Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1948, p. 20

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mIrimm mam 13111212115 ONTARIO CANADA WWWTTWWWWVSTAR 111111111 es 31111111111111 iglfeilgiiir antigenic lusts UGOC $64773 333503666637 11 ili 1111111 torunzo H111 THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 1948 THURSDAY re Ie1r Fur Slump 151 Andrew WMS iExceeds Allocation gTwo Life Memberships Plowmenof Centre ORILLiABARRIE At Anniversary Meeting Elect Gardiner Pres 1lv aaaLGCCZCQtt 11gt The rewind 11 111 11 11 lll 1111 21111 ylf 111111111111 111 11 1111111 1K 1gttndy 111 ions gt1 were pressd 11111111 gt112 lf1 111111 111111011 11I11111111111 Ii1 it Christmas Concert If Copaco Children At St Georges Hall II mm dill II eilllliihtflelhillz In by Mrs Mel 811111111 111 3111 c1111e1111 samomw 11 111 Mc uaie 111111 11111 1111 111 m1 lEi 111 ui lulu 11 Rs Bitween all points in anatla Iand to all nitid States border points Fare and OneHalf FOR THIS llUlNl lllllv 1111 llar 111111 hlr 11111111111 1111 vol lI l111111it the 1l1 111111 71 1111 1ti1ll1111 Uri 1111 1111111 1l 1111 111111 135d lt111 111 been 1911 111 11111111 1111 and 11111 eth ot o11so1 11 111 171111 wvtl 11111 11111ei111 lt vll ie 111 placed xiv 1e liu l1n11 1s 11 4111111 111 lhs lgtti it dim1 1111311 3d illtl in Great lilililii Ilty to 111111111111 hes b1111 11111 the Signed 11IilII 11 hands 11111 111111 1111 cant help 11111 1111 1111111h liliill1 1111111 tuouih 1111 team in 1111 11th 111111 last year alter star count 1111111 players had been 1111ct111 With Ulilllll lhis so upset 1111 111 I111 imckryil that they couldnt STROUD RCAF sevni to 1111 point for some weeks 11 larrr 13 11 12y 1111 11 int 11 111 IIII 011111 11 is likely that Ab llowenl 111 l1 playing coach Ken hill 111111 and George lioss have oecn III II ays 11 not 1111 to lxzat tusselnil or hurryn11 1111r 1111 11 11 11 lrlll 31 on 171111 Frankfurter Ix0101e 01 1111 111121111111111 111 in 11111111 111 11111111111111 11111111 i11111 Lo 1111111111111111 11111 1111111 1111111lurte gt1 c11 11w1 111 ti1 1111111111 111 ix luau111111 chili till 12111111 111 lilll IIr 11311 to 111 11121111111 111 11 litilllliirls 111121 1I 1111 11111111 11 1111 11 11 1111 111l11 111111111111 t111111Iv 11 l1 1111 411 1111 11111Iii ram 112111 rows 111 or 111111111 1111 I111 II Champion Plow Team ReporteIIIon Chicago Trip Stxondand lltl 111 amp lmri den 111111111111 into 1111 setnilinali 11e1111one11 tor thepoit but t1ethIIIIII1 It 13 rim1 11nd 111191l 11 etlilct touid be able to gt11111 lilcckey League piavoll lest 111111111 the 117111 111 job mvolvcs 15 1111111 lday they clncrcctl conv111c111111y 1511 III II Ilrout IIllil regt11tt 1vo 11111115 111 Stu11d v11 three11111 outhtusti sk nt 1111 11 1131 Wednesday 11111 spent 11 the fam forutlinT 111151 Thin 31111131111 IIIIIIIII by dctencmnan 111 Vehb droppedl ExPress Thanks It 131111 115 151111111111 and viInncrsIousI Curtis Candy Farms 1111 1111111 111311 1111 11111 111 111C Imm 111111iiuwlm by the PM nh 11111 11111111 1To Mrs 80185 1111 11131111111111 Tractor liow l1cadqna1ters at Gary 1111111115 some 111111111 1111111111 and Windy Vnttlung Mm 1M plmumtcd that 111111112111111 he 11111l 11 111111311t1111111 at 111 Interuauon 3111 miles northwest of Chicano lt 1111111111111 11111 T111 1111 1111u1cm0 ix WNW mm 11 scored make the loud sci11mm 11 111 