Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1948, p. 7

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lnow been completed equipped The little house at the THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8050 Copies AUTHORIIED SECOHC CLASS IAIL no DEPL OYYAIA Water Works Expansion Estimated Herbert Robertson who won another acclamation for twoyear term on the Public Utilities Com mission presented comprehensive report at the nomination meeting last Friday night Mr Robertson explained that the PUC planned an expansion pro gram in the waterworks depart ment which would cost about $200000 detailed report as presented by Mr Robertson follows ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT Our Brock St substation has It is fully corner of Cotter Ave and Brock St fits its surroundings very nice ly and Would like to suggest to you that while nobody liVes there it is the best regulated home in town It has taken time to corn plete it The order was placed in June 1045 but the last of the equipment was not received until two months ago 1948 has been busy year for the Electric Department Two hundred and 10 new services have been installed to the end of Octoi her and to take care of the cxI pending needs of the town great teal of rebuilding has been done and is still being carried on New pole lines and heatvier copper are replacing distribution that is either worn out or inadequate for pres entday needs Extensions to our lines have been built on Berczy Giinn Cook Davis Donald Rose Collingwood Kempenfeldt Pellew Puget Charles Cotter Codring ton Nelson Duckworth James Reed Highway No 11 Rebuilding has been done on St Vincent McDonald Sophia Lount Collier Kempenfeldt Blake San ford Worsley James North Owen Nelson Mulcaster Peel Grove Codrington Essa Cook Tfic department has been in very prosperous condition finan cially and we were able to obtain approval of the Hydro who control surplus funds to make refund of one months account to all con sumers We chose the month of September because it was the last month prior to restrictions and the total amount so refunded was $1905805 01 this amount our domestic consumers received $9 62157 commercial consumers $4 77786556 aiidmour power accounts $457092 Due to the fact that our pro vince has been enjoying great prosperity with consequent unex pected heavy demands for electric power and to the fact that water resources have been reduced very materially through lack of rain fall during the last few months we have had two periods of re strictionsthe first One from the beginning of the year to March 31 and the second from Sept 13 which is still continuing Barries average load for the first 10 months of this year has exceeded the average for the corresponding months of last year by 254 horse power Owners of Property in Barrie are urged to Vote In favour of the ByIawilo raise $89000 to pay the balance of the cost ofrellnodel ling and renovating ing If the BylaW is carried it will not mean any increase in the Tax Rate as the revenue derived from Rents will be sufficient to pay for thn Failure to carry the Bylaw will result in the cost being paid by direct chargein the Tax Rate and if at bestytihe paymentrisrrspreadioVerthrceyearsitmeansn that we will have to raise about $30000 for each of the three years by taxeswhlch will make an increase in the Tax Rate of at least 412 mills each year Bylaw and keep the Tax Vote for the Rate down ALittlelight isBetter Than as agatehasten forjalfull week that it Can keep within its quota Continued barerini avoiding unneceVsV sary use of electricity will with little improvement in our supply see us throughwithoiit interruptions LET Us ALL no ounranr vGiltMAYOBMayor Public utiiiiisfcommission $200000 Our domestic consumption forI that period shows an increase of 73 per cent commercial consump tion is down 22 per cent and power consumption is down 30 per cent The overall picture shows an increase of per cent in kilo watt hour consumption over 1947 to the end ofOctober For the month of October alone in comparison with October of last year our domestic consumption is 28 per cent lower commercial con sumption has been reduced 81 per cent and power 154 per cent The thanks 01 the Commission are due to the householders the merchants the business and pro fessional men and to the factory