MK with PENNIES NICKELS The I110 puking along Burles mun Itth have been removed mil they II One 9116159 Im TWO rm exiw 15I IMI wt Three Four 290315 llama mg nowml I1 Five 139525 81 800 ml Six uIII 35910625 $779819 Tom PARKING $7900 In anatomic the memem will not be replaced untilpext ungilzmonshsm an II me me me gmmmd Apr Tm Itd out one 39 that ml Procedure ouow ML tamarith account smith re buildings and goo an mm Tow Clefkh rertenuIc 13 ed for am god 5161110013 in gt HAMPTON FRALICK ported mt oxlmately While mart CLARENCECORBETT Ward gar W33 am no creases made CHARLES 03mm ward 57000 The Ivan Isme in there were Be My Reeve meters was abouHhe assessment had 47 the Egg ye The Imago mafia ifo 135 both Is mailidciihfhftiimhi Inadidm will tot mb 883 lady and kwp unreal 35 $566393 ataxia their wanna timing ls also ment which 10 akeIup the grand mm The man These gures deducted from the genera I1 of $7417941 one year is turned into 7075126 venue and enue for the total J35 ant gimme when own 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Precenng yea Tahiis wiliio otvrovmy jawed II if ea em mumC begig smoperating in Prince of tax is to compensate theIIles and torpubllc school es gag WallS School with their teacherS pality for the tlelepmrxgiiout the pared with that assesgi OIfoxim are as follows fwo Sewing Classgs line and cab eIs grate schooll purposes 99 under MISI Md GIIIkenGImg glow Willi Cauwldian this Tile atelliielzhtizhst 35593396 industrial lham Woo wor 55 men Ca miter Mechanics Lorne DavdSml graph has an income Fromm Bafe are mmpety Showcard Artv Ge mu Basic $3521 EXEMPTIONS an humour Fatwa 310p English for New CanadilansA uII While the total assessment of and thfipergriahe raging prop meg$tnaydnis BorTielE $14173417Itheempmd Igmipfbbii 45 ISS fimngIslgiIipsori propertyttwsuigogethan 10 Abmless Sesmffg 73 IInIthe Collegiate IQtlltezMs Thwmemrt Barrie i8 83 lsthe rate t0 ssea swfe in teaches aficlass oi the trope The highe 85 ss ISIS er1ngg and Typing and empt from taxation operties Barrie is Zellers and the busIm an gooShgggard I013 fut vHI JII Among Iii leiiemtgtthn Siopemes segment on this ptopgw HIeath has been instructing gilup the fgwwha re hall sewage additiona1A307gsmentmf Barrie on of nursesintrainingrfr 03 iiEhoiiii plant market buildingiw The $333 systemjstpmceed pm In cgemISIgI IIIIIISIC fI works 11thth Earl ill $33M Mme 51 lbsII an fee II esses cgeiftcligal 0f the classes AI townbiicogligilgntlgongi Sschodl and i118 lade as this nce ofWaleS er civic AssiSUPg Ben the tepilte hscagootle 033mg libwork IS Myrui Dean RfIUGH NET NG COUNCIL WONT bulldlngs sue gt IREGlNAm AyIES mag Pow 0N SIDEWALKS HENRYNOBTON II Ward As MOST PEOPLE USE no gt Wanna II II SnowI andmhat to do about II II III provmd Penetlnggtguggusvgm garirfclenfgtmzetigg Iv 71 several councillors renal nnnnn AQGHCY er dsappmli 135153515 Town Planning tryig t0 te Hardwate fellijt was was in regard to IThts Year 1949 MalcSWSE ls nowthtritir lgo years lifei priiociiieytkpgrticularly in view of During the past year Ithg menial Kitigggestgglggs wmibeImIsI surance Agey Bum siggss FSIIliceIWas theoniy lousinesS ca the helm Pepleapar heirs of the TPlamg Bombilsible for delegation to WIN its rSt halfcentlllyf SE ti January of 1909 when ngtypreferredto uSe thEma have made complete 8er Izbbud at regularmwhg AI Matcomsogluxgg 5331 red gigISIS insurance business guThe only person who tused g1 Bhriemnd tentlaitiVezomngIirIegItIllI gagemean may be modawzg 1isheeb5ess ri on was purchase dwell on Poyntz Stree was tattoo 3135 ha beenma Blair secretary actiVelylcpnnsntgd withltvallhggegnogis inIaSmallbmldng iiian whooperatd the PlI3 for eaZiiIor the SIXW3rd5 the theImanagengnt IhpgbeMmlgolngonI Ied t1 of Boys IReve Bhson resrdent liming the next few weekgoardI After the Idzensfhave slitsII Sqngwlluam 51 mi Wfstet The that area members ohthe plaqnmg sufcient timio 3mm8=fpro aw was mammoved to the King will have an Opportunitykea osals rie Apiimning boardka the south section of the theriews othe citns hate akeup amped mapAforthte BOc isesilow being remodelled for studied these maps Whmh halidf tire town Abylaw Will be 19m EIrIliIigIIBiirrleigxaiiiiner been distblmd pmpfrty paced and this be gripe otrtheggigggr 93 Mfg Mum FarmerSAwiu eras Leis chairman of the to the Tom 81115911001 Stfve pm we abut gTIElvy an 11 aLBoo Osaitf he w0111dIW19We esent building on Tuesday board or lugs lumps was purchasedme comment If tiara thew Estzite The 1mm pitl Guthrie Ataxia 93 group wies maa $9 rded to inanmerf lease My Saturdays Good muSic 11 1Pagegtp fm ahi11tn1507