Annual CIHlSlmOS Party 11 ilo111 111111 held at Lindsay was necessary to rent car for 111111511111 1111111111w11101311111h11111 lmlw swim lul team 111e111oe1s 111 rent 11 Vll this 191111 111joyetl veeksItrip to this days jaunt but the expcrnnce Richardson and Jenna 01 11 Mill 1111 tuft Ipcriod when RayI sm1e111 1111 1111 111 ir llltailrl Nov 27 111 Dec gt1 The was Well worth the extra expense 1111 would likclv form 1111 first WUNHUHMImung1111001ch 1111111 11 the loved gt 11111 gt11111gt1111i by the llritish lhe turtiss Candy Farms consist emu 111mm 11 Jack ILI1gtn1li 111 Cmmml 3M the 11111111111111111 1211 11 111eri11n 1111 11 11111 The two of some 7500 acres oruanired 111 11111115711111 1111111111 1111111111111111111dimmi Wm my McCartney 11111 young 11lt1111 ll Ivonne 11111111111111 re accotnpanied eight different units some miles 31111 11111111 pump 111 Mmwng out In mun 1mm the if 1111 1111 11111 by the agriculturalapart total of 330 workers are Il llltgt1lllilit Slilll I1 PageJcmploycd on yearly basis Im not who 1stti 111 11111154 the production is varied there being four 517 11111 1111 the event The trip vuslbrceds of dairy cattle two of beef 111 the more enjoyable since the cattle two of hogs and ponies rais plow warn 1111111111113 oereiablev to iredr1ninesubslantiala yvnyrilLsetiosw III participate to some extent in the of trout ponds are just coming in ASSmmm 5111111111 conde ruffle 2Imd Mrs Velma 11111111111115 lHcittgNattonal lll 41111 Congress which to production and the polling of 111111111151121111111 worli 1111 Will 1111 sttltlilll 101 llil 1111111153 was held during the week 11 Chi some 1500 mink year keeps tlnec Match One problem hat should The meeting took the form of 113141 11 11 1mm pal1y 115101 our men busy 111 1115 me of fugujgstllujgedgs111311I WWII ICllelIUIJHIS 1gt1lll illld sills LXU able to 111111 the group of 123 Junithc year Five thousand turkeys subsoil 111 tulilull FONS UNIth tXtilllllllPd iienifliuimmbliii111i=1i1n Unl1iio whiTTlEicthDimo rnisednnnualiy andrii flockwof parts of Flos and SunnulIaIie lownI 1l1lt Bates played Santa Claus provinces deleeates to the Con81th hens were Rom as 1111111115 inlias gt11sons snipers Ship The SUIlSINI lllful IlltIIMS lllu Three members Mrs llllen llun gross Miss Leona Johnston ofa group of quonset hut type 111111111151301111 11 will misc of correcting 11115 Mlhlilll 11 itl 3111 EllYIlllJtlil llltlmllOH 1111 31111115111 and Frank Todd 11 GilimRS In addition 15000 broililsi iilffmw maid reasonable cost 1I1sMi11earel Looker were urc 111d were 1111 special delegatesiare finished and marketed cvcryiEiIlftllI limit it hwm mm most illltltllll 191m Ih scnted with 25year pins ltlresh mm 8111111111 onnty attending1 the week in the year Limm aimual tnectingthis you 15 1L ments were served conuieszs report of the Champion 111111111 Allan McNahb Plow Team on their ti1gt 11IgtIIlllt10 Ifirst half E411 the trip starting 1111 each employee being encouragch 11 1111 11111 1111 111 11 1111 1110 as sponsored by 1110 lilllldlmll in1111 attendance 11 the specialito become partner in the farmricsl1i11you have P1i1111ausopin erican Oil Co Ltd ll1 ictmll 111111111511511111 for the 1H Clublbusiness In addition all employi lull that 11 11111 one 01 1111 given clscwiieit ltoneress on Sunday morning ces are eligible for various groupiiIHIlt 111 311113111 ill Clmllll OFFICICRS