PAGE TWENTY 541 it 51 ii 91 Mugginxmmmzzuzzwwx Wm THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA angle them from deaths 3ftill 1111 This wiry their number in loan itdflnul be lLdilLrd iftti present ltyr llmt llltlltiilt lzl jluilltt clean 1f iil lrtSl bf inc llll PRODUCING or 168 iimvetrr arratl Slrflctl egg poultry nests then rill oilieh lowers films in Lltiwts tiltv Ulih ltttlLlrlll 1tltlt1i 1th clean iiilt 1d gitail In Mouth Flktllll tr igv cit udhlitfl and iiirtl Cutout111 liiitl tariff tVtJ 11 Iiliit l11lliti menu are lbw tf tiff llttil illltl Hi ytl ail illllllltl lilt glulllrluilh rl2 isi Huntler tire rumls to lolliis from contact with illyIl all tlliizgt ltllil lli tine large ploducli HEATED STORAGE Lllt Izi feel ltnlllmllmty nests uitli tllliulrts 113w riids fly lLILIIIE container of hydrated 3111 11 lilfl illiilicvs the buds olil1ti iyttliii through the llllt fit 711 oats Cars and Trucks R055 51 telle llfl PHONE 2976 IlltYtlllltlll of egg surmi ariless Inanagemvll 11 IIlttl Ltu lllt foregoing 111 lllll 11 om thine dirty eggs illll knows slightly Mllltti t1 11 as ll grade gtilll1tl eggs yiatltv Ki The lllllltlllliiiS l1 price llklXltll Error ac malts rusmmacmmaisrnwn ruins 011111111111 38 Hayfield St Barrie TRY OUR APPETIZING FISH and CHIPS THEY ARE REALLY TASTY For Quick Delivery Dial 4553 sl 211111 ii vr 141 aw IDDDDDDDMDDDDDDDWDM humane Vs exvx 1111 1111 1011 lift 1111 111 1111 11M LEY TAXI Trucking ServiCe Loony LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CLASS W7 AmiLs Thin 7121 24 HOUR SERVICE Dial 2433 or 2221 IU lilwdgudouwumu SKATING OUTFITS FOR BOYS GIRLS AND ADULTS HOCKEY STICKS PUCKS GUARDS PANTS SWEATERS STOCKINGS WAGONS TOT BIKE vs 45 ATES SHARPENED VERY LAT ISr METHOD SKISETS BINDINGS ATTACHED FREE emsmamas PURCHASED HERE EXPERT WORKMAN SKISETS CHILDS 365 $375 $415 ADULTS SKIS BINDINGS $185 up 3SKIBOOTS LARGEST STOCICIN TOWN Al REASONABLE PRICES MENS $I175 $17957023050 LADIES CHILDS $795 SKIpOLEs $l85$2235f$450 new $635 Standard SLEIGHS MICROSCOPE E1lricc1 CGiE $095 $1295 Sampsoii $1195 Steem Irons $1795 s1 MARCONIVAUTOMATIC TRAVELLING IRON FOLDSINTO SMALL 13013 $1095 41111110 EATEST NA 3ch its helpful prurctn 31M 11111 level11cm results Ilull tin lt allow 11m dirty feet and 1111 mi ill 11w TIN is 1010 when Shirley Alice Lyons KEde=3i Flf173C 535ZSE1512LiiIiiC65l5LiyilebZ35551EWEEiiEQEEEEIECMIEV URRY BROS Sports Goods Radios ElgctricAppliances WHTTITII 0000s TRICYCLES $1875 $1950 TRICYCLETRAILERS $208 CCM BICYCLES LADIE OR MENS TOBOGGANS $098 $540 $725 $795 $1025 Toys CLIMBING TRACTORS TRAINS WITH TRACK FIRE TRUCKS DART BOARDS ATABLETENNIS SETS CARPENTER BOYS SETS $480 $7 95 CHEMISTRY SETS BADMINTON RACKETS 51095 Dulles 219 151251209 ea 317 lectric HeatPads AN EXTIIADNE VERY ACCEETAELE 235095 $7415 $3205 psa95 grade are write Sw tutu alflr in 211 legato Illicit de llll on lulzge 131 ram mutual litlltgliiflt furrir Les Sari lines are boom to no high parentage of xlil 11 pentr intr pallet wanted It miner 11 lllr lidtl li3iy line and feat liitc and are 111 pmtltatile tinnntd lxlxlyliitt leastJ atlllftl Lgigt that Tilt 111 this Fall peizml Ill ii liniiies fie lltlivt languid to quag llyil LOVE ME fibrils tlsdztl nlotti Iltlttlttli 11 or 11 1m tit leg 15illli on Itl1 foothold and United States tllllfalll and Wasin by an Itictll l1IIIt1 Iiizn coilsllziaizig am city tags are hot Iii lilting of our llric tlvizllm either ln flesh 11 lf1 lnplmnts lluy dont live as clean unwashed eggs llilvveiile Her effort should illl mule to 1nd water auditionl our flocks as to produce the tit llillltil iSIIIIr 111111 lung in 11 litre lae it reasonable le 2111 lIJlllllg till l5llttl lIlt ll 1351 Lkllilllll bel cclilrigt cieali possible of i1lltii 11135 litirll 11111 quality eggs attract lllrtoiaris stimulate Suit and chi ipaud ilzurkets Therefore the pro gtlultmn of clean eggs pays ELMvIILE ll llutcher returned