Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1948, p. 13

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THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 Iiiurice tinitts is attending IAC short course in Januey Staff Sgt Smith In to Halifax aftei several Ins sister Mrs II An Mr and Mrs Waltei week with M1 and Mrs Smith Mis White visitor with her sister Shute after vulture York lie VXZII ton Mrs tiliiltyi annual iiteeting of will take at 330 the hall and of banquet lilt members and adherents iie Hltlli allv invited to attend Farm Forum Topic Midhiust East Forum will day on Jan ii for Disaster Is an agriculturi production insurance mogram for farmers feasible If so how should it be set up ommunityConcert community The Zinc mth aiidj children Seafortb are vmgmg In icorge ZIS She was on her way home New lll church will be held on Jan 12 in form WA Officers Elected and Installed The December WA meeting iasl Wk re sume lllltl meetings after the bolll Topic usliion concert which Write included Sunday School SS No Ulukltllll MM Juyu um and and SS No 17 was succtrss The Mrs Forbes prism Deceni her CRMGHURSY m1 Miss Jean aston has left to live Mes NorIiin Baldwin is or irie in Bil13 Sick list Spence has hum the Barrie Hospital of Chicago Browns The Christmas concert and sup per was well were visitors children with gifts The funeral of the late Mrs lJ Stewart wife of Rev Sincere sympathy ln LXlilltlttl the bereaved ti them at Mrs Frank Woods Rev tion of olllcers as follows Iies Voini SCUM lrcas Mrs Mrs Jory Mrs Bertram lWriglit lonver oin thrown Mrs Spence Mrs lIIeiiIei Mrs Forbes Stranger four Mrs llauily UIYI in Pres of hall was filled The teachers and Mrs Bertram Secylreas Mrs pupils ileseive credit for the excel lent program Everyone Santa Claus who looked smart in his lovely new suit United Christmas Service Midliurst United hurch had an impressive Christmas service The Christmas music and message were enjoyed by large congregation The Junor Young People under the leadership of Flora Peacock PRESTONE Very Limited Supply SERVICE Customersgare iiiged to buy now if they havcnot already done so CAIALW Dangerfield hiatus 65 Collier St Phone 2487 mwn The otliccr will be in mijoyilstalled at the January meeting at laiiss Joyce Hunters Mrs Ivan EIclepji and Mrs Neye Were the lunch hostesses had the church decorated beauti fully for the occasion Arts and Crafts On Friday Jan progressive cuchre will be held in the hull with good prizes given also the Arts and Crafts class will have an exhibition of their work with Mrs Welliam their instructrcss present to explain the work of the group Come and bring lunch Proceeds for the library Your admission ticket gives membership in the library Mldhurst Publlc llbrary Should we have library The books are exchanged every three months set of one hundred made up of adult and childrens reading all for the sum of $25 year Mr Boyd the librarian gave repor which showed that there were four hundred books read last year which shows the library to be worthwhile book may be picked up anytime at the village school Membership fee Site year Coronation LTB Coronation LTB held their an nual meeting and election of offi cers in the Township Hall on Wed nesday Dec 15 There were visi tors from Orillia among them the Past Worshipful Supreme Grand Master Bro Church undhis wife He preSided over the elec tion and installation Officers are returned home ilrs Fintm and daughter Patsy at attended Santa Itls appeared and presented the Stewart was held at Dalston Lni ted Church on Thursday Dec 16 is handy