THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA pARRIE EXAMINER WRIGHT or STABLE LOST hub Alli inll ciiii BARBIE EXAMINER LTD liiniiiilrii from page liil List Full Mr Wright had Elinv LAREN Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asmciation at ills RIPT it ruslozm AN IANAHIG film rd lilllc thoroughbred to the fiiiril he had recently bought from Harry tnnsda or irest Britain 3200 my WALLS inited States yrar VECIPRESIOENT AND nusmss um Hatch it Agilicoiui Lost in the iiinu was ions of hay and Single copies 5c each large number of form implements zlsiied There had been no one living on T1 The Junior Former who liilltltilitvti the Lilo ViaVlqusViVnca izsl lidscmber gin MEETIXGS VV VV VVVV VV rill la urn can up an isibVltt sili llii ilt glithtillii llin bin iii is not known how the blaze suing farm meetings being held iit discussed at the recent convention or Junior Hi There is skating rink on centres tilrouilhout North ti1illtl1iiii hesuggestedsetuug usiui three mm Nu mng tWOiold purpose First lures of suitable lurid iidiiuent To inch iV de leallllls turn the but to the skating rink aking worthwhile iiltornliititlll in so tiltti people ought see tile proppsi and it was thou lit ossiblc that Cage runners ofench district And liiie undertaking wits milking their illilcezveg WW lining 538 Helm we providing an ideal oppoitirii lbeingio secure some young luresis Like tho till Drs 331WVWWIIswag VV VV VVVV VVVVVV VVV VVVVV it in than unity gathering Oiit iltcinooh ldhhld whimislled ill will rum 730 pm within few mummh GENERAL BLACKSMVITIIING during the winter months Such movement should be oi speciii in the more building wo 1mm VV that arrangemenm In tenst lil biilltOt ountii because oi the print me lldVIVIlLb VllViLli timid hi 3qu porch and Blah Raungs wu or tree up as lhc lrshupcd Structure was ill 01 the ladies L0 attend classes 0i ill 113g1 51mmllmmmed hum in VV VV VV mm while me men 10 mm pun got Oiitiulo It ilii be wattliid ulth llltltt fccl along one side of the and rep ace qulpman an IUU feet along the other side VVmuungS 1133313601ng wide pun thy till Young Filliiltih iltitillxmlh OWEN to lilt BinH illu hiigzldti answered At one community Guthrie the 11 Sllllpzllheill support and Dilltiltdi iilror tilt tull but iiimust iitlc 33 taken care of whip the MIth iiiillltiil to those lil tillillgc ill the Ditlittl liriil one livrng on the farm til ii To your ORDER macleans furniture craft REPAIRS ALIERATWNS cilsrouvauum 21 Wmlcy Street ARRIB ONT nub 846 ttliiiilf reforestation project illlVLilZ be iIIil IVemeetilxgsV the District Representative Don Taylor who was 01 lllullell mll llllll lllc flll Vi truck could not get near the biox um meetings are hem 0va 0M Hiil to Lnstcrn Ontniio from tin itllitlii of in build mm Wch week it is possrble for even tA sum mpuwmlme NM HM Lllllvtlsvd ill lllc illntlmn Null and Elizabeth Sis and the dune BOT ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE lt rumors to amend Tm lwpomp lliidtl tilt llittllon oi bltiil ligt Mrs Vilnius ploddcti through the show ags is indicated mbmuV iexpericnce of three years in this videly re by Stewart pug0 Agmmumnll forested area with the Midhurst iiorestl MM Last week men we hm Slilllim nearby cannot but be of great vziluc FEBRUARY 20thioZ7ih sms at the ve centres Gum lll coaching the Prince Edward Junior Iinr Willis Elmvale and Midland This his Wm fmmPTif Year for this type of meeting and The many friends ol Dori iiiylor ill Slmcoe Vyery indication it will become ilil County will wish for him and those associated we of the program Spousal by with him much success in their forward et salmcoepffice of the Ontario De rm wmcn has lbbtumm Iblll edlrs Ag for the Vot AglVlcultureV Pr nce Edward district II III llll liliiitui ilvlI BLWARE OF THE COMMINISTS