Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1949, p. 2

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sonic 1TKthTislnng mumsnmein PAGE TWO ESTABI SHED It Monday 1111 Thursday MLIcIAI11N WALLS 8W PREPARING FOR 11lltltl1111111 rl11p Is1illilll clergy and ministers 111 re have you seen the Guides 9111 Sch its 11 your neighbourhood in action 111 you 1sited Girl Guide or 11 Boy Scout 111111111l 1s thrilling sight to 1111 111 happy 1ouugsterslivlng and working 1151111113 111121 11111 crass animals bags and 1111 the 141111 113s 11111 go to make tip 111 overnight 111 day camp It is an inspiration 111s1xe 11 work 11 awningsters who have accepted 11111 icspuilsi infliy of running their own show The group or gang is the natural 11it among children 1111 play 11r11ns1lnel and 111111 l11y or girl with the most character 91111111 11111111 generally comes to lie 111p as leader The Patrol Leader in the Guide lIllli1111 111 Scout Troop is used as the key person this 11111111111111 method 111111 the value 11 the ScoutGuide training is achieved by pintnigt 1esp11nsibility on to young shoulders The 108000 Guides and Scouts 111 t1111111 are spread across three thousand miles 111 country Some live in the big cities some 1111 11 1111111111s mm mm mm Rm ldLLquailiiInbidetjssungiLTlicsBruish mining communities some in lumber towns while others are in remote places stretching from the north pole to the United States bolder 111 spite of these differences the members are bound together by common loyalty 111 their country to their King and to the aim 11f Guidingmthat of homemaking and 34111111 citizenship Many Canadian Guides and Scouts speak other languages as well as English Besides English and Frenchspeaking Guide members there are Polish Czech Belgian Ukrainian Chinese Hebrew Negro and Canadianborn Japanese There are 1111111ber 11f ludian companies and there are Eskimo Brownies and Guides 111 14 communities north 111 the Arctic Circle From its inception like Scouting Guiding has been WORLD MOVEMENT Lord Ba denPowell the Founder of Scouting wrote the handbook Scouting for Boys found the girls to be greatly interested and rewrote the handbook adapting itto the needs of girls and called 11 3111 Guiding 1111111111 11 year the movement had spread to Canada Australia SuomiFinland and South Africa and to the United States where it was Called Girl Scouts While Girl Guiding exists in nearly every corner of the world the movement in each country must meet certain standards before it is recognized by the World Association Members must adhere to the Girl Guide Promise of duty to God and her country and to the ten supplementary laws laid down by Lord BadenPowell Besides adhering to the Promise andLaw National Association must be representative group membership must be voluntary and no political influence may be brought to bear on its members The program as much as possible is car ried on out of doors as it is in Canada through hiking and camping Basicallythe training is the same in the 31 member countries that of selfgovernment and self triining in community living and home making MORE FUN ON THE FARM How are you going to keep em down on the farm The newest answer to the old question is the folk forum It operates successfully in Ontarios Bruce County and is being intro duced Elsewhere in ontario and in other provincesunder auspices of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture This movement to check the growing mi gration ofthousands of farm boys and girls to the cities is basically the oldtime com munity gettogether with modern trimmings Bringingtogether thermal dwellers and particularly the young peoplein group ef fortsis regarded as the first step to breaking down the feeling of isolation and loneliness which sometimes drives young farmers from their fields to thebright lights of the cities Folk forum gatherings have their serious side They enable farm youths to study farm problemsdiscusshow to improve conditions and consider such matters as contour plow ing reforestation plots crop rotation and flood control Usually the discussions are led by agriculture federation representatives any Pmducmgsum fOIderv he Said was with older farmers Sitting in to hear about the neWldeasand to put in word of advice hereahdthere but eras 111111 aswell at the folk foriim Folkmusio with the good old songs that Singsongsvfarm chairs