THURSDAY DECEMBER MW Oon CANADA W1 it PAGE SIXTEEN lHE BARRB EXAMINER ram BEWELL 1949 PRESIDENT WVMEVNFSING BIBLE SOCIETY 31 and Mrs odiirig of Fergus were Wkclid Visitors Htl Mr and Mrs Chester 3th 3L 1111er Mr and Mrs Spam Hllflllllglll Plans Wttc 1111th Donald spent the weekend To twilldill 91113193911 and llYIW On Saturda they Lillrlltlml 51 lI WW year lit lairt 11 gt it ntonth will trIIIIIi ed llaiizr ll by 5541 Mrs 11 ML lucah L1 llil dauglilc It forImI ltltlllltlil 111 AlifhllilllnlltirxlJ3 wall it zfflfmlii ll Con randIlium FWL NU 51 WM MMh 0de Il ll LVN bkl it lWJJ ltltllwrh of Fort Francis and Mr athlpj II 55 and 51 no 11 4992 451p DR Em mu South T5 1trtvllltl mi pup Hg of humour spent the duckele titaI Spinal Irin TUHIMU hum ms Mm Twig AWL will tlrril pagrrds Ill and Mrs Iii Llhvh attended llte In wk my MUM pt 43 WM run to the roped llih IAI tiring 10 it Ho SpearnPvle wedding llewdl was tlcClLd lr limsi mtrd zpqurJ 1I 114ml ltavsuvr Mr and 11 II from lorontu MHIt lilant hmcry upgnr It Mb lUTIbllll 38 llllolli irpczIItrIc two childrcn Smith St when ticscvtidirti Elu t1rs II Rm Allnutt llllll relatives luzI dump 1p mi win Monday 1113119 slipped and fell Burk for the wild UT fta wIum VIII in 112 It mm UMUMU MMde with sxhl 10110 as to llltliirZBiglfjllugf Illi mil gm KNEEwhat2W W1 13 sloth Park entrance tub lIIr born and onu 115 Sac N1Ij jp SHIN Ink Rm Vmmm 13 htlrptnt plwlttixxrlul BM apd MI tMirth mi IWnnhw Itfvymlhu CllIl lllCil lil LS 111 ll 11 4t 11 WW II on WM Um mm 57 AW Ll farmers parrot Mr and 1Is Frank 34 34 Uh 155 IIp ttlltll 15 Hill only your and daughtu Hvlcn and Mrs Marl Mdmm JUMN mm is 15 sister Mrs Neil KQlllHtl 11 mm millllex Iid IIMLWRHA dawn for 1111 vttktlltl Spotml Maries Beauty Salon MmhMrLOttlgttll wedding 5311qu I11 gt Mr mp Aw 11 mum Tull Hm uu HmIIIHit St llwmil Adml immg MM mm up HHUl Mclltltl Hlt Mild1 llllllltllli now wolf Irlsostli lulu Mutt Tommi dtnwnk twald to MI lluvtd Alihlilll Mch Andww 1an Mr Mka $711 lmImnx itltltllnl Hls llIUHI 2101 3311b II Hut and Km Byllaurn in St laul lrmbytclmn Mr and 9111 ttrmzmt II hi Itliurch slmtm on Vtchuuloy baby John of Imontw tdll lll NW 24 Ht wwkpml Wm tindr IdII Ill IIIIs IIII Hm but 300 ml that 15 and 31 Mild11P tdltrl ltir Hock at the Hunt IN Hm lMIIMl MMLMIH NM dl 11 SUN 33 Here are twohandpomm distinctive lVl IV Hil WP Mali Illsclxinn lItrmauIicI MacI dtsks ch with it own mum WIM WW MUM iROll Car on Sidewalk me dnv School of the turtd tlIImII vcavoaypppgc Elixabeth Shaef west Chum l5 elegnllelh Century lll 15 holding white titll 11III and hp thump he gimp md mdem in lhI StiVlttllltIllS tIvI hIl Estimate Damage mg Tho admonal desk ght with to Illlltttlll that llull llt burly last Saturday afternoon fr 31 pageant smmron is made or ich mahog nurtm vs be hold it It tln there was an accident on lIIliabth 1brth lITlgjn Harris also driviIr candy to the extent of about $323 and 1m The marry twinkle in Santa eye has been inspired by the army of line furniture gilt shown on this page He knows that uranium tor the home will delight million of people on Cllrislmus morning llha gilld shown here have boon chosen for their utility and charm and It pic bl at good cross section at the lumiture makerl an The modcla show 11 are currently available in furniture stores Theta are lurniture inli always so welcome for every conceivable taste and pocketbook The gift of Cruen 188111111100 Or ilttllllllt dependable time The classic wing chair ct porrenial favorite and popular wedding or Christmas gilt Graceful stately