Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1948, p. 12

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THE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTAMO 313th iiw or MAWREDMIH iwnw 7ibi Lox crib htlI Idw Cun Silk iiiIi llz Mb AMBASSADOR GOODWILL in goodwrll Mission to Canada and the thllltti Stair hiir itIii cil1lllklil tXllwi lllz lm lliiul all Swill Alix Samuel Rose III BUII iii ilontltiil turn II IIIIIIIIII III III It INH5 ilnnltralii twill it wll illlixl II II in oil ll lir SIIEII LIf 3i llIi ifll iiuv LIlliilll cammm aocmvma Wanfed Notice 89s lo all 11 rlnhil JI ilztri litoi guilty to iiixi7 DC ririxu Elliilrhl Applicmiom Wm DI anuiI II ii III IIIII III 15 li7iii Iii Milan lilIEi3I the undersigned on or brlulo 3x illlj Wcwmu numb 11 M1 15 335 J3 24 19497 IiIi lot it it lZn ixvtillp 69 ONE Street BARR Telephone 494 MW lilm ll Elicorrrbvr 27mm 77777 TOW Pm IE ii WW lllr claw lily cola ltl fill TOT RSSMSHIW lmlIrgt7 ills Itllu v7 IIti 27 it in bi Nlmlll lWlHI 50 IIIiiiiIIjlitI ivtiI IlilIIIiIfIiIi2 lIn II Ii lt Ib II II HFWSIA luii IllrlsItina IuInuLIItls iitiiiIlIixgiirlil nriIIirziI izriIiIlIin ritual II II1Ii ll UNII II III III II XIII isi III gIIII III II IIIIIEIIIIIII To the Elem org of nuns Township LI IVWII II 17 iii lrtsrnlulion to Your vote and minimise are respcctfum When gt5 and lll humid Kmil II RM and Mn itindirsoii for the chem of II Vlhm Im or tiiivi oI lililtlhlt Im OWN IIITI If IIIIII III III SS it Micro all III III II II KIM 1IIH lI II SWllitH TIN mm M7 lItiWlH wt iiiari am Hi ioi Eli litltl Im IIIIBIIIIIIIIi II II lIl IlIlI it IliikiIlon Itlillli but 11 IIit 3f 77 To HI Barrie iil iililI5iiIIIyriim pig lIillIIilIlIlIIl IinlIIM II III III IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIdI II mm NOTICF in htle Town IIIllIi IIIIII SiwiiiIIIIiI ItlIiIiIriiiiIIIva it in do 1l I1II5 WW MW K945 MCK Vi ii IV III III tip list of lands no Nance RegtSlfOllOll III III Innmi 1mm undid In It ii 37 mi lull raid zllIilfllltki7l int IIlllIIisII If 90th Will serve to the best of my lblllty the in was mm rm Inning of It of ByiOW KI NIIIIIIII rum and II II II it IlIl III It IiiII III Io crests Ofthe Innisfll Ratepayers II CHIIIIIII If 5ch II IV IIIHIIHIIIII um llvli mix liiilti ltltIh nitIl llllIlt will IlillKl and is hlH in i=2 llm viziu 191 UH 91 IN Em I1IHmmiu litliltl suit Iu It II if IIIl it IllflkhfI livl and Alix llt liilvis lll hr III III hug In ilrti Ulh ll hl II III II IIIII IIII III IL 17m Omm Im illi ndanri and ltoilllli lUl mi MM Copiis of find Fl III MN AI ii liJill Smkaioon lliiEl point Ilblltf aim llllllltll advtrliscniilit can bi SNHnIH II IIuI tub ilpima 0il Sim ullS dlllkl offloa orI IlIllIIIIlII If mi ii IIIIIII WIIIII XII IIIISInII Hum XI Ii puil did Loli Surprim larty torI IIfllIIIIIfIIITHI turn us In mg candy FIIUIII HIIiI it ind I1 11 Mr and Mrs blorlt Iltmtlll 7T ll 77m il 403 on lid llgtt till or brfol UIIII innings lilixdil ltlitl WIHI IlInl lf Ml mlhI for Sound and Progresswe BIISHICSS Administration VI It 