Mrs Sfftfil cf ed the tuneful Robert New at lussday of last week Mr Alfred llilikt litillxlilhllgllltl Dorothy returned lluil home in Fort SublLIILIILAEA Alberta after isiting lEitl Barrie Mr and Mrs Clan ittgina who are pr 1cliil5 in Llflltllul ii ill Roy Blullifltl Torah neckeiiil guests of Ab Howard Norris air iEi tlii woeeccecccacecoco Chocolates Gift Boxes at $100 and $200 LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 22 ELIZABETH ST ST GEORGES CHURCH ALLANDALE CHRISTMAS SERVICES Dec 197P IllCandlelight carol service 241115 IM arols Sr llol Communion lcc Dec YOU ARE WELtOJllI GOSpel Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 10111 11 AM BREAKING OF BREAD PillSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 7PM=Gospel Meeting Wed PM Prayer Meeting Welcome Seats free No Collections IL1 lm First Baptist Church Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY DECEMBER ll 1048 11 AM and PM REV JOHN MCGRATII Field Secretary of Lords flay Alliance St Thames Ont SUNDAY SCHOOL PM of MONDAY8 PM Wed pmPrayor Meeting The publicgare Cordially invited Button Avenue United Church Rev Carder BA Minister SUNDAY DECEMBER 19 1048 11 AM CHRISTMAS MEDITATION Anthems Jesu Bambino TYOD lhe Annunciation Barnij Soloists Mr Dobson Mr Bell PM THE OTHER WISE MAN Anthems Holy Night Altlanis The Message of the Shepherds Barnby Soloists Mrs Spearn Missl Phyllis Johnson MlS Little SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM Jr Int and Sr 11 AMNursery Beginners and Primart HOL CHRISTMAS SERVICES gigvirus GRACE GOSPEL HALL 37 Mary Street SUNDAY DECEMBER 19 1943 130 PMBELIEVERS MEETING 300 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PM GOSPEL MEETING Come and bring your friends EVERYBODY WELCOME zz1 13511 AMwlloly iiminiiiiioii l1l of Thornton lit nt lJth Al Ulll return at lair ifrs was accom titanagtr of of tiniinirtcc annual busimvss 1Zl Bank of exieiul through llittlllbt liitli to lost lil tic lltilvl trim itlnllltt riiil Ly lleail ltIice stirciaily hunted 5itlllilllt5 innit has returned iiiitli igtit to white lit was not uncle Ir iltiltlosiii Alla illiuliglll tour loi and 1x ti down ti 11o Town iutiiiay November of the sta iiiieiztioii ot lallicr llzi ton1n in vltlv filo1 on llll llil in Nebras llilll oil The Salvation Army 30 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship Sr taptaiu and Mrs Straclian slNlMY IllitlIAIBICR 10 1048 lilrilSlllAS SUNDAY 11ll1flISS MEETING 210 1SUNDAY SCHOOL li 11 Ill flit lltlltll Service tiirist 1s llorn ITl ll l31mChristmns lrograminc luc 1171i 10310 AM Christmas Service 111 llii FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Bayficld St Phone 4572 gt REV AND MRS CHASE ministers erDAv DECEMBER 19 1948 Protein 930 CHML 830 am for Light and Life Gospel program SUNDAY SCHOOL PM aiigclistic Service 730 pm intro Service Friday evening 101 liov Daw guest for Friday and Saturday IiVlttS at PM also Stiiitiiiy Strangers welcome Come and war ship with us Trinity Anglican Church REV CROSS BA LTH Rector Organist Mrs Roberts SUNDAY DECEMBER 19 1948 Advent IV 800 AWLHoly Communion 1100 AAlMorning Prayer and Beginners The Significance of The Babe 200 PlIBIBLE CLASSES 300 PALPrimary and Interme diate School DblThe Christmas Cantata 81 Carols by the Choirs of Trinity CillllCll directed by Mrs Roberts Collier St Baptist Church Independent REV MITCHELL Ministu 191943 LKKEKKEEKKCKKKKE llrliltllt 11 in II This ii tabulated when the luff cal lilullt at the annual this of the W1 held at the labs Weldon on Ditrltlll Ii donation from the litiLlI =ill be Used to iii1p till tlii borns and baskets cf fruit fii mud The January meeting be held at the 110 of tlis fultKrllit 113 lillilil iitil Mayor and Mrs opened tip their home Dunlop street