llruury 33 why it cost them so much to bitv Pretty nearly anyone will recognize that il Im mink coats it their wives when China is almost done that it has been taken llh liIilll Turmoil Viumuul uhNu lunchmm over by the Communists but they have not VVtVliVVinVtVelidiVd lilttlilllt oillliursdzl Feb il lS weighed the possible consequences that may tkei uiiwliil liie liIiiiiiiv hf si come as result Properly adrrlinlstered and ilwl lml Hie lmlnnrc slim slww HLI1I1II m1151 11 free from trouble China can become great VVVVVV itdVifVVVVV3fjliltVVVVf VVVV display in itc cage and they Uadmg nation its people have long but VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV illllllli grout dcalrof attention KilOWVll f0i LilClI wise advice and COlltlilNi added in Elie Sillitilltl fund ltll mi11111kl5kf tions to early science But China has had Will 14 31 lmm Id lured 11 female mink and her lit 11 1d Sand 165 or me ties to contend With for the past twenty ygtiirs llld 11111 WV MS and llW 1I pm cziptivily At first it was just rl iI ace ll rid ice of the there is no doubt this hlS been serl lLl Hml isideline but more ilild more people Hill in the on let ant was rgg and mteir on its resources It has stopped their advance lrlwlllll llmn We unsl 1W bun brewing Stock and mm mi th VlVlVlbeaV Vclong lines of science and itlinls stopperffVfVVVVfV VVVVVWIIVVVVV3 liltiiViVs ulonVcV riverflue around lhlcc Votelephom imuch Oi their original trade dealings We 01 Mm 1VVVn 1CUVV 39 0V the the western world owe much of our khoiv lickett Bickcll John MALI 1mm mow pd to the file ll was cstiuinicd that Alex Cleland Herb inure illiili ii thousand spectator5 visited the scent during the even mm ST VViroviliclal police were on hand mung Uumc 01 UVCY illl llOlll rind also warned spectators to keep back from the falling cinliers February or 19442119 W415 ll fire on the form when another barn was destroyed and one aili John LrlgtninnV fur rancher work by firemen and others was it lollcnilrll told fellow liolaririns VLVVsVViitLlViVVisiblc for rescuing tht Voihci gt un ny un jacem mung Qt less historic interest was not to SPIRIT or SCOUTING Rowailan Empire Chief Scout Fourth Scout Law says Scout is to all and brother to every other ibszrtter to what country class or vthegrejathlong One of the the road of Scouting wnder iii the lonely gone mm iuni street iii While one building of historic mum was 10$ mt In 185 stroyed Within 50 feet of tile stable stood the former railway station that once served the old Hamilton and Northern Railway This bpildingd although of frame construction didl not trike fire The wind was blowl ing away from the old railway sumo IT ifSimcoo county who has spent nearly half century in Salvatioan VV Army work and who is now Putt lic Relations Secretary of the pr Scouts Association Toronto MonoI were raised and their zl silver bluc $434 etotheearlyCmesmspmsLo xhrrSTfimTI smriim T0me area He brought line ousc mp FVVVV strain appeared ill litter and pi He mu be sclence China upon the Whom has always 23231 333 gtlmilminstdhlhiTho this mm hm been dowmped and glcetflslilgley sildssdngd the Svahtle 9f 015 ellChma 0r been friendly nation and tried to get along litiilit liuuiery was rclellcd it as mm or most popmm mu mg 15 pelts on the market Platinum cits great movementI Minions ha that 15 graft rWlth the othorVVVVnptions pf thQWV01llIVhC cl WllllCJLEINll NW were first pm on mnmrgepim been mavedby Scoutinghsome Vi roierhood othrouble She has experlenced has been mostly 1hr 1min tiliplOVVmb as it did AH 1943 and commanded price of two million around the world and 31 1V InternalV fostered by OutSIderSChe Com XV VVVVVIVVJVVVVHVIGVVVVE VhiVerniVVVVVVVVV SlSlO per pellV for the raw hideslqgfdmg Wally Important for techni ue itlmunisiic influen th fll Sm that time