Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1948, p. 4

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WEDDINGS ccceoecoccccecce MEINJIANIINH ttrzie mtrzis and LiiIAllL decor lie Church of St Michael and Art Toretrio hen Mar gaze Kathleen daughter oi Itoberi Banting and Kitty Wain Banting becarm the biltlt ol LEGIS GHAI Wms Viewpoint on it and That riii Ali lliL John Cox Mcen ozi oi Mi arid iii Join Metn of Toronto Rev The Ladits Auxiliary of the coming famous lamrly Album nowdcn punHum um First Baptist Church held their 1949 wrll probably be one of the dumbiwrmg 101mm 31mm first afternoon tea and sale in thermost popular this season for it is tender treatment of Queen Vrco parsonage on Tuesday afternoon Dec from to Christmas de toria the Prince Consort and their children pictured in group lliontason who presided at the or gun was assisted by the choir andi Mrs William Thoiniison was gtolo7 ist corations and red candles brighter ed the tea tables which wereiaround Victoria sofa printed on served by Miss Elsie Cloughley silk crepe7dechine Another lote7 flirt htlyrlmftgii Extrulgctt Mrs Ward Miss Evelyn Jones ly start is one called Flower vanttiuf imrrv Jim mr inu isd and Mrs ll McPhdil Mrs Edna in bciirtitul all our length lune hum WM Home and p00 pour Sign Whit IS WNW or um um MARJORIE lllll SlliNCIZR hold by tiara of semi pearls and 43 in on white creoedechme or ed ea In um lily of the valley ln her cascade Walter Pearce and Mrs leezinor chiilon lAtll log ioters are no uuimlilpy or and lL1trttUll Wm rm mi mun Brett Mrs Evans and Miss forgotten for their pleasure in Amp ii re iridium Mrs Robert Brrrc was matron gtt honor and Mrs tliailes llaldwrir ind Bliss irlary Meen were lill They were gowned alike in lon7 li lillill loot iii amusing new scarf entitled lood7 up les shows two pampered dog on 71 in bright pillow printed on lawn auntii it Hi Beatrice Urry received at the door Mrs oiiiey and Mrs Dan Tucker were in charge of the bake ii lrrciirg 15 table Candy and fancy work were moss crepe Mo Slitlltti rim gt sold by Mrs Fred ItiiilLc Mrs Toronto rlilliu Pt Willi W5 fox 400 irt Insurance offr Michael Dayliolos Mrs Edward was mnubout ll EmmaIO and 3er Brunofl thriiurlfi 1m flfnlgnb ll pp SQ 88L dble Armstrong and Mrs Lorne Cram Bertori and rm lirr till crippei mnlvhm lmm lrtmiduww Mm manufacturers agent or other financial institution Unrted CtllllILl ritlxn inri llt Ule BMW SWHWF MOIm Ann Payne of Barrie was congrega ion rrntertook to prepare 71 v11 plungimg EmirH Ll gt1xll it li Irlliini Stepn IHUI JHWAHdl tl 94 H1 vi 07ng Blue Haven LOBA 1129 held md 50 WNW Hm ll 11 SM in nine taffeta gown and matching 17 l7tlilli7liull lalirre lJlllllilIl rm rttly 1r Central Idahon 01 Dunlop St bazaar and afternoon tea at theliwy halite rm lilllm iorinet She carried noscgziy of Hll Ill LOL Hall on Mondav afternoon Wm no Hlm mm grrrlt rink carriations Donald liar DPC Down Twlor ontthe women of the house as zrsillllll 141 lxlmbl gmmienian md Ru 11 gt Apply D051 Office BOX 208 Bdrrle or 100116 3694 be 51 iii Ill general convene Uf m9 bazaar and of their eirdtirtois tlrry also liii in Ivllmtv 1t lrll Warren Banting and Walter tween hours Vof am and pm Mrs Beatrice Sweeney was in mom 52 Hwmiliirddf tnl 310 Mrml witi to it new uro 77 rs Goodfellow