Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1949, p. 1

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8100 Capis AUIHOllED A5 SECOND CLASS HAIL lo DEPL OTTAWA JOHN II GABLE liairman 1949 CHARLES NEWTON Chairman of Management THE ARRIE EXAMN 86th YearNo Barrie Public School Board Members 1949 ER Section lPages to BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY l3 l949 Donate New XRaY UnitETOWn Asked to Arrange In TuberculosisFight Check All RVH PatienisgDebenfuIeS $315000 Expansion of Loiiiiiiittee which met uith Dr Ilollirtg ri the Ontario Depart llll of Health to discuss the plans Alp on the committee were H30 VJVVJVlVViVtsVlViVIVVVI Gray and ties Autoclave iOrdered for RVH The propoal to have the much me installed was presented to the ut How to av Salter manager of the PUC has written let tlicir meeting last Monday alteri T1 board of directors of the HVIl at LFvyeaiuolil sir1121mm iiiitf mVVVnVmd WV MUM VVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVV VVVV VVVVVVVl Vttr to the town council asking that debentures be issued ll Cth Victoria Hospital has all blt btok t0 the exmnl or $215000 Ttllblif kc 599W SWWM tn its if It llitx rt out or Ltllll After briefly discussing the propOsal at the meeting Mon rlllVV 93 lt7d mlby miwnr sinml imimlml 111 ldav night Reeve James Hart presented motion which 5119 OIlHPWS rang ii his will lum to be rinda or martinmi plant far my 31 Hm VVHVVV gestcdthat the matter be held over until the meeting of Mon other group ten ow rim than fday January 17 The motion was carried bin ll on WM iiidv lines0 HEMl Next Monday the waterworks expansion program will be 31 mmmlom Fm humus 11 Wild l1 ear the t0 of the town council lid th ill WW RV littldilm la Moiidav alternoon the tiecid ge an em machine These xrays have been Hi to Wm my VZlleC time for dlSCllSSlOll free virtuoso0 the recomnwndu report from the PUC regarding their recent meeting tron ol physician for new sterilizing unit wincir will cost about $2000 Tm WV mm Wm muku it WSW outlines some of the details in this connection as tollows ll to expand the scope of the sur The members of the board itcog vey and Barrie will be takirigpart iiied that they did not have the riecessary $2000liut they could not ill the lliltlUIlWldO program to stamp out tuberculosis agree to lake the risk of having ion Government and the Ontario Government the Hoylil Victoria Hospital vill install new xrziy machine which Will be used in the light against tuberculosis The machine which Will be don ated free of cost to the hospital at Barrie Will be mined at be tween $5000 and $15000 dependt ing on the type provided Last year the Dominion Govern ment made several hundreds of thousands of dollars available to the provinces to encourage na ional health program In Ontario some of this money is being used to buy special xray machines These units take mini ature chest xrays and are primar ily used tor the detection of tub erculosis By having such unit installed in the hospital at Barrie the dir Vectors of the ltVllundertuke to tmake an cflort to have every pa tient xrayed nominal charge made for each xray incc will pay Sl for tdigent patients Cameron business man ln cooperation with the DoininV lext Monday night the Barrie Town Council will dis cuss the proposed plans of the waterworks department of the Public Utilities Commission which would call for gtne expenditure of $215000 ALFRED II HARRIS liairman of Property REV Dll SINCLAIR Chairman of Finance At llltllllll of the Public Utilities Commission held on Tuesday evening Jan llODCltntiI was reelected Chairman for the year 1049 This Will be illr Robertsons ourtli year as Chairman and his lltlr year as member of the Commission The purchase of strip 50 feet in llllll ot the SarjCatlt gravel pit brjtweerr James and ltnetang Sis was authorized for the purpose of erecting booster pumping station to impron water preSsure on of 51 will be and the prov xrays for irr tht present unit break down com pletely The unit known as an autoclave sterilizes till the dressings and inal JOHN DOBSON Management Committee Gable Elected 1949 Gable was elected to sue ceed Rev It Sinclair DD as chairman of the Barrie public school board at the inaugural meetingihcldin the board room at Victoria School on January Mr Gablc was first elected to the board when he was given an acclamation for 1947 Last year he an an acclaination for twoyear term and he has served on the school board as chairman of fin anVcc native of Winnipeg Mr Gable came to Barrie 10 ycarsego and he is business manager of Harold Hill Motors Offices held by Mr Gablc include secretary of Lions Club secretary of the board of CentraLUnited Church treasurer of Barrie Bathing Beach Develop mcnt He has also acted as the school board representative on the recreation council Mr and Mrs Cable and their two children re side at 23 Wellington gtreet west The chairman appointed Charles Newton and