1939 in on llrc ill ilii ltittlltl Mrs lhll lloln on lloS lltltl it gt11 lumdn JIIIIIIIIIIV lli Ml mi i7 lltfl allxz Ml Il pillx ll Wit and MK lIUlIl Rteelect III IIlIIiIIo rthr Il 15 IIl Larry llLtll lI Icmmiggm WITHHilfmrgmvm noon lla ii WWW 117 in Toronto III 171 i7 honor ll Mr and Mrs Molllv it Quilcll humbly olu iil tlllltlii lltli iiiiIioni ll MI and trip liii II III II irnccid 01 ii Clilililll lltlli ii mum tummy imvmg Im11111 lilillIliIIlItI IflllltlziilIiIo the mm It that lli unlit lliati ll tolaIiid liilll HlIllllliillltllIIltlIiIllI gt5 IIII III II mm IIW INNIIU II IIII SIIIIUUI lunch ll lllSllii an l7 II bay such arrvll luvsday night lloc ll ihriCiIou ottiivr Am at Lotto 1117 ml rhiuilvs WWW Jim Jim ruin o1 lmv Grow and thvirl llItllllll iiiaims in llli LIrlmfl will Wlllld Im for lnnlfll counCll ll lands Hall QI lltltl Ult lax Mi illtll put on their ImId IIIHiIWth MIVLQI III Prior to lLlltSlllliQIllK lvIIll and 9111K ui adjournc 5197 lltlll at tuo lllll iliool ioiicrit ili lic Gicntvl Harm IQllllIV liiiioiit lt pitSllllttl ll fruvsduy Janilar 13 53111 31 mm TIMI Inntn CIIIISISIM 2MlIllIIIIIiiirlllQIWlmIIIIIVIIE IIIHI II ikISimI mm huwuk and um twining Your Vote and InuenceWill be greatly uppremated Iv II IIIIH II Ii II IIHHHJ Inn3 um RUSS dm ll Ali llltntl llolll iirim ii imwv II MIMI Wu Eff 1llbjiiKiwi i1 am For transportation to polls phone 23rll Stroud Ont 49 lb till Hum Li mm mm um Mm Saw MIN AI IIIIIIIIII MIIHIIIDL II III mm III my tin ill hi1 ih 77 1i ICIIIIIrCr IIIrip III Mi SUI 13 thin illlltl ind disiliuuicd ugh XI iiiionio at VIII gt III II IIIII II IIIIMIIII 915 flunlcnt lllllh mot oilrt itiiiii II lziwi iiIll2Hl ltillli Um dy MW lioiiir Mr and Mrs liI milob II II our to iliv lcachcrs and pllpllS phanlmig tum ii Jim Iliuildml N0 LOII 0mm nslullpd day III IIIIIII III iiiii ill tint on Handiv hr tin ii tll illlul gt Nahum ump it III 131 III II vnn Iacclmn nu 0f Ilm Tho Stlllllll lmlll llIll Wm It UL IIHI lllL 101 was bold in tho Lodge Wv Tummy mm ltl Lll till LJHU ilixx lllt llickhiig toll on lurtx mum ULI number ot visi fl Crowd and sillvndid tllltttl llr itjli lIill lXuson Arizona ihcrt Sh tors VLlk prusclit from Allmixvood at OS ll lMctcalii is to llt tIlllllmlil titill illt Nil UH 11 Wll77 ltiisscll Mcllwain lDM ltbldCd ml 150 19 Willi llll7l llx Susan McClililiis for tho clotlion of otliccrs and Har S7 29437 ndul ii the For our and uql conmdercxhon the Your Vote and Inuence ls reSpeleullY LA Ollle KtlJHll lill ltil lliivil piimo old Madill DDM co CI requested 11 dllclllbtls pimiiit ilcliiil IIIIII Mr Mn hm Rtmlt ll Wm AlllLl lltas elect IllLSS iiicrtingi and ltlltlll o1 olli IIIIIIIIIIIII 7inoij litl Archcr Marshal As quoted by First Conpcrativc HAROLD McLEAMING ccrs Iwiis held with all otliccrx r07 MI HIM MIS IIVIIIIIIIS and Chum wmI Dwimw Loci Norman ll lllll Ds lll Hill llllllI lIIll fluor arc WM HOGS CATTLE millihiiJillianiii iifi triali 1Ijmn bi Ran mm busmess of Inmshl TOWIlShlp as whole illi basement on lltt With llllllmc MUN mm In whoin