last iloiiduy ing tlttllitlh by in the annual ti1t gtlcsls Vtlt greeted mic lll it hurt The years donation to the Illiir day box amounted to 51130 With lliis tl ins and patients at Minkokii flow Mayor THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANAD Collier Strth United Church WMS Held its Christmas Meeting Uzi 10 11 the lElZlilllIllll decorated recreation Ioulli Mrs tli fiwiii ttltiitlctl large number and 1lti After by ll gtctirltll and Miss King read from the Di halineis till Temper naming of the great In csiznc ii tiii sale of alcoholic bsv iii tiinada litch spoke inlcirstingly Winn Stewardship and on and Tithiiig Lewis took the charge and slittiit few Words of apprec iation of lllt uutlt of the WMS xlivlt Liiltt lll Azizistroiig presented the slate eviii to entertain candidates and lilting coiiimittic which was put their wives who had particupatitt The and hlis Mayor and rcfseshinints Aixlt servvd throughout the thorn was general among the chrididatcs those revelectcd and were defeated tlioso ed to learn that llllill dutzcs ipiired them to be tiiiiivrs llovcver all lions Were much apprccintcd wen to Toronto ciivc his British recently Empire to ago accompanied him omit the former Elsie they were married in 1943 first child Sandra land Cpl Cameron and child age 20 months Mrs ceivcd from MajorGeneral nouncing that her husband Medal The Womens llospital Aid re pOll the sum of $60 realized from the sale of refreshments at chlcrs Open Night on Tuesday evening For CHRISTMAS IDEAS IN WOOL See SANDY WHITES ad on the Lets Chat Page Thank You To those who extended their vote and influence on my behalf in the elec tion for Board of Educa tion trustees on Monday Dec 13 may offer my sincere appreciation MRS lllESON HbmmmuM CHRISTMAS SERVICES 11 vAMUnto you is born Saviour COMMUNION PMBIBLE SCHOOL Regular Classes PM T1112 FULNESS OF THE TIME Baptismal Service Christmas Music Wed PMPrayer Praise Ser vice Cordial Welcome Awaits You KHKNWEKKEKENKKEEEPEKKQElsTgZZQEECEEEEEKelllg fiifli CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SERvIcEs 11 AMMORIIING WORSHIP Heavenly SongIs SungArranged by Clarence Dickinson SWISS Sacred ilii53hpherds Neathv Judean Skies SoloistMrs Milne FolkSong Ira Wilson QIIARTETTEfSearching CarolJf 7RalphEiMarryothm 700 PMEVENING WORSHIP Chgistnias Carol and MUSICAL NUMBERS mwievmme so QUARTle IOer Danish carol Star of Bethlehem By Choir and GleeClub Infant Holy PHtllel ahiCIiorus Birthday of King Miss Betty Hook ctr saaooi CaridletightSrvice Neidlinger fBethlehemT Goidswqrthy Bethlehems Plains Mattliews llVW Petrie Arljangcd byWm Buckley eraldsworthy attain theMesstah by Handel AMleheginners 8I Priority it Carat Let Carolsng Sermon evening With Walls tit the piami hearty singsong was enioyed and ltltlllllhlll including ho Sonic of thc neit lyelectcd candidates were Slilplllt tr puhlic enter responded suitably to the hilarity of the icca sion and some of the ocal tll When lpl Alex amcron of Aplo irv Medal llls Scottish war bride of 51X years Mrs fam Flynn of Dundee Scotland met Alix when he was on furlough overseas and Their who Will be five next April was born in Scot rcturned to Canada four years ago and hf was followed in 10 months by his Wife Cpl and Mrs Cameron now have second child Leslie Tnmeion still has copy of ltlltl she re Walford in December of 1945 an had been awarded the British Empire anamnannnnnnannanannar of tilllctIb Mlitlrd by the nom lll lilt illc and aniuioiisly Mrs Johnsonconductd the wor ship sirvice calling on Mrs Allen adopted ini Ito read the lowly hristmas Story tioii lukc The quartet ihlrs Armstrong Mis llttilll Mrs tarsoii and Mrs Dollsoiii sang the beautiful Christ iiiias carol Silent Night accoiiiv Gbrtstmasunbaiz DECEMBEIiI 