Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1948, p. 14

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PAGE munrm Costs More to Operate Municipality as City Town Status Advantage I11 gt1 An editorial in The rillid ame 11 all on or Packet and Times prior to lltr fer t1d ill the vote by the citizens on city nts tfridiens status flicopicr lititlir ulAl Whip 111 the use of io paper blttiltlti lttl 111 than made o1 1w 5lly 111 Luge View it County lac pr tl titan the barirti tinct anti lull backed by lllitl ii 1111n1111u at him can It is titr1ltt 13 oi tron wintry Emily inhiiiv tar 111 if 11111 been llllcit lzti1ixl lrotzucnrl 1121 Pitt at Etrl 11 telitlrd fir 33 x1rr111 of 11 11 dollar loi 1o long 1111 We 111 1111 orirrry 111 or $311033 Ir lble 11 11 fr spun NU noted by the nat it vices of 1111 l1t l11 mm H1 vi humpv mud wti ttitt spotistntd 111 11 is 1111111111 vilm the torture Criticism has liirlitifliirllill town tiirtis such 1n fact that rrllarK at liltlll has finite tp pital ii1 natural l1gtttlt of tizc ury of lll population and as 111 liv tltlllttlllll of tore the var 11111 1111121111vr the our 11111 barely 10 per cent tie poptrl population tion or the torurtv Sllttit tir digest for 115p 1rotlrrr go around 03000 Nov tr1 111 or three rtl Lutrltl unaniabout 13 prr cent of tire totrry nroie pour1 1214111 111 tiarterl populatrorr of $17000 iltllrs pr vorkz llltil air all orr are11 portion or County tasrs also ltztslill heavy llll tltlllilllitd 111 11112 treasctl 111111 tiredzioxvtlr or be added gtitrl sr1rc cists tot ounty town 1ornre11j tfz11111i1 which 1111 corrrparalivtl mail 11 ctruahzed assrsrnrcnt and flit1o Tr1m mudt Usirrnt tritc otitlty 11 was litt highest would not provide and tltitll 1n the 1unty Now larras would therefore illil 11 slichtly higher havrri Ilitt11t taxes That is 1l city lilX also v1tlr the County towns popu higher than 111311 icrnm 11 tor 11 latron and Wealth 1111111111113 wall has found oiit and xvhy torrrrrrrrts runnrrre into Sfifitliioti year living is chhpci than eiijs livirrplraye been 1sltued 1n both town for Beyond sottw rdvaircr rir central several years The intrtablr 11 real estate and lareer business and 51111 such growth increased profits for the chain orcantatiorrsassessirrcnt and levies With an very few trillions 1111 111 rrryiincrease of nearly three thousand lictfcr 111K town of eight to ince 10m tiil1a is already cornl twelve thousand inhabitants lrts1rrittel to ttlt1llll lltitllli and many advantrupis over city 1rd tiurirrcipal facilities to 11 good sreil municipality is at its best iinan town cially when it is living within the lear has been expressed that if capacity of its rrriuricrpal servicesr It is doubtless trite that 1illizrj contributes more to the ountyjorder to bring it into closer rela than the town gets back directly tion with real values and to afford Yet it is also probable that the bal basis for the towns credit and borrowing the County Council will ftake advantage of the opportunity to boost the equalized assessment Orillia unfairly would result im mattcr what the result of Mondays vote may be There is an impres sion abroad which is one of the chief suppoits of the agitation for city status that the recent increase in the assessment of rillia indus tries resulted from pressure from the County Assessor This is misapprehension The advance in industrial assessments was under way before Mr EricSirupson was appointed and we are assured that he has not interfered in Orillia as sessnrents On the whole while not alto gethcr critical of the case made out by the advocates of city status we are inclined to feel that the presentconditions rrriglrL well be allowed to stand until there were stronger reasons for breaking away from the County When the time comes for Orillia to set up as city we hope the change lfeeling than would seem to be like ly in the present atmosphere High Quality Seed From Ont Dept of Agriculture red ping point get your full moneys worth for your coat dollarsand your family sets 30 more heating Ncomforty mantra this laborsaving heat saying Stoker can be installed in YOUR homeThe hoirse wont even rum time to cool off idealEloy Stirlir 77 Feeds direct from bin to re For furnaces or boll ers No coal handling fl 511111111 CoalFlow ker For warm air am or hot water at Zette Blames iBeauharnOis Cancellation tggiOn He counts for $11133 tlt treal Ga itl cd but on scale which still left Hilton in prwcarartts rllltill pbur arrrl both Qurb wule which 111 rprcttvrli lil111 1111 devel rrflilll 1vrtc plat uu 11di tuecii itilililll practice and tillltll lltat nd strrdj Iiif1 and rrtrasr 11111 1111 facts partierrlrrl 1=icl slraryi llil1 irrrititic this llrlllrr dce secrrr www 111011111111 11c tl 2lttrfi ttfllilllLlt ltittties 111 Once couplc it ttli learntts lre lllitllr on the street and fire ltwusctvrfe of the powlt tirat they H111 