ed liltilil MTS 51 mollhtllsi lt lexandrzi Palace by Mrs Banting attended the eterit lllUtlll there NH Mill Tomlin won the draw on the Llrithtmdb hm lowing pale blu icpt gown 2r nut ill orrrnu ugt sf cakc ODUIIRM 0i Proceed3 DEM 91 ll Im ulml Hz with riiatclrrng hat and Mrs Mcen from he anomom and Weingrpait the tltltil tn men pio tin miiua vidcd lanterns lamps and candles lZvening WA or lrrnrtx tlirrrtl uml 50 Mmm Ivexil mTim incl 10th 100521 Which to work and for the which tlrer ltltl on Worthlav Ill IMMUNE hill Willi USl JH Mill lrgt iiiudlollow Iiarirl WIC ltltbtnl l0 llrt rttcih un vr wrrcr rev men oi 79 furnish mom uwnmul Vicclllalcrr tableszlzrnovur Post ternoon December 1i puns rich pluiins tcltybll ril Iilritr ioldtn ddin oi on Saturday rltinoon and of torir IltHDllll Hall was ilecoraleit with lrtriialt llie brides travelling 5U Wilt tililljlmhl ICmti Illklmmi Amimu mm My gt t7 in ll guess wro were Nomlng 599 Wk PM tiliiilriovllzliiiirJililhbillinliiirilIdirillldaiii llllilllllllllbllllllLillltll11101303301htfllj ll ilrlil Vi Allnll women are ginning CllllCCllllf lilo 5ggol Will 15 mum carols Ilcv lr tros Uilltti the liids The couple left for the Albert Hirtzirmn ioodfillow and lilllilh Ul litltoy and Miss Mary the llnllllt WRIT thh lllcllalllmcm 10 ii Slm hm 1h ll7ilill onvirncrs lor ill attcr North for their honeymoon and on Mary Jane lllllb were married by Ulltlllw 0f WINK 5151015 Londoivi rm of lthKllIllll are be rrig collections to be Slitll in Lon mm we no Arum Van mt will Hump nmmp up 3113 3mm NW 33 18513 ltlrc groom lariol llerirj ltllill of ton llll lurvcrrd tlctlrorlrd Church WHIWNV llli Hli MiteuuuuxccrmmmmmuuxxuumleatheretteIridiumrecreate MN 31 mm Mm mu Ferris girl Scott Mi milrn and Mrs OUIU10W 1055 mm Ianurn ri iiunoir Mrs ioodlillow Willa lebb were in chargtt of the Grim SumL ummmL Guelph home was lltlll trieiriim rrd lily 51l ml Myst llilllhil ILIIIS gm at fancy work table lrlt tiosney md 510nm Crook rimmed uh tirrorllellow who rlt horn rl Slbltl1l1 ill and Mm mm mm we wcdding Mm payno Ml raigvrrlc was Irvin in umirm rride also amour the guests flichargt or white rlephant table and Mrs paw and Candy iii the llIllt of lll riirrrinrze Foli Miss Vivlayryl ktlltltlltllltv Mrs roa litlill rlt ozin titls 3111113 illltilllrr1ll and think Ann laync of Bar irlso ittnd lgtilrtilmIiriili Ill ll rid lllt int Hum Com tum WT iv gt inc Mrs David llzitnilton and Mrs In llllb the rmivgrl to llarrrr In WW hi Ilium lemllimali glw iiohinsnn Hiltll in the 7777777777 777 7773 11n ir gamihiimi mlml 11ff Afllmminlll ll VIII Under New Management rt itll were Mrs ll ory kittlnn lorrirni It llti on in llllltl It lliiugliton Mrs Lloyd Mrs HM and 7Wme 35 HIM Rhoda Young Mr illliliss Ehzabeth St Baffle Next Ice mil li lermoV ic nmy in it ii Mmp Dmm Lml 55 NW MHill IA rt dilhi tool in ilvoirl $330 for He retired about 10 rrlt lirU ml Ml Mb hhlmb FR NLNT WAVES SHAMPOO their church and iirrgtltionarv work Deernilrtl Il mi ltLlellllll of llCtLlllllClj Ithiu lilmll illlmil 33 lltbl RADIO WAVES $1250 FINGER WAVE ll we have New shipment of 7777 411133 Ldzling all your the family moved from their ll 3f lllh bilildllnlflisl Other TprS $500 $1500 Plain $100 Ioronet Blankets of Virgin W001 do hathV Carnpbclltord St in iiscni HAIRCUTTING EYE ARCHING EACIALS