from To ronto leiieral Hospital Thursday llon lilltllltVlOlnlllU spent the lttttiitllli with his mother Mrs Ritchie and Mrs John lfleklllig latters daughter in tl Mr and Mrs Lloyd learson aild Mr and Mrs Reg Bertram attend ed the funeral of Mrs Bertram of lidgar on luesday irant oe of Grafton and Erna est toc from the United States visited their parents Mr and Mrs lhos toc at the weekend Misses isohel Jordan and Man caret Andrew of Toronto Jim Jor dan of Mildmay Mr and Mrs Robert Lunnie Margaret and Jim mie of Toronto enjoyed the week Lilltl with Mr and Mrs Wes Jor tall 111 and the this the visited London bridesmaid Wearing streetlengthl frock of blue silk and wool crepe with black accessories and cor1 sage of pink mums Earl lloltz of Braeebridge was groomsman and the ushers were Douglas Wright and Earl Gilbert brother of the groom Following the ceremony reception was field in the 88 room of the church Tire brides mother received in black silk and wool frock with corsage of white mums assisted by Mrs Gilbert in sand flowered crepe and corsage of yellow mums Forty guests sat down to delicious wedding dinner served by the Ladies Aid of Knox Church For honeymoon trip to points North thebride ned sand coat with Persian lamli trim black hat and accessories Guests were present from Parryi Sound Bala Bracebridgc Fraserl burg Toronto Barrie Midland and Buffalo NY GilbertLyons Wedding Knox Presbyterian Church 1ossland was the scene of pret ty wedding on Saturday Dec youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Ashton Lyons was united in mar riage to Murray Gilbert son of Mr and Mrs John Gilbert of Fras erburg The church altar was adorned with large basket of yel low and yxthitcm11rnsllrc cere mony was performed by Rev Burgess Miss Mary Currie presided at the organ and during the signing of the register Mrs Jones sang The Lords Prayer The bride given in marriage by her brother Morley was attired in streetlength frock of rose silk wool crepe black hat with blue veil and corsage of white baby mums She wore thegrooms gift gold necklace and ear rings Miss Annie Lyons was her sisters Mount limy Ski Club Neils Meeting The general meeting held Thurs heard so much about was big Success Even without snow you know that white stuff we are all waiting for it was easilyseen we already have lot of enthusiastic Skiers for this season both new and oldrmembers At the rst of the meeting ex cellent sound lms were shown The first was Red Cross lm and the importance of having know ledge of first aid was emphasized Following this three films were shown SnowCapers Ski Skills and Ski Trails Looking around one couldnt help noticingl $475 $5150 to $400 sent and the old familiar Skiers itch agpearing The ast President as of DEc Jack MacLaren gave most enl molaswmzmamaammmmammawmzmmmmmaaaaaxazwma2 for Boys at Mount Jimmy to date and what mmamay Incidentally for those who were unable to be present at the meet ing you will be interested to know youhave new President by the name of A1 Scott We know Al $210 to $595 $295 85c to $500 Tszssjsass $675 $390 rnfaeks shouldersvand41keaek will do an extra superb job as the new President WeWeTev Tpleased to have MayorMMayor at the meet ing His enthusiasm was greatly appreciated Before long we hope $195 to $390 $525 up Jimmy somewhere shall we take your dare Mr Mayor Ski Patrol Fifteen enthusiastic skiers turn ed but again 131 as night t0a very intersting lecture on the dut ies of SkiPathol given by Wm Hearn incharge of Souths 11 maa Ski Mg immy Ski Clu Christrrias TREES $150 1011250 TREEQRNAMENTS maternal22223213 Eatalarm Purchase Your Bule Possible Scarcity jHearn visit us and much was game WeWillTestYour SetFREE ed by his invaluable inseparable lrevention Associations unfortunatc day Dec which you have all Iyr seem use up roruri llUESNl ENTIHFBE us NOW South fault iiI Vll ll1gt till l7 um 3th flu Linc 31x on