Dec 17 is EILEIi 3nd Stine ert in am All UU the There Lighting in SuntlaR Rey Rt lilt Rev it Lainvd IL li lass will itenlil In tad sail wen l1 3031 it Alf Lynn iiisly Elli 42 tislltt to 18 ttal tv writui iwn ti telling It luttli IRT AN IX III Tlcar sparkling beautiful See them lll 741 teams YUIIIJHVII tII II III tat Ida Der csrm45 Iialid Eton lulv omenam THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA lJOIiI5TICII ci ls tiiil nuptzi Nul ww td at eeep IDDim lMt Jr Er Utonnci Ers pat Ixi Ilalai gt951 bu Qritt at as tia Luau Jolt pinup X11 il fl uIvIIVl F1 II it it ts iI lotuiito 2th and Ii IItl tanoh Ilatt wttn Itiis than may Mi tn pitsums at the piano oth Itlll5ll tliapttr tanned et litilioi and and Lonoue His IIIIL Ayers ttllltltltltti Le II Iltltltvl It Ilt Itl sht wtis welconicti Vor tlrs Blltllv itlttihll id tniniei THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 1948 lWeeley Maser of Hair lton Iisitttl 5o Dali ATTENTION Speariii of Bari 1e tizen sane leatttitiii words HITCH LSptvttll the oetusmn to Helen II ttt iIVI III HI Itt Itlvllt It tit IN it lit Hand tliezi gtLHt Whm to the IIlttl ne tote liett for Hebn zirtt presented her with Wml incl IitiIIIIL bag gilt ot In in til thaptti blgtl0r Iletn iviittl thanking the tliaptei tor HII lt uniti the evening and or her 5t iotnt sI IIIII PI II Enxt lv useful rift She spoke til Vim Ill WI =l sure at being brand gti II AIEK xH lim mm lii anti her tt to do IltItsl Iti tlit t2 tutti pail III IIII it Iofamtuu and tilwa the good MUMt IIt III is utter Misses Jean Joan and ova XII its LII it SIN itlie Mulliollantt then lIKIIIfII III IIIIIIII III II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII hi Ispttial um of In llilttl in II ing 1lottl tribute to thItii niIotliI litiltl in III in the words oi IIlt song st in II val lt nsit the loin while tlieir tatlitrmtieciitp itri ti al Sm om loin tli ii ltltlHtII and Malian 13 innit unitJill II It Il lIIIltllllIHI ptItIinIdu Itt tIiit lltIiilltlIl pi III pumcmod IL IIJtli lt Elttlllll and tnIctr III IImI It mp TIN II III Itintid Ioflittts llttlxl Itltl iortliv rand Matron Mrs Iloi Sl ltt it tiltl lil luv tnvte tiil Sunday and soottall Ivolortti si uiil be shown In the YttIItIIII II ttill will hold tairl ll IitltiI I1 innw to la it Inirsdat t1 liutmi tml Slxtvunt Years Wed Congratulations to li and Mn Iill SII llliott and illit lullliilt llariwitnn Will Archer who tiIebratctl tleeli iimtl ittitxe ttgt loiouto Ilic tiis wedeii ItIIIIHt ii on Sizn hlII WP ll liltl Ill Farm Forum at Irverley SHANTY nuuiitv it the $i in IiiIl Forum tittiibeis nthmaid innt lltttllllul Tt tit gt=itl Iii ltpxill Illitl IItIll Iiv iiiln tl ItIIIJtl will Elljoyiimt evening was SDLiml ll mtmbt rs llll one Visitor Mrs witi llS ox gt md PM Mm liinms present Roll call was rt mm Inmu lsponded to with hristmas verse The sum of Sfitl was sent to the Barrie lliispital Iund making this 510 the full obtective ol the WI of Ulliilt blue erntn lIIt vttli Lpll tltlrtI black tlztnxlle C41 and crusts lllt tiidtb iltttstgt1lt thitoftown Ii ilttl Izs Itobeii ttt It LEFROY Iii Itl Ilzle out Iis riff Jamil SILAX Zuni ivit and tit1 lm en sp nt llm 1ltt ilvl in 11 wmmulluplv II Sam le has lust about roin Ilie sympxdi wt Illt coniniunit AN tpleted the unk oil Ills new gar 5III EHUUI m1 tum hp pm Im 11 in lll Itie lo dear lltlltl rJ lonefelt want in tlzis commutiin Ill WIRINI and also iititis tiieiilty to his setvtcr Mr and Elis lt It latti lltl iv mltlil IIIstatttgtii lltts good luck to you children tttll