and comfortable it comes 11 wide vuety ol upholstery covers and adoptions of the Queen Anne original 111 lwc 1111 for years to CL joy forever iivc irucu and you give the best The hristums mutiny mt W1 will llt hold on llIIIII It ll noon at 311s Em lIIIgt Ismm or lltv conventwhip ut Day Plan to IItIIIId Mr and Mrs ll Mammy lloli ttlt III Toronto at th end Mr Maguuc 111 on the lIIIdIIy cast llis topic II and it was mint iutt Irvtun ongratululIons to IlIIIIoII who was chosen 111 lit llllllllt Co to ltIlll this II trict at llllttt1li 11 Tu Iouto callcd Design lIIIIIV She went to Toronto ftiditltlily Ill bc at the Park ltIII llgtItIII my accented with satinwoad cross vummmm mm DH hundings and loathe tap lt is WWII um lancehalo kidneyshaped model and 5pm mm hug Mo book shelve pcrnmumrt tIt for $1550 lllll Lindmgx vavcs $731 and 5300 aIIIIIrrIII llcauty larlor ovvr lympia RIs tuurzmt lltutu 41114 Itttttb cut llltll by George Clots Dmts St BarriIII struck lgtIvtI litunveil It 1111 corner of llayfuv and LIIlliII strtcts last Sunday cv IIIIIIII KIIIwcll who livIs 01 Mary St was not scIIupsly llljllt sIanll fllc brok out of Mrs Alcx Slcwurts home 214 Mary StI curly lhursduy IIIorIIiIIg but it was soon brought under control it had originated from an oily Inup in 1h back of thr house Irrniluz $330 Crurn lurtex llrllntuw lit llilltlt lltthlltll at 11111 IIIml tlll llllll 1975 llltl IIaI vlp litlilll tUl lIIIIIu IIII Iel Crucn Vcrilliin tnIIotIII lltA IiKiIm accuracy and thI ultimate in brunt 88250 St III llitlltt car llltll by Arthur Stewart 260 libabch SI travelling west IluIIuId Into the drive It 130 Eliza trst caught the rear of the Stew LUNCH AT Xian auto and turned It over on i$tlw stillwalk Harris was travel BR 1mg towaIIis 1115 home at 181 lilll ubclh mqu SW for Ice Cremn No pronuas Imuslv InjunIl hut the Harris car was damaged Stewart cllitlx IIInbout $150 22 ELIZABETH ST lIov tons IIIII1WIIbb invest The modem desk tell is al limcd oak with polished brass pulls There ancecweceemnvccocoon Izuwd ph if Ifamily Weston spcnt Sunday lll Mrs 11 Cllllltll Mr and Mrs IsI1IIIIII Iml Collier St Baptist Church Central United Church Independent REV MITCHELL Minis SUNDAY DECEMBER 1948 711 AIM+Liberty and Expediency Communion PMBIBLE SCHOOL Christmas Program Dec 16 PMIThe Pride of Belshazzar Message from the Prophet Daniel Mon PMY Service Wed PMMidweck Prayer Meeting Dec 12 Mr and Mrs IsaacsI Sudan interior Mission Cordial Welcome Awaits You Fmmj First Baptist Church MissIElsle Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY DECEMBER 1948 idVREV JOHNMCLEOD of Wallaceburg The members are urged to attend both services Wed papPrayer Meeting REV BEWELL BA Minister MRS LENOVER Choir Leader Mr SMITH Organist SUNDAY DECEMBER I1948 ll AMMORN1NG WORSHIP Go and Tell PMEVENING WORSHIP The Annual candle hghting service CHURCH SCHOOL 11 AM Beginners Primary PMYoung Mens Class 230 PMThe General School Come to Gods House on His Day 1T1 Collier St United Church Rev SSE Lewis MA BD Minister LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY DECEMBER 1948 The public are cordially invited 11 AMVcterans of the Cross 1222 Gospel Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY DECEMBER 1948 ll AM BREAKING 0F BREAD Senior PMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS PMGaspel Meeting Wed PMPrayer Meeting Welcome Seats fice No Collection 1222 St Andrews Presb terian REV JAMES FERGU BA Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and Chairmaster SUNDAY DECEMBER 1948 