ANDIIlllllICTORS lecemoer 2111 The chief feature for lllondays bellems SUCh insurance 031ml 15111 IUntl 1111 CIIIISOUXE1 T119 109110 imp mm IllCC Miss Patricia 1Ic1rthj ol iet 1p1ou1am was 1111 visit to the Mus Illlzmmn lldiml SGYVICCS and 132 mm 1111111 11115 Hf 1111s was held lludel 110 KOC crboro is home for 11111 1111111111111 1111111 ol StlflllL and Industry 193110 mum5 thh Wind id 1111n1 1501736111111 1111111WM tion of Maw 0111 01 11W 151 Marjorie Robinson and lit21tul11lic1e wag 51111111 in 111111 graphic television 501 Other benefits in AWN IIIII WWW WV 12 1111113 lresrdent the serci11ou A11 lIhtIntiuItIlt Tot1111111s111111tlc mix Im 11 1st 01 76mhumonvitludc Iakhalf 11101131 loetuubIIbumlLI IMEIIHLLIDIILNUM the 101101111131 111ore u1t1111ht lC nnt of 111111 ImrHCIIH1I II Mm Jack RubinSImI In Spun III durineI the last l00 eggs find013 13101 or milk LIkIIINI Newcoqurs 111 Ward lhanduw Spouqutv momnhfm 1111 11 111 with MI miI1Vc1r 111gtlltlill1c time was spent 01 Itd mmbCl 0f the emplole 51 trom Wmnlt lll 101111111 1949 Pa PIOS Illmihmf Wills Roblnsonm 1m studying the various 11111151361 mmllyy 0511111111 11251 50030 1d JUIJI New LOIWCH TIFFu All Ildllm 55 Velma Ding1501 pmormpm 515111 jump wmer andi feature cf the Curtiss CandyIShcdchnII veteran of 111 WyebridgeI VINOPres IllSSCII bow IS able to be home Imam IIWII in 111 in 0m particularly intep IFarms sew which impresses 111511111111 Ill1llIllti Lake II Muw Minemni 2nd VICCFNIS an operation for appendicitis cstinu story being the development 015 IS the application or rigid Ilium mlnmml has 13 James Darby WaverICY 519 Quite number in the coinmun business principles 01 WWI 95 13 mt T110 0111 of the wheel from early Biblical to the WWW TNIISII A1 MI Strath Elmvale ll hf INC iIn WMhIII type Fumes III IIIII IIIIIISIIIIIII one sectIonItion of the farmI Every bmnchit 1111111111ns 111st 11101111 has 1111 No viict asts 110111 ay 01 so Good going daily until noon Saturday Jan 1st RETURN Leave destination not later than midnicht Monday Jan Ii 15H MINIMVM SllitHl FARE Adults or iiildren 201 11 111 lilttciol 1111311 1111t 1n 11111 ll gt1111111Ulzll vlillllths In 1111 111111111111111111111 111 111 11 fontiic Interouul for liiliiitritlitt 1121111 to 111111 121211111 111 111111 Illlm Mint McNahh 111111I11111l1111 hf l11l parlicnl1s from any illitlll BUY TICKETS EARLY AVOID ONGP 11111 Simcoc r1s1l1ud llales 111 111111011 1111ti1 Iill 71711 was presouted With 1111111111111 tllttlllt and 111 appreciattv 111 Snucoc 111guy by her fellow 111111111 11111111 llel 111ec11 1111 lhurnlay ii evcniny llec 111 the 11111111111 11111 111 Aliantiale Mrs Charlotte Bull worthy 111b IPIJIONSTRAIION lNdiHli lTTSFJTTlIldt thrIJrrxcntirt11111711117119 It was aim gtLutgtlili 11ml 11 half of the officers and 1111111111rs 1111 11111111 11Iless dun II II Play was fairly even in the third ll kI lkl las Mincsnn tonight hard to notchl 11o 0L the equalizer lney came close on vertini lon 1v 11 Md fntany occasions but couldnt climax ltit 0113qu II Tm If 1111111 rushes lmally Slroud broke1 $51 LL away from 15111131111 attack and SlESSOI wardwnndqzbould prove an cllcc lmamitawMpgmHWMmghamI iij tivc obstacle to goaiward ambitions LEENSEDWWW II capturing the honors Austm Bow 0111111131351111 forwards NI 9mm tndwltayrr Webb added extra Bu Clarke Ollld becelmil goals to ensure themselves of vic 1111kn11 the top