Monday Der and Mr lURSDAY DECEMBER 16 1948 Yam l3 image presutl Tire 1113 lo the Iliidrs Samuel Rose ilnt tlze decliniol iratlrl lane lint 113 tier group Is not very an about lliclfrt bitter lllillliltED ACCOUNTANT Hill Tile wire iew pltltltes that ye ale lulllta fill my to take because there is too much shooting 111i jiltlllg 1111 drinking Filtkzl pople Ititl llL ll1llll rllltll Ellie food budget to include enough substituting an lltll Next melting VJIHIH Donia1s or Jim If you have in lehiew 11 Is lnunal protein and Is also lltit nil iioni whole milk it contains 121 111111 tnjoy treat of this healthgong We food instead of meal KVRON Aailable In sllm figure itrunin If 0W Heres new for people who want that teenage New KYRON Tab l0SlI IIIIING If you want to wear it tomor row remove it today This advice covering the wear ing of ties or loose clothing around moving machinery is strikingly tie picted in bulletin released re cently by the Industrial Aceidentl to plants in Ontario Many injuries including resultv ant deaths are reported each month where clothing has become entangled in moving machinery and this bulletin is one more aid to industry in the prevention of such injuries club and much is to be gained by having one As classes will be started the first of the new year any good skiers who may be ln terested and holding First Aidt Certificate please contact Phyllis Moody the envy on the faces of those prol lightening talk on the happeningsl will take some of the burden off to sea him on thetrallsqf Mount auction 11 hswasvcry Ifortunate in being able to have Mr lec re Aklpatmi as magmas er $311030895 up REFERENCE LIVESTOCK MAN For Snowball Solo of Household Furniture Elimijtock Ihl pleasures QKS $6515 59 s225 to $545 on ASSOETMENT ETS her49 lets plus KY RONS special dietary formula can help stout excess weight 15 caused by 432119 Try easy Inexpensive paw see If 73 dont soon kt people whose 0V6 totake KYRON you too notice difference and MAKE THIS 7DAY TEST Purchase packa of KYRON at your Store Check weight before and If not satisfled ret rn empty box to your Drugglit who will refund full Purchaye prlce RON may be purchased at after hsfn land all other Drug and Department THIS TEST TODAY NOTE Save money Buy Auk your Stores MAKE size package WHITTYS DRUG STORE Utll lilt liliili 1iteliaiiment to be isy great extent by ouciliulill films 1111121 Board and always H113 lIIflgtliip school area pinjvtw lI llOD Illllfill as well remarkable alrcolol um children to till ollicr Street BARBIE lelephone 4949 Pictures itlw Lame tlltiil iiw gt 11 will LiJllJLIlllll other forms 49 Ea armoursass sai movies lliv Qa shown by industrial lie ioin ripplll11cd it 11 it to ITS AN OLD SAYING BUT How True You don1 get nothing for but nothing But We do our best at all times to give you dollar for dollar vqlue in Dry CYeaning by guaranteeing help with tllli 1ll ht llllil Li trouble stiellliiirr nOIhihgt cottage ltlttdi Stillltt Hi it has been Iliad The family writ 335 by Canada la Satisfaction Reasons Guaranteeing Modern Equipment Finest Materials Available Quality Workmonship Our Honest Endeavourt give you the Best Cleaning possible ea run your KY ll Cleaners the double Druggist PICKUP AND DELIVERY SVwgsw forrfshingliidoy In During I5 Iioliday seas1 i901 grimly olubbys Genaemessr Tomato Juice hindy in yourrdrigemtoii Libbyb isjthcjdal appetizer lSfprfholiday meals light 51191 Itdtrpirblgtdserve Libbys isa grand drink jforfthe yOungSters too Wholesomegodrefreshing Delicious chilled SPEEFUEEEF Served tiaminghotW599t1syscemttbuvgimew Liuiik AAA sports NOW is thetime to ofdefyOuriholldaysi1pPlyYooi grace is displaying thisyedrs pack freShifrofn thegardcn And youve e1tdbdin tomatopatch andenjoyedjthe reddesfnluiciCST ripottomato oiltile vine you know the matchless gardenfresh ouf of Libbys GeotlePrss TOmzito Juice 11ml diploidi 11in cliiirngln entropic JIMQltWJIMIEMW