managers and employees for the splendid cooperation which has en abled Barrie to get through with fewer interruptions titan most places and Would like to say special word of thanks to the boys and girls of our schools and to their teachers for their splendid assistance Our Commission has gone all out to protect the factory eniployees payroll and am happy to say that up to the present time no employee has suffered any cut in his pay through power interruptions in Barrie WATERWORKS DEPT The Waterworks Department has also accomplished much anti has heavy program for the future Our supply of water from artes ian wells has been diminishing and the demand increasing Ser iousdelays were encountered in GORDON ROACII has been ap pointed manager Ltd mens wear Gordon is son of Mr and Mrsl store in Barrie Roach 73 High 81 He atr tended Barrie Collegiate where he was leader in athletics and dur ing the war he spent fotir yearsl overseas with the RCAF Follow ing the close of the war he joined the staff of Cliff Brown Limited and for few months at the early part of this year he was at one of the large stores operated by Jack Fraser in Toronto stalled 288 miles of cast iron pipe ovcr 4000 11 of 8inch over 10000 ft of tiineh and 750 ft of 4inch We now liavea duplicate line to Allandale an 8inch pipe connecting liffin St with Elizabeth getting equipment on the IllOlllld St This line protects Allandale to undertake our work due to Ihf against interruptions through any facl that Well digging CflllleLlll 15 misfortune on Bradford St needed all over Canada and all Tim mm of Gore SimHQ con programs 111 COHSldClZlhly hUhllld suiting engineers has been en schedule gaged to revamp our distribution We were anxious to obtain wa System Any of you who live in tcr if possible from different the higher sections of the town water table from lhll IUDPCd will realize how necessary this is tall CXlSllllg WCIIS We hild I051 Surveys have been completed holes drilled on Berczy Street near and the general plan has been WClllllglonr ill the GO Chlb worked out but definite program grounds and 00 Kempmfeldl has not yet been completed It Street but in all three CllCOUlllCl will of course be made public as ed clay formation to Trenton500n as it isz limestone The generalplan is to install We were Obllged then IO booster pumping station on the Bayview Park and were successful higher level and while logical in zoblaining paltlcumlly 8000 site has been chosen no property well in good formation with has been acquired as yet pumping capacity of million gal Check valves will be installed 1003 PCT d8Y W0 lnSthUd fl lem between the higher and lower POTEllthkUp 811151er Dumping l0 levels to maintain hiin level pres lhc mains at that DOhll That W011 sure and it will alsobc necessary has been supplying lhe leluue to lay close to five miles of cast lTlClllS 0f the low from Um to iron water mains to correct exist mm allOWlng OUI Mary Street ing conditions and to prepare for reservoir to fill up to take care of me nunC our peak pumping and nights Another We also reconditioned our old is also included in the plans The wells installing screens at the fire underwriters have been cri bottom of two of them on which llcal for years of the inadequacy the flow has been increased We of our storagcttsnpply lost one 10 well through cave This in general is the program in of the pipe but as the flew was 301 next year and the total CXi penditurc is estimated to be some The standpipe and reservoirs Where ill the nelgthFhOOd all were also thoroughly cleaned and $200000 might mention that the aver age number on the staff of the Public Utilities Commission for this year is 30 we have good organization and splendid cooper ation from all members of the staff 500000 gallon reservoir very small its loss was hardly felt sterilized inside and the standpipe painted on the outside During the year we have in the Municipal Build All members were present at the meeting last Monday night Ald James was chairman during the committee discussion On motion of Ald Merrick and Debentures as they fall due Ald Hines the council decided to fCominittee has pnrel ihave trees giowing on them and Iwhere trees are not growing it is quite suitable for planting tititioris for the purchase of othci lots are in progress ainincd thcy decided are not suitable for rcforesting