goal posnion 11 111 I101 bIJSEHOLl EFFECTS FARM STOCK AND 1111111111 alone 111 Iiowmcus 1lit11li these youni men should overlooked 111 1tlctlizt 111xi Vll MeAllIlllR Shy 1103 the Stummrd has The game became routzh near the rmh p3 ml 5115 latter stiif1S1Seii1eesDilllmngT errv IMP 1mm Ills brilliance in between the posts and in mm hnMIIIIIUU Dow Phone 2577 limb mmh 11 01ml 1111cs seven ol them commg 1n the club 111 the battle for honors since he came here last period HCAF of Camp llorden had it bead and shoulders over 13X in Ithcir galloping win but found the 1111111111 10111111 111111 tumble from the lighter Anuus crew Little Larry 1Cunpcau was the chief 111ta110ni zet us he first settled into minor penalty and illtll by use of his boxingr techniques ran into major sentence Goals by Gardner McCartney and Martel in the liistwpeeiod gave 11CAL 1jducaullilu 13X clleCkCCl systematically in the middle stanza and held the Borden boys score less while Spencer tired their only marker of the game In the third lMartcl his Second Holman and Birch broke out in rash to give Air Force 61 triumph It On Mondav Dec 27 Greers 1311111 RecreationeCentre At Beeton Will Be Ofcially Opened Ihe oilicial opening of the new omnnmity Memorial Recreation cntre at Beeton is twinday afj lairand Hap Emms will presentl 4311111 ElychtoJin1otid citiztl ot Becton in an exhibition tilt with Joe Primcnus St Michaels 1Iz1iorsI They are scheduled to take to the ice on Tuesday Dec 211 conimencing at 830 p111 II All they did l1s1eon was win 90t lldvlruuldlo 51115511111 011A and 111 to the final for reported on the ed at the Cuitiss Tandy lainisl11 u11c11 111111111 Bamwoob Nevv CLEANING BARBIE $1 Upltolstcry Chesterfields EXPERTLY CLEANED IN YOUR OWN HOME by Ontarios Largest 0n cation Cleaners NOMUSS SIMCOE RUG Lo Mcgei ol Selkirk Man atrlelt Directors Fins Wm Maw Earl Trace Godricgnnns Tiny Clem out Kobitaille II 11 Murdock Morris Darby Sunnidale Edgar Cairutheis ack MartiriflIIBu ie Vespra Wm McNabb CURL mingMc1vyn Finlick ginIIIIdlUIDudldpClIplll BOOKKEEPING and ACCOUNTING SERVICES for retail and wholesale businesses Income tax forms completed Weekly or Monthly and nuuuuuun Iand pupils for pleasant evening unuu Audits of the farm business is operated on strict cost accounting basis and weekly inventories on fecd1 and SUppiies are required of ove1y1 department It is understood that these farms after being under 21 heavy building and expansion load for thepast six years are now beginning to pay their way IAT THE MUSEUM On Thursday the group visitedll the Natural History Museum which presented most picturesque Wing and Harold Hopper Toronto study of the life of people plaInts theres that name again at left animals and the geology of thclGil Mayer Haps goalie is from earth Weeks could very well be Game Fall3 QUEII II spent in this one museum ratheri Hal has 1111le than the few short hours available1 Bar the Club Hes mhr McAithur juvcmle who plays BIG DAY FOR PARTY centre 11 left wing Friday was big day for the cnl Therell be more of those home tire party this group being specmlspuns Emms promises Theyre deI guests for the day of the Hamilton veloping some good kids in Bilille Branch of the International Har With rival clubs offering ve of the Muscum was devoted cnl tirely to the processes of grinding grain while other departments dealt with forge md foundry