Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1949, p. 10

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PAGE TEN Children Entertained While Parents Attend sClibol under the dirmw partits nzo getting all SitiiLOc Fa oriiiitice is being iield rat1 tIIIanUn in ciiziiiccimz agricultuial nitclings Ltnzililiiliitj lilZ ix group liarV because of Hi out cuzt oy parents Wltl riill llWll ii attending the twists lll llch brought hi2 pl 1liicii all an lliitll can and Illt lllvil JIJ Liu tu lll pro supply tho iliJltllcll liul 111v grit Zilli Et illil Ul io along iii ill 1t liail thcii lttttll lllt llgttlgtgtll ilultn It lILtp tllcl tliilitzili uuiit lhc ctiildrrlii3 probably did not gm lt ii tw and olii luuiplt llicli to unit llrlii vt Complete Courses lAt St Michael Se lvm litllt fcii lio Royal Vic loila llIiil nix just ivlurncil losing iniercxiloi CtIim taking im triendsrho Kllltttllilt comp months 11 now want out any tlllt lcit ii Monthly Toronto and for wocks morenails too 1liliislicl tlllilM llN took lit opcrating Hflictizltll loiii post tinll Ncrves she lictli lltltlllli lozi thoughtbut it war four month our Kidney Pills atonco The improved action of licr kidneys helped tolur away blood impurities and excel acids Fatigue liaikaclie headache lack of energy dis appeared Dodlls Kidney Pills contain lfnj11l if Tommi essential oils and medicinal ingredient that act directly upon the kidneysand help restore their normal action H4 Dodds Kidnev Pills sainc hospital Maiy lloiluclly RN lift on Jan tlitlvt to tako rvfrcshci coursc liii tho tltlttllllt of nursing at the lhc coursc will liiViiiiislioil on January 21 All tliroo iursis arc graduates Iof tho ltoyal Victoria Hospital Thcsc giadiiati courscs arc avail able to tho lltilFS ivvry six months tll Ztl tiu hltllleIIll0 til ltllllll pioiiiiiiiw tcrs olherblood liospital and Maw ltcyliolds RN that herded attention She used Dodds took itillii ii olistotiits at lilt aisleans furniture craft REPAIRS ALTERATIONS CUSTOMBUILT 21 Worsley Street BARRIE ONT DIAL 4346 Samuel Ruse CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lxa BARRIE GMollier Street Telephone 4949 newsman oinecrmi ACCOUNTANTS VETERINARIANV ARMSTRONG MacLAREN 00 DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 CIIIROPRACTORS GEO RELSIE BURNS DsC Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 115 Dunlap Street Phone 3194 $11 CORBETT DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 17 Owen Street Barrie BY APPOINTMENT OSTEOPATHY THE WILSON BUILDING Consultation by Appointment Telephone 2293 EDWIN WILSON ESAD0 George IL Church D0 Associate MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinations of theRoyal Conser vatory of Music Toronto all grades including ARCT Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford St CRAIG HAMILTON RMT Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 53 Collier Street 21 King StreetiEs Toronto HARRIS Jz SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITOR Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry 1M BADGLEY ACCOUNTANTAND AUDITOR 24Dunlo Street 34 lTelephone4735 INCOME TAX SERVICE WELCH ANDERSONW CO Trustees Barrie Chartered Acccliguntants tc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto WARD MAYORAND COMPANY Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Toronto Telephone Elgin 6116 LEGAL BOYS BOYS in Barristers Solicitors Natallo Public Conveyanoem Etc MONEY T0 LOAN Office 13 Oworrst Barrie Branch Office Elmvale Ontario BOYS 305 ROWE BEAGRAM INSTRUCT ON IN PIANO ORGAN VOICE THEORY Pupils prepared for Examinations at Royal Conservatory of Music All Grades DOROTBY JOHNSON Assoc1aie not Toronto Conserve curtail1 or comm Barman and Solicitors