will ht viil iin IIJI lSant her NIL n1 lll Iapi latt tt gt tllItIIIIUIL it Id II IIIII IIIIIII II um 11 le titu lIll eiv tlttp ttt ct ind tIlltlitl itiiiiiti to text tuitli t1l iia tlii it IIA it II VHUI1II Ind IHiiat Iis IILltsotl is leaving Shunt days dietixir iid dint we vi Ni ii friend from ltIlIl spent Ilt BM Mining 11 ml Ill WEIR met fl ll lloit Hui IIIIInd Hm lI Mm lint assistance 111 any worthy cause Home wde II III ind Il IIllll on no ilitlI ta lIIn and Mrs liitst and Wm lilltllll Wwl 1h ittentlzince an as tln Ill IIIv II jIIrIIlI IlllIllt tlatuzlitcrs visited on Sundav llllmnlnunly ll Vltlililitv til Ililll 535 1d til Ill Clli III IN WWII II HIM Icns lub orktng Lee I4 ioatIi in at The Mens Club held wurknit Th IIM IIIIII DIII IIII stroud lrcsoyt ooltstown II lIill leer We el lliil lr tint Mrs urisdalu and It HTlJI IllIiIfz1121inlitininlvllllttIlnl at Miss ant mus or IIIIII II IIIIIIII III III Mr and Mrs Gordon Fleming oi llnItIIIIIIIIIITIIIJIIII III III IIIICIIIIIIIT Thump Wmqu MRI Rm rlt it IIIII II II IjliilllllilliiQHIII an MM 11 mm 1h Wh ligaml Iztljtsllltllili1gttlldlljtliliviiiDigitwit tan Another CoiICSDOHIlvn tiutis It is also meeting plutt Mi ittnts Rotaiton and sin millll2lfElnaffl Illubfnlllsllfil for the Scouts antl the Cubs of 11 ppmmxlikik millvs Were attests of Mr antlI Sun In ttl lldk ShamV Fm Hm tlltlgilhtl hm ICNWHT Mrs land for the eeltentl if 11 l1di ot the men will be held at the Den Til DIEIIIINMI SUIWI llll ilr and Mrs Frank Ayeist ht ltm Slum UMP to the rear of the rectory on wmm Swill SHHdHYIIVIUOI llead are tisitin at too wm hm Ir lltlllllnL small ehreclie was ar MI IIII WWI MIDI Sunday mttch improved mn ranged on the tablt up mm VIP If 11 RtJthes Hospital 0Jl in muherds and their stalls and Matlou MI md Mrs HOW Andrwq mdl lunchre tans met at Mr and Mrsl muung nu ma babe in pm muan lnmbI prod iewmnlt on Thurmw iomens Institute was held at the III TII Vlr ant lis ampbell spentI 1mm Mm 11+ on Dec with and othei animals at ant lt he IIknl mm II and Mm of the Junior pupils Verna Nobl MIMI MIIHIIIHIIIIIII and Ian Jack lit the two vhitt MI IIIIII Mm MIIM WON candles anti beside it many gift mmIII IIIII Ih WIIIIkCIId WIHII wrapped 53 and Vhrislmu Slrodd blends and attended iltt seals found place on the table IIIIIIIIII 5m Mm NH lI MINI bearing hopes for happiness at thi mum shower of If it trs Andrews Idlliitl Itrill irantlI ondtietrtsn tIt Htlatr iIlylxtItIII in 31 from many Chapters Afteri ill iittvt provided varied piolziam Hill ntial committee under Mrs lrand Seey Iiirs ear McDonald tirtinu Asi tonduetrrts Mrs labell lrand Marshal Mrs2 pbell Guests were piei APPAREL UNTIL MAY Olst 1949 Simply Pay Us The Regular Cleaning Charges On Delivery ttceplion the program coni and uoelty the dance the tnnie cothnelt serveti sumpI 3tlittt dances Following bullet lunch Following thM Mrs Andrews ntti Mrs liillitin Ii Ierill nnttI Ill Mrs lI ill lt llieu liltZISlIItlo at ablyUh till ItEltI to be remembered in tlie liistoryl ol lnnistil Chapter Lf Shanty Bay Sit havingalready 5911501L1Jim953wl511lumill Anilinetheinunuaxius MISAIILIW vlttll forwarded The next meetl Itrlstmzisy W1 Meeting liiimily ind mimic VI19 luwn ml to be held at Mrs Days onI The Lelroy Vl met on Iuesda ltiihutes run liv iii lw Valley Jan HHS DtlIILIlllIllI refresli evening Dec at the home it Mrs ijitiI mm nuyyipr gunin Ar ments were served hr the lttstcssti Allan vith Zll members arr ialzt ttisltmmr ES MM pry Itive Visitors present There was Saturday evening Dec ll was gala