wine 10rd Pennell of Winnipeg at centre and Gary Gordon of To ronto 11 right wing There are two more Toronto boys we could use some 01 them at 11111111 Sid McNabney centre and Don Ashbee left wing on an other production line George Bllltltiltll Port Dover patrols the light rail Real Chevrellls Timmins cen tres line No with fellow townsman Rick llogg at right Miss Dorothy Dumond Toronto and Joe Ttuen Toronto arc spend 1m few weeks at their 111mqu The Christmas Concert hcl on Dec 11 was much enjoyed by allwork dLISUy attendingThz1nk you Mr Glenn 130351131 the mOSt 1191051111151 feature of the day was trip through the coal mine located un der the Museum where all thc steps in modern coal mining were btkcntcrtainmcnt Mffrmd Mrs Roy Webster Don no and Pauline of Barrie Mr and Mrs JohnnieMiller Bobby Mn demonstrated and SUSIE myner 5pm Tuesday was devoted almost en lth MI Ml Rom1ti1ely to the International Live Istock Exposition at the Stockyards Nd the National Farm Show at the Cohsqum with Side visit to the 4H Clubcdisplays and demonstra tions Topnotoli beef cattle were the featured attmction at the Live Ed DDGCOmbel stock Show the ChicagoShow be I1m rs gar eInney an to C1 ch1ldren spent the weekend with Emzo 15 Op knife friends in Toronto pamment 1I Apoint of particular interestto Andmw Beyel and illend T9 the bovs was the exhibit of six INQUIRIES INVITED Oaks 11011111111111 Builtin cupboards Cab inetSIand Furniture Re pairs 7105 11111111 322301 2373 519 Maiyer Barrie ham1 773176 13 3241101111 PIE 53Wc earth 1112114603 TTCf Connor and Cecil Tilson who ning when supper and concert tenetnrrremmmrmmar VA rtikieg Semce rocn LONG mama TRUCKING cvCLAss Irnvrorif 2113111 2221 WIEIDCQI III IIII ate grand head for playe that off withtheBreakfastv Club radio show visit foxtlre Board of Trade Building which himses the ivorlds greatest grain market where the party saw the pits in hectic buy ing operation The forenoon ivasI completed by tour of the Gar field Conservatory where in ad DJ calves shown by winners of the Nomi II The sec0nd half of the official annual Calf Scramble The Eafft Scirribl isheld earlier in the year when six halfgrown calves and rather wild areturneddoose in pen among group of some 30 or 40 selected Junior Farmers or 4H Club members The boy who icanfirst get his rope on dition to seen the hu Ch calfItliroyv it and tie it securefy ge lysan themum Flower Show the party SDCial Programs arranged for the becomes the proud owner of the was gmen ggmdugted tour of one 4H Club Congress during the calfIwrth the privilee of feeding of thk worldvs greatgmfseprogiams included it and sIhowingI it at the Chicago Thelpersonal appearances of noted international L1vestoek Show with afternoon program following lunch film and radio stars such as Ed 311 9x19911595 paid The Six calves at the IHC cafeteria as guests ofidie Blame and 7311 Canova VIIOre 111110 fat and lame by the the companyI consisted of tourseveral famousIsporting celebrities ginektgiy were shown at the Fat of the tractorIplantI where the Var and previews of two moving pic wm bI ut Ion 1111110 1311 At the 00 0W fous processes of mold and die lure Shdwsv SOPear to My Heart clogeI glint 313115 W111 g1Veeach The IImeImatlomI11 Gram Show making casting drop forging gearuand the 4=HIi Club plciurev the Hap Emma1 and his Bairie Fly Sunday School pupil presentand la