Vice Pres Mrs Mrs Wel lloss WMS Miss Genevieve ledlingham of Bathe was home for the weekend Mrs Mabel Burns of Hamilton is spending few days at her home here The lludgsons and Baldwins at tended their aunts faneral in Mid land on Tuesday The school concert and movies held in the Hall Wednesday even ing were enjoyed by everyone plStlll Mrs layin of Barrie spent last week with Mr and Mrs Ern Ells uieie also Mr and Mrs Iuii Sin clair and baby of Crown Hill and Walter Hagley of Toronto visited end MITaeeurt conducted the elec INNISPIL NOTES By RGS Iarbunuue tz1 ww hristmasGreetings We wish our many friends and reading acqtiaintamcs the most joyful holiday season ever We have been pleased to pass along to you the highlights of the news of Innisfil and have appreciated the many favorable comments receiv ttl home surroundings we send the good wishes of the home folk In nislil citizens are to be found in many parts of the land We know flOIll occasional letters received that they often think of the old farm homes It is to be hoped that not one citizen of our neighborhoods will be without every comfort of the things it takes to make Happy Yuletide If so then this can be taken care of call to any town ship official or Council members will result in proper action being taken Out Door Rink Really at chroy At Lefroy all that is needed now is some frosty nights to make the newly prepared Community rink going conQern This is real cred it to the community ome time has been without an ice surface The rink is well boarded in and Iias lighting and heated dressing rooms In Stroud the funds required are about subscribed and the arrange ments are made forthe machine to do the leveling The rink will be located on the corner of the high way and the 10th Line The use of the old blacksmith shop has been donated as waiting room This community is hoping that by an other year the new recreational centre will be under way To those away from the old I$3v and HUTOPIA Meir Curbing to all Tim attendance at toenwsiu party on night Jos Iiilui secre foi ladies and Allen had gentlmimas hiin score eott and Di rlazl and NurSc Hall Were fill the wt iwpresei iitiilil Unit Ivarrn Forum Meeting Im Farm Futon at the Lilfili of Mr and Eli Aitliiii Doh Uti Monday lLL ill to good auctidance Tian was Intel it descrptum il ilydiol xi ir Eli ditliient the evening chores lhi Tiloyier was discussed at II with the tEJihHJllltH tlccil Your cor Seasons Jim filiiti Christmas llklnttl The peope Gen Toziipku know gtlll Hospital for Quitt it the hi King Weed Ilsmy Winner ongu Lloyd pupils of winnew Ill test Barbara J1 Ill ii hit in the fifth place iidding Vidilillg Iiiliw infinity Ii=t Sail neither ediicatzotnd ol proper othy lapp lli mum folks us they are mostly Gordon Iii vlrmd Sttlit of extiayagance married ll and ltlll and the breaking up of will be ringing ac iio one hunt rather than the moulding the neighborhoods young an toquiici or happy home life Iliii going to be maimed toiitiutula IR and the lunch came at the endl oi the pleasant evening tougratiilaliozi that lliiNhs to great extent hnd Jpn Bum lied rt lillge number of joyed the liizstznm tililtcil No children iviih Santa Claus Milton Edwards the following Lloyd Pridham Ilurnilelil Presser its Trcus Cci Keunvtii Gilpua Ji Dunes 2nd 011 Ieve Patton 41h tiitt 12 Miiiisbrldge Wines llec Seiy Norman Secy Eiuoud lansbrilga 12 then iratoi Coin George WA Harold Arnold li v3l llarry lob Hawks ll Ulll Iii lie WYEBRIDGE to ill dilly ss li pitillli ii on liiiiay eytnin were specially pieawd who has llttll which for Master Andross