Rob in Borne The first part of evening was spent playing As small token re We John Lambic preserv in and lb Strict with tri My appointed tot wgimp clcrlt Two Elders inducted In the presence cl large co gregaticn on Sunday morning in lamp and smoker Earl Elliot St Johns tied Church two new mud Hrs Lennox With members were inducte James at lamp Grateful ack Furlong Ewart Th ow Tack Dammit was expressed by service was in chorgc of Dr the giants Refreshments wcr Reynolds Follow Wood pleasant time was lv communion mmuially re will no Rand Injury lm Graham had the misfor ion Tuesday last There was IN splendid attendance and Mrs Patchell president presided over the business part of the meet inn and later conducted contest SERVER CORPS lg tho sermon v33 cbscrvcd church service on Oct ill 33 Allonwood rvcsf the 815 nnnivets of the church Mrs Harvic was hostess to the Willing Workers church group Hostess to Church Group Woodland Beach int her cottggc Mrs Kenneth Cooper gave the scripture reading and icd to pray er it was work llli ting mdt lthc ladies worked on cts for Ellie bazaar The lunch committee iMrs Paichcl and Mrs Brown served hamburgers and with the compliments of rs Harrie very generous 521 ing of orange angel cake Mrs R055 Ritchie on behalf of the group cxtended thanks to Mrs liarvie or her in vitation and hospitality mired Instantly The entire community was shocked Sunday morning when it learned of the sudden dcath of George Manning who was instant ly killed when hit by truck as he and Mrs Manning were cross ing Toronto street Mrs Mann ing received two broken arms and broken leg and is patient in St Josephs Hospital Toronto We extend our deepest sympathy to the many relatives and friends Rebekah Officers installed Rebekah officers were installed on Thursday evening on the 33rd anniversary of the lodge Mrs Mac Springgay district deputy president and her staff of Dun dalk installed the officers lol iows NG Sister Eunice Rowat VG Sisti GladysRowlcy Rec Secy Sister Janet Archer Fin Secy Marietta Player Treas Sister Gladys Richie Chaplain Sister Lottie Wade RSNG Sister Olive Beardsall LSNG Brother AM Beardsallp RSVG Sister Hora lte LSVG Sister Jcari Bell rden Sister Leola Sib bald conductor SisterVem Pia gehen 16 Sister Grace maydi 0G Brother Joseph Baker PKG SistcrMil Tbvms All hedhciutloo MW and visitors sat down to turkey supper to celebrate the 33nd birth for full dh on ddler benet on Al um 893 ver 112 box of run 031$ dzgotthe lodge Mm goers were present It mt lied table and etch was prescntcd with in 90ng from the lodge Mn Mel Rowen the new Noble Grand had the honor of pinning on the to age es fashioned to represent the three units were decorated with candies and were cut by the 2nd owe Grand Lina Room the format Noble Grand and the do dcputy prcsident Sourin WI Math rin Womens Institute enjoy ed their October meeting at the home of Mrs Ken chuarrie with 19 members and 9th visitors pm Motto the two mast import it things needed for health are good pair of shoes and good mattress Marry good ideas were an Swezed to the roll call ideas for shortcuts in housekeeping Dele to arc convention to be herd Oct lSle are Mrs Kerr Mc Quarriu and Mrs George Dickin son it was mot ed that we send to Lorne Graham who had most unfortunate acci icnt to his hand Thank you cards were read for previous Mm Leonard Beardsail gave rcput on the district direc tcrs meeting The district con vunon which will be the 50211 anniversary will herat Parkside Midland Wyebridge Institute be ing the hostess Hcsoltttions were read and answers discussant Miss Culley recreation leader for Sim coc County speaker choosing or her topic he Growth 01 Re creation Recreationstartcd with UFO clubs Then the depression cars came when work was all important The Federation of Agri culture and Womens Institutes soon saw the need of entertain ment for young people so in 1945 Mrs Collcy was sent out from the Univch of Toronto She has worked through organizations bringing the adults and young people together developing leader ship planning organizing swim ming classes day camps etc She gave very interestingaccoum of her work Mrs lngleton who was in charge of the program thanked Miss Culley most fittingly The meeting closed and lunch was served In Montreal Mrs Fricl is spending some time with friend in Montreal Visitors Here Mrs William Beardsall Toronto vnpent Thursday with Mrs Joseph Adams Mrs Stewart and Miss Betty Stewart Toronto spent few days with Mr and Mrs Ewart Thurlow Elmer Robins Aneroid Sask is visiting his soninlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Ewart Thurlow Mrs William Dean Danny and Dennis Toronto spent Sunday with friends here Mr