ment of Lands and Forests permis Ision was given the Bell Telephone Company to place an underground cable across the west side of the NlQ of Lot Con 16 West iwil liiiibury lsion is subject to the approval of the County Council at this Session iThc Bell Telephone onipa 0f Cliff Bromestablishing cable route It and County Council Committee Reports REFORESTATION ttlll yotiri num cr of properties some of whichl That since the June Se Nego lht also ex some properties which With the approval of the Depart lownship This permit are long Toronto distance service between and Barrie CLIFFORD LOCKHART Chairman ROADS AND BRIDGES That they have had before them the claims for accidents on the County Roads and not that they have all been referred to the Com pany with which the County enr ries highway insurance policy would theref re recommend that they be IZICO on tile They have considered the coin plaint from thy Village of Crec more on the condition of the Coun ty road between Crecniore and Dunedin and also the communica tion from Lauder Hamilton com plaining about sand being piled along his fence adjoining the coun ty road and would recommend that they be filed The have had before them the resignation of Mrs Helen Newton as clerical assistant to the county engineer and recommend that it be accepted with regret as of Nov 30 1948 and that the county road committee be authorized to engage someone to fill the position They have considered the com munication from the Midland Chamber of Commerce and after hearing the deputation suggesting that directional signs be placed at the intersections ofweounty roads which lead to tourist camps his torical sites or other places of in terest your icominittec recom mendsthat this matter be referred to the cotiiity road committee and the engineer for their attention JAMES PATTON Chairman AGRICULTURE That they have had before them the statement of the cost of the marginal land pasture project which was conducted on the farm of Frank Rumney RR Midlalnd and would recommend that he be paid Ihesum of $25 for his service in connection with this project They would also recommend that Chas Hickling be paid $1125 for trucking 15 tons of lime to the farm of John Woodrow and that BOb Gray Oro Station be paid $100 for the loss of calf which he purchased for the North Simcoe Calf Club They have had before them the letter from the Clerk of the Town of Orillia complaining pbout lack of weed inspection andalso the letter from the Secretaryof the ChillyWilly Club in connection widftheir trip to the United States and would recommend that these communications be led WILBUR REED Chairman That they would recommend that the County Clerk be again in ask the Town Planning Board to prepare list of all lands owned by the Town and also to list all structed to write to the Depart ment of Agriculture in connection with the control of warble to Sites set astde f6r industrial pur poses Permission was granted to the recreation council to proceed With plans for program of Christmas music and visit of Santa Claus to Barrie at 230 pm Saturday IDeeembeiJB Asletter waSJeacLfrormtheCoum tLHealtli Unit recommending cer make ifa countyiwrde projcct They have had before them the resolutiOn from the Council of Kent County recommending that the Pere Marquette and theMichi gan Central Railway Companies redueetheir minimum ear weights for livestockto10000Msand that shipping conditions be in accordl ancewithiotherlailway companies transporting hogs in Ontario and tain bylaws forilre con restaurant licensing This was re ferred to the town solicitor letter on behalf of certain rate payers in Ward and signed by Mitchell and Badgley was read The letter voiced strong dis approval of permitting commercial building in residential area Mrs Mercer Hamiltoh spokeo in favor of those whohad signed the letter and saidshe saw no reason why suchbuilding should beipermitted on residential streets Ald Cor bettand Aldl Ayres pointed out it was up to the ratepayers to petition council if they wished to establish restricted residential area Ald Fralick saidrhe thought motion had beenpaSSed to prol vide some restrictions on commer cial building untilthe lewn plan ning bylaw could be put into ef fect Deputy Reeve James Hart saidthe buildingrestrictions had cut off Barriesbusiness section at Toronto street