small orchestras and instrumental groups Often the rugs areroll ed backifor arousing oldatimesquare dance which makesthe rafters rings Thesgatheringsheld usually in farmhouse livingjrooms take on the easy informality 11111 neighborlycall Theyare always topped offxby aifeasbof thebest roast beef or lamb bet biscuits and whipped cream dessert the countrysme can offers Then the boys and girlswashfthegdishes 1Combineithe1bestof the Old ways withthe ffpiok tof tth new organize your farm com unity Julieta56110 group conimitted to im xovmont 1on1 progress and make sure the 110 are lousy and enjoying them ruthe land In Bruce County rthezreoipe is proving Grandpa used to Sing is revive ch 1mum1mn dollars and the Warden exbressed the Published luicr ceth Il Tut BAKE EXAMIMm LII PRESIDEKI In UANAGIKG 0110 VICEPRESIDENT 910 BUSIRESS IANACEi Goon TOURIST PUBLICITY THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MEMBER OI Class Weeklies of Canada Audit Bureau of Circulation Carnelian Weekly Newspaper Association HM 1111 31111 111i11 SOCIALISM AND FASIISH 11111111tants clerks storekeepers ldielllcil llgion business agents engineers and skill Ir classless society you can only have 1111 proletariat and the bosses Socialists are 111 llzlElL it their denunciation of Fascism lint 11111 another angle 111 the words of 111111 Brogan the well known British political writer Socialism is completely Fascist in argon11111111 though it has pretence 111 by decree cannot survive along with the dem 11iutic spirit or minority and personal rights One 111 other will be destroyed It is not yet too late to save freedom by rejecting Social ism but 111 11 few years that choice will hard 01 11111111 We shall have illogical Socialism that will bring 11s near to starvation or logic 11 Socialism that will clamp 11s in slavery llte clamps are being forged now The work is almost done Workers Information Bureau WWW is IERISHABLE GOODS To discuss our freedom to vote or not to lvote as the case may be in the month of February many weeks after civic elections 211e dead issue might be comparable to flogglng dead horse But is it federal election is on the horizon and civic election time rolls around with remarkablefrequency Ietus stir 11p our turgid conscience and find out if we have made use of our franchise one of the most precious of democracys gifts to the best advantage 111 thefirst place did you vote at the last civic election or at the last provincial elec tion 11 you did did you vote wisely alter thorough study of the issues at stake Or did you like too many others adopt the at titude that the election stood for nothing and that you would be wasting your time any way These may sound like inipertinent ques tions in democracy but let us face the facts You and you alone own your vote You can use it or not Just as you wish but if you ignore it mid thousands of others also ignore it yourthe majority with the power to select good sane governmentwill become the minority not in numbersbut in power Dont ever forget it the present minorities the people who oppose democracy the people you dont want holding the reins of office either in your own home town or 111 Ottawa take full advantage of their franchise and some day you may wake up and find that because you neglected to vote you are no longer master of your fate but an insignifi cant cog is azregimented state Dont ever forget this either but its almost precisely mathematical lawthat the success of well knit minorities is in inverse ratio to the size of the overall vote nstrbecausoyourideologicalppponents have been trimmed in election battles in the past isno reason for you to sit back with your hands folded across your stomach in selfsatisfaction If y0u do y0u are living in glow of false security But if you vote every time gate is chance to vote and vote wise ly and your neighbours and friends do the same you can defeat the opponents of the Canadianism that is worth fighting and thinking for One last thought You cantaccumulate your votes to use on day when the chal lenge is grimmer than it is now An unused vote is less valuable than handful of Chinese dollars Votes are perishable goods Use them while theyre fresh ta At last months session of the County Council of Prince Edward Ontario the sum of $75000 was voted as renewal of the annual grant to the County Publicity folder entitledQuinte Isle of Lakes and