1ako if caus i11ll o1 indus doiirestic ac trial lthis prouncc knew abort from in the papers Itttllitiltttil litigzer primary producers of hydro was ex consumers to meet the curtailment either in litilllpithl irrploycd or in volume of production desiring the wounds of the writhing sister have to thank the proven policies carried out under private enter cr shortage only read per tlll tl electric tended only latter without energy littqc able much Oriliia should decide to raise tlreiThe local assessment substantially ill tlr Without salt in province Quebec owes it to her self to examine carefully the fac tors responsible for the relatively gentle impact of the power short lage uprirrlwi This is ailiiittcr way to assimilate situation than to attempt to solve Ontarios prolilcnrs Pertinent to the whole matter is through crisis Quebec has been supplying roughly The County Council will know that any appearance of treating ntediatcly in united movement to Wm break away from the County no fact that rrsiht 1000000 horsepower under contract even temporary drouglrtcauscd drops rn deliveries Beatiharnois instance is supplying about 300 This represents 100 per Icent load factor as compared with the 70 per cent load factor called for in the contract stantial contribution by Quebec to the economy of Ontario could have been materially greater had it not cancellation of con 11epbruir Govern ident Tliislralfoi theibig Beau development others and put the quietus on one sizeable new Ottawa River devel opment entirely Onta1io had sold herself short in potential Ontario vith laftcr allowing from one area 000 111 This very sub been tracts and liarnois some it may come with more friendly increase Seine conr matter in the need for power tracts with Quebec were reinstat last year In the case of N0 seed prices are 23 cents bushel less for oats and 40 cents less for barley than Large quantities of high quality year ago seed from the 1948 crop are now available the Seed Marketing and Publicity Committee of the On tariq Crop Improvement Associa tion announcesAnnual review of rangements for suiplieSbf high seed crop conditions in all sections quality seed at an early date This of the province havejust conclud will permit feeding of grain not suitable for seed 1948 Crop Now Available Members of the association point out that with these lowered prices an increased num should make ar substantially of farmers Minimum prices recommended are Oats registered grade $150 per bushel NOISed $125 per $190 per bushel No seed $160 per bushel These prices are to include bags basis delivery taken at producers farm or local ship In making these recommenda tions committee members based them on prices for feed oats and barley cleaning costs transporta tion feeding value of Screenings and present cost of bags fuIron Fireman automatic coatheal The prices indicate reductions of ing is instrumenlcontrolled Its 50 cents 37517151191 for regismfed scientic combustion cuts heat losses oats and 60 cents bushel for reg of oldfashioned handring You istered barley as compared withl 5935531111091 Government the drought has tlrilll hown Naturally the situation was not fc 13111 tzv and pazn public acclaim now generally lftttfllttl to lt been tire asv ed by Ontario Hydro eter 11 rcsnivc to attract 111v While all this has thtIl going on 111114 Quebec liydlthelrtlllt industry 11tgt been 1111 luping clout tarrrliia Eilllt lrotitrcwrs vxent llttrtlflll the jt1s ti leprrsston lit the 1930s without losmg faith in the long range prorpxtt 1iicy swiftly moved to make power available for the tremendous requirements or the war They nary have been 1n1egti11at gttllpll5l by the extra ordinary aliorp11ve strength of the rriarket for power 111 the years 1llt1l have followed the war but they rtr notifcatreht unprepared 1tt now llll new develop llltlll 1s tfilll into being on the St Maurice River and Hpillllllll nois moving ahcad to an addi tional 700000 horsepower to be ready in five or si years lio ducers dependent upon storage water have been careful to re strain sales within the limits of their ltStlYtS 1cspite the lkeli hood of vast new power require ments lll Quebec in the next ten years iirdrcations are that these will be rrret and other services inat crially expanded vrfhout airy rnorc disturbance than was apparent during the recent shortage Ifor all this Quebec people may well be thankful and for it they prise Only in the case of Beauharnois was there anythingI which resent blcdiiflagging of faith flrcclear vision now so manifest of those who conceived and launched the Beauharirois development was clouded for time by the fogs of politics The Quebec Government of Mr Godliout yielded to the some sort of clamor as that through which the Ontario industry passed from private to public hands and Quebec had one large interroga tion point in her hydroelectric story Bcauharnois