THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 l9l8 THE BARRIE EXAMINER ONTARIO CANADA PAGE FHREE ENTRE VESPRA lllt lips Barrrzcau has gone to tmzi at Lire home of Mr and Mrs The farrr forum nitt at fill and number from here alktideu nut ltdtl for the whaif or the MEANING HA5 CHANGED he will be Ii Wm Miller on Wednesday when Mr Iao Bertram trimn the croxinoiq party in Hillsdale on lilllkl inch eonsrst Tm Ffin We WM 91ng ST vvork for the winter they entertained the lceriagers Drsufl go un am Friday Evening The lUCkl 93 Juli lcv trram W5 mampg pedicuii Timings aigci and Herman Lui ilAl llicli parttits quantity of lt the brusucad ers from Sixteen tables were Miss irm ludlvi Then the date HIT me vi hr rm mung work mar me pmlut my 15 nished of labial Eta Rumble for the ladies and ii xuth llulll Mount st Louisl f1 and they decided to sell it at the Coma Bruce Turner for the gentlemen propct ml and cleared 21 f1 Ii All LlLlnulll mening was Lltlklllult Pally Ir Hillsdalc Him Mm Halrf Jimmy 111010 MM 21 the xtm fund All IliisiiliIIJrtl Muttlie Oi regal tta at lt tanner ll In xylllio it stair Pllk vttrjdfi long it LlIlV lentil Il plti lll iltif alt iIilil rlllt bkl iclii all liilllltl lllil Ililltl siallllrl1rll The Farmers ilc HAW lllv ytifvltllt illiltikv ll iii to urinal ll Illi LUIIilIIfJ iiiir iii Lite Merlin tau of tilt house is luiri tiiir tlm ltlull tXlli IitllllI mi cuiiiillipi which talu in tiiwcizilry in llli hot iiistunt larmcrs Wife and The zaiiricrs unto has regained thc ttloiip liriouii this ioiirens Institute very tlllIlf lllill bringing the UIill oi lili lantl closer together laupirry them ill tercslcd in World atlutis progress llig llll llll Illlil liu have iililliji lllllll ullllll ilid fowl supper allich flitj tune chalice to show their at cooking and cunning of this section if you lll information on this sillJl tt ill touch with your local picsldciit Mrs John Wallwiii for further details Birthday Party pr owes Sa ladies birthday park was hcld at the home III and Mrs Allanl Arnistronc Quit large crowd isscialilctl lliilll iloiti llillLlt and surrounding tllIltl Square danc itlp ian the uriiti ill tlu Wetting delightful lunch served Assisting lll hostess Ii Wil bur Dolrsoii Ilvcrionv rd most enjoyable time Sunnidale Corner ccembcr Melville Iialcs visilttl on Sunday with his aiiiil Mrs lozn Hates Manslicld Ihe syiripzitliy of llll corniriunrty is extended to Mrs Spither in the death of her sister Zion hurcli W315 The annual meeting of the WMS of Zion Church Sunnidalc orri 01s was held at Mrs ICd Ilirics on Friday Dec ll wiilr Mrs Loug hccd president in the chair The meeting was opened with prayer and hymn loll call was an swered by the word Honor Mrs Norris led in prayer Rev Mr Jack tool charge when the follow ing officers were elected for Illl Ilon Pres Mrs Burrows rcs Mrs Loughed Vice lrcs Mrs Norris Heck Mrs Ed Buie Iieas Mr lIii riii I1Illt iillil fiv days in Toronto lunch was grind by the haste WI mg COHNMIIU Vlit lllKKKKtigllEWtmwl mwgummmmmimwmgmumsme 93 Iglttx511n1 time v3 lll Lillili swmmsrmm my 37067 121 Ea Jr rod mos xnaAs GIFTS or msnucnon es Distinction palliation INDISCRETE TAILSPIN 600 PERFUMES The Ever Popular Presentation Gift Nothing Smarter lor Clirtslnms Greetings ARDENI soprano NIGHT snocco CsrumoA HEATHER by ladies Gift Set EXPECTATIONS Richard That Will Surely Completion andHWCPrsto SEER Tuesday if mens cu Mill