and were hindering the aims of the Chamber of Com merce Ald Hambly thought the Town Planning Board could mave bit faster but Ald Griffin said the secretary or the Planning Board was hardat work every day Copy pf the letter had also gone to the Town Planning Board Photographs had been taken of the 1948 Council in the new build ing and it was decidedto obtain copy for each person in the photo Additionalbpiofthis and other photographs in connecs tion with the official opening could after careftgconsidmoermdtr recommend that this resolution be endorsed and that the Clerk so no tify the Clerk of KentCounty They have 3159 considered the resolution of the Council of Lanark County recomendingthat reso lution be forwarded to Hon Kennedy drawing to his attention the neglect of weeds on the rail way rightofways your commitl tee recommends that thisresplu tion be endorsed and thatthe Clerk be instructed tOTtIYOVl Clerk of Lanark County and the Minister of Agriculture to this ef fect WILBUR REED Chairman FINANCE REPORT That they have Considered the resolution of the Council of Went worth County recommending that the Dominion and Provincial Gov ernments assume all hospitaliza tion Childrens Aid and any other social service costs in connection with immigrants who have been brought to Ontario until such time be obtained by the individuals themselves Deputy Reeve Hart spoke oftlie questions that had been asked at the nomination meeting and sug gested that detailed statement be prepared to show the net revenue on the Town Hall The meeting was concluded be fore 10 iim BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER 194 the date of their entry into this liovince that and that the PETITION GRANTED ELMVALE VILLAGE WILL VOTE JULY 18 On motion of Reeve Bureau the Simcoe County touncil last week granted the petition of the ratepayers of Illnivale to incorporate their municipality as village The first election for the V11 lage of Elmvale will be held on Monday July 18 1949 For many years Elmvale has been police village The new status will provide among other changes for Elmvale to be represented on the County Council is they have established at least ine years residence subsequent to and would recommend resolution be endorsed Clerk be instructed this to so notin the Clerk of Went worth County the Hon Russell Kelley Minister of Health and the representative in the Ontario Leg islature from this Counth considered the re St John Ambulance They have quest from Association for funds to assist that organization in its work and would recommend that it be held over until the Jantiary session 1049 They have also had before them the resolution from the Council of the Town of Collingwood regard ing the $176000 in bonds held by the County of Simcoe and recom mend that this matter be also left over untilthe January Session They have had before them the accounts from the various training schools for the maintenance of wards and would recommend that they be paid as follows St 103 ephs Training School Alfred $16950 St Johns Training School Toronto $31450 St Marys Train ing School Downsview $13725 Ont Training School for Girls Cobourg $18000 Ont Training School for Boys Bowmanville $03750 BENSON Chairman EDUCATION John Maguirc John Taylor and Fred Deane were appointed to the Pcnetang Collingwood and Brad ford High School Boards The Deputy Minister of Educa tion has approved the following byvlaws that part of Mulmur Township in Dufferin County he added to the Alliston High School District that part of Sunnidale Township be added to the Barrie High School District and that Mara Township in Ontario County he added to the Orillia High School District The accounts for pupils from Tay and Mcdontc Townships who at tended Midland High School in 1947 have been deferred until 1949 SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS PRIZES TO BCI STUDENTS Prizes as follows mal School musicianship valued at $250 Edward Hutchings oboist Hamilton Scholarship scholarships present ed at the commencement ex ercises on Friday evening were Dominion Provincial Student Aid Bursaries to Eric Channen and Ronald Blackstock who are at tending University and to Robert Halfyard who is attending Nor Royal Conservatory of Toronto Scholarship in Music for general to Junior League of Toronto and in Music valued at $200 