Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1948, p. 10

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IIIINIIIII HARDWARE PAGI THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA CHRISTMAS PARTY Elect Mrs Cameron FOR DRAMA CLUB Pres Of Afternoon AT PRISSICKS Group St Andrews Thirtysix peoidc lllclulcd 11a Drama Club Christmas evening llec ll lJllllL of Mr and Mrs Wilfred llllx of Shanty Bay The part tz III English In lhtc MAI Ica larui group of wandering tuttl ITs dressed in authentic institute mummers play Tile carollezs led LI Fern ll Ai sang outside II the cold trim were Invited In to pan Lilli They were Diane Spas Donovan Ball Jim and lift lizbnore Gordon IIvtlllIllt My Marin llubbert Im mununcrs play was in election of Miss Elsie Ra IIl=lllllloll of two of the will of III mummers plais amt on the legend of Harry England dragon phi ltl ferociously by Ken Huljllhnll jlIItlI and growled In lxt Inui by draping blanket Inti ONCE NAMED LIKIIIIIRONIO ch 11 tS IIIJIll lll tI tlttlly My 1949 PRESIDENT OF WOHELO CLASS law It couple of chairs lie dialgm lIw LP hunt him long stiipcd tail im III lrim In ml deadlylooking chm Jail rum Itch rajlid IlUIIHSIJIII manufacture liathti 3334 LM minim ll Motions was robustly plavid In in mm mum it tome pin it ltlll NIll llIIi Coutts soa that ll name cauzw 221 liic play was series of bloodv slat II spatula lv IWI ilts fought and won much it iii Inu liltrditl mm llilI Jill rlI lhlll of the bystanders Jack ltmai Him 14 HIIl I= tlllttli ll ls Giant Killer played by MI Ii the ac zlt ltllmll lll Ml lick NIChQISOIL was jhg not VgtHCVdini ll IIVlJtlll ill ltlIv it St George Illlrs l5 llafw II tIItIdciil Tim llll ll lm 11ttl III next wcarmg most II or muci xh Eliihltltlw tlc IKIIIIII il lu mous armor and waving gloom mi tau21 I51 lot Lake 11 Iii 11 md The little Doctor Michael Iftlllllhj tczttmv Ml IllN lllilxHII win and Turk llclcu NlLltlllMIII on jihtllhl and lilllm ll4l ml1 llllsl formed the remainder of the cas lltlllli lcr asp ll Wm llil ijlllllldlli Mill tir plav had IelltlIsogtIIi cn ltiI lIchv and Nllltill Itll 1H In gt IyH2IJEj iSlIm Ilr IILQIIIII llLl l=I tttltlllIIl iamcs were played tluouizlaiu IIIonly lait Hi by lllt Iiltl Is land lll II hc evening and carol singing 1111 11 iIlvIl oi lllt oups lllllWer PW Hampers llwmmn mnj 11I 1Iillllt1 li amcron inucd on into the night rm My I1ItvImII my wins mast of 1088 Split IIbs sllf Mi mm Pm Hui and fed with apple and raIsm llttlklltl mg la ColleY and hot sigtiltcltllvmm III flllllillllllillll Fund for Is now on the high seas and other ROGERS MAJ ESTIC announcement made at ltlt lol led Emergency Britain ronto executive offices of the lIIIitil It Is expected that the Initial slIip mcnls will be In Great llritain and distributed under the supcivisitur of the Ulllll advisorV ouncil he tore NewYears Day The consignment from the llali lax food drive is aboard the stcanilt ship Ascaniawhich left that Car adian Atlantic port recently Alij other 50 tons or more from Wind sor and district and other points in Western Ontario being shipped through the facilities and conces sions of the UlllB kl Ill Nu are ready for THE ONLY Mil tight1Skilliiiirtihitaztlzit BADI=PH0NOGRRPH COMBINATION litigator IN CANADA if aditliZiltlftftt AT ANY pch 21233$231222332132It space is granted UIIIB without cost and handling inland freight in Britain as well as warehousing are also free to this organization for shipments going to the needy in Britain The Arcadia will also take 250 pounds of food being for warded through UEFB by the Womens Canadian Club of Pem broke Ont of which Mrs James Forgie is president During the coming months it was announced the UEFB will continue its solicitation of funds to makebulk food purchases in Can da Its national appeal while sat isfactory in some Provinces was delayed in other Provinces s0 not to conflict with worthy local efforts However it is pointed out that inasmuch as the UEFB is permanent organization to Operate for the duration of Britains aus terity donations will continue to be solicited to maintain steady flow of essential food items to un dernourished Britons RECEIvEfSRw MEMBERS IN HOLY NAME SOCIETY reception ofZginewumembers into the Holy Name Society of St Marys Church resulted from the membership campaign carried on throughout the entire archdiocese of Toronto during the past month WHICH HAS ALBIIIIIS run 244 REcumis $22950 2300 Total of $25250 Now $18900 You Save 6300 TURN IN YOUR PRESENT RADIO EASY PAYMENT PLAN Formerly Sold at 22 Albums were 34 ESSA ROAD PHONE 2944 