liaplain Wm Reid llxllVCy luholgt of nlalio Barrie turned for anutlhl Al lIll Toronto and ittlliit Stubbs lnl Manmng 15 as member Of the FIGS TownShlp BACON no bountiful Sllllul 75 IIIIl Hamilton spoilt Christmas at tho IUmmmQ 103 RllChlL Emir HOW CG If It Washt the usual we owhnmw III LIIHINI Hll1 rd Rome 31Id will gawk ne our nCl or CounCll 558 elg mas Lifts Wits tlllllltd lllx Simpson of Toronto 4111 Harry Rmslt 11 coxgc cwt and Miss Barbara lncson of Barrio Manning At the ClIOSLIof LENS Today $3125 7gt7 social hour viti rc rcsuncn was illt llllllf lhc forlncrs SlSlLl no iioclilsago S3l00 VI II AilIt 11 BIi ionjoycd $3085 ST Mr and lllIIlIllINCllCS and St Johns SS Christmas Tree 77777 Two Lks ago lhlcc works ago $3075 llllllll Toronto and Mr and7 The 55 room of St JohnS sows DLC MINI Ir Ml lI ltubrbinIiIn cIiIntllIIIdItialn Church was gall IieconiuidI WISH 9F lii iziio more Livclqreen trees am gar ants 01 IIIII IIIII IIOIHIIICI IIRIII IIOO Mr and Mrs lrziwlcy Kl tll tho brcwors lllllLl mo gunnedN and 00 70 Friday ATILE WIN 11 Ml iM ii7 Tex spent Sunday iti It ll on am is ovum good cmwd 0mm lgilllllfl onlyIJlilllaidgamicri Prgndermstt Bum Hum UL TUme qup IIIILPuiIImIL In conSISIIKLQI songs III II my Christmas Silo IIII MI ml WI IHIS Kmll and recitatith by members of the Mrs 105 Mcllugh Toronto and mm Ipmn Dickursz ArchbegIIIIIeIIS Clam exercises by the 1mm Mrs Fitzgerald Baxpm with Humor Tmmm with his WWII IIImIIIII girls wrhe Christmas ior lhe confldenCe You have Shown In our medium and Mrs Maurice plummhp Mm Wm WM IWISSPS Edna atid Il lrmv Imd Christmas Stockings Sollclts your vote and Influence as CouncillorI for the I1 Kin If Tumm II hay mm INIWIIHI Town and Mk Iv bOIS ave an excr lgtlllltlgt Mm Tilt lva admlnlsuatlon Of last year ree eC lng home here John llzlmxllirlll 31111qu HIM IliIlMIQIdf frill BIll cisc WUlCOIC SPkCI 039 1949 termv on Mondayn January 1949 IA for II II 5iolilIiIigInierinClif IIiIliIllsItIlIiIiIlinIiiiIIIli1ri7 and inIiIiIiIihfliIhiliI ii qpocml IIIIICOHIACEFIIEE Grade MrsI Harold Flanagliahghv MAW iix71ImnisII II ho Jack B0 and Iggcncgonmgm Best WISheS f0 happy and prosperous New Year to auI and llltlll 1030 mine or to on 56 lbs On Lako Ml days aif Misses Ann HuiVic Vic iiIcSliIiiiillIlizlirvIIlslillzglpiario solo by We extend heartleSl gOOd WISheS no 47 42 28 and MFSI Ed Buchanan and Rosc mum 0mm Joan TippingI Gwen MISS IBCuy Beardsau dialogucI Iw and Pros erous New on lbs Special IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 50 Marie with Mm Buctmm memam NI JODCSI Joan Qym Christmas Breakfasts by senion Or Cl 813 mule 43 Eady Mr and MFS LC chWMalrgllet Cllm ail13 play by the adult group Gradc 43 and Graham of Wycbrldgt Ml miiic lsabcl Campbell Thclmil Zucck Says It Santa Claus ar Year Gradt CI 30 and Mrs wmmd Mmu Km 1m To the Electors of Rance Dorccn Pearson all of lo rived and distributed treat to The house was attractii lvdecoraa spent Christmas with her parents 33 Vlil Jack iith Mr and lVllb Win undo Alix AIlCllL 0t Mitclicll Childmn