Deputy Shiite Secy WMontieth Treas Montieth Fin Secy Thomp son Chaplain Thomson of Fieldhouse Conductor Wr An The chroy project was nanced by couple of street dances held iduring the summer when about $750 was realized Theicommittcc $50 $500 $1000 ron EMERGENCIES When you need money borrow from Househow FINANCE Canadas oldest and largest consumer nance organization You may borrow $50 $100 $200 or up to $1000 on your own signa ture without endorsers or bankable security Repay monthly6 12 18 or even 24 months depending upon the repayment plan you choose Loans aremachago single personsgt married couples 177 Borrow for Any Good Reason HFC customers borrow to consolis date past due bills pay medical expenses repairs seasonal or emergency expenses and for many other purposes Phone or see us for prompt friendly same 53 Mluluagn Sheet In 2nd Floor Phono 2394 claim our Fic1dhouse dross Inside Tyler Fralick Outside Tyler Craig First Coni mittee Luck St Pauls WA Election St Pauls WA held election of officers at the home of Mrs DAngio on Wednesday Dec 15 The new officers are Hon Prcs Mrs Orrock Pres Mrs An dross Vice Pres Mrs Bowdcry Secy Mrs Whipps Dorcas Sccy Mrs Craig Asst Mrs Bowdery Sick Com Mrs Mrs DAngio Rev Mr Mason rlrcsidcd at the election There was singing of Christmas carols delightful lunch was servedlncthehostess Next meet ing will be held at the home of Miss Winnie Montieth It was de cided to send fruit to the shutins and Christmas gift to the organ ist and caretaker KNOCK Wedding Bells are ringing mer rily inthis viEinity Sympathy is extended to Mr Bowman Allen in the loss of father Mr Dunning of Toronto Your correspondent wishes The Barrie Examiner and staff Mer Lheadcd by Noran Gilmour and Byron Grose have worked Iiard to get the job completed They arc now considering going out after midnight and spraying the ground in hopes they may have their offi cial opening for Christmas The curlers at Churchill have not yet had any ice made butsome of these nights real frost will make it fast Dece Mr and Mrs Geo Dexter at tended tefuneral of Mrs Jim Nealon Saturday nd Mrs Harry Smith will SP Norman and family in Montreal our correspondent wishes to tend to the Publishers and Staff The Barrie Examiner Best Wishes for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Death of MrsJames Neal Mrs Jim Neal of Tottenham and former resident of Angus died are 18 Christmas with their son PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC 21 to 24 ttlltkh21332273333 Gtiilldiikhiikfg HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Weil Dec 22Open to WWW pm Thursday 96 nFri 8306 CLOSED Dec 25 Dec 27 Open Wed Dec 29 t0 pm meziacwwnst 1i hgtgte3gtrxz swarm smash no COTTAGE BRAND MRS MTONS LOBLAWS lnowgs BREAD l5 warms 2402 LOAF WHIVTS WHOLE WHEAT IFLB IN cmnt wussousvmaewr zxmanmmnazm 08085 superman MINCEMEAI PLUM PUDDINCS 7c 2lll crom 89C vawarc 07 33C 53c TIN IGUZ ll 26c 33 27c CF BOX JAR CHRISTMAS CRACKERS CRACKED WHEAT ALL DOUBLE FllLEDANANAN MADE igizig own In 51 by dppoinhinn loan made to ruidqnh of nuarlpy lam 5mm iii niaLic Sim 1876 inthe StevensonMEmorfalHospi tal Alliston on Thursday The lfuneral was held on Saturday from her late residence to Beeton Uni ted Cemetery for interment Sym pathy is extended to Mr Neal and daughter Betty WAbndWMS Meeting The regular meeting of the WA gigtgvcrrz and WMS of the Angus United at Churchwas held in the basement of the church Dec 15 with guild attendance of membirsand num berrof visitors The meetinglopen mammic raves aim 50 Box oi CHRISTMAS CANDIES 55ng in is SIGUMS 39c cnocomrns our