MONEY TO LOAN 73min Bt Barrio Phone 3175 tOTY Of MusiCancl Londoni Enng null CURRIE College 01 Mime Piano and eory cowm scowaiv 152 Maple Avenue maxim Solicitors Conveyaner Notaries mono mo OPTOMETRY Mony Wantedsnitch to Load 53 Collier Street ROBEEBAnmlliEnnsii oases Com OPTOMETRISIS v7 sis mg rim tome 93 Dunlap St Phone 2963 nuggmnjmuWxhxg Attendance 33 BarristerssolicitorsE ROBERT 11 so 1150 to Low OPTOMETRIS Masonic ample Building Barrie 53 Dunlap StaPhone 2m Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON 30 OPTOMETRIST Dunlap 8t Barrie Phone FUNERAL omacrons is SMITH co ms 1mm BARRISva SOLICITOR B4 Bunion Barrie mo om llill ilil lli o1 tigo liwl known Jot Cum 3w it it is liiogi Ii tilil Ut ttlt Situation in not lchlltnlltJllt udl St 41 Mo to Ave Ihone 3815 ve branch at Camp Bordenyersf al branchsuccess in its campaign lMRS MCKENZIE ill Agriculture Meetings 31390033 liisi illc llvil vii lngm it lllki1K Lmlln 11 llit Ltrllillil of tlltt lm pertinent Wllivll trill Watlmg Wm piovriiicnt of llttlltll and the lllli nil ttoll iitv lllv flirtI ils rclli iiaziilic il Cm Mm NIH fiu slicugin of ll li iiiii hiatlcllvi Killiii li iliil lll oxalicll vili Lanny plopct lmm ilid ioli in both flui ill rilill Ii qcliiwi li llltlci=ii ti tzit Iltillil tolt safvtv iii ltctl Wiliii Junioi and lliillallliititl tlIll llltllll sown of tho it liiispltais Iili uniZions of ltlt iiio tiivw ilraslor clt which assists in pcilliig of iiitciiiitioia liif which laigir scali Mrs HUM iiiszistcr lillil on Mclxciixa local btllllttliS tho solid as iiilltli as tlicy could tllill and to iltllt lliitaiii ili iiziitiiiil1ii As proof of tho uoiidiilul will which tho socicty has ltlllt iii iiii litltl slicwacfciiml to tho wail ol thc National Rod Cross lll tlll liltltl arms of llrilish oliimliia your lhcrc is no placi in tho prov inco of Ontario that has gonc ahcad with swimming and watci safety as you have lOlIt licio said Mrs McKcnzic in spoziking of that part of thc pcacctimc piogiiiiii Shc lllghlyVltCtHllllltlltlttl tho wort that wasbeing donc in Barrio in llt tlic summcr and in Camp llordcli in thc winter in this rogard by tho local branch in cooperation llll thr Barrie Rccrcation Committcc FLU EPIDEMIC Mrs McKenzie rcgrcttcd that the home nursing program had slack cncd down after thc war Shit spoke of the flu cpidcmic in Franco at the prcsont time and urged lllil vc should always bc prcparcd for similar cmcrgcncics in Canada Shc felt strongly that Canadians and displaced should be assisted by this Rod Gross scrvicc bybcingshmvn how to look aftcr lllftl homcs in limc of illncss tlic now She also iirgcd the adoption of the plan of loan cupboard so that sick room equipment could be bmowadenhouktojlHialeah7 She said that already there were 125 such scr vices in the province and that ibcI loaning out of hospital beds indl crutches and other neccssitics ticlo id to keep Red Crosg unit healthy mothers and children our mis parts of the area and necessary in tho community The largest youth organization cal condition would be inadequate Rod in the world is the Junior Cross stated Mrs McKenzie Thcy are becoming well known through their Crippled Childrens Fund and their blue baby work The nutrition setup with its hotzlunch program is well known in the rrschoiols Ahrougliout Siliicoci County and is an extremely well known service of the society Where people cannot afford nursethehgmemak0rs which is not voluntary scrvice like the others has helped an un told number of needy families in times of illness Mrs McKenzie praised the we fare work that was being done in Banrie among the veterans and their families She spoke of the wgpderfiulrwork thatithe society is doing in this regard in