Bays Lindley l3 Calnan under whose direction this work was carried outlin 1947 suggested that the matter of adequately publicizing the attractions of that district for the holiday visitors was no easy task He urged an en largement of the 12000 copies printed an small thing as comparedwith the oppor tunity tocirculate the folder in useful fash ion in the States of New Yorki Ohio and PennsylvaniaHe estimated the annual in come to Prirfce Edward County as halfmil opinion that theannualgrant for this pur pose represented some of the mostvuseful money voted by theCounty Councileach year The publicity folders brownie Isle and Lakes present the attractions beauties and advantages of thedistrict and its progressive county town of Picton most effeCtively as evident bythe hearty support giventhepro ject andthe strong appeal ithas for tOurlsts OPINIONS or omens PLANNED biscoonaoamsur Vancouver Province It is all very Welllfor thepoliticians to fey to butter us up with1assurances that the great benefits they planfdr us willbe paidout pf rather vague treasure chastithey call fflncroasedvnational produc tionThetmth is that high taxation doesnt en courage produetionrof ndtionaloeiany other kind of wealthln most cases ltdiscourages it The strength of free society is its middle elments doctors lawyers teachers farmers e1 craitsnten The root purpose of Socialism the destruction or the middle elements 1111111111111y in spirit Centralized control of the whole 111 economic like and government IHE BARBIE EXAMINER qnuuqQuHn 50 Yeais Ago lIIlI BARBIE ADVANCE February SI lift Barrie Local Notes cured good positions Alex Brownlcc 11f Barrie las Vair C11 bought the stock 111 I1 Fraser 11 at rate 1111 the dollar Newly appointed 11ll1ccrs 111 the Barrie Fire Brigade were Capt mentioned were lying calumny de traction swearing cursing and The young people of the Congregational Church gave new kind of entertainment in blasphemy the baseman groups of young folk enjoying themselves at forte Nations Checkers Parchesi Crokinolo and other parlor games singing music and refresh ments Simeoe County Briefs meeting was held in the Town Hall to discuss the Trent Valley Canal project The Electric Light Committee of the Town Council were in session seven hours to decide on the new dynamo to buy The Engineer was directed to devise some scheme that would be suitable for an electric fire alarm system Chief King con scated two quarters of diseased beef that had been offered for sale on the marketby Sunnidale far mer John Bingham butcher said the meat was eyideny unt for food Another farmer testied that he had been Offered the meatat cents pound and the magistrate imposed ne of $15 and costs or $2050 altogether The Super intendent of Collingwoods electric and water system presented statement which showed receipts of $1304814 and net gain of $10222 Miscampbell MPP presented very handsome silver cup for competition among Church rill curlers Patrick Gannon of Apto one of the oldest residents of Flos passed away at the age of 90 Charles Stewart of Mid hurst was assessor for Vespra for the year Mrjand Mrs Strong Hillsdale lefFdellIanitoba whither they were called owingto re con suming their house in their ab Sauce Baxtermakingpreparn ations to organize hockey team The Cookstown friends of Rev Mr Carswell and family wre glad to know that his children who at tended the Normal School Winnis peg all passed their exams andse llto puss REDBLIND Bees seldom visit red ovvers be causethese insects are blind to red +IllIDI grand masquerade and racing carnival advertised for Harrie Cen tral llink on 191111 13 In matched racc 1111 the ice Ainleys Allie was first and undlvs cation asked for another teacher linnny Whirlwind second time 2171 Wm IIeck brickmaker awarded the contract for supplying brick for 11 large addition to Cane Sons factory at Newmarket The following men appointed lic cnsc commissioners for Ceutrc 11111111111 president of Barrie Poultry Siincoc Neil Ilarkin of Stayncr lolin Luminis 11f Wycbridgc and Il hlclhec lsl Lieut Warren Johnson 2nd 1110111 Walter Scott Secylreas Fred Warren Steward Wm Hubbert Walter 11111111 former crack bi cycle rider son of Harry Hulse Bradford was found deadat Rich mond Hill where he had hotel There was nothing to indicate the cause The Town Council ap pointed Vansickle and James Ward assessors at $100 each Very Rev Dean Egan gave