ia L49 SHELLED NU 23 SPECIALlfMCCORMIC MAPLE LEA ry Christmas and pr perous Box or 12 New Year gt it TONS GCFFEE spent feMyslast her parents Mr and hand Wyevale Sundayvisitors Kelceys were Mr and Albert Daw son Barrie an Mr and Mrs 21 libibinmaaiz SHORFBREAD HIGHLAND carols and Candle Lighting The mm reports showed very successful year The President Mrs Mars shall thikdthe ladies for their splendid cdoperation Following 77 BISCUITS ii2m SGMIJAJIZEZM LOBLAWS CK in ssuciahon For Low Cost Lifetime Disability Income or 081m was rved rs rshallande KELLOUGH MrB JWillan were hostesses The electlon of officers for 1949 was Phone 4869 rResidence Phone 2649 lgeldlafterlghe given aver Ph1ll1pjs District Manager Telephone4457 gar GINGER ALE L08LAWSALPINE CLl DOUBLE sons URLINS GINGER WINI ALLENSSm DRINKING cmm ALLENS mm mm 12 norm ron EXCELLENT rutva IOBLAWS CHEESE MEDIUM uh 13 461ANGY Winn ofis ohls we tea report will may iiwionos PEEI memes IMPCRTED BISCUHS IN ATTRACTIVE GIFT TINS EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT AVAILABLE endemicvizrcteiaz= sumac anygtzi3222staminnnzmaazwnr NATURAL CHEDDAR PRIME OLD sCHEISEyT jBABXSTlLTON ms ram OLD EACH GDVT GRADE APPROX WEIGHT La on ova genuiztchmgecmlmsw 2m oz 1111 37c 17c December 20 Sorry to report Mrs John Mil ler on the sick list Mrs Harry Willis and son Wayne are visiting in Toronto Frank Stacey had his tonsils re moved in St Andresz Hospital Harold French and AllardtRey holds spent the weekend Tattheir homes Miller Sr is visiting his daughter Mrs Glenl Murdy in Hillsda1e Cowan ClarkeTrewihassreturnedfrOm soi am 54 $119 00171 01 JUG 2i=2Lal lam 9012sz on LEGAL orriczs or comman msr WALin fd ticsii loomed in 2Kllllm in health Gerald Snider andFay of Toronto spent the weekend at LSniders Miss ShirleyPlayerncoldwater spent the weekend withMr land Mrs Donald French Mr and Mrs Clarence Forbes and daughter Dalston spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Harry Burtch Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bill Crawford neeBernice Sta cey on the birth of daughter on Friday Dec 171948 Waverley Farm Forum The Farm Forum itrthe school Monday night discus nion roitoyyvethe radio cast Next meeting will be on da 1549 nroken Bone In Foot Son to report that Mrs Clan held own had Ff accidentfwmch rig in bone broken madam she in cast The middle ear is connectedwith the throat by the Eustachian tube Toronto Hospital much inme Pm so munch am am FJIHW light uw fit am MIX tve ll Mr KE mi CAKE MIX itliwof llllil ilt in llw Eiv cumiziinity wet illi 1iii If on lt1 iiilerson lvli hristnias Meeting QI Boneless CNIC STYLE ifch or PLAIN N0 SIZE 107 ICD iLB CAKE WWSFINESI ORANGE FIKOE muonsm lZIL 02811 92 TI own nooseammo savour also GLASS 5mm 175 iLB CAKE Helm 5W is WMSAOLMS cuNiirim mum 11 NO 5125 The Lid llll iit at the home sailin durin the season is now of Mrs Levi Jams Vtri1gtlhui in Io Alleiivaml lander iir litltil Th lltlllti Flown OCOIAK GOlDlN SPICE the Christmas cctil hiistziias storie ll and Mi rtlill fhiis Sigriptuie toiiihi and llii tiiriszuias tai tul ltlllt lz iuli tiiiob Was ii by Mrs harles Mrs Ilawn Sev vnrc sung Mrs Ctll wry btuull tief nicely decorated was waiting with gift lint clitll riiciiitier served by the llUSllSSVZISSISlftl by her granddaughter Itiila Jones Lunch lb 159 229 OLIVcsericxrise sum um ch nooseurn communal click Pram rimmogunm GIANT AMS Smoked SMOKED iaecumsrnasseauq imamo gunk PIMENIO quarry 15 are 02 can Abuu ELm rm Ml Eur513m Slime aw 10 iipc 102 33 was now of Iiiy Favorite 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