military hospitals in Toronto Ottawa and London To make the Red Cross stronger in Barrie Mrs McKenzie suggest ed various services that the branch could perform for the local hospi tal Blood donors at lending lib rary hospital visiting transporta tion of patients nding suitable convalescent places and home nursing were among her suggesr tioris She remarked on the work that Mrs Loweearid Mrs Felt andtheir committees were doing in the Red Cross workrooms for the hospital Mrs McKenzie urgedthe adop tion of plan of regional meetings for district branches of the Red Cross Shesaid that her commit tee at divisional headquarters would takecharge of such Jmeet ing ifathe local branch would make the arrangements She suggested that dinner meet ingswould solve problems of at tendance in Barrie as they had in other centres The formation of new but ac McKenZie credited to themexcep tional efxarnple which the Barrie outthere Mrs McKenzie referredto the free blood transfusion service which was being Undertakenvby the National Red Cross She said thatalthough it Was tremendous job it Was one that would pay big dividends and wished the loc omeorre from the branch gb on the Ontario executive which meets in Toronto four or flvetimesa year The central council with 27 rep resentatives for the provinces and 13 other workers in all 40 people run the Red Cross policy in Canada The division is gov erned by 20 peoples Mrs McKenzie is president of the Beaverton branch of the Red Crossand was fulltime volun teer during the war years The meeting began at oclock in the Library Hall OLD WEAPON The Chinese used rockets in 1232 to repulse they Rubia Khans armies They havejbeen used in somecapaclty in almost every war Catheter persons THURSDAY JANUARY 27 1949 TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Wam masccpansous rustling nurse giusmuznpnes UPHOLSTERING OF COLLIER WMS Mrs Parsons was installed rs president of the tiizucas Mas1 sloliaiy Society of Colinr tinlied Church the first sheet mg of the new year on Izul aimnoon January Thu lllttl was held in the Sand Scl BEFORE SPRING COMES have your hestcrflelds and illcasibnal fliairs Repaired Recomfd Stratford tpholstering Co For Free Pickup And Delivery Coll wA towe Sim Phone 4305 Free Estimates Silcct room Mrs Graham loziii prcsidclit was in the and lcd the devotional period The executive for thc colliiug year included Mrs Lloyxi lrtl vicepresident Mrs Itotimtx son 2nd vicepresident Mrs il Maxwell 3rd vicepresident Mrs it Robertson recordingl sciic tary Mrs Clarke corrospoizd tlluil of Mrs Graham and lA llligtil Iiiiliil tlil mg societary and Mi llul iwmmmn libs treasurcr Ml ilii id =il gi llt in charge of thc various coml LL Hm lNtl Will lllt tls rc ritiii llllzl ii llpr till it rs MU IHmiwr NLIwm lttlil bristian stewardship Mrs ll Flock supply secrctary Mrs Sinclair community fricnilsliip Mrs Atkinson llSSUtlItlt liclp crs Mrs Rix missionary monthly Mrs Malcomsou miic box Mrs Stcwari social coo wncr Mrs Lcwis llliflultllt secretary Mrs ll llcath music convciicr Mrs Foster prcss secretary Mrs Lewis loader and Mrs Pctch timp crancc secretary Mrs Lewis president for l949 The animal reports showcd vcry successful and inspiring your Mrs hillips trcasurcr rcportcd two ti memberships and the al location of $900 cxcccdcd Mrs Sinclair of tlic commun ity friendship group rcportcd over 400 calls on newcomers sick and Slltltlnr during th yearnMisus Lewis spoke of work lonc for the young peoples groups lhcl GII and the Junior Mission irclo had bad succcssfuL years Mrsl clcan public baths whcrc school children wcnt twice wcck Thc meeting was held at the homo of Mrs Ken Miller incs sagc was read from the provincial Quick action