1943 ll AMg gMORNING SERVICE Introit BrealeorthQ Beauteoiis Heavenly Light Anthem See AmidviThe Winterssnow Male QuartetzAriseShine or ThyLightCIsCome partied by Mrs Foley We would se Icsiis lo llis Star is Shining was sung while Mrs Clarke and Mrs MacDonald took up the offering The theme of the worship scrvice was hit Fellow Christians the World lvrr Mrs Ictch spoke for North America Mrs lrlook for South America Mrs Lewis for Asia and Mrs Atkinson for Africa While the piiirtct sang lloly llahc those asked to think of the mothers and babies of Europe Mrs Johnson prayed for churches throughout the world lca was served by Mrs Stewart and her committee while Mrs Crease and Mrs Gregory presided at the ha table all December Tea was served in the girls lounge at the store Mrs 11 Cable was converter and Mrs MtCiltlOll MrsA It Godden and Mrs Stairs throughout the evening The tiib arranged by Mrs Earl ox and Mrs Frank Craig and their Christmas decorations were in keeping with those throughout the store Mrs Parr assisted Mrs Stewart was in charge of the collection at the door Working in the kitchen were Mrs Thomson Miss Jean Gibson Mrs Cliiirles Giorgianni and Mrs McKenzie Those serving were Mrs Owens Mrs Du vzil Mrs Jones Mrs Cooper Mrs Clayton Stewart Mrs Cooper and Mrs Clicescman Proceeds of the tea went towards the Aids welfare work at the Roy al Victoria Hospital Ninety Children Enjoy St Georges Christmas Concert Ninety children took part in the annual Sunday School Christmas concert at St Georges Church in Allnndale on Friday evening De cember 10 The children were from both the junior and senior Sunday School classes The evenings program consisted of recitations playlets and carol singing Each class was under the direction ofits individual teacher The teachers in charge of the jun ior claSSes were Mrs Frank Grif fin and Mrs Ltinda Gilhooly Mrs Dallus Lee Mrs Maud Mitchell Miss Doris Noble MrsStan Horne andllarvey Dawe were in charge of the senior classes The bible classes were under the direction of poured tea lcs were HEPEQQIEWKWEIEWQWQKCllfllllECEIEIECECIGWENMEQWCWKEWE cZmlirefus lreshgierian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA MINISTER Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY DECEMBER19 1948 CHRISTMAS SERVICES 11AM CHRISTMAS AND ITS MESSAGE Music by Senior and Jonior Choirs Solo byMiss Jean Livingston PMAll Departments of the Church School FESTIVAL or NINE mannananannnamnwommwanamnaythnaaaaaam unnnnnnnnmtmlumwnenxnnnemmmmmnnnng COlllel Street REV LEWIS ED MINISTE MRJLLOVD TUFFORD ORGANIST AND CH0 RMASTER amauzammaeiamaamnaamaammma iii ff Bach West Makr +5wdish arr by Black How silently how silently The wondrous gift is given THECHUROH SCHOOL 11 AMNursery Beginners Primary Depts 230PMJunior Intermediate 85 Sonic Depts 300 PMThc Adult Bible Class PM EVENING SERVICE BETHLEHEM By Maunder At the evening service the Choir will present moditiddramatlz ration of Maunders Christmas Cantata in the Mifdiaevai mani netThis pm be colorful portrayal of the Chris beautiful music And large cast ding story with Leland llillit was his brothers Sleep we gr oomsmaii and Scott ludhope brother of the bride and 1rcdtar rBayliss an WEDDING lRlllllllllllllZ White and pink iuiims Ioriiied ctting iii the hints lirby Clinch on lediuwdziy Dc t1 MHZ lUl lli iiliilltligl1i tlC writii Jean Catherine Tud Illilit only daughter or Mr und IIII Charles ludhupe of Millie was married to John Chester lrit tie of hittiliiid elder gt011 of Mr and hllr Leland Millie of Oril tia Howard of Meritord assisted by Dr MaiInnis lillv ducted the double ring ceremony lhi tlllilll music was played by Gordon and fills5 Jani Allan stiltiist livcn in 11111141 tugi by her father the bride woic ii gown of whitt