THE BARRIEEXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 1948 ii coorsrowrr PAGE EIGHT BELLE EWARI Mrs iili weekend Mr and and fangiy TUIUIIIL Mr and Dorigin visitors rr The Late Robert James Key The funeral ciViCt for the last it gtrt James Ney who ed sud urn on Saturday Deccrriber 9411 was held on Tuesday 1LCLiI brr The serviccuas held at the rllili1 restdcnce jut til let ltr iii in If iIr rrni Rtwwlfhjmilmjintmgo Di and lit Rm 1tl5 and lint ll Atl krrison all of tookslowrr and ltcx it Park of Aurora Relatives and friends attended from Aurora illetroit Maple Burk Falls OziIi lia Barrie Toronto Manitoulin Is land Sinicoe Allistotr Beeton and Bradford There Were lovely flow ers from variom organizations and fricnds of the family The pull bearers were John lloughton Tor rance Hunter Rutledge Wri liam Carr Charles iiourisomc and Stanley Applcgate Interment was Cut llztrc Itilr llit It p1klrtit11 Exri ti were mid in last wch alter the 13sz Liiflit out BEENTwOOrS Intluc llllllsloll Cumicwrery L1 lillfl litlrtgll Mettill 11 A5 LXMLR ANI AD 3N i1 11 in liliiililirl ERIC LDNMN centre is seized liv husk Ii rv L414 tiiurcndn tl litrfllU and girlie liun flatltisv of his own medicine in 1M 2133 Inuk gtlltlrlillligt lidznzurirfalls lillfllstlf president the ciAreri wiltllttl ui AA AliArAllilianorieA AlAiyvlixltAAiiiiVSA31113311131th gtl itix 4m Ax AiA 11 lirAitrrimi er H1 um Im AHA ANAL AA Am MD WW rd my 21m gt wink TEL IlllrIllhltl lIIlI lllllllttilnrltLnK Harri mun ilrllr1llllliilll iy wt 14 in IAAAAA EIAXAAHIAAIHLKAOA tAlilliAfAll AAAmisvl TARA gift mun Mrs lwr1rrdrrny 11 siVilllily lilrililigudgr hm ffllj 0mm umlmx HENRY Umm 1M lfm Wmrnmg AA AAAAAA in tlirouglmu rr rlr lr no 1m drum iiiiluli tllltlll tllltll he rtrcrrdcri tlu lcst dirt Wall pitled ink7 the electron of fpyd Elwrr ocrurzid suddenly on SutSiliiuil ititAlhi ullcurritc institute lli1lllgt1ltl lilll lluw are 15 folm mum 0hm 19 Innihqw low lrtw tir liscr Vltt irc Bmv 5H Hum nnlrior to rp whit uvi LIAM iiihld nllhkll On lcring gtclrool he as cni 11015 MIM Mi Fruigumi11321 JI plum er in arlfr Ulllllli Altlluitnzlli he hurl ploy by hp lull planing Mm is rrg1i Ti lnnrniirir us llllllil 1v bursgrw can 52 er trieraiazti Eur 2212 scr Ml Nyrnour Elis liniricr tiers llliirtl in about pzr tilll iigtllllittl tork on lzrdriy ritltl ltltti Ioronto University from Mrs Wm McQuuy lursonricv In 1023 rriillmn lirvl riul rhlllr ruirirr lwinrri he graduated in 1913 as 133liltirnilr 3213 pol cwrxt to 11 rrrillrr limol linn or riiulairxringdlcypigliu Mechanical Engincm Fulton111g Fml Mldlmmjlgm Wm din Vic ilfilllllrl librarian Kll hiatus Nth tn the completion or his course It MM plum numb in litlil burn on Md obtained litihllltlll till the Doru rming Nuzilrrilrliniirh Entrants the tcli nurithx inrrr sininn an in liurru mm mm v1cie pg ir dusted by mum milsme mm lur flit nm rim 1m all or hr furl ttllltrllltlll in few years later he worked for tho lulltiwcd in lllltillllilsAlttt lrrr1clriUliltlfiinttil Innfox xvrrr living rod It ollrngwood Shipbuilding Co and was stfvvd or Mrs Alrlirrrii11 uremiaii arrow about about 1915 transferred to tho Hi Mrs hrrllttrm N115 lm McQunyn UH Wm Um WrH MM dllddldn Hilda Hf lgdllXFHllL Dlerent Styles gjz 12 truthful lllltlliAiAllliAllAlfli IZriginceizc if From 10 WHATW AA lr uui lis lrrd illtl iri Hill sinict trim in ill Toronto on Irlestluv the lim Wishzrrt of Ottawa Ir zrnd Mrs lcrcy Muir attrnd United