ii honor of not iiilpuuir by ronto St Iliey postponed the hades 315 Ru MM 171114le KimWW T01 BothMi and Mrs cxourrorluw MARCELLING ALL TYPE gs clergyman who has done mission mm spent the weekend with Mlj celebration ot their anniversary we in MM hle OF BEAUTY CULTURE Priced at $1050 an wwk China my Hm md Mrs Grenville Hughes 772 lllllil they had moved into their This Em Gym unclumun MRS BENNETT MRS RUBY HUNT chnuuxrmmm But there was such case in Barrie Mrs Sherman Todd was Iv ting new home MI Codrvlmwvg mm cup Phone Barrie on Wodnrsdav tlnllll or last her mother Mrs arnrca The mm whim on brzlflh ll Imported SCOtCh Plald DIeSSlng Gowns weck act 19 11 home of Brgcobridge last peek on Sat CS at the Mince of wulvs scmml Wilstny Elllrsiigligii atlimllciiru lirernis W77777777777ustomlfclored77 777 77 m7 Mrs lIdrirrrndJIurd77v infllllnllllln Enanf MfgMITREto 73a7y 7ltllld7llCS7Wllll7littt7pllluILS Their Scmd NWT mgpmnee ummuuouxuxxrgrg tnmgmllffl tislllllmlcmzr tended the golden wedding of Mitrsmt 10s 71ils 05 families of the district The china 79 15 ll iv li Hand Knitted Christmas Gifts for Babies 82 Grownups baptism 13mm mm mm Mnliriayegloicllfgllow of Bar agent or r1 KL ltd silvico tnirst tun llstd inhale reccp ion on or ay in con And Our Complete Line of Yarns including Aiigoras let oi Mr and Mt lillllll Hdl wmte and Mm Wink Om guests mm 10mm used at three wwqu uan if iv of Plllt rni the Cltlllllll T1 dv and sweatels Glenayr lnChrigjcd of ill L1 lit vril RCV tljldTldoltEli Fczllliu bpctniiiid ll CFCCIHUW Shunle Lonny ml Slics lg is gt ft Rememmr IVS Harvey Grant 1111 brother of Brain and son Jim of loiorrto 5755IQllltelmtetmummmwmuuncremrzitrergrzzigrgmmogxig Mrs Edmund Hardy Only few were Friday callers Bay eld SI IuSI SOUIh Of COEnerS Close relatives were present in YPS 10an ll l5 outs 930 3m 530 Pm D13 2843 iii eluding Mrs Harvey Grant inTlchinlf agggclbbigggguloln 77 7777777777777777j AwL lAhmbihmmagismsiamxmmamammmmmaagmmmgmgigimgmgmgmagm As Mr and Mrs Ronald Han Dec 31 Ken Cumlm convin dy were married in Hart House December lo December 13 er was in bar if the to ram Chapel Toronto by Rev Dr and Chose c101 ghis3tpicpIegl0 Harvey Grant live years ago when Spiritualsiu and two great negm the time came to baptize thobaby gingers Malion Anderson and paul he Dilltnls dtCldtd 111111 Dr Robeson McLennan then show Harvcv Grant was the one to cori 3d colored slides of the lumber were Mi Mi duct the ceremony camps in Quebec and Northern dav Ontario and told of the missronary work being done in these camps Mr McLennan is missionary in these camps Sam Neilly and Keith Sinclair took charge of the recreation period after which the lunch committee served ice cream and cake Next meeting Dec 27 at Harold Porritts WMS Installation The installation ceremonies of ihe Gilford WMS was held at the home of Mrs Luck Thursday demonstration of homemade Christmas decoration was the highlight of the Lady Lions Christmas party on Monday even ing December 13 The party was held at the home of Mrs warren Wllgar l7 Peel Street The dem onstration was given by Mrs Earl Cox She made several different Christmas table centres during the evening which were rallied oil to the ladies for the benet of the tort Esca Cath dale siding The devotional service was isual Christmas hampers