Thousands Throng Ste Novel Christmas Opening troutii of almost 23000 pushed and czowde tlllt Zeilers slozt and lllluitillthr lIlLICS on egiui ltll Night which ii ill Barrie slow but the zinc Christmas disj Wrltti Andrrwn zzml Diddle MU up mg mp pinging ufjfxlcfdiilkm were the tlfii models Christina under the direction of Lloyd liii breaking crowd iliss June Twynhain of Montreal that went along with it Th shirv deplayed their finery on nAYoaQrtBsR 1948 Itiitliufiilillictl by MLs Tch llitv of the Killers models who were all ipptiilctl tour changes of Costtiiic and Daft lhy Goring was soeli titltind Ltl uzin Keise Gerry liar show gt zi shame Benson Aye loioriio Sh tiltllltltkl her third birthday xiii zwiirise fur the ItviiilteIILriy ldrti tltei urrrvai of the Christmas shopping Illllt ewe Im ii its lbuh three The uam attraction and lamp me Ilit of the evening was fashioni WV Hills Bulimia Irtcliiizson Calmz Strachan lai All displayed iari ost professional they carols by the stall tlEfili poisi trod ford thoroughly pleased the Ivttlllf WIIWU TUI Ull ermlil it With lllc audience was served who li in charge of the readyrol Willis lly the Womens llospual wear department at the store was Am Illlmilm lbt Show responsible for the fashion show and for the excellent tllliulclltalFfFiitlg hllxllllib carols at the be xtllIlIllIlQ of the evening liitir pro hogan about IMF and the niodelsigiani included The First Noel lIxcelsis shaped runway that had been litfil You leirv itlllltllltll Sil up in the centre of the iiieihrne Illl Tm taizls staff choir of about girl Ibo iriti Iloiia Night Wliilt Sheplltlrb OBITUARY MRS tIIANTLER Baytioft hzititler wid ruler formerly Llizfl Saturday of her son Eiiiist II ago and had lnsll acv tw and iitiiill alert iltf liantlii was born in the locrislip of lttssrilullilt daughter of Mr and Mrs lIiiirv Bziycroft pzoiieei Stllltln in the district Foiln her marriage sh mowed Later she becziiiie Ne loft Robin izieiziber of the ill forum Til thoiiist Church and ac tve iu the IS For the past It Mar she had tiflflhtl iii Toronto Suivniiiig are two sons Ernest l3 tnantli and Marshall Chant ltl Home and lHUlllil Richard llaycroft Stavrier MRS GIiOIlflli GRIZVIIIJNK Mrs lioiqi lieulink the In 0it lll Sim Ml li watched Their blocks by Night ltlllflrt lda llieii died on Fri liam eoiiinziuited on this 34mg that it had setlerl down to key peaiance of the new look tremes had given way to the trim silhouette with its pared look llemlines have halted in their alarming hurtle downwards and settled attractively back at point well above the ankles In the show which followed her lll01lts were well exeiiiblified lone was the surplus bulk and the extravagant use of material which was now confined to soft drapery and lavish detail Skirts were slim or full but the fullness was restrained and often swept to the back creating interest in depart ure as well as approach Hats this year were fulfilling their function and fitting well down on the head Seventeen different ensembles for afternoon travelling sports and lounging had been admirably to NwmwmnoDMUMMMIrnw DANGERIIILD Morons mu nut YOUR cur roii crisn mmtmimmwmmm Midnight The crowd later joined in them when hole of moderation after the ievo The First Noel liitiunary changes which turd tkl en place last year with the ap= and ame fashion picture She ttiiiaikedllear uith Upon they Itptillttl Although the crowd was aliiiosi overwhelmingly feminine the odd iiuale point of view inserted itself particularly in the winning of the The first two prizes of blanket and pair of lllltlUll d1 1m Hm mum lamps were won by 2nd Lieuten am ll Mooney of the lttS of at Camp Borden and Bill llagan or in mm wan Bumle It llolgatc Street of Hit third door Miss door prizes Mrs Nap litfin Street prize of an Macdonnell soiinel