GENEBALHECTRIC The reception ceremony took plice on un ay evening It followed an offering of mass andcommunion by 210 membersof thesociety at the 930 mass in the morning for the sIntentions James Cardinal McGuigan Arch bishop of Toronto Onerhundred and forty men were present Sunday evening Father Caley spiritual director of the society presided over thg IjECep tion Father John Kelly CSBpro fessor of philosophy atSt Michaels College University of Toronto de liveredtli sermon Father Kelly spoke on the aims and duties of the society During the reception ceremony the entirejchurch was in darkness and each member of the society nu no no across formationinfront of the altar with the officers forming the hillwpfllll El sheik each in fullWm spect thename Of God Solemn benediction followed celebrated by Very Rev James Clair FatheT Caley and Father Kelly This was the first time thatirthe reception had been held in this manner in St Marys parish The drive for 50000 new mem bers throughout the archdiocese Yoq can now buy as many General EIcCtric PhotofIaSh Lamps you inthcse three popular sizcsi WH MURPIIY ACQUIIIED If L4 Stout out ropii It mulled March EERiAl HECIIIICEII up demonstra First bulk shipment of The Unil held lightdcandle They made tree the cross the members they foptand the candidates the arms on the official voters list Wet Eachmember of the society renew ligiblefor ballotsIon the Question eddheolLNamempleogeto re oLcitystatuSlastMendaLH gt was believed to have been more than realized during the campaign Chief EngineernMelvllle Mur phy of Midland was committed for trial when he appeared before general sessions jury at Sarnia op chargesrof wounding five seamen Charges arose out of the alleged shooting of seamen attempting to board the CSL freighter Leth bridge at Sarnla during the CSU tions last Spring The Settlisltcd LIIICRS and lnrtII length shackct ll fin billllcll black and while cttsoLIli cord Iiv Fairway Were lelltlll the soul logs hn 11 Tlilrcl OBITUARY $200000 Per Year Ls SILAS IIENRY SMITII Silas Ilenry Smith last surviving son ofllenry Smith and Martha= lloshal pioneer settlers at PainsI vick was born on Jan 1858 at farm on which he was born untili licrcached his 80th birthdayulie married Mrs Mary Ann Oimsby in 1907 His wife predeceased him in 1922 Ileleaves to mourn his lossa halfbrother Metculf of St Paul Minn several nieces and nephews in Texas as well as several in Toronto and Bradford Mr Smiths brothers and sisters predeceased him They were George of Long Beach Calif Edward of Texas Benjamin of Allanda Martha Mrs Andrew of A1 landalcl Rachel Mrs John So gemm The funeral was held on Dec Iron Smith and gos to St Jamefs3 Cemetery Ltr The pallbearers were William Warnica John Richardson Arlie Green Frank Green Ernest Carr and John Johnston There were flowers from Minerva Lodge and of which Mr Smith was life member also from his nephew Milford Andrews and family Mrs Archie of Candles Nursing Home and family and Mrs Kidd MRS STRUTHERS Missionary in China for more than 35 years Margaret Walks Struthers wife of Dr StruthV ers on the staff of the medical school Cheeloo University died suddenly Saturday Dec at Foo chow in China She suffered stroke Friday Mrs Struthers was born at Pais ley and was graduate in Arts from Queens University She went out to Hanan China about 1912 under the auspices of the Presby terian Church in Canada Four years later she was married to Dr Struthers She had taught English on the staff of Cheeloo University under the United Church of Can as su trict was threatened by Commun ists the staff and equipment of Cheeloo University modicalgghool were own from Tsinan Shantung to the coast by special steamer to ltcnsified and coordinatcd drive to Iainswick Mr Smith worked thcl In letter to the Federal LAKE SIMCOE Canadian Fashion SOROPTIMISTS REVIEW 1948 SERVICE WORK After visn by several members the Barrie Soroptimtst Club to the Royal Victoria Hospital few nullth ago one of the urgent 1ll5 as far as roIstIIItnt was lltttlltkl Scented to two hot Itl runs The Club lltkitlril lo ptuVIdc llll apparent and just tittlill Iiumed by Miss llciIn Shanahan xllliltndcfll that the fans had agiivid and were Installed lIcvmus to this contribution the Barrie SoroptimIsls Ltlllltltl the luInIshIng of seniiquivate lu BS the Royal Victoria Hospital In the revolt of Illt wrncc cull vvzizI given at the last annuul hurting the extent of the service uoik of the lub was lliVttl donation of three hundred dol lais had been given to lllc new lwltpita1 fund and ten dollar don