Church lawnVino was rll tiu funeral of gr relative Ill mm Mom Funeral Hon lriltcrrluurl on Friday in for AUTHENTIC FUREWOOL PLAIDS GREY FLANNELS IAHIHWHI 10 l115il 1mm AIS wig iLc ii in the Orange Hall 32 Clupperton Street Barrie was Mm Carlin WNW Hf Ummmd by me KW Lewis rIAA RAILSAiAAAIEAiiIIAAAAA Air Alum VIMAAA hmChi Ihe pallbeartrs Ii Smith srrcrr sing on and lt It Nam Almmmhi How ll illiltll Teasdalcl of Auripra Lower of Barrie and Hi Wm rsrcr ll firings its wee Lilr and Mrs Donald Campbell Beam 1le WT of 11 3s 34 NIII and MIS GUIdOH Campbell 01 RCMhWh md mends mm Mid Juli TOWN Slltm 1h lnmlgwcil 30 gnu 2W2 in wtthtlltl will Minesing friends 30in 11 111 0111Wil Horticultural Annual slut Kitchener Vltrncllsor andtTor Township Horticultural on were presen crmen wast urncarrn rnuumumLumen JERWQQL ANQQBAW INALL BALLOOLOUES and election of officers on Dec no to on rnnrmwmk and beautification were from the following 0t of tin Ilighuay The presrdcnt mm United lurch walkemllc MAM was MYS HarmV Foysmn Collier Streee United Church Barl White Gift Service On Sunday eveningDec the puprls and staff of the Mincsirig Sunday School delighted the con gicgation by presenting pageant MEN entitled Little Jesus of the Morin tain The winter scene depicted pilgrimage of representatives WOOD CUTTING TIME IS HERE AGAIN AND WE HAVE THE ANSWER TO YOUR LABOR PROBLEMS from all walks Of life to the shrine THE pronoun on the mountainside to dedicate their life and service to Jesus The Lightest Power Chain Saw on the market today with the Revolutionary New Multiport Engine ric Employees of the Canadian Earringalliiiill2533 BEAUTIFUL GOWNS MAKE SCABVES IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRES SILK SQUARES ENTS to$695 ANGOBAGLOVES WOOL LINED GLOVES HOODED SKI IACKETS $1195 to $1995 STATION WAGON COATS associates if long standing in the Company Surviving relatives are his wife Marybelle Young formerly of Col lingwood son James Henry Cornwall Ont and daughter Eleanor Henry attending the University of Western Ontario at London also his sisters Margaret and Esther Henry of Barrie Apart from his work his inter ests were centredchiefly in his home and in his Church which he had served in arious offices His hive of naturefound expression in his garden and in his chiefhobby amateur otography Add Hen ry as he was known to his friends Hosiery WELDREST JULIUS KAYSER POLLYANNA GOTHAM Changing colored lights added greatly to the realistic scene of evergreens stars snowcovered shrine and the angel choir which sang at intervals throughout the program Quiet music accompan ied the entire pageant with the following outstanding vocal num bers Star of the East We Three Kings of Orient Theres Song in the Air Away in Manger and Infant Holy Em phasizing the theme of the pro MoutonTrims from $2595 to $3795 We Still largerselection Of Wiltn tXttlltm FORUMS 010 LV0 Among the lovely floral tributes in BBIDIC will be remembered for gram the shepherds arrived at the appropriate moment followed by deglflci the wise Men who presented the white gifts attire foot of the shrine on to dUty The audience was carried by the spiritwhich moved the devoutl COMPRESSED Am KILLS worshippers into real experience Referring tova recent press report of the Christmas spirit which came in climax in singing fJOy to the 351 case Of 11511590 Com worm the Lord is Come TheI pressed air the Industrial Aceident childrenof the Sunday school