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP TheSacrament of Baptism PMA11 Departments of the Church School PMPREPARATORY SERVICE Receptlan ofNew Members Burton Avenue United Church new JL Cprder 8A Mlplster SUNDAY DECEMBER 1948 AMWHITEGIFTSERVICE Sunday Gordon Coburn of Toronto The Church School 11 amNursery and Beginners Primary Depts 230 PMJunior Intermediate and Depts PMAdult Bible Class PMEVENING SERVICE The Reconstruction of Civilization In OurTime The New Society Young Peoples Fireside PM GRACE GOSPEL HALL 37 Mary Street SUNDAY DECEMBER 1948 130 PMBELIEVERS MEETING 300 PMSUNDAYV SCHOOL 700 PM GOSPEL MEETING Come and bring your friends EVERYBODY WELCOME TrInIty Anghcan Church REV CROSS BIA LTH Rector Organist Mrs Roberts Adventqr 800 AMHoly Commanion PMNEW LIFEVIN OLD INDIA SUNDA SCHOOL 10AM JrIInt and Sr 11 LAMNursery Beginners and Prlmary Holly United Church PM and53PM services at FREEMETODISF CHURCH 200 Bailleldst mriliisuizzn bizlit pav DECEMBER 1943 mm 60CQLLIEB ST Sr Beginners Staindlng Room EMTBIBLE CLASSES 300 RAILPrimary audilnfermer dlate School Iv 700 PimpEVENING PRAYER lfTh Time 15 Short 00 AMHoly Communion at 311 to the Home at Friendly Worship Captain and Mrs Strachan SUNDAY DECEMBER 19313 11 amHomncss MEETING 190 PMIIUNDAY 9611001 pinsSALVATION MEETING Sing ofOmission Itveuimammwmm cum pan and Work Thurs pmHOME LEAGUE mrnPRAYEn marina min anagrams 777 rweekendwvith Mrs disappointed when sister at Minden through Miss Laurch lllllt tIIInIIto visited at lloujzhtnnk on Mon day Mr and Mrs 11 Kllttwllllx lltud ford spcnt Sunday with lI Stone Ml and and Mrs II cunnixu baby daughter lrcscott lrltlttl It Ruwclands on Sunday Mrs 11 Lcnnox Is spendith few days with her mother prepara tory to trip to Florida Mr and Mrs llariishn and family and Miss Barbara SlIIIItt III Peterboro and MI and Mrs Chm Breedon of Richvalc spent Harrison On Wednesday cvcning Nov 24 the TeCWenvill Jr Institutc met at Mrs Westlakcs The president Kay Homer presided Grace Jackson was in ltutgc ot the program The basics sIIIvIId delicious lunch Junior Farmer Banquet On Friday evening the annual Junior Farmer banquet was iltll in the United church basement with the WMS ladies catering Candle light added novel and necessary touch toa deliciousdin net The president John lcnnctl acted as chairman Altcr Ihc toast to The King Bob Brown led lively singsong Lashlcy spoke on the accomplisimwntsot number of the boys in the group Don Harvey and Stanley Brown of the Grain Clubfor coming 13111 in the Provincial Judging competition at Guelph John Fennel Bob Brown and Allan SaIiINeilly lot taking 3rd place in the Inter lCounty Judging competition zItttrr Royal Winter Fair and Allan Houghton and Allan McCrackcn of Everett for standing 1st in both the Provincial and Dominion Boot Cattle Judging competition at Guelph and the Royal Winter Fair On behalf of the Club Lawrence Copeland presented Allan Hough ton with very acceptable gift of mens toiletries for his recent achievements The chairman called on Mr Coutts of the Aliiston Dis trict HEPC for few words about the present power shortage Mr Coutts clarified the situation great deal and offered some sug gestions on conservation Bob Brown PastPresident of TeeWo Gwill presented Ross Beatty with military set of brushes in honor of his being elected President of the Ontario Junior Farmcr Associ ation Doug Wilcox Ross Beatty as guest speaker of the evening Ross told of some of his experiences in connection with recent visit to 4H convention in Chicago Ralph Houghton