supervisor was iii general charge of the evening and welcom ed the people to the open night Visitors were Oshawa and Lindsay stores Gift merchandise was on display during the evening and the stall remained their film black and white TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All ll IIUII Donnie per piesent from behind counters Offering Services AS ALDERIVIAN FOR WARD If you have confidence in me to serve you link for Your Vote Influences F1PUGH Jiw Maple Leaf TAXI mamas NEWEST TAXI 24 noon SERVICE Tor Prompt and Courteous Service DIAL BARBIE 4922 KEITH HARVEY Proprietor ExServiceman Cotop Gasoline PoWered TE AcmeRangette Gratinmetre Rangev Fawcett and RoyThermo Space $87 is $17950 Luxe Electric $13751 Coop Electric $17950 MontgomeryWard De HEATERS ARANGET $8500 Heaters so and $11400 DeepFrceze Food Gabi i$395iio APPLIANCES iRayalaire VacuumCleaners day Ileeeziibei It lflltl at the home of her tlitilitei Jrs Ii llrien Saint in Barrie She had obsurv id iei ilrtli birthday last January Iloiii lll India In liitIJ gtllt wagt tllttlgllltl it an army officer and she livml Ill that country for lit yiazs It is there she met and was tried Infieoige Grevelink Shortly after the turn of the cen tury they retired to England and There were two children Mrs llirienfSairit iIItliel who now lives ill Barrie and one son lid ward lievelmk who died in tht First Ireat War Mrs George litrelinks husband died about ll years ago in IIngland and she came to anada two years later to live with her laughter Mrs Grevelink had enjoyed good health until three years ago when she underwent serious operation and she had since been confined to wheel chair For few weeks prior to her passing she had been confined to her room in the new home she and her daughter had lllOl into last spring Very Rev James Clair con ducted the funeral mass on Satur day morning at St Marys Church Iiii Barrie and interment was made in St Marys Cemetery MRS RACHEL McQUARRY Mrs Rachel Barbara McQuarry died suddenly of heart attack at the home of her son Jack Mc Quarry 118 Wellington Street lWest Brie on Saturday Novem ber 27 1048 She had had heart condition for years The widow of the late Joseph HenryMcQuarry she was bornim illolly Her parents were Mr and ilVlrs George Gilpin She lived on Manitoulin Island for eight years previous to her marriage when she moved to Barrie where she lived until the time of her death She was seamstress by profession and member of the Presbyterian Church Herliusband predeceased her in March 1939 She was wonderful mother and was quite active and cheerful until the time pf her death Surviving her are three brothers and sister Walter Gilpin of Pro yidence Bay Manitoulin Island Ehii Gilpin of Brittainville Mani toulin Island William Gilpin of Hamilton and Mrs Mabel McDon ald of Providence BayManitoulin Island Three sons and one daugh ter also survive George and Wil liam tJack McQuarry of Bar rie Vernon McQuarry of New ark New Jersey and MrsRay mond Emms Anne of Oro Sta tion The funeral service was conduct ed by the Rev Sinclair DD at the home of her son Jack McQuarry on Tuesday November 30 Pallbearers were Harold Fer guson David Draper Gordon Clark Allan Clark Robert Goss ling and John Gibson Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery ROBERT JAMES NEY diedssuddenly on Saturday night bile He was in his r72nd year just west of Cookstown later he married Grace Cole Mrs Marvin Allen Ethel of De troit and MrstackWalsh Doro thy of Cookstown and tau and two sisters Robert James Ney of Cookstown December 1948 in highvVay ac cident near his farm home He had walked oututo the highway to assist motorist in trouble and was struck dowby passing automo Born on beFruary 25 1877 iii VILesL Gwillimbury Township he was sonof John Ney and Sarah Johnston Hehad farmed for