or up tot$1000 on yourVown signa Mrs 17 Iitiic Pianist Milne Home Helpers Mrs Ciri narn Clad ldmgs Mrs Spitlicr Home and Villarvn Mrs lzittr lrcrs Sec Mrs Immorr Mrs Robert iitlcn was presented with it Life lVltnibersliip and Mrs Gil fcri responded with very sincere tlianks iclly Iaiurtheczl favored with ti piano solo Cathedral liirrics which was greatly eiijoy cd Rev Mr Jock spoke ll few words of pros and encouragement and thanks to the ladies for lhv of very successful years work were served by the hostess Mrs Iluie assisted by Mrs Allie Buic WYEBamoE December 13 Mrs Reid IIillsdalc visited her mother Mrs Rankin Satur day Peters Orillia visited wrtli his wife and family over the week end Mr and Mrs Cecil Facan spent the Weekend with friends in Tor onto Mr and Mrs Frank Wismer vrs itEd their daughter Mrs Rankin and husband in Aurora for few days Dainty refreshments Glad to learn that Doug Adams who is sick in Welland Hospital is much improved Rev Holden Chas Robins in Toronto and Moses was there for the weekend TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 53 pain or 153$ IOANS 0N your MN SIGNATURE When you need money borrow from HOuscuOLD FINANCE Canadas eldest and largest consumernance organlzation You may borrow $50 $100 $200 tore without endorsers or bankable security Repay monthly 12 18 the repayment plan you choose Loans are made to mameilcouples jugularAntcod Kernel single persons or tustorirersborrowto consulti date past due billsA pay medical expenses repairs seasonal or emergency expenses and for many other purposes Phone or see us lot prompt friendly service Mluluauc Strut lull oor min 294 omuM om Noun to or by appolnlmnl loam made In gddonh of nearby low rihAucE r3ronngmonthSdependinguponz Please Her WHlTLLLLAC 13137315 LorRwvf Contains PERFUME mid ndFACEPOWDER Most Practical and Useful Wilresenlfition Package MleAClllltHlllltlllllll Cl Sensation the Year LAVENDER Charming lt Color Harmony gag Presentation Set MAKEUP SET Bouquet Du Bay The Famous Max Factor Hollywood color harmony ensemble Faco Pawder Rouge and Lipstick in color harmony shades Soap Face Powder and GIVE Du Barry Lipstick PHllItl ENlAliliEMEN Appreclablei Gift the WM allude al lHISfHRISTMA5 Radhcoal From Your Own Favorite Negative To Size in Attractive I949 fmfumu kei GIFT Give Him Lifetime cm CHANEL CALENDAR ROLLS RAZOR PAPETRIES CHANELNof MOUNT HHsoie Floral Design GARDENIA 49 ColorcdinOils 55 Extra cum DE nussrr SELFSTROPPING SELFzHONlN Delight Your Friends With This Christmas ENlARllEMENI SPECllll Your Favorite Snapshot Handsomer Mounted in NEW governor MOUNT Complete Z8 Colored in Kodak Oils 25 Extra Enamel Remover Nail Enamel Adlteron and Cuticle Remover by YllllllEY In Delightful 01 Packag 150 250 cat That wan Please the Most Fastidiops Lady PAVLMOLIVE MENS SET The Famous Pamw Talcl Lavender Aftf5hV9E Shavingrsoap Brilliantme and ArThrmer For Shave Cream Colgate DenialCream Bad or the Boy Ericud CAYLORD MENS TOILETRIES FOR MEN Hair Dressing yAftiShavo Lotion Seasons Newestlmported COMPACTSV MADE ENGLAND ay wanton Auteur sgr Polish Remover Polisli Airmail an minivan all Clear Polilh land Cuticle oil 350 43 Iii WaiclrlahiypeiiiDellcale and Dainty Lacquer Finish 409 PerfumeTalc 3nd Lavender $939 In Lutheran Travel Cm Srons nounsmom iiifmm 830 to After hours 830 pmv Wednesdays can to 1230pm Saturday 830 am pm 38 to 1000 pm Open everySundoy 12 MS pm P029 pm Endmgncy