anngrcvention Associations state that the leaders who prepared the scene while these cases may be rare directed the pageant are to be whi commended for the very inspiring service Minesing United Church WA The WA of Minesing United Church met at Mrs Downeys vior their December meeting with 20 ladies present Mrs Grant pre givcn Mrs Beilby presented the missionary report showing increas ed giving $50 wasfed 16 the they are almost always serious TireAssociations haveissued AA special card designed for posting at all compressed air outlets and warning of the serious results of horseplay with compressed air ylilgfClgDEE4KliigvlmlxmgKKKllgmig ElmllzllllgglgKKKKMKKKMKKWEKWlilKKEEIEgigilllllLim17 Weighs only 28 pounds LESS CUTTING TACHMENT There is no excess weight on he PIONEER It goes into essentialsThandlescasil and carries throughthe woods with remarkable ease The PIONEER is the answerntomthe greatL demand for new 3a Johnston screens throughout the fuel system ensures clean guerarauurnes onejman powersaw which Will give continuous re Wyatt rllipglutndoPniihgwaltlhgoylf if liable service under all working conditions and will ef held in November was given also ficientl handle it to 30cuttin atta hment The on the sale of Christmas cards IS I15 on piCSI 0T th PIONEE df the an am OI ye Is he IQSIII election of omeers as follows vast amount of research producing cutting unit which Hon Pres ugh5M Vlgaltcr Colok Pres Mrs Owe ice will cut fast and clean In any type or condition of wood presidents Mrs Sngley Mlsn if LEADING THE FIELD WITH Jackson SecyTreas Mary Me 55 gt CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATE Th Ne LeanAsst Mrs Orchard Pi Datcwguv 1pm glue amsm 15 Nel MFSG 51 engineers have developedthis revolutioiiary lJohnstoni Committees Vlsmngviu Mrs Downey Mrs Maw Mrs is WW engine WmCh 15 rated at 41 Hl Muir Mrs Camack gt MENS AND anvs WEAR Elghtpostn Swwelmg 0f blade W113h fln 91 0011 21er1 Ms Beil Mrs Parker Mrs NBARRIE ONTARIO is EC wk righst mmlvmi 3r 10 Reformatn hoardre gt Fingerlight Clutch Deane Mrs YOUng Mrs N913 Elna Brittttz IhuttwrchasfwwdvpthvttmiiWdrawb61070 son yMrSIEwAdamskcommittee gt gtrv Heavy duty automotive type cork insert clutch and CQnVImMissiohary Mrswcmm can be operated in either thegfallingvor bucking entsv Temperance Mrs John iTDOLLS iiiTuna the touch of fingerf ston Cor Secy MrsEn Pratt IT IL Ir rues griffiyr777277 Treas Benny AuditolSMrs 57WVV77ULV UPONilililyftwliut this Ccrtricatgntf ch Slflritt761cr7u1tLaud 1041139chdomedmi7 Differential DoubleActing oilPump Muir Mrs Muirpresscr Simplified troublefreedeSignensuresconstant Sup 1313363 30 vllesrlyfiznllltlggggng 133 mi ILICIIN1IL brf +Frejr W31 Wt Aplygfouhom handlebar gSAAEVBAA tobarEAALChaiA 11 3131 deiragistgis 33 AAA 5Atmatlc ReWind Starter were sing jars 42 imaging 13 jNAMIC 0F DEALER troublefree automatic starter or new design Mrs Johnston read two crass gt iPatentapplied for masstorieS After the benediction pleasant hamhom was spent DDRli Flltt Fuel System overrthetea cups the hostesses beVI specially designed filter unit and fine gauge 13 Mrs Grant and Mrs Gm THE CHOICE Is YOURS Youget the same wonderful MaxWell House Ciffeei blend Whether in Supersi Vacuum TincGlassiiieliiied Bag tor Instant Maxwell A2 77 Pm 35 39 305 These certificates can he used SltlilldWIlill Bar and Chainw l8 24 1Ivalilldlll AEYHARRISVDEALERS Timur PHONE 3577 BARBIE House made mstany Men an ear 01 ll 00 thocup