plesenL ffadIobIjglfull lcr MissIMallllOl BClilIlllllIIIItjf Mrs VI Stewart Guelph lVllSS Louis Truax Reeve WOOd Deputy IGmde Bu IQgtoIngllllbnllllfllI palacnbsdmlmt IIIII glloilnii Ollllld lclcl TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All Grth 28 war Reeve II CochruneI Geo Wllklnson Guide 44 nllilIticrrlleIiIf ISIfgIIIltIlglllgI Big lnEIllllfllslllilgoyblxtgqlsldlllltrlgdgibIMSf ii III Gldde 39 vth M1 and M15 lllOS Todd Toronto at John Arnold Mi and E0 Peacock counCIuors Grade 24 IICI IAn Excellent Concert Mrs Noah Cotton Stayncr at 45 lbs Special 7746 THC 7school7m7us7e wag phikctm RwmibndVstomiCmL MW II iii Under lbs Schlal 43 Wednesday evening when tIh3lIllllTIlIlnl cglldren Midland and Wand Influence If on 47 IrIy can Glade 41 and arents gathered lur llSS ary orcoran loronlo at IvCI Giadc 36 ieIcIlIlicI3Irstand pto sec Santa Claus Dr Corcorans Mr and Mrs Respemflny Sclcted for Grade 20 who arrived just 85 mm Georg Gmlm and T9 0f Bill the Elect0 vas Over with sackful ofrcandics lleII r1111 1151 WmI TcIny M1 and To the electors 0f the II WWII and Presents 01 the Children lMI El Mme BaIIe 77 Ed Eagan and sister Rita motoriDOWDClS MI imd Mrs E811 DIyS 38 35 20 ed from Tottenham to see tllcll dale Hamilton at Diys III I0 ISI 36 32 I8 bIIOIhIIII PI MI EaganI SLIDQIIIIISII IIIS $23165 MIIIStIIIId MlPSItDlilInganD MlIEJI ASDEPUTYREEVE Under lbs 32 28 15 rst Christmas concert It was an cman aynelI IS FOR 1949 Rowam Mlimd Mrs Frank Jo As Your TURKEYS excellent COMEIII clan and Vern of Toronto at Geo II AAOVI111l1 lbs Kells Polling Day M0 Jan The TOWDShlp COUDCI WISh Ill CI Gde under 18 lbs 58 TISlSIIIEIdICchth Concfrtf St GladEB 0V91131b51 50 Ie un 3y 30 Oncer II 77ver and prosperous and 6X YOUNG HENS Andlcws Church was held on gIi III Dacember 27 Monday evening Rev BurI reciation for their return to Of Grade 1049le romo em he gess was chghjman and the pro or 911 app Th above mammary prices are holfiglgnat hog gram opened with 21 Christmas It jecttgkilling charge 5c per carol Clute showed two iium III Mss Muriel JohnstonI lS Spen flce acClqulIOIn fOI C0m1ng year bird of ctkillckelns inggoglaieerig mg Ia weeks vacation at Shanty 32 gsairgliafegfmerr 618 77 II IIWVW lt1 in ed dc Baywi McGuire Sang songs IsreyeflFi 77 777 77777 77 77 77777 77 77 are on Pure 35 resse Mr and Mrs Henry Alford an gave recitaomr TWO other intepl RlChardson Reeve CY 1C mg off Unfinished poultry an 110 being family spent Christmas With Mrs esting lms were shown Santa ar accepted at the Present meI Knapp Barrie rived on time to give eachchnd =l IDepjltYeeve arman owneyjrw Gun Wk INIMnan Iiim Ketn giggtnggn gimm apple and an orangeI ewmar Spen WM 1V8 eCtIS I1 oi it 1W earlracks yy Cl II117 Miss Channenwt Barrie Spent Mr and Mrs Stewartlcef If II II 11 the Christmas hduday with Mr brath their45th wedding anniMXPenence re IW 1d 77 ounc1 01 All Accounts due iii simud and MISTIM Channen my on Dec 18948I with MI Th in Telephone Co Ltd rcrE ChgistmasI visitors at Percy ner party Members of the