ex pressed the thanks of the TCCWQ Gwill Club to the WMS ladies dance in the Orange Hall brought another good evening to close =q TOPIA 122 Mrs Murray Nevv Lowell is with her daughter Mrs Dobsan Billy Denney has returned to Gravenhurst where he is employed by the ONE Mrs Denney and son Cecil spent the weekend with Mrpand Mrs DanIMcFadden Goderich number of euchie fans were the program was postponed last Thursday night MmD Chander children Newton Robinson Were Sunday guests of Mr bert McMaster Mrs Hector Turnbull and daugh ter Mrs Allen Gibson Allistou spent week withdhc farmers and Mrs Gil MI and Mrs McMaster Mrs Earl IMcMaster Mrs DonaldMc Master andMlss Viola McMasteI spent Thursday in Toronto 25111 ConsecutiVe Year Fog Utopia BeefEaters On Friday Nov 19 an enthusi italic meeting of Utopia Beefeaters net for the25th consecutive year without break Never one beef turned down and the same congen furniture ial butcher Wm Brooks of Allan dale in charge during the entire 25 years and never once late The meat was always ready no matter how early Friday gmarning the busy farmers had the urge to go fpr it This year for the rst time tickets ware drawn the nightfof the meeting So heres Good Lk to Mr Brooks and officers have helped to carry on 25 years af successful satisfactory service thr introduced Arthur Congratulations to Mr and Mr William Warnica RR who cele brulcd their silver wedding anni versary on Wednesday Dec II honor of this happyoccasion Mr Wmnicas brother and sister Ern cs1 Carr and Miss Mabel Carr en tcrtnincd number of friends delightful dinner party at thei home on Saturday evening Nov 27 Those present included Mr and Mrs Warnicas sons William Jr Donald and John The guest were from Hamilton Toronto Stroud and Barrie IA largecirck of fricnds join in wishing Mr ant lVIlSI Warnica many more happj anniversaries Flu Trinity Parish Aid held their annual tea and sale of home cook ing at the home of Mrs Webb 109 Toronto 81 on Friday afternoon Nov 26 The East End group looked after the tea tables with Mrs Frallck in charge The presidents of the various or ganizations and Mrs Cross the rectbrs wife poured tea The tables were decorated with pink mums and candles Mrs Stewart and Mrs McNiven were converters of the home cooking table Mrs Nick Thomson was in charge of white elephant table Mrs Webb and Mrs Percy Lloyd president of the Aid re ceived the guests at the door About $130 wasraised by the very successful afternoon The Womens Hospital Aid held their annual election of officers and business discussion at Com munity House Tuesday and Mrs Jack Gable was voted in as presi dent for 1949 Others who were elected for offices were Mrs Frank Craig vicepresident Mrs Ross TuInbull second vicepresident Mrs Albert Godden secretary and Mrs Ralph Weaymoutli treasurer Reports from committees on years work to data showed the termina tion of most successful year Central Church WMS held the most successful tea in its history on Thursday Nov 25 in the Sun day School rooms Mrs Bewell and Mrs Jory received at the door and Mrs Creed and Mrs McLean looked after themoney Mrs Allen was in charge of the din ing groompwith Madames McMul kin Irving GarnerWorre11 and BarrIookirg after thatablcs charge of the kitchen were Mrs Ed Partridge and MrsKnupp with Mrs Richardson and Mrs Emms in the pantry Mrs Bishop and Mrs Lehnox popred tea withyMrs Gar rell and Mrs McBride in charge of the bake fable Mrs Partridge and Mrs Gumb had charge of thesale of Work and Mrs Doidge sold Christinas cards Irmacleans 9011 