occasion at Community House 39 Local Movies Much Enjoyed ll Taylor held an entertain merit in the form of moving pic tures last Friday evening in the Tonimtmity llall to raise funds for larcels for ltiiain large crowd Created for romance always 77 Lovely fora ILifetim Theres IDIamOnd Wedding RING for YOU at whatever price you plan to pay Choose from the selection of exquisite Blue River Diamond antllcdding IRingspebetterlewellcrsr7W Ievcrywherc gt Quaranth Certi ficite with each BIut River Dia ttiuhd Rim and it free insur ance policy wwwwpmmw DIAMOND CWEDDINy RINGS Ago WWW INSTALL Macrary gathered and enjoyed scenes taken by Mr lloltlen in and around Shanty Bay pictures ltlle Reevie Rising wedding and the wedding of Joan Taylor taken by Mr PIIS sick this slimmer caused much inerriinent when the people recog Vnizetl each other on the screen thcr movies taken by Mr Pris sick were shown The Rev Eric tieliards was chairman for the evening The stun of SN was real l7tl Drama Club Party The Barrie Drama Club anti their friends 36 in all held it Christmas party at The Larchcs the home of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Phissick Shanty Bay last Sat urday evening Miss Ferne IIam pel Miss Shirley Hubbert Mrs Gilmour Don Gilmour Lynn Coutts and Gordon Beswetherick all dressed in Ye Oldc Tyme Eng lish costumes sang carols outside the house Mummers play St George and the Dragon directed PREPAY 76 WAY WW t52e3l23a PAWI4Y77A thatSgiiC1N1ltiiayait lTurk Ken Robinsonvas the Dragon Ihis son as the doctor and Lynn gCoutts as Father Christmas Games and carol singing led by Ferne Hampels took up the remainder of the evening Excellent refresh ments wereserved by the commit Whol couldlmoke more wel come gifl to an absent lovedione than chdnce to spendlhe holi rdoy seosonrat homiiiiehduk prepaid roilwoy ticketthis year Louise Colley and Mrs George Cadogan Any Canadian Pacific agent will arrangedeliveryond explain about special low holiday fares CRAIGHURST December 73 Robert Cruickshank spent the Weekend at his home in Toronto services it Iwho died in Toronto on Sunday dent Mrs The WA under the direction of for the needy tee under the directionWOtiltIis Rev Newman is taking the in Penetang for few Sundays theRector there being The sympathy of the village is extended to the relatives of the late Mrs Sanvidge Jane Hodgsonl The WA OLISt 15Johns Church helditheir monthly meeting atiMrs Sintons on Wednesday with elec ers as ifollowsz Presi inton Vice Pres Mrs DOrcas Mrs Mason and Mrs Em Christmas gift liristnias tarol were sung and the roll call was answered with suggestions for sup per dishes The meeting was iil large charge ol the Home Economicm converter Mrs Slictirdown Christmas readingI was given Hear Mrs Stephens and Mrs Constable gave very intercstint talk on Health and Nutrition Al on the Air demonstration givenby Mrs From King Mrs Sturgeon and Mrs Kcll gave the members new ideas on Christmas candy bountifult lunch was served by the hostesses Reid Mrs Hofland Mrs Stewart Mrs Noble and Mrs Douglas ORILLIA Evutv SUNDAY ma 200 415 pm December 11 Mrs Wright Barbara Ann oronto spent thri weekend at ENTERTAINMENTI CEIIIISOM II III LOCAL NEWS an rs urray arsorl have moved to the farm recently MUSIC vacatedby Mr and Mrs Cumr ming who have moved to Tor VARIETY onto We are sorry to hearof the illa ness of the threeyearold son 01 Mr dMTTROSSt0nE who has been taken to Toronto for examin ation It is hoped he may have speedy recovery ON YOUR RXDIDI Dim 66 SAFE 47 II Lamp