divided between Sylvia Fisher violinist and Joan THE BARRIE EXAMINER 85th YearNo 49 AIR VICE MARSHAL BROOKES was recently honored at an iiivestittire in Toronto Col Gilbert Andrier Ireiich military attache llltltltll1t award of the Chevalier ide Ia Legion lllonncur and awarded the eroix do giierre avec paline AVM llrookes is it for mer instructor of the RCAI Sta tion at Cinip Borden and he made his home iii Barrie for some time in North Simcoe Boys Get 3512c Pound For Beet CalVes Allan Brown of Dalston and Illl liain Clark of Shaiin Bay and Bruce Cumming of Barrie ieprei sented North Simcoe at the aniiuai judging competition held at IllCi OAC last week Cecil Chappcl of Barrie coach of the team took the boys togt Guelph where they met John Mc lntyre who had been in charge of boys club work in North Simcoe during the summer months After two days at Guelph the team went to the Royal Winter Fair In the Hereford class at the Royal Winter Fair Ivan Clark of Shanty Bay placed 9th Thomas Ross of Oro Station was lltli and Mel Strachan of Oro Station was 23rd In the Shorthorn class Bill Clark of SliantycBayavas 01h of 53 Robt Gray of Guthrie was 1011i There werexltl entries in the An gus class and Jack Smith of Hziwkestone placed 7111 The boys sold their calves at prices ranging from BSJA to 37 centsa pound This was approxi mately 10 cents above theprevail ing market price phy for the most outstanding buy athlete 194748 avas awarded to John Feltis Janice McCuaig was presented with the D1 Tanner Trophy for senior girls basketball Geor gian Bay District COSSA which Barrie won in 194748 The Thompson and Tudhope tro phies for the highest aggregates in the girls and boys events at the District Tudhbpe meet were also and those assisting with the pies entatieii irrit in the front rows of the aiidi Ireceive their diplomas ollegzatc was llltlw the Rose by Praetorius and rthe door for them to Ihe future Section 3Poges 15 to 20 Beverley Rowe Delivers nual BCI Valedictory FNIlljrdllllc honor graduates was to share They had come sect ry school graduates and realize that shared happiness 13 gtl special commercial graduates the greatest happiness Here we saw that to get the best out of life commencement xer you have to give of yourself in ser 11 the Collegiate Institute nice to others new experiment was tried thisi Beverley is the son of Mr and year when commencement was Mrs Fredl we 01236 Elizabeth held on one night only and adinis Street He firstyear theolo gy student at yclifle College at Sloll was by invitation Some 500 guests attended the University of Toronto and is The members of the school board studying Greek and Hebrew dance was held in the big gym following the graduation ex ercises It was decorated with crepe paper streamers and bal enee and walked onto the stage to 10005 Bob Hunters orchestra The stage played was banked with flowers and ferns About 300 of the students and the The program began with pre an mmndld ue etite uite Concert 13 V3 REv Dr SIMMONDS INDUCTED AT IVY TO ESSA PARISH followed by the graduates By our lvy Correspoiidenti processional Trumpet Voluntary Principal Bowman delivered fcwt remarks to the graduating class An impressive service was hell in Christ Church Ivy on Wednes day Nov 24 when Rev and the parents and guests The Simmonds MA DD was inducted icceived their diplomas at Friday of diplomas and prize The graduates were on llze stage overture loizia dcl Destino by Verde preceded the presentation et awards Rev James Ferguson delivered the graduation address and rciinto the parish of North Essa port of his remarks are published Tho llllrill Dealt KW BleVlii AI 1gix in this issue iklllsoll LTH Cooksiown conduct lhe Glee Club under the direc 00 50Wle 35915100 by RQV tion of Lloyd Tuflord sang Lo 13 DOW 0f MlmlCO lld 0V Abbott of Schomberg both former tanada Dear Land Mine by iminislcrs here Rev Cross WedrickMarshall Their rendiiBA LTllof Barrie gave the ad tion of Dry Bones rhythniiefdlCSS hllSin his lehilks On 181 spiritual wasoiie of the highlights pclm 5123 Feed th IlOCk Iof God or no eivmng IWIiICIl is among you taking the Betty Hook sang Franz Schu loveisighl lhtlCOI llOl by COHSITflinl berts Ave Maria accompanied iblll WllhnSl llOl IOI filthy 1110 by Marian Heath on the violinlhlll Ul fl ready mind and Dona Robinson at the piano llelllfsehllng lhe PallSh