very vigorous lecture Sunday night on The Sins of the Tongue among the principal sins of the tongue Samuel 25 Years Ago llIIZ BARRIE EXAMINER February 14 1921 Barrie Local Notes Attendance by outside pupils at the BC now amounting to 42 of 410 on the roll the Board of Edn attcndance on roll at public schools was as follows for January King Edward 344 Victoria 3796 Prince of Wales 501 King George 20 Miss Train school nurse 48 visits and 1310 inspections 11 Wilson Assocn Ald Walkers pro posal 111 pay members of the Town Council $3 amceting found little favor with citizens interviewed some holding that itwould not make for better government but just the opposite vanis Club favored having Juv enilc Court 371 estates passed through the Surrogate Court in Barriel of Simcoc County in 1923 to total of $2029001 Goitre cases shown to be not unduly in Barrie In this issue The Ex 1aminer published vivid pen pic ture by Miss Armstrong 01 visit to the Ypres battle area The scarred battleflags 0f the Sim coc Rangers Governor Simcoes own regiment were placed in To ronto thanks to the efforts of Fred Robins and Dr George Locke Bobbie Rosenfelds re lay team of girls failed to get first honors at the big indoor athletic meet in Madison Square Garden New York the winners being the girls of the City Bank Club New York Simcoe County Briefs Rev Graham Jones inducted into the Presbyterian pastoral of Guthrie Central and St And rews Oro Under the aus pices of the Junior Farmers of Sunnidale gathering of 125 peo ple gave farewell function in honor of Allan Hutchinson Coun ty Representative of the Dept of Agriculture Agricultural shtnt course being held in Barrie and an unsurpassed attendance for such events in Ontario state ment received at Innisl Council showed the following CNR prop erty in the township 17970 acres of main line and 8290 acres in yards and sidings with total value of $6567 plus buildings to value of $2800 Orillia coun cil agreed to pay the whole $1500 for salary of community nurse Alliston Fair last year cest $134743 The highest price paid for mar ket lambs in Toronto was 16 cents pound these were raised on farm of Earl Rowe No issuer of motor licenses this year in Mid land where 1600 veressued last year In 1923 Orillia Water works Dept pumped an average of 852 gals day per capita Work on ice at Belle Ewart mak ing good progress nothing happen ing more serious than few took plunge into the channel coming up smiling then mad rush for home and dry clothing PUIIINGTHE BEE 0N Itseemsi thatfthe busy but humg blebee is of vitalimportanoe to Canadas agricultural economy and the Federal Government is 50 per turbed rover the decrease innum ber ofbeekeepers throughout the Dominion that publicitycarn paign has been launcheddesigned tofput life into theindustryx PEMBROKE tour STAND Anoossaavnai my an EXAMINER mm Al CHARTERED 10110111111111 69 Collier Street mama Tlophone 4949 Inna 1111s 211 30111 yea 2111111111111 in 19411 and please accept our Barrie Ki LETTERS to th 1111mm PSI NEWSPAPER FOR 50 YEAR The Harin IIvannncr Dear Sn We 1111 glad to learn T11 1114 11111111 511121 tn rinnnng in 311111 paper a1111 1919 Inl Will by IlllkltICKI E1 lllltidl 11 break that no hay used news papers as the 1111j11r single medium i111 adcItis1ng Salado T111 Tins may or may not be I1e111d i111 1111 unbroken campaign but certani It stands as proof that given 111 standaid 111 quality 11111111111111 111111 11111s1stcnlly Inhintuinml 1111 or i1ci1 pnblicued 111 newspapers with the 11guli11ity we have practised will iltllltYU 11 posItIon 111 lcadci slnp Thank you for your contribution toward the success of our adveitis l11sl Wishes 1111 prosperity 111 HHS Yours truly Salado Ten 11 111 Canada Lids lcr It BYIIIICLL lcb 1919 lvlltllIlIR UIOFFS UNLIKELY STATES HYDRO IIAIRMAN To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Yesterday was happy 111 announce discmitinuunce of ol location of power 011 quota basIs Unniuhcrunlaridinu111911230111 following notification from one 1111 our suppliers that deliveries would be substantially increased While we are still short to the extent 111 some 10000000 kilowatll hours week in deliveries from suppliers and therefore not by any means out 11f the woods s11 far as the present shortage is concerned it is heartening to note the im provement in the situation in re cent weeks The Commission as you know was faced with an