IMPORTANT in Checking COLDS Dr Woods Norway liiic Syrup is ii prompt pliiisiiiit unit oliucliiiil rcincily for coughs colds hoarseness sore throat bronchitis spasmodic croup asthma and bronchial troubles halo ttltttltt iiii XptllSlVf mil lcpcnil itlilo li tooiis Norway linc Syrup holps looscii plilcgiu iiiil iuiiiiis clclirs the air passagcs and brings quick iclict from llin ii lltlttlt ltttll lloast Duck for Sunday Dinner linikcs pleasant iliangciftn tilllllil tlictlici you are st tho family or lclntltlSl gals in minutes toasting tinio pcr liliil tlicn ilii tltltli is almost lillli about tliiity miliiitos lltltllt illlylilllilli itfrom llm own pour ofi ilio fat in tho pan and basic tho luck ilh clip of orange jiiim diluted ttll clip of willoi Hl ul ltilst lluco films with this during ilio last thirty miiiutis of cooking lainish the duck Vllll llfis coolani Islllill IilllntS tca SUN WHY lllll llltnllod gtiittll Lliltttl lemon rind t5 tcli will PM 01 Filllftl llgt Him Mm 1ugpmngn1t tiit tho oraiigcs in half ihon itislioon black poppil oxiizictiiig tlic jtllit to basic the alil till Rice and Prune Stuffing Saiilri lilillllllll IZt onion gm chopped parslcyfnnd ii of ilioppmi celery lcavcsand in iiip buiior tllltil soft lvoii lttl cups cooked iiic1 is honorary zilf coughs and iolilo Dr Woods Norway Pine iyrup vVALLEY TAXI AND Trucking Service Loom LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING PCV CLASS 24 HOURVSEEVICE DRIVEURSELF CABS loc permiie DRIVEURSELF 12 TON STAKE AND PANEL TRUCKS 10c per mile LARGE TRUCKS 5c per mile 7177ii Dial 2433 2m Stiiff llio diick illliIliisnilr duck ltcmmn altpuip lihttitlltip tino in ilio snmo manner as you tho mlgc of tlicsc orangc sliclls Would Stillf lllltlillt Roast in illl ii sharp knifi or kitchen iuodcraio ovcn of 1330 degrees scissors Sci aside to fill with swcct ilniil ttlltlll This will take about poiaioo lalor MISSIONARIES OF UNITED CHURCH MUST DECIDE FOR SELVES IF TO STAY IN AREAS COMMUNISTS TAKE OVER Tho liXttllthC of the Board of and um took the view that tliclc ltcisoas Missions of Thc United was grcatci promisc in rciiiaiiiing hurch of Canada has cxprcsscdin ltlltttlly takcioi over by the illi view that missionaries of The Communists than in trying to lo tuilcd Church must themselves cuter Communist controllcd tcrri ilccidc tllt qucstion of whether or tory aftcr it had llccn cvacuatcd not thcy will continue to work in Thc following joint cable was sent tlic illtilS takcii ovci by Conimun Mission lCchutivc lt11 illltllfllt ist loiccs Missionaries must also ty ovcr ttltltltlll hopc many will dotlilo whcthcvc or not it is best stall tor llltlll to cvacuatc an arcs takcn To um Canadian Vil lll Ummllnlst WICCS 1n 11 tlic mission replied by wire as icsoluiion adopted by tho Exccu follows No immediate evacuation ltVP 1h 808m plodgmt itself 10 contemplated That the mission support thedccisionof thc mis arics may becxiiosiiii2thcmsclvcs StillltlIX whcicvcr it may lead to danger or even something more prcsidcnt of the Institute and Mrs Baldwick rcatka lcttcr from Rcv and Mrs Atcheson thanking IllC ladies for gifts received in England Mrs Miller gave an excellent paper on the motto Two things uplift people at all times the mcm oryr of happy pastrand the ox pcctation of better future Mrs Walsh was thanked by Mrs Charles Newton for her intcrcsting Ambassador and informative talk and Mrs Bcrt Fralick closed the program with humorous reading Mrs Robert MacDonald and Mrs Schwarzc assisted by Mrs II Otta way srVd tea 3mm of missionaries who are pro nicliiitimc liowcvcr tlic VOIllOCS pared to continiic their work in aiciis in any part of China n0 limttcijmiaghcc government may rliv AN EXAMINER WANT AD County xi