mt BARBIE EXAMIYER FRIDAY OCTOBER l6 1937 Ix sgs=rrr11ltr1a1 tow gt gt oengoo ll uuy 4crmc mmmumMMHmdHHosq vmw its Ln burger or IOIs roo SIMCOE PETROLEUM EDSON WNl ilupricttlr is able to supply all pctrulcum products Our TEXACO L3 and FARM IRltK now liicrs lin added convenience oi DH INT Pump and PM Sin v31 Arr13 Hull 83 mm Band 80 UNDER TODAY 77 Concert Roxy Thruirc Sunday more on szzvrz 22 hnllotlflcillltl Contact YOur Driver Salesman Rtllllliiizc Suit Flitie uni Sat 0g the Silztulitn Allll umelsllxl ilTilit Rummagc Sale AndreAK Presbytcrlarl Church lecture rnulll Owen and errxic Strut Solar d3 Out 17 am mm if Laddie Dennis and Loy Owons of TFRB shown presenting cheque for 3393500 to lrs Arthur McKenzie ot Barrio winner of the erf lpr ll mm Qulx segment of Dully Derby heard each day over Toronto 41 COURT Sirttl OH 17 llll ugh mAmMv gt IAmrm 777 77 Auspices Ladies Auxiliary to Bar lye Lions Club il3llil Womens Hospital AllVlllle Rummage Sale on Saturday in 2401 Trinity Parish Hall Doors at Saturday October 17 pm Bingo at Oddlellows Templc Collier ever Mond night Elfliircziiirzltiwanllgal Phone Barrie at oCOC rircs llnCl itiutrxiszmi ii If Transportation Needed SPECIALm Heater Delroster Sun Visor Good Tires $650 ii 14 inches by 14 inches outwith Condence REWLARZWVALUE nonw largest Dealer ARRANGE NOW FOR OUR COMPLETE Will wnlrlllllzrllosrnvl lr FUEL SYSTEM Entire tuel system including car buretor fuel pump and connections thoroughly checked and adjusted KEEP YOUR CAR cooulmsvsrm Flushed out thermostat examined hose connections checked for leaks hi it til an we om ns Freeze Cold weathers no excuse tor IGNITION SYSTEM poor car performance See us Willi Stats dlfotwenhe onssem ece srlu NOW for general check up If plug and high 590 wires and we winterize you Clean and adjustgwllere necessary ca be pleased ELECTRICAL STEM With SeTVlce Inspection servicing ofbattery generator starter yoltage regulator ith uptodate specialized equipment LUBRICATION crankcase drained and refilled with winter oil lubrication of 911115515 ports checlr transmission and ditterential lubrication DEEP ONG ASTING suns mom tiliifiitwiiliiiml 35 1gwes motors rHAr cLEANmoK mum oCOSTSLESSTHANOTHERWEtlKNowh CWBYMMWSI soApownetslt mm MARKET SQUARE memo PHONE 5526 MAKES corons BRIGHTER wmrs CLOTHES WWIER REMOVED355mlNSTANtlY mm NDPcxi SOAgAgTVEgm HAW7 Mus ARJ5e gt THE FOLLWING QERQHANTS or MIME mo olsrlucr All HANDLINGQUIXWDOUILE slzr mm mu 930363 ANqusx iooumlori 910 is LTD moor cancerous FENNELL ncasc sellout Gnocchi you nos unwinmw spamy BAY now it we 00 99359 nurctlwsoloomv ikmuo concurs mom owns mums onocm mph WJAHEBSON gt 1anmro trimmers TOP Cocos WWW EEWAM mm COOKSTOWN GLENCMRN DANroltrn mom noun incursomen srsrsrurrlsoco STAYNIR nanosecoch mom anusrourrmxr uwartgiiaws onocm cnuncmu cult Liner umwm on initiation coolers nrocxson PAGE NW 50 FTlllliltCOhm Milli 0003 MO 8031 Lowers mm It MIDHURST Honours concur mm Ham mcmmwy V4 CAMPIORDEN mourns omega isnouo con Memocorrs Emma MlNISlNG sronlt 8011001 10 WAW32GWPJ AIQMMmem 71 itoliuos KM gt IAN Mud We