to needy hm Rec Secy Mrs Rom Ken Cor Sec Mrs McKenzie =Treas Mrs Luck Christianl Stewardship Mrs Bayes Tem peiance Secy Mrs Todd Sup ply Secy Mrs Baker Missron ary Monthly Secy Miss Neilly Lit Secy Miss R74Rothvyell Friendship Secy Mrs Wes Hughes Flower Com Mrs Hughes and Mrs Neilly Pianist Mrs Bayes The meeting closed with delicious supper CROWN HILL 7t families in town FREE DRESSINGS More than 100000 freer cancer dressings have been provided by the Canadian Cancer Society 7to sufferers in the Toronto area His December l3 Mrs Marquis Stroud spent the Weekend with Mrs John Chap pell The CHIC club met at the home of Miss Dorothy Dunsmbrelast Thursday evening Jim Uempster Beverley Denip sterand Lloyd Davis spent Sunday at Mrs John Chappells The children are busy practising for the Christmasfconcert which will be held on Mdhday Dec 20 The Crown Hill WA washeld at Mrs Carl Drurys with large attend ance The oicers for 1949 are7 Pres Mrs Drury Vice Pre MrsIGhappell 72nd VIeP1L Mrs Gough Seey MrsG 7kinson7vAsst7 7Secy7Mrs47Duns more TreasMrs Flower Committee Mrs Switz er Mrs Gough Mrs Duns more Parsonage Committee Mrs Chappell Mrs AtkinsonPi anist Mrs NTuck AsstMrs Chappell Auditors Mrs TKeiuiy Mrs RBezzant Caretaking Cem mittee Mrs Gough Mrs Dunsmore Pres WMS Mrs Tutlilk SewTrees Mrs Cald we Birthday Dinner in Reno ofle Chappell 51 The lunch ihour of the WA took the form of birthday dinner in honor of Mrs Chappelh retiring president who has just recently celebrated her 75th birthday Mrs Mustang Toilcrwiareriu Halli Silt1 lorej ii 7PHONE2823 Wm Switzerpresented pet with Bible Mr arid Mrs Burke and fairi illy spent the Belly motored to PClCIlJOlO Surr lamieson and Miss Juanita Jamieson spent Sunday in Thorn Two rinks of curlers were at the bonspiel iii Orillia on satinday but brought home no prizes Wm Paterson Mrs Paterson and fortunate in receiving no injuries when their car skidded in Allan aniilk Wagon on Saturday morn Palerson had his Mdlarlreas Mrs McCuaig Secy tor damaged also one light and Mm Ed Robinson Glad Tidings Dec with Mrs Frank Kell piering Ml Orillias main street was advocat ed by candidate for alderman chantson the subjected to special levy for such watchman they felt he was finamounts to morethan three billion titled to his fulltime service annual meeting7ofsthe7 Switzerq and Mrs II Sloan and Kay in loroiitoori fLrnday weekend in Midland in Barrie Srmday and Mrs Wm Alters and red last week also her mother The WMS and LA ped Injury When Car Skiddcd members and visitors arine can consider themselves keeping was much enjoyed 1949 are as follow Grant Ansdell Vice and crashed into the back otl fulltime night Vwatchman for The reason islthat since the mer carries over 8500000 ground cable year Mr and Mrs McArItliur Glen and Mr and Mrs McCuaigi visited Mr and MrsRryMSlessor The sympathy of the community goes to the widow and children of Joseph Annis whose death occurl to Mrs Burtch and family in the death of held their annual meeting at Mrs Mc Cuaigs with good attendance of Mrs win Clark gave ne paper in with Christmas Olliccrs for Pres Pres WMS and Ladies Aid KEEP LINES BUSY Bell Telephone Company telephone main street were conversations day on its under network Rt Ir which Mrs and KKKKKQEKZMKKKKKMKZ Kl KKKVKZZ club funds Carol singing