is place for both modern and tra ditional decor in todays home Each serves its purpose in its own way The main consideration is as at ways the preference the iridi viduul That is theBafest guide swam Vivian mma or the CGITI The not proceeds mounted to $100 travelogue and colored scenes If Ontario andyFluridII taken by rthur Blackburn and Fred Wag Damage was very light The mccting of thc Womens hristian IIItIptImnIrc Union Will be hcltb 11cc at the llUlllt of Mrs 21 IiIlIrauIn St tll ial invitation is extend ed to all women to attend littttl tion of iicw members lhrcc youths worr picked up by police in Innisfil lownship litIt ttlkflld It was believed lbty had set fire to small barn in which they spent the night They were turned over to the hildlenis Aid Society and sent back to their homes in Toronto Last Friday night lrov Cons Al Pearce and Prov Cons Rt 11 Imvnscnd caught two soldiers who were charged with breaking and entering Hudson Motor Sales on Ross St The soldiers age 19 andlt 20 were taken into custody and will be brought before Magistrate Foster For the second year in succession Val Van dc Wall will represent Ier of Stayncr were shown IIIIIIQIBHTiC youll People ill 1110 Oltlct vith local talent night at thclBUYS Parliament ddfcllows Temple on Monday averting November 22 in aid of thc Saucer Polio and lubcrculosts Fund About 200 people attended be showing which was sponsored 11105111011 the Rebekah Lodge The pro ceeds amounted to about $70 In the local talent show two readings were given by Rhoda Young and two selections were sung by the Misses Galloway Glenn Gilchrist was master of ceremonies for the evening Mrs Doughcrty was at the head of the committec in charge of the evening It con sisted of Mrs Robert Ross Mrs Bruce Ray Mrs Mabel Ritchie Mrs John Parker Mrs Florence Brown Miss Connie Cotes Mrs Albert Moflatt and Mrs Robert Bezzant The annual Christmas abazaar of the WA of Burton Avenue United Church was held on Wednesday afternoon Nov 24 About $210 was made on the bazaar which was combined this year with bake sale and tea Mrs Pugh president of the association and Mrs Knapp past presi dlentgwwere the welcoming commit tee for the afternoon Pouring 463awereMreramcsearderMrs Holmes Mrs Fleetham and Mrs Charles Pouchcr Mrs Lambert took in the money at the door MrsFrank Dobson Mrs Spearn Mrs Fred Lowe Mrs Faster Mrs Parker and Mrs Spearn were at the tea tables The kitchen committee in cluded Mrs Frank Hill Mrs Pratt Mrs Bruce Richardson Mrs Wilson Mrs CnMitchell Mrs Gordon Harwood and Mrs Phillips At the apron table were Mrs Gordon Mrs Tordiff Mrs McFaddenMrs Mills and Mrs Harvey Cripps Mrs Russell Parr Mrs Wis dom Mrs Kell Mrs Webb and Mrs Ferguson were the commit tee in charge of thefjbake table At the miscellaneous table were Mrs Little Mrs 14 Watt and Mrs WGraham Mrs Levi Herb Mrs McLaughliniand Mrs Weatherupt had unique country Wile vwas priesided over by McLellan and MrsA Mallory Mrs Frank Goring and Mrs Wilton Wre in charge of thefish pond The decorating committee consisted of Mrs SpearnMrsI Mitchell and Mrs Frank Dob son Mrs Fleetham donatedf quilt to the bazaar There were Christmas candles on the tea craft 21 Warsley Street BARBIE our REPAIRS ALTERATIONS CUSTOMBUILT DIAL 4346 annual session held bctwccn Christmas and New Years This time it is located at Whitby College and it is expected that Val will obtain cabinet ILast wcclilcnd Miss Margaret Gcroux of Toronto was visiting In 18 liolgate St in Barrie and her car 1946 model was stolen On Tuesday the