maciinewptionai FAST CLEAN COOKING ArlALL rims 1TBOOKKEEPING PurimEnslallttionensyrem 51fierirtum Harthar Ellsmer COTlectiOns tCaston Auditors MrsuT and Mrs Max Craig Farewell Tribute gt Geo Shefeld Seeyl Mrs Geo II lKirton Trees Mrs Arthur Snider stratontipaata siz IEopRange presentation of money ACCOUNTING SERVICES businesses Inbometax torme completed Weekly orIMonthly AudIts INQUIRIES mmnn oaki LI RrHONEfzeett Mr Ern Craig There was pleasant evening in the Presbyterian church last Mon day eVEning afarcweil tribute to Rev and Mrs Henderson and for retail and wholesale ptatrtioa Ill ene was crcathd when rajali who vishcd to experience the joys heaven while commanded his chief magician tot build an earthly paradise So ended an evening longl recording to Hindu legends so PHONE BARBIE 3952 WE WILL CALL Still in earth Automobile Insurance rules eectivelongory st I949 ti 63min PRIVATE PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES Next year reduction in liodily Injury and Property Damage rates will be granted to persons in the Pleasuredriver class where there are not more than two drivers in the Insurcds household borh of whom are 25 years of age or older These rates recognize that the accident hazard is reduced when the number of drivers perhousehold is limited and that high pro ortion of all accidents is caused by youthfliil drivers Owners of pleasure automobiles not quitli Tying for the preferred rates will pay claims an upward adjustment of rates is slightly higher premiums necessary in most categories COMPARISON OE MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS IN ONTARIO more substantial increase will be paid by owners of business cars because loss figures show much higher number of accidents in this class IhereIwiIl be material increase in Colli sion rates necessitated by the increased cost of automobiles parts and labour and greater number of clairts There will be no change in Fire and Theft rates COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBlLES Due to the increased number of serious accidents and the higher amounts paid in Firs Nine Mont5 1141 Inc or Dec Accidents 15075 18587 +233 Property Damage $5446980 I$4686750 +36 Persons Killed 497 48 16 Persons Injured 9355 10298 10 Cars Registered 765862 841029 9800 HOW CAN RATES BE DECREASED The above gures tell the story The key is in the hands of the motorist Care courtesy and the observance of safe driving rules is the only answer Rates Will always follow claimsdown or upas surely as night follows day For1111 particulars of tbe new rates see your Instrance Agent Ppblished byilhe Insurance Companies Members of tANADIAN ONDERWRIIERS ASSOCIATION WE WILL STORE OF CHARGE ANY SUMMER WEARING WaggslaundryltDryCleanerSItd WIIERE unions min mu safety of all on bpard II rerIonEXIDIE batteries Whenregular poWer fails will help you roger the utmosr service from your present battery Kand recommend the proper EXIDE fOr your car when your old batteryis worn out TORONTO CANADA IINDIEPENDENLAOTOMOBlliiANDACASUALTLINSORANCLCONFERENCE When disaster strikes at Sea stopping engines andIcutting off power depend Iable storage batteries arevital t0 the Totpcratekzidio IlightsgIsteeringegearv Ilitreapparatusandother safety equipmenryvessels largeand small See your EXIDE dealer cited weeks 5ch EXIDE tiArrsiurs OF CANADA LIMITED 1888 Dependable Bdlleries for 60 ytiars I5 1918 XIOQ You START was 1s All Iedby hisfzicowhenbuyingcabattehnyOryouizcareg IsIthEe any otherjbartery whichso fully merits your condence ZOSIO