George Cadoganas striking committee and their re port for the 1949 committeeswas adopted Dr Gable will also serve onthis com mittee Alfred Harris will act as chair man of property and Trustee Cado gan willalso be on this committee CharlesNewton and John Dob son will serve onthamanagemont chairmanx The inaugural meeting was open ed byxA VH Felt secretary of the board Hercferred to the elections and congratulated Mr Harris on being returned to the board The secretary spbkeiof the workdon by Mr Harris on the property com mittee in 1948 and saidlthatirl his experience this service had not been excelled by anyone whorrhad served on the School board secretary Felt also welcomed the No agreement was reached be tween the board and Mr Marshall two hew members to the board Mr Cadogan and Mr Dobson The members ofthe board un animdusly agreed to accept an in later meeting WmiDuthiesavsfen jiLandlord Relationship ImpertahljtoffHouSind The importanceofgthe landlordI i3 dressing the annualVerivicVVnight Program all BHVLNKWWS sitiiation in Canada was the fact Club WevE gotito starttraini chil dren to be good little landlords four and good little tenants said Mr type of dwelling with two bed Duthie whoissupervisor of hous robma Everywhere de ot the Manufacturers ing research of the mortgage partment Life Insurance Company 65 about 35 tenantoccupied Mr Duthie said new concep tloVrVi of tenancy was required He regretted the fact thatr fewper sons7were actually buildmgliouses to rent Some peopl unitslie declared He added that New York there was always movement of that 33 ofthe married women persons from one town or city to Sinclair VVWlll act as chairman of nance and Trustee committeewvithillwsteeiNcwtonas ivitation to be guests of thc Kiwanis Club at their annual civic night dinner on January 10 On motion of Dr Sin claiiYVjthe board agreed to appoint Donald MacLaren KC for further threeyear term on the lib rary board ilrustce Newton reported that lie 05 performed in Barrie and the had asked the Lady Lions to spoilT sor home and school association at Victoria School and they would like to holdla meeting on January 18 19 or 20 Chairman Gable said Iit was labor with community trends to use the schools in the evenings and the board agreed to givgpcrmission for the use of Vic toria School providing suitablcar rangements VVare Vrnagc with the principal and the caretaker Trustee Harris reported that the renovations to provide an extra classrodm in the basement of King Edward School had been complet ed He was not in favor of base ment classroom but he felt this accommodation would suffice for the emergency situation cattScd by the overcrowding letter from Town Clerk Smith gsuggested meeting of committee from the council with the schoolboard to discuss school traffic patrols The board suggest ed the meetingmight be held in conjunction with the regular board meeting on January 13 On motion of Charles Newton the chairman and secretary were appnintetLto revise the bylaws and regulations of the board andbrjng in report at later meeting Following adjournment of the inaugural meeting special meet ing was held when members of the board met with Keith Marshall to discuss negotiations relating to GEORGE CADOGAN Property Committee Record 702 Births Barrie During 48 Boardwehiaiirmani257More Than 1947 The births recorded in Barrie during 1948 totalled 702 This was an increase of 25 over the previous year In addition to these figures there were 10 stillbirths last year and 10 the year before Marriages were fewer in 1948 than the previous year In l943 there were 105 marriage ceremon next yeartlirchilewT During 1948 there were 172 deaths in Barrie and this was four fewer than the year 1947 when 176 deaths were recorded April with 74 was the highest month of births during 1948 May was the lowest with 44 births June had 23 marriages but Sep tember was higher with 24 mar riages iny itwon Cguples January Gregg ager at the hospital said there were 2500 idiirissions last yearn Counting the outpatients thcrct would lie about 40th patients year he estimated In one hospital where such unit had been established nine at tivc cases of tuberculosis were de tectcd in the lirst 5000 xrays These xray machines have been installed in 14 hospitals and it is hought that the one to be set up in Barrie will be the first in Sini coc County It will be connected With the standard xray machine land will be operated by Willard xqay illiil the RVH SimcoeAires Take Part technician on the Provincial Competition Federation Conference The South Siiricoc double trial tette the SimcoeAircs prize in two competitions anithen on January representcd zone three at the rural youth conference of the Federation of Agriculture Zone three includes eight counties of Junior Farmer organizations capacity crowd at the conven tion hall in Toronto enjoyed the harmony of the SimooeAires on Wednesday evening January Members of the double