ItIon made to the Fund for Greece The Barrie Soroptimists have ll ays been interested in the work done for the crippled children of the province and In previous years have made generous contributions to the Blue Mountain Camp near ollingwood This year donation was given to this work for the pur chase of books forthelibraiy there scholarship of 823 was Ilrovided to the girl with the highest stand ing in the Commercial Department of the Barrie Collegiate Institute for ttllll of the past two years This summer the Club donated $12 to the Barrie Recreation Council which provided for the salary of one trained supervisor for the suin mer season Considerable other service Work was done such as the shipment of boxes of childrensi clothing to the Dame Coltt House in London England and afgllallsi made by the Club members sent to the nccdy people in the British Isles The Barrie Soroptimist Club is very grateful to the people of Barl tie and district for their generous support of the projects sponsored by the Club which has made possi ble these varioiis service activities Concenfroted Drive Towards Cancer Control Toronto Dec IReccnt of Canada with the Canadian Catt cer Society has resulted in an in Dr Meakins president the Society said here today Society Minister of Health llon Paul Martin stated that the work of the Society with volun Itary membership of 350000 is com plementary to the diagnostic and Ireatment services of each province The Society has accepted the re sponsibility for public education and lwelfare services and is responsible to large degree for raising funds for the National Cancer Institute The Institute is promoting and supporting an expandedprogram of fundamental canccrrcsearch in Canadian universities presently affilia tion of the National Cancer Institute wards the control of this disease It the SANTA VISITS CENTRAL UNITED SUNDAY SCHOOL Two Shula Slool Chiistutas concerts mIc lilttlltl LN week at Central tlrntct Church On Tuesday December the junior classes gave concert in the school mom turnout of parents for the occasion and the room was packed to capa cin oering HZ moil part put on ridge Daniel Sun ham Lennox There was grandj All the wounng children humf Each classt its own ILLIIZII under the lirectzon of the taclicrsllrs ferj Itd lliwuztiic Mrs John Partj Mrs Norman Bates Mrs Kcast Mas Samuel Sunp Russell Jory Mrs Wil Mrs hi hi rs l1lllltllll and Christmas music and songs form Id the IIIajor part of the program when the senior classes held their concert on Friday evening Decem he the overnine age group partieIl patcd ll About 173 children froml Miss class of boys Iivens opened the concert with Christ mas carol Wayne Partridge singing solo Christmas songs were sung by the Explorer group and six girls from Mrs Ilcavcrs class sang the third group of carols The lll group then presented play entitled III of The Will low fero They ucle followed by is llown depicting cious manhunt amounting to approximately $200 000 per year AllOf these research projects are screened by an udVIs ory committeeof the National Re search Council he said SANTA CLAUS PAID VISIT TO CLEARVIEWV WI The Clearview WI held its monthly meetingat Mrs Rum bles Tuesday afternoon Dec with good attendance of mem bers and several visitors present and Mrs Nevils in charge The roll call was answered with Christmas verse and several carols were sung Mrs Harvey Shefler gave the motto The spirit of Christs birth day is the light of the world This was followed by reading Keep ing Christmas given by Mrs Fields Santa Claus whose presence had been eagerly awaited by the younger guests arrived during the singing of more carols He was in very jolly mood for so early in the season and amid much laughter and hilarity distributed gifts to both young and old from well deHnbgutiullSIWe tree The meeting closed by repeating the creed and singing the Nation was served Foochow Fukien Province south ff of Shanghai where IIAIIOW Oper VHYDRO COUNCIL ates Election of an independent Hy Surviving besides her husband are two sons Gilchrist Stgiithers Toronto David Struthers Shilo Man and one daughter Struthers Toronto Dr StrutherS is medical mis sionary Street United Churchin Barrie He and well known in Barrie having visited here on occasion if theirfurlOughs frOm China TENANES iGOT BALLOTS Payne returning ofhcer sta ted Mr Payne said thisvwas regarded asa questionnaire andnot money bylaw in whichvonly ratepayers may vote Eligible voters riumberv ed E6027r and In mm comath lllM affiliated with Collier All tOrillians haviiigttheir names