the market has it SI CC Veing eVWOIS lion tcriliitriics ucle presented to been flooded with some 325000 Scouting has been wonderfully It has survwed 5mm pup Ihcgmmm some pmsv or Whith mly were mt planned and everyming DOSSib was lost However heroic onlullvsbut IMPIEOYE monccncs 11Sgagggsbgggfgg an ever before The Grain prices are down this year Speaking 1mm snm 1tlosVO WW gm dropped to s12 per pelt ommuni iese ays Witen Mr Weslman went on to say many teenngers are 30mg 115 ill cl firm through all at recent crop meeting in Elmvalc Prof in Perkins chairman 01 that some people think that mink may the importance of Scouting Sit miseVand law have Keegan 0f the Ontario Agricultural College iVlVltV VitliiVitVVVtruVsietVsVVInspector Morn ranching is an ms way to make should be stressed Scoutingwiil ed feithe meeting and declared that farmers could not look for 13HZiiuLIBil1liin lot of money bill he pointed out he1D gualanteeme WY0 that it is sevendayawcck job future When boys are al tied to Vw peril of all countries and higher prices He advrsed glam growers to itlltlilt boy pupils Arthur Pitt look 1mm X1 animals and the things which smith stands iiilglilVerisi VyeayVV And me rice should be done to sell it to every WE KNOW YOU ARE ALL GUESS ING WHAT THE NEW CHEVROLET LOOKS LIKE Watch For It may iqreat international produce higher yields in order to increase lily Mitchell Arthur Monknizin lime neglectan 500 lose lot they never fail alabhich has transcended their income my mum Em Wm Ed of moneywhen animals die 03 The aims SCOlllingiand Gllid die Vllilnmer also by it dozen girl DeadlyValuable breeding stock ing given by the late Harden Pow Vi To start program of high production pupils At the first Division Mink bmd only once yeah ell are to deVelop citizenship boys and young men one of the first steps is to obtain quality seed Coll helm Jilng 0Y5 10W timing the month it March and and character YOU never hear of world have made Scouting The majority of farmers do not keep records VVinVlm Largezine litters average liom two to 5001beig in 11 0r lail and many more millions of grain production but they can follow the lgfsumlrgulon me Sm 0120M km whee Ofcer of year mummy der rind remain under its in exam Ie of tho tn 10 ud The average male mink WCighS Toronto me SM that he se eep such records muting Alter the valloiis choxls about one ounce when bow and has never yet aken Scout into The farmers who measure theincosts of proI mud be IECCNOLlfsxrcuinlnlltee is naked and cannot see for sev SOdYI Smutn iS gleam Scoot spirit is so great moral influ duction against the harvest find that it 1mng momhmi lor Mildwars clcctcd ml weekSV Around eight weeks church builder known it creates the world today that we look upon to sow the best quality seed This was fOHOWCdby the annual the mom mink begins to lose an atmosphere thatlmoums Chimei Mess Dinner at lilo Queens Hotel llntmcst in her litter and the klt 19 swung 31115 habits or whationaldepartment of the Boy Whether grain prices remain at the present wivVVmaigV was by LLIColliens mg separated and graded for obsorvation and obedience It ten VAssociation as one of the most irn level or whether they go up or dowu larm 1031mifeghghifmg duality and size chVes disciplineVand loyalty to con flllthe organization and thelinkup els can increase their income by starting lump soldier would ever continue Peumg done the fa When muted ammmy It owes for the animals are at their best and th moral physical arid spiritual in bringing Scouts in this country With better seed With seed prices the way did that both would blend thenideigh around our poundsV The needs of the growing boy $116 Emmle ill Closer lOUCh With the they are this is good year to take Vadvant f$VfifVVIFkE 1C9 b0 pelts are usually sold at auction Col Peacock