family Sts our inu evoters nrs gowmhlponjheac questEd to be Pald by Dec Frankcoms were Mr and Mrs grandchildren and relatives from Ciumaon iven to xI 31 1948 Cecil Harris and family Iloronto Paisley Listowel Barrie 777 SecyrWrtelmox Black MrIandEMrschlson Morrisonu Churchill and Stroud were present encg and support Stroud Meaford spent Christmas With Mr In thc cvemng they IweIre at homeI andMrsr Harold Bowellli Ima tonfrdlentds wliend lgrgct to Ieelect hlm II To Miss Joan Cavanaug r1 ca 9X en CO Era 30 777 We feel he is an out 1mg public srvant thI has amuuunuuu brihfvinglbeegdiyenan dcclqmqlibn to 17 eld19 Id anotherygar WithMr andMrsI Andrew Knapp Mr and MrsMaurice Jones and Eleanorfsbcnt Christmas at Mid land Mrs Jones and Eleanor sisted of Imny Irecitationscdial oguIes pantomimcsand songs At WethllIgrcatlylapprociltteryour strong shprtridum gfluence in help EItis toxelectth fattening candidates by markingyo balloons IStroud COMMUNITY HALL IorrWED IIAN at pm Election Iof OfII 5727 TcandMrsrcsmnleyGillespie led andeLesiding at the cabal wen resswgqefct the and TchIIdrenI Toan Viited their were Mm ECDUtcher and Mrs GI Eh tagdg IIlaxpayers Of this parents Mr and Mrs Pardon Usher 7le 131 ll agglegsi 19049 188 rcomrzidended II II 039 theholiday $515 TinLcmistmas Concept LS 110636173318 mg NIH 0011 uuerhis 7M and Mrs mafmld amid The angl glaijiassi 15 forts to bring progress an prosperity to Innisf to77Wn If iamily and Jack Crossc and fam Tmy was held the schoolwole II The Annual Meeting of spntIChristmasywlth Min and Monday eveningI The mom was Ship the members Of theI Shareholders or EilIilSIlvigaWI DIIBimie CIlalgIl neddtPfapadtyg and thte bladrgtesti II II xi lw iI Icrow inmanyycars wa7c heI iosxpresslour apprecmhon Stroud Telphone vale and Mriarld Mrs Maurice gay pmceedingSI Jag was was kl Foster ofILondon Spent Clustmas Ichairman and the progra con the pofstyarwwe Ihgctire tried to Christmas visitors at ammamwmcm the inst interestsct the majoritv 5h fleets and otherbusmess McLeans were Mr and Mrs Stan l7 77 leitchLeatorlmai DR and Mrs II l0 IIIClkewI SGIIlIe effort Irvmg Robertson PMS Campbell and Donldy Toronto IW Lennox Black secy Mr and Mrs Harvey Whiteside and Mary Lynn Alliston The school held their concert and Christmas tree Titesday night the pupils all taking their parts in their usual capable manner The ladies served lunch and apples and all had it very sociable time to ether Ig Chli mas visitors at Haroldi Tracyswere Mrs7 Gertrude El liott7 Mrs Violet Wood and son Johll andiMrs Bowells Tor on Mhand Mrs Herb Elliott and 7mm by Malian Mr and Mrs Nor nI Ellziott PeterbOro Mr and us John Belfryz Bradford MW EANGUAGE7777 PoxtngtiesIe is the langucge of most of Brazils population 120qu Townshipuringi 1949 Greetings and Tliauksl ToorllMyGood FriendsthIRctteI zIxyrs for the confidence you Ikhotve placed lame Ewing me on calculation as Recife wclillfuciuii he CQtlIMimentsI loe mth prosperous 1949 aoggaoagooagaaf

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