Ma beWarniiiq Bachcho my be signal your kidneys are failing to filter extol acids and pomp on unto from the system Dodds Kidney Pills help relieve this canddbn often the am of backache huddle rheumatic pain or IIIth India conhin essential oils and medicinal my dienu which act directly on the kkkyL Inn I3 mama dro Council to govern Ontario Hy droElectric Power Commission Iwas advocated by Mayor Oliver Mary Smithof Midlan iiia commen tary last week on the devastating effects of power cutoffs bountiful lunch Peggy Cameron and Marlanl Cloughley Barbara Minnikin and Patsy short Stewart class sang duets 13 achs presented play and Mrs Ncwsons class end ed the concert with the singing of few selections including White Christmas At 10 oclock refreshments were served by members of the WA supper was given for the children before the Tuesday even ing concert and Santa Claus arriv cd after the entertainment with gift for each child Mrs Llcw Beaver had done an excellent job with the decorations the tables where the children ate were cotton batting snow men and apple SantaClauses Red and green crepe paper streamers and evergreens adorned the room The vChristmas tree however was the centre of attraction for the child run Mrs Gillham of the Wohclo Class and her assistants helped in the kitchen with the preparation for the supper MRS MEIERKIN 1949 PRESIDENT OECENTRALw thel Mrs Cecil MCMulkin succeeded Mrs Edward Partridge as presi dent of the WA of Central United Church at the recent election held in the church vestry Mrs Gumb is 1st vicepresi dent and Mrs Thomas Pearce is 2nd vicepresidenters Mc Lean is recording secretary and Mrs Olive Maw and Mrs 19 James are corresponding and tin ancial secretaries Mrs Elmer Fel tis was elected treasurer Committees will be appointed and the installation of the officers will take place in January anidohtlitiru EVERY BREATH You know what effective re lief you get when you rub on Vicks VapoRub NeHwhennyouhavea nagging raspy cough due to cold heres special way to use Vlcks Vapoglub Its VapoRub Steam and It brings grand re lief tn hurry Put good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in bowl of boiling water or vaporizerThen Inhale the soothing VapoRub Steam Themedicated vapors penetrate direct to coldcon geseg upperlbonchial tubes on ring re 1e with every single breathTry1t VApoRua REG TRADE MARK THE LEGAL OFFICES OF COWAN COWAN are now located in The Cowan Building 58 COLLIER STREET DECEMBER 18th IS THE LAST DAY or BLUE CROSS ENROLMENT FOR RESIDENTS OF WEST GWILLIMBURY Dont miss this golden opportunity to protect yourself and your family froth worrisome hospital expense Hospital bills come along unexpectedly Let Blue Cross be your safe guard Once this enrolment is completed the group will be closed for at least one year MAKE APPLICATION AT THE TOWN OR TOWNSHIP CLERKS OFFICE NOW BLUE +cRoss PLAN FOR HOSPITAL CARE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION 135 ST CLAIR AVE TORONTO NIAIIIO BLOT 0N BEAUTY Street poles and overhead wires in Canadas capital says the Otta wa Journal are blot on the face of beauty menace in case of re and survival from day when what must also be best was easiest and cheapest IT ISNT COMPULSOR but Wise Men are doingit In our way of life man is allowed to manage his own al fairs 110 can choose his own joli and live where it suits him He can Spend his earnings in any way he pleases He can set aside as much of his income as prudence dictates to safeguard the future of his loved ones through life insurance and at the same tithe provide for his own declining years That is why life insurance is so vital to the ccOnomic Ilcedsof our people It is so adaptable heart be planned to the exact requirements of individuals and families under the most widely varying circuitr stances Why take the future of your loved Ones for granted Wise men seek ox pert advice How recently have you re viewed your ownlifeinSIIr anceneedsWe turers Life HEAD OFFICE suggest you talk it over with representative of the Manufac Established 1887 TORONTO CANADA Barrie Office 70ADunlop Street TOMDINSON CLU IGEORGE LIVINGSTON District Representatives WIB MALLORY WALKER ND YOUII IIKE IIIEM 700 For POSTS BRAN FLAKES avor that nukeshelilth And POSTS BRAN breakfasgpmm gentle is nsmnfbulk food Other of whoatprode added wheat nourishment 7lli7Osfnm nuud 00mm hallo have avor thats dicrmt eaung plasmaeating too FLAKES eaten reguiuiy to natural regulator because bran mics 13 55m MAN rulers you urnarounan cu

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