chitloh Velvet witli tittcd bodice and Brussels lace licitlia the full skirt falling min short iii=ii llcr fingertip eil was ar ranged on it coroiict of oiango blos tiliil she carried it cascade bouquet of white roses Mrs Gordon 11ill cousin of the bride from ltlllll Mich was lllZl tion of honor in turipiiiisc chiffon velvet llll fitted bodice and long full skirt and matching bonnet and iiiiltcns She carried pink Iliittcr tly roses and iiiuiiis Miss Norma Scott of lliiwkestone cousin of the bride was bridesmaid in yellow chiffon velvet With matching boii nct and mittens rind carried bouquet of Talisman roses and broimx nuims Miss Joan lluhn of Toioiito cousin of the groom was bridisiiiiiid in fuchsia chilfoii vcl vet wrth matching bonnet and mit lens and carried yellow rusts and inums Nillifs for were ushers At the reception held at the ril lia House the brides mother rc ccivcd gowncd in Victoria wine crepc with matching accessories and orsageof Talisman roscs The grooms mother assisted in Queens blue crepe with inatchiiir accessories and corsagc of pink IttfitS lior travelling the bridc chose Victorian green velvet dress with brown fur coat brown fiat and ac ccssories After Ii trip the happy couple will take up residence in Mcaford Guests were present from Detroit St Citthiirines Hamilton Toronto Biirric lravenhurst Coldwater and Mcaford Mrs George Cameron and Rev NewtonSmith Connie Owens assisted at the piano The coming of Santa Claus after thcnprogram was heralded by the 8111ng of Jingle Bells with the auticnce joining in and each child received gift The parish hall was filled with parents and friends of the child ren for the concert Norman superintendent of the Sunday School was chairman loathe evening OBITUARY 24 MRS SUTHERLAND Mrs William John Sutherland died at her home at 114 Sophia Street West in Barrie on Monday December 1948 following months illness The former Ida Gertrude Rainey Mrs Sutherland was the daughter of the late Mrand Mrs Jonathan Rainey of Cookstown She mar ried the late William John Suther land and lived at Cookstown until his death 11 years ago when she moved to Barrie One daughter Phyllis survives her Her only brother was killed during the First World War The funeral service was held on Wednesday December at the Jennett Funeral Parlors It was conducted by Rev James Ferguson of St AndrewsChurch assisted by Rev White of Niagara Falls and ReVuWilliam Clem ents 01 ylVlinesing Pallbearers were Allan Beach Myrill Dean WilbertGough William Suther land McMastei and Webb There were many beauti ful oral tributes Interment was in Alliston Union Cemetery MRS ALEXANDER JOHNSTON One of the older residents of Al landale Mrs Alexander Johnston died at the RoyalVictoria Hospi tal on Tuesday December 1948 after lengthy illness She was in her 78th year Mrs Johnston the former Anna BellaTenner had lived in Allan dale for almost 50 years She was born in Stroud in 1871 and was the daughter of Walter Tanner and of her death she was the last sur vivor of family of two girlsand three boys The Tanners were pioneer family in Innisl Town ship Mrs Johnston lived on farm near Lefroy following her mar riage to Alexander Johnston Af ter her husbands death she moved to Barrie with her parents and in fant son where sh lived at 69 Tif Street until the time of her death devoted memberpf Bur ton Avenue United Church she was well knaWn among the Allan dale people although she had not been active for many years because of her illness gt One sonClarence anda grand daughter Norma both of Begiifa survive her The funeral was heldon Friday December 10 230 pm atthe Jennett Funer Home Rev James Carder condu ted the servlceAr thur Pugh elson Magee Walter Harry McCullough Carscaddcn Clowes year OIUIN