and Mrs Norman Darin Jean Whitney Toronto were Mken gtlesti of Mr imd Mm Maurice Bell With Friends Mm Joseph Adam is minim the week with jrle 2m dupes The titre birthday cat iwith Mr and Mr Arthur CRAIGHURSI uent Visitors 3111 Mason and Lorna Toronto spent the anksng rig HRSl John Baldwir C313 5v muted El and Mrs Cum Baldwin on Th Ernest Ellsmcrc Marshall Stirling McCauley attended international Cobourx lust week Mm Seaman Barrie visztcd Mr incl Mrs Woodward last week Sympathy Extended attended to Mrs Arthur Dunn the death her lather Mr Bi artisan Mrdhurst Anthem Services The Presbyterian annncrsaryl services on Sunday wcrc well citl tended Rev Moore dolivcredl two good sermons and the musicl with their new choir was much enjoyed Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy Jr and children Oro visited Mr and Mrs Max Cig on Sunday Holiday Visitor Mr and Mm Victor Ouellette Amherstburg visited Mrs Hodgson at the weekend Mrs Benin of Toronto and Mr Holden Streetsville are spending few days with Rev and Mrs Newman Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Carr were Mr and Mrs Mrs Douglas Naismith is Spend ing the week with Mr and Mrs Moore Cobourg Elmer Robins and daughter Mrs Ewart Thurlow left to spend three weeks with Mr Robins son Kenneth Rdbins Harland New Brunswick Mr and Mrs George Garrow and son Terry Barrie were holl day guests of Mrs Terry Recent Gaul Here Mr and Mrs Walter Greenwood and daughter Kathy and Leonard Baboon Galt spent few days with Mr and Mrs Hugh Ritchie Miss Joan Robertson Hanover spent the long weekend at the home at Mrs Rowat Mrs John Kerr spent several days with fricnds in Toronto Mr and Mrs Clare Knipe To ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Greenbank Miss Ann Marie Hatvie Toronto spent the weekend with her pars and Mrs Halvie and Wilson Graves Ernest Gaston and the plowing match hi The sympathy of me Village is liar MANSHELD tamer Visited lieubur Wanna litre Ruin Reid gt Here for Wiring The Miss Campaign and In Ktagara Fm Spent would at home of Mr and Mrs Bear MFS Adams Mar um haw built home rs Jack 12 Richard Ad will be vet home With Friends in New York Mr and Mrs Jim Elliott motored and spent the holidays with friends at Ransomvrllc NY Return To Kitchener new has bccn ml and Mrs Elmer Jory and the home George Jennings elurtxed on Monday to where he lives at the the Blind like to welcome Tor onto Baton Fran West Elgm Armstmng and Gaii louxficr urttcd lzom tnc 51 on Sunday mu icrzt llit last cw do the home Mr Ireland who royally gt Mr lbcrcnve in tho passing of her Icidt sister Mrs Wesson Alliston Mrs Wren and Olive spam the lholiday with Mansfield lriends 8her Mrs Lucy Benton is with her bruyier John Kirkpatrick in To uw romo taking care of him and mhtgbm Pipe my Pup hm Shower To We Wat er lyric50 BI fut snces Septic on Ms Act for Context tits Delivered You by No Freight SEE Mrs Mitchell ems come home for few days Death10f Sister Mrs Clarence Cook has bani Harry Bates and childrcnfuisw Donna and Elaine and Fraser Cars all at Toronto Miss Betty Caston was home from Toronto for the holiday AND SAVE Ladies Aid Bonn The Ladies Aid of Knox Pres byterian Church will hold their bazaar in the public hall Oct 23 in the afternoon Fancy work homemade cooking and afternoonI prim won rat an EXCLUSIVE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AVAItABLE One of the largest manufacturers of Television receivers in canada will appoint one dealership on an exclusive franchise basis in this area Complete sales training merchandising and advertising plans available Refer ences and adequate financial background are essential All replies kept in strict confidence For fun particulars on this big profitmaking appointment Write Box 62 Barrie Examiner children Oriilit am awokend alerts 312 so Mn Ycrrier Weekend gum will 23 and 355 its John Terrier were Sgt Liztlc Valentict out Mn Vault Barr am Clara Waters Miss lwlxi Gregg my Girl Congratulations to Mr and who Frank Corner on the birth of in Letroy laughter in the Royal Victoria litdense Oprah Miss liar Lord operated on for appendicitis last Thursday Royal Victoria Hospital EAll her friends her speed recovery Mr and Mrs in kid0 and our Yv lett kttucluv law mi in in tit3s my on WM depaianL Ross Sheldon and MACHINE want acums REDESlGN We have an unies to melt or fabricati outlines to suit your need Ymofucclhsuctstsnwmbythefoatorbythctou IMWRWCO 17 Mulcastcr St Dial 3744 New autism moiety In Memommmmm 25 lb Saw Full HP 30 lb Saw Full HP Fallpower mutton in every position without adjustmean Illynunntlc startermdclutchCool uranium all temperatures Easy stoning in all temperclues mm 1mm sum 222 BLAKE 51 nAmE Phone 2752