THURSDAY JANUARY 1949 All warmly lined rich wool coatings This seasons smartest Note the size 90 997 Warm Coats for Girls $1995 $1195 $1395 REDUCED 215 REG $1595 REG $1895 REG $2795 styles Sizes to 14 yrs LARGE SIZE SHEETS W351 fCloths for 27 rand ant too and is wgite 318 Svnow 12 Square turkish face cloths with pretty PAIR colored Stripes Overbuying on our part Regular Value $1095 rm 1011 this bar 1111 prin REG 5895 Sizes years Rich satin double bed spreads Colors tnese pretty coatsareA tremendous bargains I2 Feather 9111 ticking used blue sand green gold and wineSeehesew for sure Yardagcllastic ShowerCurtains Plastic full size with eyeletshGreen or rose Regular $359 Hurry for this buy January Sale brings you bargain here Pretty figur ed desigpsmsell regular ly at 85c yd 491 100 DrapyICretonne Dish sCloths REG $298 119 Beautiful new design weighty material You buy it for exactly half price each January Sale bargain porous cotton cloths The price is bargain onus NAVI aLoQMiaiis BETTER 911111111 The better 11916 well filled pillow Only choice feathers chili quality THIS SEASONS SMART NEVIWSTLYE DRESSES EXACTLY Half Price Reg $1595 for $798 Reg $1395 for $698 Reg $1895 for $948 Sizes 11 to 42 Prettystyles pleasing colors and worthy materials in wools and rayon crcpcs This is really an opportunity Childrens Cosy Warm Suits Snow Small and Large Sizes Pliiitl 25 off FUR TRIM Right now this is seasonable offering Walkers clear the racks duringJanuary Its mecca for thrifty shoppers WOMENS SUITS REDUCED Reg 9249s 101191831 Reg 922951115191721 sized Usual 890 value Amazing value iThesej are weighty cotton rr bloomerswell made and Regular$795 Pan Womens slit Aiiiiuttycorddmatlia1 made intendrice tting JSIlQIVglllar $298 iii assigns Theres always hundred and one usesfor tnlswmctcrlal Note Imam to stockup When you see it We adviseearly shopping the supply is limited EEANNELETTE 399111919325 col 91s pink3blucand yglldwxfi hiteVFlnnelec our sale price Cornelia the store examine the quality Youll PARKAS Reg $1895 for $1421 TKE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Take Advantage cf These onderful Bargain Prices Sale Starts Thursday Jan andcontinuesifor 10 Days till Saturday Jan 15 There will be great rush for those Reg Value $100 towels because theyre large extra 11 raw and because the price is sensational Youll have to see these to appreci ate them 99C to $249 UNBELIEVABLE BARGAINS REG $200 satin Colors Natural color that will winegreen bleach snow white gind blue make great sheets YD Natural color Turkish Towels 011100 MISSES SIZES Snow Pants Heavy Wool Blanket Cloth Wonderful warm pants Note the size 21 44 CLEARINGENTIRE STOCK HATS $100 for skiing or skating Re duced for January Sale HEAVY GABARDINE SKI SHIRT HALF PRICE Womens Fancy BELTS Half Price Sale i1 Reg733149l0$400110W75Ct0$200BS you see these high style belts PLANNELETTEW Night Gowns FOR GIRLS Seethese on the REGJ $159 main floor 19 wonder buy Sizes T0wel Sets Reg Miller 990 to years Reg$179 for Sheeting WodrfuTQuality 72Inches Wide 311391995 WOMENSLFANCY SCARVES Half Price grand lotolscorves $198 1094798 now January Bargain VVpDDS AND ENDS BARGAIN TABLE SECOND FLOOR LA Table S7777 Rich quilted colors and soon low Sure you see thesersuits 91395111019939 917951011 $1197 $229510r$1530 V$1595 for $1994 buying inresistable Lovely styles grand prettyw sale price Be 159989115531111659 3i 1ft grouptof very smart crepe dresses all othargain block at prices that make Lace VanityScts iDulchase December brings you this grandjzbuy Youll want psychotyhen you See finegt91 in on this bargam wool WORK SCKSM 194919 ring Time now to be nerdsup materials for sprint sewing 9011211911919 this group of pretty printsuirked to sell at 651 ydjbutinto the JanuV any sale theytunible at wonderful fbgrgatnprice