is no longer ques tion mark It is one of the biggest and most vital individual factors in the power iridustryoftheha tion capable of producing perhap 2000000 hp for Canadas largest industrial district Established on the river having probably the most consistent flow in the world it is not dependent upon artificialstor age and as long as it is only parl tially developed need lfave no fearl of shortage With the Beauharnois destiny being fulfilled as it is the thought persists that there has been falling short of justice It took coinage as we as 510 10 con until the recentlv purchased manse celve and launch the development Also it took courage on the part of investors to put their money into such project Of those investors Some remain retaining all Of thel companys shares makes its final ldecision It may be hoped that which they were actuated 1n mak this ruling in View of all the cm cumstances may measure up to the feeling of Mr Justice Gibsonc Chairman of the share Holdeiisiiciommrttec whenhe stated after meeting late in May that he was hopeful of fair and satisl faith and some of the hope by ing the investment So much for faith and hope and it would Seem more an occasion for the handmg idown of JUStICC than for the handing out of charity when the arbitration board es tablishedtoset valuation on the factory settlement corn 1rtl 111 adopted for fit litlit 11111 ot 1111 lBurrie is Assessed Highest in County Ur ml rsnient for 15111 ANTI1 lllr ititllltl hatEris S11 41 ounly it was This is the equal 1111 for the cur T111 tlrlll 511 Witt rrrrlis for all lllif ltl MOST tllllllllllil to cotur In 111111 wrll lic Barrie with Till70011 $335 1ll llli shout Vi 11 obtained to ilitrl iii 1511 thillius lliirdv the rural township $110110 10 11 county rtliccsvinmllar zc trvrc 11 ll no suggestion in 11 Hour to 11 that it should 5t1l17 rlrl11111 like Orillia it has popilrnu well over 10000 Atttitlfll to county officials the count 11 for rest year will be reduced by 1s the $170000 sur plu En Victory 11115JilltllllSId allllfllri the 1111 years This is to keep tl rate it1 at four mills whirl vill mom saving of near ly trio 111111 on the town 1i1 rias lane to ltp ollsct other exl pccftd liltll3i from new towrl debentures The 111 asstssrirents adopted for 10111 for the ill municipalities the county follow TOWNS opium $13913000 Midland $4 943000 Harrie $7207000 Pene taruz $1 11111100 Alliston $1039000 Colltrriwood 32030000 Slayner $001000 V1111 AGES Berton 5200000 Bradford $552 000 reenrore $303000 Port Mc Nicoll Stiff000 Tottenharrr $277 000 Vetoria Harbor 3156000 Wa saga Beach Iirrprovemcnt District $576000 IOWNSIIIPS Adjala 3314380003 Essa $2411 000 Iilos $2471000 Innisfrl $5406 0110 hlzrtchedash 5201000 Medontc 5314101100 Nottawasagza $3377000 lrillia 311150000 Orr $2659000 Iay 31335000 lecnrnseth $2833 000 Tiny 1310441100 Tossorontio $905000 Vespran 51920000 West Gwillirrrhury 323114000 The 11llt1111170t1 assessment for the county was $02019000 MINISTER INDUCTED Bradford Witness The Presbyterian churches of St Johns oulsorrs Hill Scotch Set tlerrrent and Bradford have anew ly inducted minister Itecently at an Induction Service held in the Bradford church and attended by several ministers of the Presbytery as well as members of the three congregations Rev MacGilli vary was inducted as minister ROVMMI MacGillivary received HIllanllnll$H111 from the Brad ford charges and the service of 111 duction was condtlcted by the Moderator of Presbytery the In terimModerator and other minis ters of Barrie Presbytery ltev Mr MacGillivary who comes front Three Rivers Alberta will be in Toronto for few weeks is vacated bygits present occupants and he and Mrs MacGillivary wrll move into the church home MBER 16 1948 THURSDAY DECE IURI McNHtHJ MAN IS IN FAVOR OF LAW TO END LONGJIICRM OIFNIC HOLDING There whereby more 1111 could ttllrrtlll 111 council orfncrllor one told alarge irorrrrrrrtron futili ering at Port Mchcoli 111 drclurU ing to stand for either tcer or councillor We all tend 1s1111rte several years in tllllttittltl tfrzrrlt introduce iegtilailysaid the finance cirarr man of Port McNicolls oirrrcri should person liltvid gt1lt 117 31rl than two rftrr liltuitl should new ANT my TRY AN EXAMINER As Christmas shopper Im tops never make mistake My gifts to friends and relatives are always exactlywvliut they want My secret Listen send Royal Bank Money Orderswith 11 personalrcard of course lltey get the cash and buy just what they want That makeseverylmdy happy Best of all can buy Royal Bank iVloneyIOrdersTor as littlor asimtiCh asil likfan important inconsideration these day$7180 if Christmas shopping gets you down try my simple solution Your nearest Royal Bank branch will be glad to cooperate Send Gift of Cdsbwuse Royal Bank Money Orders lIIIEROYAI BANK or CANADA FisHER Manager

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