many yearsand was 29 years on the farm It wasi39 years ago that Robert Ney married Eva Patience and she died 21 years ago Three years Essa Township and she survives him Also surviving are three children by the rst marriage Mrs lJ Stephenson Elva of Aurora gradidchildren There are two children by the second marriage James and Ardith at home One brother survives Stewart Ney of Burks Falls and three VsistersMrs Belinda Smart of Barrie Mrs An nie Cook of Willowdale andyMrs Elgin Thompson of Wheatley He was predeCeased bytwo broth rs Thefun service on Tuesday Willi lL on are ti titr late itsuieiav Dee large fltll friend The eiiice tkl litv liii merit made in The pullbe ey ecil Stori hitllrllt RilClll ltli Ilrtllifl and llouaid Ilitcli neaatitiil floral ti tiiieter Room Stor lion St Arrow liii cliffe Ladies 21 and WMS of Jolinis liiiitlz and llllcers ol St John norm tioii Lodge Al Ail Mi Storey was lvtlll Her 31 ltsilil at lziitiiLriit lltiiftlllli Township son or lii iatt llr illlll Mrs Robert Storey lle value to Flos With his parent at the age of tour and lived near rosslzind for 34 years resided iii Barrie for 12 years and returned to farm north of Elriivale on on El iii lllilll lllt be farmed until ill death llt we iiiimbe or St llfllr liiiicb Conservative llllllmt member of Coronation Lodge Al AM If quiet disposition he was good friend and neighbor tlrolcil to his home and family who rlitplj mourn his passing lle leaves to mourn his wife lIilna Store three daughters Mrs Ill cocks fAiinet ol lirllllltlljl Alla Mrs Altm Simpson filmIll and Mrs Lorne Manning 1larionl both of llmale one son llobert at home anrl Illlllt grandchildren Relatives and friends attended from lareiiiont Toronto lrten wood Allistoii Stayrier Barrie and Hobart JOHN HAROLD SIICIIIIINGS An employee of the CNR for the past ill years John llaroltl Steb bings bed at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Sunday Nov Bil llHtl He was in his tilst year and had been in fair health until the day before his death Mr Slobbings was born in ling land on Feb 18118 He was ini India with the British Imperial Army for three years as young man and then came to anada to Siiiicoc County resident of Barrie for the past It years he was overseas for four years during the First World War lie was very ac tive in sports while inthe Army and foiriied training school in boxing at the Armoury following 20 V0 tober the war He won many ctrps and trophies during his lifetime for both boxing and track events lie married Ieztrl Saunders of Barrie and they raised 10 children Surviving him are three brothers in Western Canada three sisters and one brother in England his wife the former Pearl Saunders of Barrie 10 children and five grand of Fergus Mrs Stair Crew tllcleiil children Ilis children are Steph en Gilbert John and Audrey of Barrie Elmer of Toronto George of Kingston Mrs Robert Broad lbent Mariel of Guelph Mrs Jack Mrs Albert Boccinfuso tVioletl of Aylmcr The funeral was held on Tues adian Legion and the firemen Re Toronto Kingston Guelph and Union Cemetery There are three sisters and one brother The funeral service on Tuesday afternoon was held at Thornton and was conducted by Rev Mr Norman Scott Fred Mails Hiram Spears Jack Marling George Wes ton and Louis Heatherington In terment was made in the family friends and relatives attendedl mmKitcheneGoekstowHTALL ton Gilford and Egbert Electric Hand Drill at Simona SERVICES Dormer our 2429 mama Whip=itlr Electric Mixer $19 95 CooprPressure Cooker Motratimnaoher andoven complete 355Q FOR THEWORKSHOP tarry Vise raft Master doihter Planer Utility Gringer i$2L75 $3950 $l50 $1950 Inn tery ROBERT DALES Saturday December 1948 wire single for past six years hehad operated afternoon the family reSidenc in Cookstown Was conducted by Rev William