quartette who took part in the program were lsttcnors Blake Constable and George Cowan 2nd tenors Faris Sinclair and Allen Ncilly lst basses Paul McKelvcy leader and George Faris 2nd basses Melvin Hancock and Keith Sinclair accom panist Miss Lois Faris tacliment of the provincialpolice now are Sgt Peel Cpl Les Cpl William Peters Al Pearce Russell clqu arris for 1948 marriages and Conslamesi live couples were wed in April Lacme callwebb John Grant April and June took the heaviest toll of lives with 20 deaths record ed each month in Barrie 4gt Prov ConsBanting At Barrie Replaced VVBy Stewart Allen There is one change in the Bar Charlcs Beman Joseph Jones Don ald Oxner Robert Townsend and Stewart Allen Most of the members of the Bar rier detachmentvof the provincial police have been here one year or more LAST 71948 IMMIGRANTS The last group of displaced per sons to reach the Dominionin 1948 rie detachment of the provincial boarded CNR boat train at Hali police this year Stewart Allen replacesHilbert Banting who has resigned from the provincial p01 licc force to return to farming in the Alliston district The members othhe Barrie de Membersvof fax last NeWYearSEve after dis embarking from the SS Marine Jumper Numbering 460 the new immigrants will take uperobs in various Canadian industries in On tario and Western Canada won pro vincial honors when they took first diallrrltriday Jail ll Community COMINGV EVENTS Dance at Baxltr Iriday Jan l4 to the music of laxtons or chestra Dancing from 930 to 130 3800 Annual meeting Harrie Branch Afw County ourt llousc ll pm Friday Jan 14 Public wel conie 2b Dance lliotiilon Orange llall Friday Jan ll Barneys recorded music Corinnes lunch counter Admission 50c 2b Skating party Friday Jail 14 pm Guthrie Arena sponsored by Oro Jr TrarincrsLVVLucky spots Everyone welcome 2p Dance Orange Hall Ivylriday Jan 21 auspices LOL 430 Admis sion 50c Lunch counter Stroud Mountaineers orchestra 45th Dance and euchrc Coiiirirunity Hall Slroud Jan 21 auspices LOL 231 Admissron 50c Lunch coun ter lVlulhollands orchestra 2b Dance Newton Robinson Orangcg chestra Admission 50c Lunchi provided Auspices LOL 209 21 Annual meeting potluck supi per lnnisfil Farnicrs Credit Union Hall Stroud Fridayt evening 14 Visitors weli come 2p Old tymc and modern dance Mei1 sonic Hall Friday Jan 21 Bob Powells orchestra Arispices Col paco Recreation Club Admission 50 cents 23b Dont forget dance in Gullrriel Community Hall Friday Jan 14 Everyone welcome Music by Stroud Mountaineers Admission Jarr 50 cents 2b Euchre bridge and dance in Le froy Community Hall Jan 26 sponsored by Lefroy Womens 111 stitute Music by Stroud Moun taineers Lunch providedi 72b Dont miss the crokin in basement of St Pauls Church Innisfil Tuesday Jan 18 830 sharp Prizes and lunch Aus pices of WA Admissioni 25c 2b Polling booth will be albumen at the public school Angus for the election of three trustees for the Police Village of Angus on Saturl day Jan 15 1949 from am to pm 2b TheAgricultural and Home and Community meetings for this area are beingheld weekly each Mon day afternoon at Guthrie Com munity Hall from Jan 17 to Feb 21 All interested in farm home about one major operation every enl unit was in use 24 hours day Wilsonsopt erials required in the motor oper ating room When tho present autoclave was installed 25 years ago IlltltACllS two days and there were not many babies born at the hospital in fact the unit was provided to serve the needs of 20 patients However in years the hospital has more than doubled its service During the lirst ll days of this year there were 20 major opera tions several minor operations and 30Vliabies were boriu learioll chairman oi the property committee said the lLS and seven lays week and could not provide an adequate supply of sterilized dressings lr Turnbull chielof the medical stall pointed out that he eause the machine was overloaded it required the constant attentions of nurse to keep it from break ing down The llllilmll DIESEL 11 tioii and gave instructions to Cameron to order new auto clave It is expected delivery will be made within 60 days Such unit could readily be transferred to the proposed new hospital In the meantime it Will provide an essentier service or the patients at the Royal Victoria Hos pital Striving to remain within their budget for normalVVopcraling ex penscs the hospital board meni bers were riot happy about incur ring debt of $2000 However theylclt the public should know about the condition which persuad ed them to place the order for the new unit ct Naphtayli Miss Robson to Present CASV Reports January 14 Naphtali managing direc tor and Miss Helen Robson wcll fare worker will present reports at the annual meeting of the Bar rie Branch of the Sirncoc County Childrens Aid Society to be held inthe county court house atB pm Friday January 14 Plans for the annual meeting were made at meeting of the Barrie executive on January