WCle 1h lhe program was included with iSIX 1leth alld JOCK Banting recessional played by the band IDICSOIllCd Mr Simmonds Wllh Ihe Circumstance No keys of the parish reception was field at the rec tory following the service and over 100 guests partook of dainty lunch Pink and white Chrysan themums and candles decorated the tea table where Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Cross poured tea Those serving were ladies of the parish Pomp and by lilgar BEVERLEY ROWE In his valedictory address Bev erley Itovvc said that the graduates of 1047 were happy to have gone to school which had not only given them the happiest years of their lives but had also opened gt NEW CNR SLEEPING CARS eioo iein was aways place of activity but the mom folding ladders attached to each amazing thing about all the activi ty was the enthusiasm which ae eompanicd it This enthusiasm he ICIt VCOHIII Trained schomwwmbi features of ithimfncw typesleeping in its Widest sense It was not mfg now rolling out from CNR confined to the students alone for gfiops at Moncton Montreal and it was much more than cheering Winmpeg The cars form apart It was shared happiness whether of the Compmyk rehabilitation it was the winning of the Tudhope and modernization program The imphy at Olimm 91 Shawn first three of the cars to go into wk across the 35105 IMIen servicehave been named the Re Haga and 399 cam tmgmb gina the Jellicoc and the Big through the darkness to Win the ar relay every one of tis felt like hugging his neighbor School spirit was also something which their teachers possessed Their teachers were the ones who Tinade their extracurricular activi tib possible They were the ones whmmade school more than to cxpeience Theirs was labor of lOeltld he earnestly hoped that it snot case of loves labor lost ln speaking of their pride in their school band Beverley felt that they had given their highest praise to this organization by en ahd night lights foam rubber mat tresses individual heat control and wide clear vision windows are St Marys Parish BINGO Legion Hall THURS DEC at 815 Proceeds for Christmas baskets for shutins Good Prizes presented mm EXAMINE WANT AD Chickens and other val uable prizes titling their magazine Overtone last year At the Collegiate Institute he felt that they had learned what it upper berth combination reading Fisheimpianist Rowe seholiship of $350 for g3 Award to Kathleen Young Young ingston Biology to Barbara Clarke Helen Marchildonr The urban Agricultural Home Project Prize to Clare Jones The Harold White Cup and en graved spoon to the Head Girl Janice Mccuaig and the Cockburn Cup and engraved spoon to the Head Boy Beverley Rowe The winners of honor letters for 194748 were Douglas Allen Wil liam Blain Mary Ann Hamilton Janice McCuaig Joyce Marshall Cameron Stewart Kathleen Young and Mary Ellen Yodng Miss Gore presented the athletic awards to the girl champ ions who were Marilyn Kerr sen ate DawnPoole junior and Joan iorV Helen Pedlingham intermedi Laking midget Nesbitt presented the boys athletic awards to Bill Hagan sen ior Dan MacDonald intermediate JohirLackie juniorrand Laurie Spencer juvenile The Bill Laking Memorial Tro The Second Carter Scholarship for County of Simcoe based on general proficiency on at leastlo papers valued at $609117 Beverley ma arf ColiegiateizCentennial ral the runnerup for the Centennial The Upper School Andrew Hay Scholarship valued at $30 to the student excelling in the study of mathematics to Eric Channen The Middle School Andrew Hay Scholarship valued at $20 to John The Soroptimist VClub Prize of $25 for generalproficiency in Vsenlr for Commercialyear to Jean Liv DrTiEfLrBreretoniPutizeioi The rural Agricultural Home Project Prize valued at $5 to Recrea 52ch THE Lions CLUB or BARBIE Civic Improvements Barrie Beach and Park$l000i00 Agriculture 3000 Boys and Girls Work 14800 Boy Scouts 5000 Community House 50000 Educational 4100 Flood Relief BC 10000 Health and Welfare Milk AtSchool Classes 85000 Memorial Hospital 47 SUPPORT Tins FINE communirvwomt Tickets 75c on Sdle at Weaymouthrs Bob SIoi Smoke ShopIacksonlsGrilland fromLionle COLLEGIATE Avonomw 815 pm WEDe THURS FRI 13209 ELPED FINANCIALLYVDURING THE 194748 SEASON AS FOLLows 40000 50000 26500 tion Council Juveniles $391700

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