stressed the used 18 in reign countriesV is one Of the age of the market Vd lUIlC anZVdd in New York or some other large of more leaders in Scout and Guide filbutions we can make to under mm centre where the large buyers work Those boys and girls in the Wng the nations of the world convene community just need guidance and pressed alike their admiratioJi for me County mgmmt and me dC First grade pelts draw the high Support in their program GlViE lcr prices and as it takes 60 pelts the 1303s and girls the opportunity terrVnination to do all in their pow crBriis welfare Snow shoc to AND REFQRESTATION Silllthts Falls is proud of reputation for mg llist class in thc bush 2V0 bp 10 Tgxe SEtSIXSfaggdcofgV133313 heals gdgzhfkan Junior Farmers of Prince Edward hospitality and the effec thishas on draw kw iIOIFV3VIZ1daY VIbQitlalVllY orlcutting and sewing makes th Viceipres Fred Kelly had charge are making start upon county re mg people to its bou The latest example mpg me Wm 61 than Dlice very high up 0f the meeting WI AI Malcomsm this ycarz nearly 112 feet thick intro uced th signVVSCheme At last months meeting of this was seen the recent ViSit of the and tree from honeycomb variety EV ngis extsnsdl Re dig Edward County Council theVCoun Scottish curler when over 160 local and 11in Whites house on San Col 11s mu BEING NEWLY weos QHE COOKS HE GUESSEG WHAT rr is VIt Wont Be Long Now Be sugnd see 1t When It comes we welcome You superior AND COOKED MEATS ated ma ng what The RecordNews describ ed asa complete success 7Fii FAST rEw wrwas requestedto cooperate with visiting me wi stane and besoml particip Old St partly destroyed by re tor Farmers of that county by desig countyowned land upon which unsung The family saved most of their furniture and effects and at once moved into vacant house nearby An apple dealer from Toronto packing 500 barrels in basement of Roses Varieties SpY Russet Canada Red and BentDavis Share holders in the Agricultural Joint Stock Co in special meeting were voted their rst dividend in Kiwdnis Speaker Bey Scout Night Mondays Kiwanis meeting was observed TALBQLY Soolitight 115 1140 In Canada thres telephone for every ve persons in aussia one for every 1140 tug our 56 OLDSMOBILE uests includd District Commis sioner Ian Welsman the Scout Leaders of the various Troops and number of Scouts who gave dem onstrations in rst aid net weav inngag messages etc ooucts 14V Years eight per cent FRUIT AND VEGETABLES uArrioNiii PARKS Since Canadas rst Nationall Parkwas created at Banff in 1885 The speaker of the evening was Col Peacock CBE native Maitresllirlskcl to arsen An ideal iuvstmentfor individualson ponies authorized by law for bcards executors and other trustee collidesMullinsillrlirurVm chilii pd 1r nor glamour BLQQD solicit can room THE STERLING IRUSTS commute Hood on Toronto Karrie Oico 13 Quill 3M yorrri in the systemV has grown to include For quick comma help rackmm ZGIPmkS W1 8le 0f 03 29 heum8l16millsGettinspmshisfond SgulngmilIVgi It stretches from 51dglglrgelgglggggiguges VI llvleHotRoiiMix kt em ointains in BritishI Wm MIRA SPECIAL 270 gogViViViViVbiViVuVVmVgassesqr Capo 1V Fairhaveh dram rVVV an Vova co ia ianyour nets Vnswicig VV VV Sardines in 0i1C zrlcr cf 29cm VV Quick Cooking Oats Bulk 21151 on Guaranteed VbVV VV VV VV 40c Trust Certicate Miracle Whip Salad mm lb 1317658133 49C JarV VV ISSUEleorbny amountforaterinof HAViNdAvAcsnTipc PARTY veyeorsguaranteedbothastoprincipd wg mggwsgmgtio of candy cook and interest Interest cheques mailed to 19s sandwich ingredients etc reagh holders on due date or at hellish 16 lb option may be allowed liqcsllmulote ct BE ON 151 WATER 393 mm HAM compound Interest mus NEXTIWEEKEND VV lIrsady to stock up on the lowest pric Veil council goods youve mo in years EFFICIENT COURTEQUS SERVICE