Reynolds There 3were many lovely floral tributes wand the friends and relatives at tende din large numbers Inter ment was made in Alliston ceme Robert Dalesdied suddenly on he was struck down by an auto mobile on Highway 89 near Geeks tOWn He was 32 years of age an Born 32 years agozatvNew Lis kemrd he lived there as boy be the family returned to Essa TownshipsHe attended school at Thornton and had also lived at Cookstown andw Barrie For the farm neal Alliston for Edgar Whitesides Roberts mother died ron SAIIEEBY BARBIE EXAMINER f2ll4i piosrvvmvorm Farm Forum Meeting Farm Forum farm on Elm tlie IlSCUhi met at Last PuLlic Engagement 12 Sim1 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited toElect HARRY NORTON As ALDERMAN roi WARD FIVE macleans furniture craft REPAIRS ALIERAIIONS lSItIRIIII 321 Worsley Street IMRRIII ONT liider his doctors orders to rest as much as possible until DIAL 4346 nirvulatory ailment clears up IIIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE VI shown here walking over rouin ground during twohour iii qmetion tour of the National Institute of Agricultural lIiieiiieeiuz ivilfordshire aipearance before he was IUIfttl to cancel planned tour or Islralia and New Zealand and public duties at home recently was Monarchs piirl WARD REELECT Mrs Mercer Hamilton ALDER MA Be Assuredof Wo mans Voice in Civic Affairs irlillllilbl iiieuihei ii let Otlblt Day and lilnd Barrie would like to that those who 1Sorry we those who required illttll November llelidetfoof badgc The meeting was inesday With the guide prayer illltll march on of th tCtlllgt loii display many books and aititlesi illll lia been purchased ihlalth posters and some dariiiiie must do before TtlltltlVi lo Iiil we held ott ttlll llliilr bought didnt 2nd Barrie GIRL GUIDES have worked on and 2nd tests class opened ed lt We built NIZWSY We would like to let the mothers WM pf the Guides know what we arei doing up in Trinity Hall on Wed nesday night from 645 to 830 yorrcs 15 girls learning 2nd class badge trying lknots and learn laws and promise 0f September had lwhich Bridclass were in corn learning the semaphore starting Wolf closed by singing of Iaps Watch for use next week Well here foots were busy The first week in Oe we had drive for new re cruitsand our company now has 36 with read the Never Inceth story of The that attendance OISCUPS 32 Keep up the good work girls We hada weiner jroast and Halloween party during the month wmmammmmmazw STRANSMANS HAVE ALL THE Zlflg0 ANSWERS TO YOUR CHRISTMAS NEEDS LS5 Knox Gladys of Kingston Etllfll day Nov 30 at the Jennett Funl eral Parlor Rev Bewell conducted the service Pallbearers Were William Marshall Roberts Dunnett Morris Logan Frank Guil foyle Padsy Breda and Willian Cooke Floral expressions of syml pathy were sent by railroad orIN ganizations and unions the Can1 Skirts PLAIDS WOOLS ALPINESj CREPES BENGALINES IN THE NEW STRAIGHT LINES From $398 to $1195 Slacks PLAIDS GREY FLANNELS GABARDINES Cardigans rPuflooers IN ALL FALL coLoRs $398to $995 tweaks42 gt VSCARVES =SILK SQUARES jANGORAGLOVES wool LINED GLoyEs 1Hb0DEDSKITVjIAKETS $1195io $1995ff STATION WAGON cLOATS Mautonirrimse from $2595to$3795 latives and friends attended froni Choose From Many Different Stylesw PRICED FROM $298 to $695 Orillia Interment Avas in Barrie when he was only two years of age andhe had always known his fathers second wife as his mother Housecoats AUTHENTIC PURE WOOL JPLAIDS $1895 $1995 QUILTED SATINS $1495 WOOL SHETLAN Doggett The pallbearers were DS $1295 $1495 plot at Thornton There were some lovely floral tributes and lERSE PRINTED SATINS $1495 RURE WOOL ANGORA TRIMMED $1995 NightgownsfW BEAUTIFUL GOWNS MAKE HRISTMAS PRES nun IDEAL Hosiery fWBLDBEsr JULIUSKAYSER roLLYAuNA GOTHAM Westillliaveatlafg WINTER C0 MAKEYOURCHOICE NOW min