formed taken Mrs Bayes Reports Part Of the CVCmngs emermm of the cars activities showed one 111p Secyu MIS PW Clalk lelaly MU merit The singing was led by Mrs syccessff year the treasurer am meiqliulltgggs hilly Bet Secy Mrs Findlay McKay Supply PENS pENCILS SIC BOXES Frank Dobson with Mrs Stan nouncing that the allocation had Tillmfnan Anne Cgmmgof SS and hem Helpers Seer Mrs It ROYAL DOULTON Foley at the piano Mrs George been reached Miss Jean Nesbitt No 37 whu mum Wecd Essayiglcblullvllrj ygmgenfmd IWleale WATERMANS FIGURES Hook Mrs William Garner and gavea piano 8010 Mrs Pom contest stood 3rd and 4th in those Cfrvrgc rmfatm 151735 liars PARKERS Mrs George Wilson were in charge had Study b00k and gaVC very entering for Innisl Township win Maximum Ordmist MC CORNFLOWER CUT of arrangements for the party mteresung acclmm 0f Same Rev ing DIiZCS of $2 and $1 Leonard Arthur Assl lVItifs Thos lil TI GLASS 777 77777 777777 77 77 77Mr7Lancaster installed7the follow 777771 777 7777 177397957 7E7 ET77777 7V7 Abou 50 ladlcs welo mescnt ofcers for 1949 Pres Mrs Bulke aHd Aum Blglxnlnb lalsu Ladies Ad dimersPres MIS irrir short business meeting was held at Frgank Ken lst ViceMrS birvan of SS No it stood 6111 and 7th Irwincrark Vice Pres Mrs Robt lt CIGARETTE CASES which it was arranged to send the Sawyer Zna Vice Mrs Geol NCS Paisley Secy Mrs McArtliur SIGNET RINGS Null WANMAN Treas Mrs John Reid PEARLS WWKE This to be true that desSerts as avor lled as those marvelous JeIiO Puddings can be so easy and thrifty tolpiepare And their possibilitiesare end less Serve them plain or servewith cream or nuts or use as lling for pies and tarts and cakes Deepbrowng richavored JellO Chocolate Puddingde1icate Vanilla butterybrown Butter scotch and caramel deliciously homemadetasting JellO Tapioca Prng avors Vaniavand Chocolate Serve them all oftenBut for real enjoyment be sure you get JEbLO Puddings Product of General Food more FLAVOR WITH JELLO Puoorrcs CHOCOLATE SEEMS almost too good VANILLA BUITERSCOTCH CARAMEI gt VANiiiii mprocA air CHOCOLATE TAPIOCA loll0 is adaired owned by General Foods limited and going underground or wrll expand their underground in Park in iireiirory of Dr Boyd wirrng system over the next rive power are Office Space for Rent CORNERlor MARY ELIZABETH srs EmmaanmalaiseEmmammmmzmmnmiunanimmiwmmm Watches and Mantel Clocks BULOVA WESTFIELD MONTROSE RoMAN LORIE ROTARY BALCO ROLEX RONSON LIGHTERS DIAMOND RINGS ENGRAVING 24 HOUR SERVICE THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 mg llnirismoob of given $10000 known as the park be Boyd Memor digtributin el tr cc physician there for hall century who died ill November STORE Silverwear 1847 ROGERS BROS AND COMMUNITY PLATE IN CABINETS OR OPEN STOCK STERLING FLATWEAR DRESSER SETS SILVER TRAYS TEA SETS ETC lo BIRTH STONE RINGS BRACELETS On Articles Purchased Here cirrusrinrcui DESSERTS it enlistment ilntigt Plcturesque Residence with iourtcen rooms completely modernized Beautifully situated in the centre of eight acres of woodland Quret restful and yet very comenlcnt on Illxhtuy 11 no mllts south Barrie TELLPHORE BARBIE 4268 on an MISS FLORENCE BREAKWELL Parnswrck Ont GOING UNDERGROUND MEMORIAL PARK hm gamma wnmmmb Him Ur Urdwagw has mm

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