Dr Ross Turnbull presided over the mectin The annual meeting of the Sim coe County CAS will be held after branch meetings have been held and community betterment will be welcome 28b Barrie council when Tot throughout the county mately 5150 ft 29500 0inch diameter mains on Rose James Codrington Napier and trove Sts and across the Golf Chili property from Gpove to Sunnidale Roadapproximately 8000 ft 39500 0inch main on Dalton St from Bayfield St to Maple Ave WW approxrmatcly 330 ft 1200 installation of 13 check valves on sting mains at the bound ary of the high level area 3800 0inch main on Dunlop Duekworth and Blake Sisapproxi mately 0000 fl 33000 10inch main on Toronto St from Elizabeth to Sophi 1150 It 7001 0inch main on Sophia and Park Stsli0 ft 8000 New 500000gallonstorage reservoir in Bayvicw Park 35000 New pumping station rith all necessary equipment meters iltll1LBLllQL Igrk no 25000 $197000 all an the higher levels of the town The approval of the Departrrieiit of Health Toronto has now been received for major alterations extensions and iinprovenierits to the laterworks distribution system and the Town Council is being asked to pass the necessary borrowing bylaw to finance the work The total cost as tslllllilltd by Messrs Gore Storrie Consulting Engineers is $197000 in addition to the cost of installation ofa new well in Bay view larkariother $8000 summary of the work to be done as rccorrrmeiided by the con sultirrg engineers is as follows high level pumping station to be situated in the Saijcant gravel pit between James and Ienclang Sis 15000 lllillcll water mum on James Peel and Rose Stsapproxi it is the intention of the Conunission to cover the reservoir with cartli and sod it so that the present pleasant appearance of Bayview Park will be maintained Elect 1949 wards Monday anuary17 New Councillors The January session of the Sim coc County Council will be open cd at pm next Monday and an important item on the agenda will be the election of the Warden for 1949 The two leading contenders for the office are Reeve Evans of Bradford and Reeve Geo Shepherd of Creemore When the session is opened by County Clerk Simpsonm he will welcome eight new members Those elected to serve on the county council for the first time this year are Charles Griffin of Barrie Archer of Flos Allan Todd of Inpisfil John Cowan of Midland Elmer Wood of Orillia Twp Calvert of Port Mc Nicoll William Savage of Victoria Harbor and Herbert Humphries of West GwillimburyV The estimates will be struck and the tax rate set at the session next week The county budgeted for $347432 lastw ycarr Thewgenerablevy was 41 mills in 1947 and 379 millsin 1948 The road levy Was 175 mills in 1947 and 1617 mills in 1948 The reduction in the rate from 1947 to 1948 was from 581 mills to 5407 mills Members of the 1949 Simcoe County Council are as follows ADJALA Reeve Joseph Parker ALLISTONReeve Cunningham BARRIEReeve James Hart De puty Reeve Charles Griffin BEETONReeve Lloyd Lilly BRADFORDReeve Evans Turn to page three please William oVatiodIisii illads gt Referring to Barrie the speaker said there was probably about 50 of the houses owned by the occu pants and about 50 rental units But now the proportion was about occupantowned and only wouldbe much better taken care of by rental heireferredr the proposed purchase of three and onehalf acres of land in the vicin iny of Codrington and St Vincent streets Donald MacLarenf KC solicitor for the board also attend ed this meeting and the matter was held overfor anOther from one lob to another and they wouldrbe better served with Vrental units Another aspeit of the housing that in recentlyeais theVgreat md jority of houses built had been the or fiveroamed bungalow Canada nearly all the new ho es were found to be of this typetWhat would happen if the shoe manu facturers decided to make only siz nine shoes for five years he asked Mr Duthiedsaid there was great need in Canada for the very smallhouse and the larger house Speakingof the need for houses smaller than five rooms MrV Du thie id the demand came from youn married people and also ifrommitrried4 coupleswwhowhad reached retirement age In con motion with the married couples toga survey talten II where it was found HEREVABE THE 1948 oliefBarewacouncil GK Mayonahemeinbrsofth1948councll from leftto FranckClarenceCorbettheateddn who were in officeiwhen the caution chamber shown this Tight around the tables are Reginald Ayres Arthur Boyd Town Clerk SmithTandljpu photo was openedThecouncll chamber is on the main oor Charles Poucher Charles Griffin Mrs Mercer Hamilton Tothe right of the Mayor George of therenovutVed Town Hall and regularmeetings are held GE James Jams Hart George Clark Maurice Hines to the left or the Mayor tsTo every Mondaynlght Seated on the raisedplatform ls Mayor Mrs Laurie William Merrick Hambly Hampton Tiirn to page three please

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