qmte mterEStmgv therebelng cutting etc were seen in progress Glee Promise ibolth Of WhCh ads will not be playing Art Chap IthIeil awards for the past seasonI quite respectable number of priIze1The 101111 finished hpwjth folmwi W111 be released towards Spring 1man5 Buffalo Bisons of the Amr 1m Wlnners from Onlam The Natloniing the assembly line where FINAL IMPRESSIONS WNW 31 Farm Shfjw featured th Smaller huge tracklaying tractor was put The final imprIesIsidns of the 11111 as previOuslyB expected type 9f farm equipmerttIWlthI together one centinuouSIy mOVing grbup were that Chicago isra trev It was revealed Tuesday that number of very Worthwhile de line At the end of the line Ia imendously bigcity me big munJ AHLhr1drefused the Bisons per catonal demonsuatlons The larg tractor vvas fuelled andu driven off try where they do things in missionto play er types offarm equlpmem we to the waiting flat ears outside the big way andtwhere thEpeople are The game was in the main most friendly After ening of thernewly constructed 11101 Show hereowmg to 1am 0f factory at tile rateIof one tractor week of thrillsend stimulating eace Bridge Arena at nearby Space every 12 minutes 17500 ACRES OF CANDY FARMS crowded week was concluded tours and Sights each of the party Fort Erie with portion of the dinner given to the Ontario wasquite happy to get backIto his proceeds going to Buffalo hospi Graydon Giffen reported on the with latter half of the weeks program group Jolley secretaryoLhome in Ontario ta Mr and Mrs Beyer CongratulationstLMaL Lch good investment the International Harvester Com pany being the host CONGRESS CLUB PROGRESS lIn addition to the many tours as reported the plow team had the privilegepf enjoying many ofIthc on Wednesday Dec 29 when Hon GoodfelloprinisIter of Wel fare will be thispeaker at din ner Following this dance will be held with music suppliedTy Mart Kenney and his orchestra were married On Saturday We wish the PublishersIand Staff 301 The Examiner Very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year School Concert The school concert was held in Ithe Orange Hall on Wednesday 1evening The attendance was good iThe children took their parts well and Santa Claus was there with treat for all the children Closing Concert Sunday School will close for the 1Winter months on Wednesday eve Mercury car to be drawn for dur ing the ceremonies of tropical and exotic plants tFlyers Won be Playing For Official Opening 01 IPegce Bridge11Areno 517111er FOENE 111111 11 yummy iMJJLJ opening ceremonies will take place nals iigainst RCAI The other half Mens Wear and Thornton hook up Tickets are alsrTorfaTeforia lican Hockey League an exhibition II Aces will tangle with Oakland HillI the winner advancing to the semi Upholstery Cleaners Write Muir Paiuswick Barrie PHONE Toronto 4701 EL0663 01the bill will see Twiss with the victor meeting StroudI in the next round 1111111111 ElizabethArdens Blue Grass Perfume brings c1 breathof clean mountain air to the coldesf Christmas clinic or the mildesf With Io gift of this perfume you give her not only famous fragrance but quick trip to Kentucky fields mu rarer1111111111 2601 2900 iCuSdens Pharmacy mammogram Barrie cox 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 liltlliillllliillliiiiil llllllllllllllllllililltlllilllil

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