ex tremely critical problem particu larly during last October and part of November when lack of rain in the right places caused 11 serious drop in available storage water CHILDRENS READING Parents 1111 Itzoraily 11121 rhihiizi Kiln11 11illtl watch out what 1311111 anzntr 1111111 11111 agents that Saladiz copy 11111 IIIIIIIEIEIIIIIIIIW lt Il48 and resultant decrease in the output of power plants in both On tario and Quebec Then came an almost miraculous change in the situation Rain fell on the supply conditions improved and the output of power plants in creasod However there wereother fac tors which have contributed to the improvement in evidence One to which would like to make special reference is the magnificent co operationwhich Hydro has been and is receiving from both weekly and daily newspapers The stip port of the press hasgiven tre mendous impetus to the splendid voluntary power saving effort on the part of labor and industry commercial firms housewives and farmers By maintaining this ef fort along with present restrictions affecting certain uses of electricity believe we can get through the winter without further cutoffs Meanwhile Hydro is going ahead at highly accelerated pace with its tremendous $400000000 con struction program and already four new and importantsources of supply are in service and work is proceeding rapidly on six other projects At th same time pre liminary survey work is well 11n derway in connectiomwwith the $200000000 frequency changeover program in the 25cycle areas of Southern Ontario appreciation for the allimportant public service which is being ren dered by the press in helping clari fy difficult problems faced by Hy dro and the woy in which these problems are being met Yours truly ROBERT SAUNDERS Chairman HEPC of Ontario TIMELY MOVE There is no thought of dishonesty in the minds of the civic fathers on the part of those who would use municipal weighing scale It is simply matter of protection for the citizens and the adoption of system in vogue in most muni cipalities TRENTON ONT COURIERADVOCATE 120111111161111111111111111 11111 71151 II 1110 11111111 11E1NGTSIGN monotooooonon gt unannounced right places Consequently 1th In closing let me express smcerel THURSDAY FEBRUARY 17 1919 111 narrow MAX 1111111 PUBLISHER JINXEI WWWW awnx MONEY In 11 11115 of this and any that there is no 1111111 Wrx while lizlllzf has corn nonctmnriginal pro 111116121 111 111 1311111 21 1li tll 1511 QUESNEI 111 1111 11 Publisher Ilutehcruft ptililisher of 1111 Car 111111 Obscrxei believes 1111 pm 111111 the weekly temporarily II llitt lyCiIf TvaIu OR 1111 1111116 things Several 111cause one 1111 bioke his IiutcherIft itizen Is tummy HEARIN No Cords No Bulky Bafforles No Receiver in TUESDAY FEBRUARY 22 Demorligstratlon mm 111111111131111111 QUEENS norm Barrie Ontario THE STERLING Inusrs CORPORATION Ne IIHIHIIN Shecl IIIceniller Illst lHll AHSIIIS IIIITAI Illl Hlicc Premises Sulc IIIposit Vaults lorlgugIs 11ml ngiIIIIIiis for Sale lovernImnt Municipal and Inrporuliuu llomls Stocks Loans 0n Slacks and llmi1ls Accounts Receivable Cash m1 and and in 1111111111 illllNlRlCI kCCOlNl 1299533 $15985385 111800 113 26562363 1527000 209000 5996680 lill8l 89 Mortgages and Agreements for Sale 267l57402 Luvcrumcnl Municipal IIIIII Inrporulion Ilonds 14880065l SIfNks 439960 Cash on and and in Iliuiks 190795 Iisrlvrics11111s1s 111111 AGENCIES Investments lllHI SKdlh held CMIIIHI lNhll ll1 Ill LIII ES CAPITAL Oll Inpitul Paid lip IIMrbt FIIIIII Reservelorluws Accounts Payable Dividend Payable Jun WW Prot and Lass IlalIuIcc lMRANIEEI ACCOUNT luaranteml Trust Certificates llapnsits ESTAIIIS TRUSTS AND 12NIIFH All Starks and Bonds shown at less Ilia 47M33625 60l018l2811 311593101 it 127654639 31200189503 27120000 25001000 1000110 11127722 l2140656 2592311 l1l31l181l 89 Ill602600ll 63007617 479033625 31 72762461397 $l3120089503 ==== If Market PROFIT AN LOSS ACCOUNT Balance brouqu forward from I947 NetProfll foryear Appfopriaied as follows Depreciaiion 71ividends Transfer to Reserve Fund Imnsfcrlo=InveslmenI Reserve Balanoe carried forward Head Ofce 372 Bay Slreel Toronto Branches Barrie Ontario Regina Saskatchewan 5106l122 10427113 155335 2337165 22162294 4341265 5000000 10000100 2592811 15533535 LEADERMAIL issues staffer wrist Itll f1 74 Nol 55764011117271 fIllf Io fall

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