police at Toronto ar rested twovotmgien alleged to be in possession of the car and they are being brought to Bfllll and charged with theft Attention We of the Barrie Tile are amalgamating withFloor CoveringDistribulors of Hamilton and will be operating from Owen Sound For further information please get in touch with Flor Cgvcring Distributors 686 KingSt East Hamilton Thank you the people of Barrie for your patron age 4950p VThe CNR coal stockpile in Al landale has 128000 tons at the present time This amount of fuel would serve the railway in this area for about 145 days if all other sources of supply were interrupted If householder used this coal at the rate of 12 tons winter it would be sufficient to last for morem than 10000 years Nearly every week one or more news items come in late with request to have these inserted with certain rural correspondence Spud ers ofsuch items need not be sur prised if these fail to appear as it causes unnecessary work to handle suchatems The place to send them is to the local corre spondentsand not later than Monday lto KEEP LINES BUSY The Bell Telephone Company carries over 8500000 telephone conversations day onits under ground cable network This amounts to more than three bll lion year tables and the Sunday School rooms were gain decorated with green and white Mstreamers and iciclesfor the 3Qccdion Iv icicleczccanEradicagczacccctcmicIvacacatcncmccmmumcbcmgkwa In 126 Hayfield From the fashion xen tIrs ultlu world the latest in cogttunic jcw elry REEVES JEWELLERS Gorgeous diamond ducttc featuring bril liant diamond and latest Inounting DIAMOND MERCHANTS Post Office MOUNT ST LOUIS Miss Shirley Jones Thornton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wm Miller Jay Dunn and Mcehan of To rontp spcnt the weekend with friends in this community Gerald and Frances Ryan of To ronto spent the weekend with MI and Mrs Leo Berthclotte Mr and Mrs Percy Varcoe and girls Cundlcs called on Mr iand Mrs Leo Bcrthelotte Sunday Leo Berthclotte Sid arke and Bill Millar attended meeting at Waverley on Thursday afternoon Subject Soils and Land Use The Farm Forum The Farm Forum met at the school on Monday evening with 17 present Mrs Eileen Berthelottc gave report on the two days spent at Barrie at the School for Leadership Mr Eagan then took BuSiheSs Mans Barrie cluugc of the library books and called for an exchange Lco Bor thclottc gave report of the meet ing and outlined the plans for the swimming pool at Rumblcs lond social halfhour vasspcnt and on lunch was served uiNESING Allan McNabb and Gravdon Gif fen of Mincsing are this week on trip to the International Exposi tion at Chicago These young Min csing farmers wan the trip as first prize in the intercounty division of the International Plowing Match few Weekseago Accompanying the boys on the trip is Stewart Page agriculx tural representative The party of three left last Sat urday for Toronto where they boarded special train and they are expected to return home on Dec Monday to Friday flow till Christmas 1130 AM130pm iiiSupT Roast Spring Lambwith Mint Sauce or Spring Lamb Chops with Mint Sauce $100 Boiled Ham with Cabbage Hot Cliickgandwichd The above orders include Vegetables Bread and Butter Coffee These are just some of the itemSWhere Faodigs Supreme and BestPople Meet Caterers for Weddings Parties etc ROBINDALE INN 51 BLAKE ST atthe BARRIE English China Gift Shop rhone 2395 WW mama Cor Collier unayiieldSts mmwnummmmnmmnm mummmnalmmnmnnibmmmum 43 DickStel kl rimacame comma MakedShoPPihg 3Pletlsulte