ho The MisIFred Walsh Tells Cundles WI Members Tm Executive mmnwndod thehtlltlts cannot bc denied to thc Executive expressed the Now that during the unsettled pcriod of civil war in China it in Sweden would seem tCSlltlblO that thc Mrs Frchalsli who has rc cigntly returned from three months liOlidziy iii chdin spoke of conditions in that country to themcmbcrs of tlic iindlcs Wom sion stall and those whosc physi to mcct the rigors of the times should consider evacuation ticral coloring to one workershad sent toqthe drganiiers Ilic rcsolution pointed out that the lospcl is for the whole world and that it is the policy of tho United Church of Canada thatirrcspcctive of the local poli Endfin obedience to our Lords command Go Preach Sympathy and prayers of the service whole Canadian Church arc re the for all missionaries in Christians in for and quested China China in this day of danger which is also day of opportunity In statement written by Very Rev Dr Jill Arnup Secretary of the Board of Overseas Missions he said During recent months the ist opinion and action has shown distinct improvement Mao Tse Tang the head of theCommunist party in China issued statement expressing their willingness to en tertain Christian workers on their own terms and declaring for free dom of religion Taking that at its face value it is welcome an nounccment It is also open to the interpretation coming closer to their national ob cultivate the jectiva desire to goodwill of the Western world and to utilizethe services of the mis sionaries who have done so much situationin reference to Commn in social and humanitarian direc tion for the goodrof China Dr Arnups statement continues Opportunity to exercise our faith came earlier than might haveibeen expected On November 24 we re ceived from Shanghai cable an nouncing that the Canadian Am present few days SPRING REPAIRING thatr Communists bassador who resolved to remain in Nanking had given directions for Cpnadians to evacuate Shang hai and the Yangtse River basin Discretionary authority was cabled to them but bothRev Bruce Cop land and Rev George KKing and Mrs VKing are rerriaining for the later letter came from5West Ching to say that similar messagehad been received from the Ambassador They asked authority to evacuate prospective mothers andiiiomen with children but announced that majority 01 the missionaries would probably remain consulted Mrs Taylor of theWomenfs Missionary Society iiiiiiiiii sriiliio SERVICE LARGEST STOCK or GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES 60mm St moms oi moose cns Institiitc at tlicirJJanuary meeting Mrs Walsh told the women of the stiff rationing of food and fuel and 0f the social benefits there whlcli lian falmost impoverished the pcoplcr Children and the old people were being well looked after by this plan with pensions for everyone at the age of 07 re gaidlss of tinanciaLstatus School children wcrcsiipplicd with noon meals and school sup plies wcrc given free of charge Soap was schicc and laundry problem but there were spotlessly bR7i6 RElARCHING Aiiandaio moss am dewow ihulireuch droolidlhe World End to end the countch of Canadas 3330 branch banks would stretch onlya fcwimiles Yet they reach farming lumbering shing mining and industrial communities right across Canadahelp move the products of these iiipas intotlie markets oflthle world gt Throughtheir branches and it lhomespundentsjgbanks help to find cuistonieisl for goddsliclp batiklilies goods Canada bilyjahroad They provide Canadas traders with the experiencciand facilities nodessary to the twoway ow of our foreign trade which tptalled record ve billion dollars in 1947

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