CUIVIX IAIONISS17 iewanreclilonmovo merit $4750 OIUIN VIIITHIN SOCIAIIIL An ox quilile watch with lcwei movement two diamondt 35950 GIUIN valmm MIDAllIST 17 cwel Precision move meMIn smarlmod cm can $42150 GIUIN CUIVIX Kmom Modem lines distinguish this 17iewe1 Precision watch $5500 THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 1948 forum CUIVIX 0311 l7iowol Precision movement $5259 alum vmmm DIIIHILD l7 evollrecltlonmove ment lovely Iquoro can with two dia mondi14karol plnk or yellow gold $0500 alum valmm COURIII l7iewel Precision movement handsomely ilyIOd case $4250 GIUIN CUIVIX SOVIIIION17 iewelPrecliionmovau ment 141mm gold case $10000 EEVES Jewellers Holly nephewsi Partridge lllehiWl Friends were present routo Stayiieigiogililiia scycrn Bridge Atherley Elmvalc Brad ford and Stroud Beautiful flowers were received from Clowcs Wo inehs Institute Edgar United Church and others Mrs Bertram whose maidcii name was Susan Jane Carscadden was native of Clark Twp Coun ty of Durham Ont VhCFL she was born on March 11 1871 For over 501ycars shc had lived in llic Clifford Perry and neighborhood and one at 34 Bradford Sti Barrio She was member of the Unitedl Church and previous to union she was Methodist Everyone W110i knew her found in lirr friendl Her DIAMOND MERCHANTS orr POST OFFICE and Earl and she was also devoted wife and mother husband predeceased from To some years but the following fain BA llltlll ily suivivczAubrey and Milford Orillia Bcvcrlcy Oioz Keith Bar 1101 vey Ostrandcri Toronto Mutual Benefit Health and Accilieni For Low Cost Lifetime Disability Incumc or Association Hospitalization Consult KELLOUGII 10 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4809 Phillips Residence Phone 2649 TElleldzlek EEEZECZC5Z53CEiEEECECEQQCGWWKQIEWKKRWWCEEWECE THE MODERATE PRICES CH NOTED Cor Collier Bayfield PHONE 2395 llave You Visited Barries ENGLISH CHINA GIFT SHOP YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THE REAL LY FINE ASSORTMENT OF GIETS AND ARGED FOR WHICH THIS SHOP Is BECOMING as it an CVOMEAND VISIT US District Manager ViTelephone 4457 rie Muriel and Annie Mrs llar wwwmmmmat mmmhkkh 7V rx CHRISTMAS SPECIALSTHAT WILL SAVE YOU MEATS OF QUALITY BY LLOYD MILLER 60c 3RoeBrand Cranberry Round Steak or Roast Shaftt Rib inoast offRae Chbicc Plate on Brisket Beef 130639 48 Loinmiast Park Rind on GROCERIES MEATrFRUIT and VEGETABLES MONEY Fancy Delicious Apples for zestfsivetfMixea Pickles GROCERY VALUES BY BRUCE McLEAN Schneiders Crispy Criist Lard re pallbearers Flowers wer sent by etreasury department of the gov rnmnt of Saskatchewan and geBurton Avenue WA In terme was in St James Ceme tery strand elatives attending from dis ta ca were beneath Clarence John onot Regina Mrs Sisley Ianner Toronto sisterinvlaw and Wel tor EavesNewmarket brother inlaWe Inns SUSAN JANE BERTEAM well known and much re spectedcitlzen of the Edgar dis7 trlct passedaivay on Dec 12 1943 in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio in thevperson of MrsJolin Bertiam of 0m For two mont shohad been in failingmealth The funeral was held on Dec 14 with Rev Air Bewell Barrie takln the services in Edgar Una itezi terment Edgar Methodist Ceme tery Thus acting as pallbearers hatch and at the placed in FRESH SIDEVVPOEKF Choice 45 in 41c lb Bacon Squares aliean Beet Bdlogna Sliced FreshomeltladeSausage Breakfast Bacon Rind onw ow CHRISTMAS row TURKEYS GEESE onIoKENs 376 37c 59c ALLISIzEs BuyThis Weekend for Fedsetctidn TREE DELIVERY sERVICE weren ostrander ghosting PLEASE PHONE ALLANDALE Eresli Cranberries CatidyCanes Large Size Cracker Jack Xmas Wrap Eel Apple Julcr pFillieIts In The Shell truce in 11 All Sizes Specially Priced FREE DELIVERY OR BARBIE 55 1b liftoff 15 gt 1b CHRISTMAS TREES